Sleeping in math class, my status as a scholar is exposed

Chapter 104 Ye Duan's Money Ability

Chapter 104 Ye Duan's Money Ability
Xiao Di felt a little depressed, and kept touching the ruby ​​necklace on her neck with her hands, which was given to her by Ye Duan last time.

She's been wearing it lately and doesn't want to take it off.

The necklace was not the most expensive of her jewels, nor the most delicate.

But now, it's her favorite!
The reason is very simple, because it was given by brother Ye Duan.

She has been very happy every time she has been in contact with her little brother.

With him, even the air is happy, and she doesn't have any idol baggage.

At night, she would uncontrollably think of her little brother...

But now the little brother is sitting next to Ding Xueer.

so sad.

I really want to squeeze with them.

Sitting on the other side of Ye Duan, Wang Congcong saw Xiao Di's eyes fixed on Ye Duan, so he guessed what she was thinking.

He decided to match her and Brother Duan.

So Wang Congcong took the initiative to walk up to Xiaodi and asked, "Miss Xiaodi, can we change seats? I want to say a few words to Director Hanhan."

Xiao Di was looking for what he wanted, so he quickly said "thank you".

He happily sat next to Ye Duan.

"Little brother, hello!"

Xiao Di playfully greeted Ye Duan.

Ding Xueer saw it, and tightly grasped Ye Duan's hand.

I'm afraid that the uncle will be robbed.

Xiao Di felt aggrieved in her heart, and she also wanted to hold Ye Duan's hand, but she felt it was inappropriate.

I can only watch them show their affection.

Xiao Di picked up the water glass.

Gudong, took a sip of water.

More sour than vinegar!

At this time, the meals came up one after another.

Jinxuan Restaurant is a Cantonese restaurant with exquisite dishes, and has been awarded one Michelin star restaurant many times.

And this restaurant is located on the 53rd floor. It is a veritable cloud restaurant. Sitting in the private room, you can enjoy the bustling night view of Shanghai.

Hanhan greeted everyone to eat, and then talked about the preparations for the new movie.

"Our new movie has basically completed the preparatory work, and the male and female protagonists are already in place. The first female lead is sister-in-law Ding Xueer, the second female lead is Xiao Di, and the first male lead is brother Yi Yangqianxi."

Ye Duan took the lead in applauding.

Xiao Di pouted, a little unhappy.

Because director Han Han actually called Ding Xueer's sister-in-law!

It's no wonder that a newcomer was made the number one female and the spokesperson of the IFC shopping mall because the little brother doted on her!
I really want my little brother to pamper me so that I won't be the number two female...

Hanhan added: "In terms of funds, Brother Duan decided to invest 2 million yuan, and Congcong invested 1 million yuan, which is almost enough."

This time Ding Xueer took the lead in applauding.

Looking at her uncle with a happy face.

Ye Duan noticed Xiao Di's aggrieved look, so he decided to appease her.

"Brother Hanhan, I want to invest an additional [-] million yuan, because I feel very sorry for letting our Xiao Di become the second female number."

"Okay, thank you Brother Duan! Then the total investment of our new movie will be 4 million." Han Han said happily.

The dark clouds on Xiao Di's face immediately dissipated, revealing a sweet smile.

Looking at Ye Duan obsessively, he said coquettishly, "Thank you little brother!"

Ding Xueer was not happy.

For Xiaodi, the uncle unexpectedly added an additional [-] million yuan at once. Could it be that he fell in love with her?

So he put down his chopsticks and sat there with a displeased face.

Ye Duan quickly coaxed her.

The little fairy just became his little wife, how could he make her angry?

So he said: "I want to add another [-] million investment, because Xueer is still a newcomer, and it's her first time making a movie. I hope everyone can tolerate her more and guide her more."

Only then did Ding Xueer smile, and kissed Ye Duan in front of everyone.

Xiao Di was a little jealous again.

