Sleeping in math class, my status as a scholar is exposed

Chapter 111 No one will find out, right?

Chapter 111 No one will find out, right?
Wang Lihua resisted restlessness, led Ye Duan and Liu Qian to the small conference room, and briefly introduced the leasing situation of the office building of IFC.

"Mr. Ye, the Shanghai International Finance Center is mainly composed of several major departments. One is the IFC shopping mall, the other is the Ritz-Carlton Hotel, and the other is our North and South Twin Towers office building."

Ye Duan nodded, with a sweet smile on his face.

Hey, now these industries are all his own, and his net worth has reached the level of hundreds of billions.

It sounds like I can't even believe it.

Wang Lihua continued: "In addition to long-term properties such as the Ritz-Carlton Hotel, the office space available for rent in the twin towers of the International Finance Center exceeds 25 square meters. The current occupancy rate is as high as 96%, and the rent is 10 to 30 per square meter per day. It varies from [-] yuan."

Hearing this, Ye Duan asked: "Sister Wang, how much was the rental income of the office building last year?"

"More than 15 billion yuan, the specific value is being further calculated and confirmed."

At this time, Liu Qian was frightened, holding Ye Duan tightly with one hand.

The little heart beats significantly faster.


The owner actually owns an office building of 25 square meters!

Rent of more than 15 billion yuan a year!
Is that too much?

Is he the super rich second generation, or the God of Wealth?

How can you be so proud?
He won't let me come here to collect rent, will he?
Please do not.

Please do not.

Collecting more than one billion yuan in rent a year will exhaust people to death!

If he allowed himself to collect the rent here, this pampering would overwhelm her!
I'm afraid I won't be able to turn over for the rest of my life, and I'll be held down by him for the rest of my life...

Ye Duan glanced at the anxious Qianbao, turned to Wang Lihua and said, "Sister Wang, I want Miss Liu Qian to help me collect the rent, is that okay?"

Wang Lihua thought her boss was going to fire her, and her face turned pale in an instant.

However, the identity and temperament of a local socialite in Shanghai made her resist the pain in her heart and said calmly: "Okay, Mr. Ye, I will go through the resignation procedures immediately."

Only then did Ye Duan realize that he didn't speak clearly, which made Wang Lihua misunderstand.

So he quickly explained: "Sister Wang, that's not what I meant. I want Liu Qian to be my personal assistant, only responsible for collecting rent, and you are still in charge of the specific management of the office building, do you understand?"

"Understood, thank you boss, I will definitely try my best to assist Assistant Liu Qian in collecting rent."

Only then did Wang Lihua recover from her tense nerves. She was really frightened just now.

The new boss looks very sunny, he must be a kind and kind person, how could he fire himself for no reason?

It seems that I thought wrongly.

This Liu Qian is really a lucky girl to get such a big favor from the boss.

Only responsible for rent collection, what an enviable job!

Ye Duan turned to Liu Qian and said, "Qianbao, do you like this job?"

Liu Qian sat on the chair blankly without speaking.

She was scared out of her wits.

The owner actually asked her to come here to collect rent.

Rent of more than one billion a year!

The average rent is several million per day, so you will definitely be soft on the money, right?

With my small body, will I be exhausted?

No, I can't agree!
This is definitely not a good job!

Thinking of this, Liu Qian said: "Brother Ye, I don't like this job, it will exhaust me to death. I calculated it, and the rent will be several million per day."

Ye Duan couldn't help laughing out loud.

Qianbao is really cute, she is usually quite smart, how could she become so stupid now?

"Little fool, you don't have to come to collect rent every day. If you want to collect rent, let Sister Wang take you to experience it. If you are tired, let Sister Wang show you the details of the rental income. It will be much easier this way." Yet?"

Wang Lihua also understood what the boss meant, and added with a smile: "Assistant Liu Qian, we don't need to come to collect rent every day. Most of the tenants here sign long-term contracts, and the rent will be paid to the company's account on time, so work It’s still relatively easy.”

Liu Qian blushed instantly, and said embarrassedly: "Oh, I thought I would come to collect rent every day."

"Hey, you little fool."

Seeing Qianbao's cute look, Ye Duan couldn't help pinching her little face with his hands, it was so delicate that it almost spit out water.

"Master, you hurt me, woohoo..."

Liu Qian felt very upset when someone saw the joke, and took all her anger on Ye Duan.

"Oh, I'm sorry, it hurts my baby, the master rubs it for you."

Ye Duan quickly went to coax her, and gently stroked her face with his hand.

Wang Lihua sat on the side, watching the boss and his baby show their affection, feeling embarrassed and envious in his heart.

It's not a good idea to leave, or to stay, so I have to eat a lot of dog food.

At this moment, in a certain place, it seems that there is a slight spring rain...

After explaining the work matters to Wang Lihua, Ye Duan took Liu Qian out of the IFC office building.

"Qianbao, shall we go see Sister Lin?"

"Well, ok, just had dinner with her."

Lin Meishuang works as the general manager of the nearby IFC shopping mall.

The two held hands and soon came to the general manager's office.

Unfortunately, by coincidence, Lin Meishuang went to the studio of the advertising company, and today she was going to shoot a endorsement film for Xiaodi and Ding Xueer.

Liu Qian took the initiative to call her and wanted to tell her about her new job.

"Sister Lin, when are you coming back? Brother Ye and I are in your office. I have some good news to share with you."

"It's probably going to be very late. You and Brother Ye should go home first. You will take care of him tonight. Thank you, Sister Qian."

"Oh, well, don't forget to eat dinner, take a break and don't get too tired."

"Well, thank you, sister Qian, for your concern."

After hanging up the phone, Liu Qian truthfully reported Lin Meishuang's words to the owner.

Ye Duan looked at her badly, and said with a smile: "Thank you Qianbao, hehe."

Liu Qian was ashamed.


The two got up and left Lin Meishuang's office.

After dinner at the Suzhe Restaurant, the night has fallen.

"Qianbao, shall we go home?"

"Brother Ye, can you watch a movie with me, I have never watched a movie with a boy before."

Liu Qian's pitiful appearance made people feel distressed.

"Tsk tsk tsk, poor Qianbao, the master is satisfied with you!"

"Hee hee~~ Thank you master!"

The two came to the cinema and bought the 8:[-] p.m. show. Ye Duan deliberately chose the last row of seats.

After entering the auditorium, I found a seat and sat down.

Liu Qian asked suspiciously: "Brother Ye, why did you choose such a back position?"

"Sit high, look far, and you'll know after a while."

Ye Duan was talking nonsense seriously.

The naive conch girl actually believed his nonsense and nodded her silly little head.

After a few opening credits, the movie begins.

This is an oriental romance film, telling the story of a poor fisher girl who meets a wealthy young man from a big city, sacrifices her body, and is abandoned again.

The movie is very touching, and there are many intimate scenes.

Liu Qian was attracted by what happened to the fisher girl, and Ye Duan watched it with great interest.

When seeing the wonderful scene, the two couldn't help imitating the appearance of the hero and heroine in the movie, hugging each other...

"Brother Ye, you won't be discovered, will you?"

Liu Qian was a little scared, it was her first time kissing in a movie theater.

"Don't worry, no one in the last row will see it."

"Oh, I see, no wonder you chose this position, you are so bad~~"

"Hey, do you know my good intentions?"

Only then did Liu Qian discover the master's trick.

But it was too late, Ye Duan had already succeeded.

(End of this chapter)

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