Chapter 105 Little Di's Heartbeat

The little bastard was kicked by Ye Duan and gnawed at the mud, and shouted hysterically.

"You... you, how dare you hit me? I think you are tired of your work. Do you know who I am?"

"I'm not interested in who you are, I just know you're dead today!"

"Hmph, I'm Zhao Xiaogao, the food and beverage manager of the Ritz-Carlton Hotel, and my sister is Zhao Feiyan, the hotel's general manager. Just wait, I'll call someone right now, and I'll have your fruit!"

"Zhao Xiaogao? Zhao Feiyan? Hehe."

Ye Duan sneered, and kicked the servant again.

Zhao Xiaogao neighed in pain, got under the table, and called his sister.

"Hey, sister, I was beaten up at the FLAIR bar, come and help me!"

At this time, Wang Congcong, Hanhan and others had already surrounded him.

Afraid of being recognized by others, Xiao Di put on a mask and walked over, holding Ding Xueer tightly with one hand.

"Don't be afraid of Xue'er, we are here!"

Ding Xueer was held by Xiaodi with one hand and Ye Duan with the other, and hid behind the uncle.

The uncle beat the younger brother of the general manager of the hotel for her sake, what should I do now?
Han Han hurriedly said: "Brother Duan, the Ritz-Carlton is a famous five-star hotel in Shanghai. The general manager probably has a lot of background, so I'm afraid it will be difficult to deal with."

Wang Congcong also said: "That's right, Brother Duan, let's find someone too, I still have a lot of connections in Shanghai."

Ye Duan protected Ding Xueer, and smiled at the two younger brothers: "There is no need to find someone, I have the final say here!"

Wang Congcong and Hanhan looked at each other.

Xiao Di and Ding Xueer also had question marks on their faces.

Brother Duan/little brother/uncle, do you have this strength?
Zhao Xiaogao crawled out from under the table after making the phone call.

He said viciously to Ye Duan: "Boy, don't go! Just wait and see!"

Xiao Di couldn't see it, so he slapped Zhao Xiaogao on the face.

"Bastard! Bullying girls!"

Everyone was stunned.

I didn't expect Xiao Di to be so righteous!
Ding Xueer was very moved when she saw Xiaodi beat that villain herself for her own sake.

Just now I was jealous with her, so I'd better let her go in the future.

If she really likes uncle, give her some...

Ye Duan was also frightened by Xiao Di's slap.

Compared with his apprentice He Shiping, this big star is also righteous?

Zhao Xiaogao's face was hurt by the beating, and he covered his face and screamed.

"Ah, ah, you bully people because of how many people you have..."

Just at this moment, Zhao Feiyan brought some security guards over.

"Which guy who doesn't know the heights of the sky and the earth dares to act wild here?"

This nympho, before the person arrives, the big words have already been uttered.

When Zhao Xiaogao heard his sister's voice, he immediately shouted: "Sister, I'm here! They beat me!"

Zhao Feiyan came to her younger brother aggressively.

Just as he was about to get angry, he saw a handsome face.

It's the new boss!

"Hi Dong Ye!"

Zhao Feiyan was overwhelmed with fright.

Zhao Xiaogao was also dumbfounded.

Dong Ye?

Could it be that the handsome guy who beat him is the new owner of the hotel?

In the afternoon, my sister called him to attend the meeting. He was sleeping with the waitress in the hotel, so he didn't go.

So I don't know what the new boss looks like.

Unexpectedly, I met here at night.

It's dead now!
Ye Duan glanced at Zhao Feiyan coldly, and said angrily: "Manager Zhao, you came just in time, take good care of your brother."

Zhao Feiyan had guessed that it must be her younger brother who caused the trouble.

Just now the supervisor on duty called her and said that the new boss had arrived at the FLAIR bar. In order to flatter her, she specifically asked the new boss to waive the bill.

She thought that Ye Duan had already left, but she didn't expect her younger brother, a guy without eyes, to offend the new boss.

Zhao Feiyan grabbed Zhao Xiaogao and pushed him to the ground.

"You incompetent guy, hurry up and apologize to Director Ye!"

"Dong Ye, I'm sorry, I'm the one who deserves to die, I'm the one who has blind eyes, you have a lot of adults, can you please spare me this time?"

Zhao Xiaogao covered his face and knelt down to beg for mercy.

Ye Duan didn't speak, but gave Zhao Feiyan a look.

Zhao Feiyan immediately understood, and said angrily to her younger brother: "You bastard, slap yourself! When Director Ye is satisfied, when will you stop!"

Zhao Xiaogao was a little hesitant, unable to make a move.

He has always been used to domineering, in this hotel, he is the only one who bullies others, how could he have suffered such a crime.

Zhao Feiyan knew what was going on, if the boss was not happy, not to mention her younger brother's job would be lost, her position as the general manager would also be in jeopardy.