She doesn't want to eat dog food, she wants to sprinkle dog food...

Wang Congcong, Hanhan and the others were frightened by Ye Duan's wealth.

In order to make women happy, brother Duan added 2 million investment while chatting and laughing. Could it be that his family runs a bank?

Sitting aside, Yi Yang Qianxi's younger brother also remained silent.

He was deeply impressed by Ye Duan's arrogance.

Han Han raised his water glass and said excitedly: "We will replace wine with tea, toast Brother Duan!"

Everyone raised their glasses and offered tea to Ye Duan.

Wang Congcong said to Ye Duan with a smile: "Brother Duan, is this investment in your own name, or in the name of Yida Films?"

Han Han asked puzzledly: "Isn't Yida Films owned by your old Wang's family?"

"You may not know that Brother Duan recently invested 300 billion to acquire 67% of the shares of Yida Films. He is now the absolute controlling shareholder of Yida Films." Wang Congcong explained.

Everyone was shocked again.

Han Han just took a sip of water and almost choked.

Xiao Di opened her mouth in shock, looked at Ye Duan with eyes of admiration, and at some point, one hand had already grabbed Ye Duan's clothes...

Yi Yang Qianxi still didn't say a word, her little heart was about to jump out.

Only Ding Xueer, as if nothing had happened, picked up a Neptune lobster ball and put it in Ye Duan's mouth.

She has long been used to Ye Duan's money ability.

Even if the whole magic city belongs to the uncle, she is not surprised.

Because the uncle has this strength!
Besides, no matter how rich the uncle is, he is also his uncle, and he is his concubine, the kind for the rest of his life!
After eating Ding Xueer's shrimp balls, Ye Duan said to Wang Congcong, "I want to invest in my own name. After all, I'm not very familiar with the business situation of Yida Films."

At this time, Xiao Di handed over a glass of water.

Ye Duan took a sip, looked at Hanhan again and said, "I'll send the money directly to Brother Hanhan later, it's more convenient to spend it this way, there are no miscellaneous things, if you don't have enough, ask me for it, and I promise to satisfy you!"

"Okay! I support Brother Duan's decision. I will discuss it with my father later and invest in my own name."

Seeing that Ye Duan and Wang Congcong both supported her, Hanhan was very moved.

To spend personal money, you only need to be responsible to one person, there are not so many procedures and procedures, and the financial aspect is also much more convenient, saving a lot of energy, so that you can concentrate on making movies.

"Thank you Brother Duan for your support. I Hanhan has decided that I will only spend Brother Duan's money to make movies in the future!"

After Han Han finished speaking, he picked up a glass of water and drank it all in one gulp.

Ye Duan also handed him the water Xiao Di gave him, and drank it all in one gulp.

It made Xiao Di feel elated.

Ye Duan understood the meaning of Han Han's words, because the movies Han Han made were very good at the box office, so if he spent his money to make movies, the money he earned would be shared with himself.

It is equivalent to Han Han using Ye Duan's money to make more money for him.

Wang Congcong became a little anxious, and immediately said, "Hanhan, do you want my money?"

"You have to ask Brother Duan about this." Han Han said humorously.

Everyone laughed when they saw Wang Congcong's appearance.

The box was filled with a cheerful air.

After dinner, Wang Congcong proposed to go to the FLAIR bar on the 58th floor.

"This is the tallest outdoor terrace bar in Shanghai and even in the whole of China. It's worth a visit!"

When Wang Congcong said this, everyone became interested.

So a group of people went to the FLAIR bar.

Only brother Qianxi went back alone, and he still had to do his homework and take online classes.

When we arrived at the FLAIR bar, it was already nine o'clock in the evening, and there were quite a lot of people queuing up.

Because of bar regulations, if you are not a guest of the Ritz-Carlton Hotel, you cannot make an appointment in advance, and you can only line up on the spot.

Wang Congcong didn't want to wait, so he went to negotiate.

