Chapter 114 You Idiot

Yang Bingyue was very troubled, as if she had lost her mind.

Su Mengwen continued to comfort her: "Yueyue, I'm the same as you, I've already made up my mind, as long as he doesn't leave me behind, I will follow him for the rest of my life."

"But what about me, what should I do?" Yang Bingyue was anxious.

"If you can't bear him, just be like me. We'll be by his side and help him with things."

Su Mengwen held Yueyue's hand and said.

Unknowingly became the boss's lobbyist.

"But I don't want to just do things for him."

Yang Bingyue hesitated to speak.

She wants to go further with Ye Duan.

Yang Bingyue's innocent appearance made Su Mengwen very envious.

It's rare for Yueyue to retain such innocence.

The boss is really lucky too.

This girl must be as pure as pure water.

Su Mengwen looked at Yueyue, and said seriously: "Yueyue, brother Duan is so good, maybe there are other female assistants in Shanghai, whether there are or not, you must stand with me, you know?"

"Ah? There are other female assistants?" Yang Bingyue wanted to cry again.

"He's so handsome and generous, which girl doesn't want to do things for him? Just like you have received many love letters since you were a child, it's beyond your control."

Yang Bingyue nodded with a half understanding.

Then he asked embarrassingly: "Cousin, how do you know that I have received many love letters?"

Su Mengwen nodded her head and said with a smile: "Hee hee, little fool. Because I often receive it too, and you are prettier than me, so you must receive more than me."

Yang Bingyue blushed shyly, and she no longer felt uncomfortable in her heart.

Because I will soon be able to see Brother Duan who I miss so much.

Su Mengwen and Yang Bingyue got into the car, fueled up the Ferrari, and continued to head towards Shanghai.


At this time, Ye Duan was in Lin Meishuang's office.

Discuss work.

"Shuang'er, do you feel aggrieved by letting you be my old classmate?"

Ye Duan flipped through the endorsement advertising plan and said.

"No, I'd love to be your old classmate."

Lin Meishuang couldn't help covering her small mouth and laughing.

Because there is something in the words of the two.

If you stay with this kind of man for a long time, you will really learn to be bad.

Stay away from this bastard in the future.

Stay away from this bastard in the future.

Otherwise, you will also become bad.

"Ah, very good."

A smirk appeared on the corner of Ye Duan's mouth.

Seeing his bad look.

Lin Meishuang shook her head and sighed.

"ε=(ο`*))) Alas..."

This old classmate is completely hopeless.

But, why do you want to be his old classmate?

Ye Duan had lunch at Lin Meishuang's.

The two rested for a while.

Just after feeding Shuang'er, I received a call from Su Mengwen.

"Hey, Boss, we... I've arrived in Shanghai. I just got off the expressway. Please send me an address."

"Okay, I'll send you the location, and you drive carefully."

Ye Duan sent a location to Su Mengwen, which was the address of the Ritz-Carlton Hotel.

Because he planned to put Wenwen in a hotel first, and then send her to Zhongliang Jiangjing No. [-] house after a while.

The system rewarded 10 flat-floor apartments at Jiangjing No. 8 in Zhongliang, and now Shuang'er and Qianbao each live in one, leaving [-] apartments left.

But we can't let Wenwen live in immediately, if a few of them bump into each other, it will be troublesome.

There is no rush for this kind of thing.

Or slowly find the right time to confess to them.

So as not to be beaten by them together.

Ye Duan still doesn't know that Su Mengwen and Yang Bingyue are cousins, let alone that they came together.

Su Mengwen followed the map navigation and soon arrived at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel.

Ye Duan had already come out of Lin Meishuang's office and was waiting by the side of the road.

A Ferrari is coming from afar, it must be a big beauty.

Ye Duan hurried up to meet him.

"Wenwen, you are here, are you tired? I miss you so much!"

Seeing Su Mengwen getting off the car, Ye Duan wanted to give her a hug.

Suddenly, a familiar face came down from the co-pilot.


Ye Duan froze for a moment, and asked hesitantly, " are you two together?"

Yang Bingyue was unhappy when she heard what he said to her cousin.

Brother Duan only thought about his cousin, not himself at all.

I don't want to talk to him!

However, he didn't know all of this, so he couldn't be blamed.

Better tell him.

So Yang Bingyue took her cousin's hand and said, "Brother Duan, the cousin I'm talking about is Sister Wenwen."

Su Mengwen also nodded.

"Huh? Are you two cousins?"

Ye Duan looked at Yang Bingyue, then at Su Mengwen, his head grew bigger in an instant.

The two are really alike.

Why didn't I find out before?

This is broken, the two of them must know everything.

I must hate myself!
However, they didn't seem angry.

That's fine, anyway, sooner or later you have to tell them the truth.

Since they already know, they don't have to say it themselves.

Seeing Ye Duan at a loss, Su Mengwen felt a little distressed.

She didn't want to make the boss unhappy when she first arrived in Shanghai, so she comforted him and said: "Boss, we all know, don't worry, Yueyue and I have already made a decision..."

Yang Bingyue accepted her cousin's words, lowered her head and said, "We have decided not to leave"

"So hurry up and find us a place to live." Su Mengwen added.

After finishing speaking, the corners of the mouths of the two sisters couldn't help showing a smile.

A little shy, but also uncontrollably happy.

Because they finally met the person they had longed for!
Seeing Wenwen and Yueyue singing together, Ye Duan was overjoyed.

Holding Wenwen with one hand and Yang Bingyue with the other, he said excitedly: "Okay, I'll take you to the new house right now, Wenwen, follow me in the car, it's near here."

So Ye Duan took Yang Bingyue's hand and ran ahead quickly.

Su Mengwen drove the car and followed behind them.

Soon we arrived at Zhongliang Jiangjing No. [-], a few hundred meters away.

Ye Duan took the access control card from the property office, returned to the two and asked, "Do you two sisters live together or separately?"

Su Mengwen did not answer.

She doesn't really want to live with her cousin, not because she hates Yueyue, but because it's inconvenient to make out with her boss...

Yang Bingyue was a little afraid of living alone, so she said, "I want to live with my cousin."

After hearing this, Su Mengwen felt an urge to tear her cousin's mouth open.

This little girl really doesn't understand anything!

Two people live together, how could Brother Duan have the chance to attack?
Alas, ignorance!
Ye Duan asked Su Mengwen again: "Wenwen, do you want to live on a higher or lower floor?"

"Be taller." Su Mengwen replied.

"I also like to be taller." Yang Bingyue added.

"Then, how about the 38th floor?" Ye Duan asked.

Because the system sent the 30th to 39th floors, the 39th floor has been occupied by Lin Meishuang, and the highest remaining floor is the 38th floor.

"Ah? 38..." Su Mengwen didn't want to.

38, thirty eight, how ugly!

Yang Bingyue didn't think much about it, she blinked her innocent eyes and said, "Okay, brother Duan, the 38th floor should be very high, right?"

"It's very high, and the scenery is beautiful. I'll take you up now."

Ye Duan took the luggage and led the two into the elevator.

Su Mengwen's heart was about to explode.

This stinking moon is really a little idiot.

It's fine to live together, but I even chose the 38th floor...

If I had known earlier, I would not have brought you here!
On the 38th floor, Su Mengwen walked out of the elevator reluctantly, and followed Ye Duan into the room.

Yang Bingyue was immediately stunned.

"Brother Duan, this house is so big!"

"Hey, it's more than 400 square meters, enough for your sisters to live in?"

"Well, it's really big."

Yang Bingyue was very excited, ran from the living room to the kitchen, and then admired it room by room.

(End of this chapter)

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