In the afternoon, I originally wanted to use a beauty trap to hook the new boss.

Unexpectedly, the new boss made her feel comfortable, but walked away, so that she could only solve it with her fingers...

This Ye Dong has an unfathomable identity and unlimited financial resources, so it's hard to deal with him!

Now my younger brother has gotten into trouble again, so I can only use bitter tactics.

Thinking of this, Zhao Feiyan slapped her younger brother on the face, and roared, "If you don't hit me, I will!"

Zhao Xiaogao let out an "ouch" and began to slap his mouth.

My sister hurts a lot from the beating, so it's better to be more comfortable by beating myself.

While clapping his lips, he said, "Damn me, I was wrong, I'm a bastard, I'm a bastard..."

Only then did Ye Duan calm down a little, and said to Ding Xueer: "Little Fairy, when you are satisfied, let him stop."

"Uncle, why don't you forget it?"

Ding Xueer was a little scared and didn't want to make a big deal out of it.

"You can't just let it go! Play for 5 minutes, not a second less!"

Xiao Di was still very angry, and took Ding Xueer's hand and said, "Sister Xueer, you can't be soft-hearted when dealing with this kind of villain. He didn't touch you just now, did he?"

"I'm fine, thank you, Sister Xiao Di."

Ding Xueer looked at Xiao Di movedly, feeling warm in her heart.

Ye Duan glanced at Zhao Feiyan, but did not speak.

Returned to the seat with several people.

Ding Xueer sat between Ye Duan and Xiao Di.

Both of them cared about the little sister very much.

Wang Congcong quickly asked, "Brother Duan, are you a shareholder of the Ritz-Carlton Hotel?"

"Yes, I recently invested 78 billion to acquire 100% of the shares of this hotel."

Ye Duan's voice just fell.

Wang Congcong said "Damn it" and slumped on the booth.

No wonder Brother Duan has such a big face, that's how it is!

Xiao Di was also stunned, staring at Ye Duan obsessively.

Kind of can't believe it.

This little brother is too powerful!

The owner of the IFC shopping mall, the owner of the magazine, the controlling shareholder of Yida Films, and the owner of a five-star hotel.


Super rich!

Han Han was shocked and happy at the same time.

Next to Brother Duan, the uncle of cash flow, he will no longer have to worry about money when making movies in the future!
You must work hard, make the best movie, make your sister-in-law popular, and let her win the big prize!

That way, I won't let down Brother Duan's trust!

Ding Xueer didn't care about these things, and didn't bother to ask who the uncle was.

She just wants to be alone with uncle now.

Let the uncle comfort her frightened little heart.

So he said to Ye Duan: "Uncle, please take me back to school, I'm a little tired."

Then he said to several other people: "I'm sorry, everyone, I swept away your interest, let's get together next time."

Everyone hurriedly said it didn't matter.

Several people got up and left.

Ye Duan protected Ding Xueer with one hand, while Xiao Di held the other hand.

Here, Zhao Xiaogao is still punching himself in the face.

His older sister, Zhao Feiyan, was holding a mobile phone and showing him the time.

When they arrived at the parking lot, several people called valet drivers and dispersed.

Ye Duan asked someone to send his poison to Zhongliang Jiangjing No. [-].

Take a taxi by yourself and take Ding Xueer back to school.

As soon as she got into the car, the little fairy lay in Ye Duan's arms, stretching out her small mouth, wanting to kiss her.

Ye Duan had no choice but to satisfy her...

When he arrived at the Shanghai Drama Academy, Ye Duan didn't leave immediately.

Ding Xueer wouldn't let him go.

You have to take him for a walk on campus.

The two hold hands, like young couples in love, releasing themselves in the night.

Walking to the stands of the football field, Ding Xueer sat on Ye Duan's lap.

The beautiful legs wrapped in white stockings coiled around his waist.

Ye Duan felt a little uncomfortable.

Ding Xueer hugged him tightly and put her head on his shoulder.

"Uncle, thank you for coming forward just now, you look so handsome~~"

"Hey, you have to be handsome, otherwise how can you be so determined to be my little wife?"

"Uncle, you are good or bad, she is not your little wife now..."

"Anyway, you said you would be my little wife, so don't go back on your word."

"Hee hee, I won't go back on my word, I want to be your little wife for the rest of my life~~"

"My little wife is so good, let my husband kiss her!"

"do not do it……"

The two hot lips stuck together again.

After a while.

The two got up and left.

Ye Duan sent Ding Xueer to the downstairs of the dormitory, and then walked towards the school gate.

Outside the gate, Ye Duan wanted to take a taxi home, when suddenly a familiar figure walked towards him.

By the light of the street lamp, both of them could clearly see each other's face.

The male is Ye Duan and the female is Xiao Di.

Ye Duan was very surprised, and quickly asked: "Xiao Di, didn't you go back, why are you here?"

