Chapter 103
Coming out of the Ritz-Carlton Hotel, it was just a quarter past five.

There is still more than an hour before the cold dinner.

Ye Duan came to the nearby IFC shopping mall, went to the bathroom, washed his hands vigorously, and then called Ding Xueer.

"Little fairy, where are you?"

"Uncle, I'm in the general manager's office of the mall, sister Lin is here."

"Okay, I'll go find you right away."

After hanging up the phone, Ye Duan hurried to Lin Meishuang's office.

I was extremely uneasy.

How did the little wife go to Shuang'er?

The two don't know each other at all!

Although Shuang'er knew of Ding Xueer's existence, she didn't know that Ding Xueer had become his concubine.

The little fairy doesn't even know anything!

Who did they recognize first?
Did you fight?

Xueer called Sister Lin, Shuang'er, and it seemed that nothing happened.

They must be separated before they discover each other's identity, otherwise, something will happen.

Thinking of this, Ye Duan quickened his pace.

To the general manager's office.

The scene in front of me was very harmonious.

Lin Meishuang and Ding Xueer were drinking tea, talking and laughing together.

Seeing Ye Duan come in, both of them stood up.

"Ye Duan, you're here, sister Xueer and I were talking about you."

"Uncle, hurry up and sit down, Sister Lin is telling your story, it's very interesting."

Ye Duan smiled wryly, and walked towards the two as if walking on eggshells.

Ding Xueer and Lin Meishuang made room for Ye Duan to sit in the middle of the sofa.

"You guys, how did you meet?"

Ye Duan looked at the old classmate on the right, then at the young wife on the left, and asked cautiously.

Ding Xueer didn't speak, she seemed to be shy, and lowered her head with a blushing face.

Lin Meishuang also blushed, and explained: "I was patrolling in the mall just now, and I met Xue'er, and I recognized her, so I called her over to chat."

Ding Xueer nodded, and added: "Uncle, because you asked me to be the spokesperson of the mall, Sister Lin recognized me. Although I have met Sister Lin once, I don't have much impression. Lin My sister said that in the next two days, I will start filming commercials for Xiaodi and me."

"Oh, so that's the case, hehe."

Only then did Ye Duan understand what was going on, and the stone in his heart finally fell to the ground.

Lin Meishuang glanced at Ye Duan secretly, and said: "Sister Xue'er is indeed very good-looking, with outstanding appearance and temperament. It is perfect to be the spokesperson of the mall. I have already found an advertising company, and I will give them a report soon." Make an endorsement film."

"Thank you, Sister Lin, for your compliment. I will definitely cherish this opportunity and make a good film." Ding Xueer said.

"Well, I believe in your little sister Xue'er, so don't disappoint Brother Ye's affection."

As Lin Meishuang spoke, she glanced at Ye Duan.

A sweet smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Ye Duan was overjoyed.

Shuang'er is sensible, and specially asked the little wife to be obedient.

Hey, you are indeed a reliable old classmate!
Ding Xueer was innocent and didn't think too much about it, only knowing that they were classmates in high school.

So he took Ye Duan's hand and assured Lin Meishuang: "Don't worry, Sister Lin, I will definitely not let Brother Ye down! Uncle treats me very well, not only did he let me and Xiaodi be the shopkeepers of your mall together." The spokesperson also invested in Director Han Han's new movie, let me be the lead actress, Director Han Han is going to invite us to a banquet to discuss the opening ceremony of the new movie."

"Well, then I'm relieved."

Lin Meishuang nodded, feeling very uncomfortable.

But there is no way.

Where can I find such a good old classmate?
Life is too short.

It's better to do something vigorously than to live a mediocre life!
Lin Meishuang decided to stay by Ye Duan's side for the rest of her life and be his best old classmate, no matter it was a blessing or a curse.


Ye Duan feels like sitting on pins and needles, and decides to separate his wives and wives as soon as possible. Now is not the time to tell them the truth.

