Chapter 113 What Should I Do?
Yesterday, Su Mengwen posted a circle of friends that only relatives and friends could see, saying that she was going to work in Shanghai, and Yang Bingyue happened to see it, so she proposed to go to Shanghai with her.

Yang Bingyue couldn't wait to see her brother Duan.

Even more than Su Mengwen.

Because Su Mengwen has at least tasted the boss's personal love, while Yang Bingyue still retains her virginity.

The fire that has already been ignited can neither be extinguished nor ignited. It is really uncomfortable!

Must rely on a man's fire.

Only by igniting the fire can you feel comfortable.

After Yang Bingyue went downstairs, she saw her cousin's Ferrari sports car at a glance, and she was very surprised.

"Cousin, is this your car? It's so cool!"

"Well, it was given to me by my boyfriend. You should also find a boyfriend quickly, the boss is not young."

Su Mengwen helped Yang Bingyue pack her luggage with a very happy face.

Ever since Ye Duan gave her a sports car, she can show her affection wherever she goes.

Even if the boss is not by her side, she can always feel his presence.

After all, boyfriends who give millions of sports cars are very rare, even more precious than national treasures.

She met such a rare treasure boyfriend, can't you make me happy?

Yang Bingyue was not jealous at all.

Because she also has brother Duan, who loves her very much.

"Cousin, your boyfriend is really nice!"

"You went to Shanghai this time to find a boyfriend, right? Seeing that your face is turning red, hee hee, do you miss him?"

Su Mengwen was joking with her cousin.

Yang Bingyue nodded with a smile, her face was already blushing.

Her personality is more introverted, in stark contrast to her extroverted cousin.

One moving and one still.

But their cousins ​​also have one thing in common, that is, they are very good-looking.

Su Mengwen's face value is 95 points, and Yang Bingyue's is 97 points.

The two got into the car, and Su Mengwen stepped on the accelerator slowly.

Ferrari, carrying the two sisters, set off towards Modu.

Although driving a sports car at high speed is not very comfortable, and the fuel consumption is also high.

But Su Mengwen was reluctant to leave the car Ye Duan gave her, and drove this car as if the boss was by her side.

On the way, the two sisters chatted.

Su Mengwen asked: "Yueyue, how does your boyfriend treat you? What gift did you receive on Valentine's Day?"

"Cousin, he is not my boyfriend, but he is very kind to me and gave me several gifts. This watch and this ring are all from him. He also gave me a bag, which is in the suitcase , I'm still not willing to use it."

As Yang Bingyue said, she raised her hand and showed her watch and ring for her cousin to see.

Su Mengwen turned her head to look, and the smile on her face disappeared immediately.

No way?
Why is it exactly the same as the gift the boss gave her?
Is it...

Sister Yueyue is also him?
It's possible because the boss's house and the cousin's house are in the same community.

During the Chinese New Year, when picking up the boss’s relatives for dinner, the bus stopped at the chemical fertilizer factory’s courtyard.

Su Mengwen wanted to confirm further, so she asked, "Yueyue, is the bag your friend sent you from Chanel?"

"That's right, it's the first time I've seen such a big-name bag. I've only seen it online before."

Yang Bingyue didn't notice the abnormality of her cousin, and asked innocently: "Cousin, how do you know? Did you also receive a Chanel bag?"

These words completely shattered Su Mengwen's little heart.

Real hammer!
There is no such thing as a coincidence in the world!

Two girls receive the same Valentine's Day gift for one reason.

It was the same man who gave the gift!
And this man is a big fool!
To give the same gift?

Is it because they are afraid that they will not recognize each other's identity?

Su Mengwen was in a mess, and hurried into the service area to rest.

She needs to calm herself down...

After entering the service area, Su Mengwen immediately went to the bathroom.

She needs to let off steam.

Back in front of the car, Yang Bingyue saw her cousin's displeasure.

Asked: "Cousin, your complexion is so bad, what's wrong with you?"

Su Mengwen was silent.

I don't know how to answer.

Do you want to tell Yueyue the truth?

Let her tell her, anyway, sooner or later she will know and accept this fact.

Instead of embarrassing the boss when they arrive in Shanghai, it is better for the two sisters to reach a consensus first.

Two people can also form a unity and deal with outsiders together.

Thinking of this, Su Mengwen decided to have a showdown with Yang Bingyue.

"Yueyue, look."

Su Mengwen stretched out her left hand, showing the Tiffany sapphire and diamond ring on her middle finger.

He pulled the cuff of his right hand again, revealing the Countess watch on his wrist.

Yang Bingyue was stunned.

She had already guessed the answer, but couldn't believe it.

The eye circles were instantly red, and tears swirled inside.

Su Mengwen sighed, and said: "Yueyue, the person who gave us the gift is the same person, his name is Ye Duan."

Yang Bingyue couldn't control it completely, Dou Da's tears rolled down.

Su Mengwen quickly hugged her and comforted her: "Yueyue, don't be sad, it's all predestined. Brother Duan is not a bad person, maybe he is too attractive."

Yang Bingyue cried very sadly.

She has never been in a relationship, and since she was a child, she has only one boy, Ye Duan, in her heart.

Other boys can't get into her eyes at all.

Because compared to Brother Duan, they are nothing.

But unexpectedly, his relationship with his cousin...

No wonder Brother Duan alienated her?

He is so good, he must have a girlfriend.

But why did he kiss himself again?

It made me dream about him every day.

I feel so uncomfortable...

"Brother Duan is a villain, I don't want to go to him anymore, I want to go home, woo..."

Yang Bingyue was very annoyed.

Because she was a little girl, an emotional idiot.

Can't accept this fact.

Su Mengwen didn't know how to comfort Yueyue.

Because she was not feeling well right now.

But after all, she has seen a lot of love and marriage, because she is the general manager of the hotel, so she has long been familiar with deception and betrayal between men and women.

A man can have sex with several different women in one day.

The same is true for some women. Every time they open a room, the men around them are different.

But she believes her boss is not that kind of person.

Because I can feel his love and care, which is completely different from others.

It is not reflected in material things such as Valentine's Day gifts, Ferrari sports cars, Earl watches, Tiffany diamond rings, and Chanel bags.

But a kind of love.

For example, if you spend Valentine's Day with him, he can buy the big advertising screens on both sides of the Bund in Shanghai. There should be a lot of men in China who are able to do it, but how many of them actually do it?
Her classmates are all envious of her!

There is also that tenderness and thoughtfulness, which makes people intoxicated and unable to extricate themselves...

I'm afraid no woman can forget that feeling.

I can't live without him for the rest of my life...

Because my heart has already been conquered by him!

To be the boss's right-hand man, help him achieve success in his career, and strive to create a world in the magic city!
Su Mengwen made up her mind to follow Ye Duan.

But she can't make the decision for Yueyue.

"Yueyue, think about it yourself, if you don't go to Shanghai, will you be happy or miserable."

The cousin's words awakened the sad Yang Bingyue.

Still need to ask?

If you don't go to the magic capital, you will definitely die, right?
If it weren't for that kiss from him, maybe I could still have a crush on her forever.

But with that kiss, her mind was already on him.

How can a girl who is thinking of spring forget the lover in her dream?

"Cousin, I want to go to Shanghai, but what should I do now?"

(End of this chapter)

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