Chapter 112 Extra Active
At the end of the film, Kuo Shao from the city left in a boat, and the poor fisher girl knelt on the stone by the pier, weeping silently.

Liu Qian was deeply involved in the play, and also cried like a pear blossom with rain.

Ye Duan also couldn't help scolding others: "This heartless man who suffered a thousand knives!"

The movie ended and the audience left one after another.

Liu Qian lay in his master's arms and wept loudly, which made Ye Duan feel distressed and hugged her tightly.

"Brother Ye, will I become a lonely person like the fisher girl in the future?"

"Don't worry Qianbao, I will accompany you for the rest of your life, you will be my conch girl in this life!"

"Well, I believe you, Brother Ye."

Only then did Liu Qian stop crying.

Ye Duan held her hand tightly and left the studio.

Back to the home of Jiangjing No. [-] Zhongliang.

Liu Qian's mood gradually eased.

Ye Duan put hot water in the bathtub to take a bath.

I want to wash away the weird smell in the movie theater and relax.

"If I had known it earlier, I would not have watched this movie. It caused you to cry a lot, and my heart was about to break."

Ye Duan felt very guilty.

"How can I blame you? Brother Ye, I should thank you for watching such a touching movie with me."

"But it moved my Qianbao to tears, tsk tsk, her eyes are red, it's really distressing."

Ye Duan held Liu Qian's small face in his hands, feeling very sad.

"Master~~ Do you really love me?"

Liu Qian stared at Ye Duan with wide eyes.

"Of course, if you don't believe me, if you touch it, my heart will hurt."

Ye Duan took Qianbao's hand and placed it on his chest.

Liu Qian's slender fingers stroked the master's body a few times, feeling the firm muscles and the strength of a man.

She said shyly, "Then sit up and I'll relieve the pain for you."

Maybe it's because I have a deep feeling for the plot of the movie.

Maybe it was moved by the sincerity of the owner.

Qianbao tonight.

Extra proactive.

Ye Duan also wanted to show his sense of responsibility.

There is a lot of love for Qianbao.

He is sticking to his beliefs and wants to fulfill his oath.

To the conch girl.

He will be responsible to the end!

Let her live a happy life and be a loving and righteous man!

After taking a shower.

Ye Duan wiped off every drop of water on Qian Bao's body with a bath towel.

She dried every strand of her hair with a hair dryer.

Then he carried Liu Qian into the bedroom.

Gently placed on the white silk quilt.

Liu Qian was shy, because the light in the bedroom was a little bright, so she buried her head in the quilt.

The scene in front of me was like an ink painting.

The broad ground is covered with a layer of undulating white snow, dotted with black and pink.

All the scenery is so just right.

Ye Duan was dumbfounded.


So beautiful!
Happy night begins...

Early the next morning.

Ye Duan is dreaming, playing on the swing with Miss Conch.

Suddenly something kissed her face, followed by a tangy fragrance.

This familiar body fragrance, as soon as you smell it, you know it's Qianbao's.

Women are really magical animals, and they often have a special fragrance on their bodies.

And every girl has a different taste.

For example, Lin Meishuang has a very elegant fragrance, faintly present, ethereal and uncertain, making people want to explore and capture.

For example, Su Mengwen has a stronger fragrance, but it is not pungent at all, but instead makes people feel impulsive after smelling it.

Another example is Liu Qian, the fragrance is just right, neither strong nor weak, making people feel very comfortable, smelling her fragrance, the whole person is very relaxed.

Another example is Ding Xueer, whose body fragrance is more special, sometimes strong, sometimes elegant, sometimes it makes people feel excited, sometimes it makes people feel like spring breeze.

He Shiping's fragrance is also very strong, but it is very different from Su Mengwen's. It will make people excited, but it will not be overwhelming.

Yang Bingyue's fragrance is more elegant, you can hardly smell it unless you hold her in your arms, but once you smell it, you will never forget that smell.

Xiaodi's body fragrance is strong but not strong, full of exotic flavor, reminding people of fine wine and grapes, refreshing, seemingly intoxicated but not intoxicated.

Ye Duan closed his eyes, put his arms around Qian Bao, and quietly enjoyed the fragrance of her body.

"Master, I'm going to work." Liu Qian said softly.

"Ah? You're going to work today, don't you need to be in such a hurry?"

I just arranged work yesterday, and I'm going to work today. Qianbao, a stinky girl, really wants to be a charter wife, right?
Ye Duan felt a little regretful.

Miss Conch has become a charter woman, who will take care of her?

Sure enough, he lifted a rock and shot himself in the foot.

Liu Qian heard the master's displeasure, kissed Ye Duan's face again, and said coquettishly: "Manager Wang said that a big company just happened to sign a lease contract today, and I want to experience the feeling of rent collection, you Just let me go~~"

"Okay, but you can't focus on collecting rent and forget to wash and cook for me, otherwise, I'll find another conch girl!"

"Hee hee, got it, master, breakfast is ready, you can eat it when you wake up."

"Then you go, pay attention to safety on the road."

"Thank you master. Boo~~"

Liu Qian was very happy and gave her master a sweet kiss.

Seeing that Qianbao was going to work, Ye Duan touched her little butt a few times, feeling very reluctant.

It made Liu Qian angrily say: "Enhmm~~hate~~"

Ye Duan chuckled, closed his eyes, and pretended to sleep.

Miss Conch kissed her master again, and then went out to work.

Ye Duan couldn't sleep anymore, he lay on the bed and turned on his mobile phone, and sent messages to Su Mengwen and Yang Bingyue respectively, telling them to be careful on the road and contact him when they arrived in Shanghai.

What a coincidence, these two people came to Shanghai at the same time.

Don't come together, otherwise, we won't be able to arrange the time.

If you accidentally let them meet, the trouble will be even greater.

When Wenwen came, let her stay in the hotel first, anyway, she will be the general manager of the Ritz-Carlton soon.

When Yueyue comes, she can live with Shuang'er first, anyway, they already know each other.

Ye Duan made up his mind.

Then I got up to eat, and went out to the IFC shopping mall.

He wanted to ask how the filming of Ding Xueer and Xiaodi's commercial was going, and also wanted to comfort Shuanger.


Two hours ago, Jinhai County.

Su Mengwen drove the Ferrari sports car Ye Duan gave her to the chemical fertilizer factory where Yang Bingyue's family was located.

"Yueyue, I'm downstairs at your house, come down." Su Mengwen sent a message to Yang Bingyue.

"Okay cousin, I'm going down now."

Yang Bingyue received the news and went downstairs with a suitcase.

That's right, Su Mengwen is Yang Bingyue's cousin, and Yang Bingyue is Su Mengwen's cousin.

Yang Bingyue's mother, Wang Shuyun, is Su Mengwen's aunt.

It's just that the relationship between the two families is not good, and the two sisters have long since lost contact because Su Mengwen's mother robbed Wang Shuyun's boyfriend.

When she was young, someone told Wang Shuyun about a marriage. She was very fond of this blind date, but her sister snatched him away. That person became her brother-in-law, that is, Su Mengwen's father.

From then on, Wang Shuyun and her sister broke off.

It wasn't until a few years ago that the daughters of the two families went to college, and then they slowly regained contact.

But it was only between Su Mengwen and Yang Bingyue.

(End of this chapter)

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