Otherwise, you will die miserably!

"Xue'er, we should go now, don't make Director Hanhan wait."

"Well, goodbye, sister Lin."

Ding Xueer got up to say goodbye to Lin Meishuang, pulled Ye Duan, and left the office.

The two left the IFC shopping mall, walked a few steps, and arrived at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel.

When we arrived at the Jinxuan restaurant on the 53rd floor, no one else had arrived.

The two sat down in Han Han's reserved box.

Ye Duan asked tentatively: "Little Fairy, did Sister Lin tell you something interesting just now?"

"It's something about you when you were in high school. Sister Lin said you were a lump. There was a girl in your class who liked you, but you deliberately pretended not to know. Hehe~~ Uncle, you are indeed a lump, if I hadn't taken the initiative Confession, we can't be together..."

"Hey, I'm just a little shy. Did you say anything else about me?"

"I told Sister Lin that you are very kind to me and I want to be your little wife..."

"Huh? You even told her that?"

Ye Duan's heart trembled.

It seems that Shuang'er knows everything.

But she deliberately pretended that she didn't know anything, she probably felt aggrieved, right?
Ding Xueer didn't know about their relationship, so she continued: "That's right, Sister Lin said that you are a good man and worthy of entrustment. Let me listen to you carefully. I promised her just now, and you have seen it."

Ye Duan felt hot in his heart, and couldn't help saying: "Sister Lin is really a kind angel!"

"Yes, Sister Lin is really a good sister. I just met her, and I feel very kind. Whoever marries her must be very happy!"

After Ding Xueer finished speaking, Ye Duan went to the bathroom with an excuse.

He was on the verge of tears, and he was very moved.

Shuang'er, Shuang'er, you are really the best old classmate in the world!
In order to take care of other people's emotions, you wrong yourself.

Even though he was injured, he tried his best not to say anything, and pretended to be nonchalant.

Whoever marries you will be really happy, very happy, very happy!

Ye Duan got sand in his eyes.

So, he quickly sent a message to Lin Meishuang.

"Shuang'er, my best and best old classmate, I wronged you today, I'm sorry! Wait for me to go home tonight, and I will apologize to you!"

"I'm not angry, I'll wait for you to come back..."

After Lin Meishuang sent the message, she was already in tears.

She can't wait to see Ye Duan, the only way to release her suppressed emotions.

Ye Duan stayed in the bathroom for a while before coming out, washed his face, and pretended nothing happened.

Go back to the Jinxuan restaurant box.

The crowd has already arrived.

Han Han, Wang Congcong, Xiao Di, Ding Xueer, Yi Yang Qianxi, and Ye Duan all know each other.

Seeing Ye Duan coming in, several people got up and greeted him.

"Brother Duan is good!"

"Hello little brother!"

"Mr. Ye is good!"

Only Ding Xueer sat there without moving.

She is with the uncle, do you still need to welcome him?
Ye Duan deliberately interacted with Yi Yang Qianxi: "Brother Qianxi is so handsome!"

"Boss Ye is absurd. Compared with Boss Ye, I'm like a boss."

Yi Yang Qianxi responded politely, secretly surprised.

President Ye is handsome, fortunately he is not an actor, otherwise, other male stars would be overshadowed by his light!
The little fresh meat in Huaxia's entertainment industry will have nothing to film!

Ye Duan sat down on the guest-of-honor seat next to Ding Xueer, and Xiao Di couldn't help but look at them a few more times.

I feel a bit indescribably lost.

Her new partner, Ding Xueer, is indeed a beauty.

This face is simply flawless!
Eyebrows, eyes, nose, lips, chin, cheeks...

No matter from which angle you look at it, there are no dead ends.

Moreover, Ding Xueer's face is highly recognizable, a natural star face, especially suitable for cameras and spotlights.

It's really enviable!

No wonder the little brother will be with her, who doesn't like such a little beauty?

(End of this chapter)

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