"I'll wait for you here. Also, I don't want you to call me by my name. You can call me Xiaodi from now on."

Xiao Di whispered, with a shy face.

"Wait for me? Why?"

Ye Duan was a little puzzled.

It's so late, this girl ran here to sit and wait.

It must be malicious.

Faced with Ye Duan's questioning, Xiao Di blushed and told the truth.

"Because..., I know you sent Xue'er back to school, so I came here to wait for you."

"No, I'm asking, why are you still looking for me so late?"

"Fool~~ People are looking for you because they want to see you..."

Xiao Di was a little embarrassed, and her face turned even redder.

If she hadn't had a cocktail at the FLAIR bar at night, she really wouldn't have had the courage to say this.

Of course, he would not have the courage to come here to find Ye Duan.

Tonight, his handsome face is always in my mind...

She knew very well in her heart that she couldn't fall in love with Ye Duan, this was a high voltage line, it would electrocute people to death!

However, like a moth to a flame, her heart guided her to come here to find Ye Duan.

Now that he saw Ye Duan, he couldn't say anything.

Nothing can happen.

So painful!
Seeing Xiao Di's blushing face, Ye Duan already guessed what was going on.

It seems that this big star is also attracted by himself.

Why is this damn charm so prominent?
But Shuang'er told herself not to have a relationship with a celebrity, because what they are most afraid of is gossip.

Once the scandal occurs, Xiao Di's acting career may be completely over.

Xiao Di must also know this, but she still took the risk to find herself at such a late hour, it seems that she was really moved...

But Ye Duan still wanted to remind her of the consequences of doing so.

"Xiao Di, you are a big star. If you come to me so late, you will be finished if someone finds out."

"I know, but I... can't control it..."

After Xiao Di finished speaking, she threw herself into Ye Duan's arms.

Ye Duan was taken aback.

He hurriedly dragged her to the park on the corner of the street, found a shade without lights, and then stopped.

He was not afraid, but worried about ruining Xiao Di's future.

If anyone saw that Xiao Di was alone with a strange man late at night, her stardom would be over.

Of course Xiao Di knew Ye Duan's intentions and said, "Thank you, little brother."

"Xiao Di, I can understand your feelings, but you are a big star, you must not be impulsive! If someone finds out, your acting career may be terminated."

"Little brother, I also know that this is dangerous, but you are always on my mind..."

"Are you drunk, why are you talking nonsense?"

"No, I'm really tempted this time, I seem to... fall in love with you..."

Xiao Di lowered his head, not daring to look into Ye Duan's eyes.

She didn't know where she got the courage to say such embarrassing words to a handsome young man.

Are you really drunk?
"Hahahaha, that's a good joke."

Ye Duan said this on purpose, wanting to give Xiaodi a step down.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Di did not go down the steps, but continued to climb up.

"Little brother, I'm not joking. Through contact with you, I feel that you are a very special person. Although you are rich, you are not bad at all.

Many of your actions warm my heart, and I can't help but think wildly..."

Xiao Di said, leaning gently on Ye Duan's shoulder.

"The first time I met you, you offered to pay for me, and even asked me to be the spokesperson for the IFC shopping mall. The endorsement fees you gave exceeded many famous actresses, making them all jealous.

Later, you gave me a ruby ​​necklace, which I really like, and I wear it every day recently.Today, for me, you added an investment of [-] million to the new film directed by Han Han..."

"You treat me so well, how can I not be tempted? I'm not afraid of your jokes. Although I am a big star, no one has ever treated me so well without any special request.

There are also some rich people who want to spend money on me, but their ideas are very dirty and they are all conditional. "

"Only you, who respect me very much, not only take the initiative to treat me so well, but also don't think about me at all. I almost doubt whether I have become ugly..."

Ye Duan hurriedly said: "No, no, you are very beautiful, shining like a star in the sky.

Xiao Di, I treat you well, but I actually have selfish intentions.I also told you that I want you to take Cher, she is still a newcomer. "

"Little brother, this can't be regarded as selfishness. At first I also thought that this was done to gain my fame, but then I figured it out. You are the owner of the IFC mall, so of course you have the final say on who you choose to be the spokesperson.

Director Han Han's new movie is also invested by you, so of course you and the director have the final say on who will be the lead actress. "

Xiao Di's words warmed Ye Duan's heart.

Big stars are really sensible!
"However, Xue'er is a newcomer after all, so if you cooperate with her, it will affect you to some extent." Ye Duan said.

Xiao Di shook his head, and explained again: "Little brother, you are really a kind person, always thinking of me.

However, the reality is not what you imagined. You may not know that whether it is a spokesperson or making a movie, it is a very precious opportunity. I don’t know how many female stars are struggling to get these two opportunities. "

"I didn't expect the current entertainment industry to be so competitive." Ye Duan couldn't believe it.

(End of this chapter)

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