Unexpectedly, his rich second-generation face would not work well here.

Because those who come here to play are basically those who are not short of money.

Wang Congcong got a bad nose and came back in a daze.

He urged Hanhan to try again.

"You are from Modu, and you are also a great director and writer. They will definitely give you face."

Hanhan couldn't hold back Wang Congcong, so he decided to give it a try.

The result is the same.

The bar only recognizes the rules, not the people!

"Brother Duan, I'm sorry, we can only wait."

Han Han felt a little embarrassed.

Xiao Di also wants to try it, she is a big star who is popular with everyone, so she should not be made things difficult.

Ye Duan stopped her.

If she is also stopped, wouldn't it be very embarrassing.

And she is wearing a mask on purpose now, just because she doesn't want to be recognized by others, so it's better not to let her show up.

"I'll try it, just wait a moment."

Ye Duan came to the entrance of the bar and said a few words to the supervisor on duty.

The supervisor on duty made a phone call and immediately invited Ye Duan and his party in.

A table specially reserved for VIP customers is arranged, located at the outermost railing, the Oriental Pearl TV Tower is in front of you, and in the distance is the surging river and the bustling night view of the Bund.

"Everyone's consumption today is free of charge."

The supervisor on duty said, handed over a drink menu, bowed politely, and went down.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

He looked at Ye Duan adoringly.

"Brother Duan is amazing! You have more face than the sky, I admire you!" Wang Congcong said.

"Brother Duan is always able to surprise people, hiding his secrets, which is admirable." Han Han said.

"Little brother is great, you can go anywhere without hindrance, and being with you really makes me feel happy." Xiao Di said.

Ding Xueer and Ye Duan were sitting on a booth, leaning on the uncle with happy faces.

The status of the little wife is so unshakable!

The arrogant little eyes seemed to say, "Uncle is mine."

Ye Duan put his arms around Ding Xueer and said with a smile: "Everyone, order whatever you want, let's have fun tonight!"

Wang Congcong immediately ordered two bottles of whiskey.

When he was studying abroad, he fell in love with this kind of wine, and he just tasted it again today.

"Little fairy, what would you like to drink?" Ye Duan asked gently.

"I don't know, I can't drink alcohol yet?" Ding Xueer blinked her eyes wide.

Ye Duan guessed her little thoughts.

Hehe, this little rascal, he clearly wanted to taste the wine, so he deliberately asked himself if he could drink it.

"Can I order you a cocktail? It's very low."

"En." Ding Xueer nodded, with a smug smile on the corner of her mouth.

Ye Duan couldn't help but reach out to touch the pretty little face.

It's so tender and smooth!

Ding Xueer took advantage of the situation and got into Ye Duan's arms.

Like a kitten.

Obedient, very docile.

Xiao Di, who was sitting on the booth opposite, was already jealous.

"Brother, I want to drink a cocktail too."

Xiao Di said something loudly on purpose.

"Okay, let's all have cocktails."

So Ye Duan ordered three blue Hawaiian cocktails.

Han Han ordered a bottle of rum.

Everyone ordered some snacks, desserts and sushi.

A few young people, blowing the spring breeze, drinking fine wine, eating delicious food, watching the beautiful scenery, and chatting about movies, are really pleasant!
Xiao Di stands on the railing, admiring the beautiful night view of Shanghai.

He said with emotion: "I really want to buy a suite here, so that I can enjoy the night view of the Bund at home."

Wang Congcong jokingly said: "Brother Duan is rich, let Brother Duan give you a set."

Ye Duan took over the conversation, and said solemnly: "Brother Cong Cong, don't tell me, I really have 8 large flats vacant, and it's right next to Zhongliang Jiangjing No. [-]. Xiao Di, do you want it? I Give you a set!"

Several people were shocked instantly.

They knew very well in their hearts that Brother Duan never brags.

I have also seen his ability to make money. When spending money, he didn't blink his eyes.

The 8 sets of Jiangjing flat floors are worth hundreds of millions to say the least.

Xiao Di was a little flattered, and said anxiously: "Thank you brother for your kindness, I don't want it..."

She understood that if she asked for it, Ye Duan would definitely give it to her.

This man is so majestic!
But if he wants it, how should he repay him?

Looking at the river under his feet, Xiao Di felt waves in his heart...

Ding Xueer also heard their conversation, and softly leaned into Ye Duan's ear and said, "Father, if I want it, will you give it to me?"

Ye Duan imitated her, and also softly whispered in her ear: "No!"

"Why? don't love me anymore..."

"When you graduate, you will live with me, and I will buy you a super big villa, okay?"


Ding Xueer happily gave Ye Duan a sweet kiss.

Wang Congcong and Hanhan turned their heads in embarrassment.

Fortunately, Xiao Di was admiring the river water and didn't see this scene, otherwise, he would definitely turn into lemon essence again.

After a while, the singer in the bar began to play and sing softly.

"It wasn't just the wine last night that made me cry.

It is not only your tenderness that makes me reluctant to part.


In that rainy little town, I never forgot you.

Chengdu, the only thing you can’t take away is you.


The beautiful love song came, making people fall into fascination.

Ye Duan suddenly wanted to hear Ding Xueer sing.

When I watched her live broadcast in my hometown during the Chinese New Year, I heard her sing "Love at First Sight", which is still memorable.

"Little fairy, can you sing us a song?"

Ding Xueer nodded.

Ye Duan took her hand and sent her to the microphone on the small stage before returning to the booth.

The duty supervisor of the bar immediately ordered the band to get ready.

"Next, I will sing "Four Seasons for You" for everyone, and give it to my uncle."

Ding Xueer waved to Ye Duan in the audience, with a happy smile on her face.

The accompaniment sounded, and the little fairy began to sing.

"Send you the March wind
rain in june
scenery in september

let the rest of my life be about you


Ding Xueer's unique voice immediately attracted everyone's attention.

The guests at the bar looked towards the small stage one after another.

I saw a beautiful girl singing a love song affectionately, no matter in appearance or voice, it was as if she had been kissed by an angel.

Impeccably perfect!
"Wow! This girl is so beautiful, which big star is she? Why have I never seen it before?"

"Renmei's song is even more beautiful! She sings so beautifully that my ears are pregnant!"

"My God! Even if she looks at her, she will die, right?"

"Cut! You didn't look him in the eyes, you kept staring at that handsome guy down there. It's not so easy for you to want to die."

Wang Congcong and Hanhan couldn't help but praise.

"Sister-in-law sings really well, brother Duan, you are so blessed, younger brother is so envious!"

"Brother Duan, I suddenly have an idea, let my sister-in-law sing the theme song of the movie, her voice is really beautiful!"

Ye Duan nodded and looked at his little wife cheerfully.

I am delighted.

Bringing the little fairy by your side really gives yourself a face!

After marrying back home, let her sing to herself in bed every day...

While Ding Xueer was singing on stage, Xiao Di took the initiative to sit next to Ye Duan, taking the little fairy's seat temporarily.

"Little brother, let me sit here for a while."

Xiao Di glanced at Ye Duan in embarrassment.

The body slowly approached Ye Duan...

After drinking a glass of cocktail, she was already a little dizzy.

Smelling Ye Duan's body, intoxicated by it...

After Ding Xueer sang, she just stepped off the stage and was about to return to Ye Duan's side.

At this time, a young man suddenly stopped her.

"Little sister, do me a favor, shall we have a drink?"

Ding Xueer glared at him viciously, trying to escape, but was stopped again.

"Don't go, little sister, have a drink with brother."

The young man reached out to Latin Cher, but she dodged it.

When Ye Duan saw it, he immediately ran over and kicked the little bastard down.

"You bastard, are you tired of work?"

(End of this chapter)

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