Sleeping in math class, my status as a scholar is exposed

Chapter 115 You Are Even More Beautiful!

Chapter 115 You Are Even More Beautiful!
This little girl who has never seen the world is like entering the palace, touching things here and there, she is very new to everything.

Su Mengwen drooped her head, listless.

A person walked to the balcony.

Ye Duan saw it, came to her side, and asked with concern: "Wenwen, have you been driving for a long time, are you tired?"

Su Mengwen shook her head and said, "I'm not tired, thank you boss for renting such a nice house for us."

"Hey, this house is not for rent, but for you." Ye Duan said with a smile.

"Huh? For... me?"

Su Mengwen was startled.

Such a luxurious house, do you want to give it to yourself?



"Yes, it's for you, do you like it?" Ye Duan said seriously.

"Hmm..." Su Mengwen nodded happily.

I was so moved that I was about to cry.

The body also trembled slightly.

If it wasn't for the little fool like Yueyue, she would definitely not be able to help wanting to be further favored by the boss...

More than 400 square meters of hardcover mansion with river view!
This is the CBD of Shanghai, how much does it cost?

Su Mengwen was about to die of happiness.

Who would be willing to leave a man who loves women so much?
Fortunately, I kept the most precious thing of a woman and gave my pure body to the boss, otherwise I really wouldn't be worthy of his favor.

It's a pity that many girls are now ruined for an Apple mobile phone...

It's really a small loss!

The unhappiness in Su Mengwen's heart was swept away, and she looked at her man foolishly.

Worshiped all over...

At this time Yang Bingyue ran over and said excitedly: "Cousin, you sleep in that big bedroom, and I live in the room next to yours, okay?"

"Okay, you can do whatever you want, little girl."

Su Mengwen became the owner of the house and became generous.

Seeing the harmony between the two sisters, the stone in Ye Duan's heart finally fell to the ground.

"You two clean up first, take a shower and rest, I'll order a takeaway for you."

"Brother Duan, you're so kind. Cousin was driving hard, and she didn't rest except for refueling. I was starving to death." Yang Bingyue was very happy after seeing Ye Duan, and her personality became more lively.

Su Mengwen rolled her eyes at her cousin and couldn't help laughing.

There was a happy atmosphere in the house.

Yang Bingyue went to take a bath first.

As soon as she walked into the bathroom, Su Mengwen threw herself into Ye Duan's arms.

"Boss, I miss you so much..."

A hot lip, eager to find the target.

The whole room is instantly filled with a sweet atmosphere...

Su Mengwen was making out with Ye Duan, Yang Bingyue took a bath and walked out of the bathroom.

The two were so scared that they separated quickly.

Yang Bingyue also blushed, pretending she didn't see anything, and ran into her room.

Su Mengwen hurriedly got up to take a shower.

Ye Duan came to the door of Yang Bingyue's room and knocked on the door.

"Brother Duan, come in quickly."

Yang Bingyue was arranging her clothes, and hurriedly called Ye Duan into the room.

"Yueyue, I haven't seen you for a few days, you are even more beautiful."

Ye Duan walked to Yang Bingyue's side, sat on the bed and said.


Yang Bingyue blushed with embarrassment, water droplets dripped from her hair.

"Last time I was drunk, that's why I kissed you. Are you not angry?"

"No..." Yang Bingyue shook her head, then lowered her head and said, "Brother Duan, I've already made up my mind. I don't want to be your sister, I want to be your female assistant..."

"Female assistant?" Ye Duan was a little puzzled.

When did Sister Yueyue come up with such advanced vocabulary?
It's really mind-boggling...

"Yes, it was my cousin who asked me to be your female assistant with her."

Yang Bingyue blinked her big clear eyes with an innocent look.

For men, the beauty just out of the bath.

Be the deadliest creature!
Ye Duan couldn't help but move his heart.

The two unknowingly lay on the bed.

Hugged together.

a long time.

Hearing the movement outside, the two quickly separated.

After Su Mengwen took a shower, she began to dry her hair.

Ye Duan and Yang Bingyue looked at each other and smiled, as if they had done something bad.

At this time, the doorbell rang.

It's takeaway.

Ye Duan took the takeaway and put it on the dining table.

Then greet the sisters to eat.

Yang Bingyue was really hungry, she couldn't care less about her image as a lady, so she ate big mouthfuls.

Su Mengwen, out of professional habits, chewed and ate the food slowly.

Then he said to Ye Duan: "Boss, this takeaway is really delicious, even better than the big meal at Jinhai Hotel."

"Hey, this is a takeaway from a Michelin-starred restaurant."

"No wonder the taste is so good." Su Mengwen said.

"Modu is worthy of being a big city, even the takeaway is so delicious."

Yang Bingyue ate very satisfyingly, this was her first visit to Shanghai.

Of course, it is also the first time to eat a Michelin meal.

"That's right, as long as you have money in Shanghai, you can buy anything good." Ye Duan said.

"Brother Duan, you can eat some too."

As Yang Bingyue said, she picked up a piece of foie gras and put it in Ye Duan's mouth.

Su Mengwen couldn't help but gave her cousin another look.

Isn't this little girl usually very introverted? Why is she so active now?

He even sprinkled dog food in front of her!
Just because he is young and beautiful, can he blatantly compete with her for the boss?

Don't take my cousin seriously.

It's really big or small!

When Brother Duan is gone, he must give her a good lesson.

The two sisters were full, and Ye Duan decided to take them shopping.

Because he specifically told Su Mengwen not to bring too much luggage and buy it after arriving in Shanghai.

If you don’t buy today, you won’t have clothes to go out tomorrow.

Ye Duan said to Su Mengwen and Yang Bingyue: "It's three o'clock, you rest for half an hour, and then I'll take you out for a stroll."

He knew that women had to put on makeup before going out, so he gave the sisters half an hour to prepare.

Su Mengwen quickly put on her makeup.

Yang Bingyue doesn't like makeup, so Ye Duan helps her dry her hair.

"Tell me if it hurts."

"Well, Brother Duan doesn't hurt at all."

Su Mengwen couldn't help rolling her eyes again when she saw the tired look of the two.

My heart is about to explode!

In the future, I will definitely rent a house for this stinky girl alone. I can't stand the constant show of affection just at the beginning.

The time came to 03:30.

The three of them packed up and were ready to go out.

"Wenwen, let's drive two cars, we can pack things later."

Su Mengwen nodded and said to her cousin, "Let's go, I'll take you with me."

Unexpectedly, Yang Bingyue grabbed Ye Duan's hand and said, "Cousin, I'll take Brother Duan's car."

Su Mengwen let out a sigh of relief and almost fainted.

So Ye Duan took the Lamborghini poison and drove Yang Bingyue to the front.

Su Mengwen drove a Ferrari by herself and followed behind them.

The two sports cars walking on the road are also very cool.

This time, Ye Duan did not go to the IFC shopping mall, but went to another large shopping mall in Shanghai.

Needless to say the reason, everyone knows, ahem.

Soon, we arrived at Plaza [-], the magic capital.

This is one of the largest luxury shopping malls in Shanghai, with annual sales of about 70 billion yuan, a little lower than the IFC shopping mall.

Arriving at the underground parking lot, the voice of the system suddenly rang in Ye Duan's mind.

【Ding!It is detected that the host is about to go shopping for a woman again, and the Shenhao life task system is starting...]

[Task content: before [-]:[-] p.m., spend [-] million on shopping and spending in Hang Lung Plaza. 】

[Task Reward: 100% equity of Shanghai Hang Lung Plaza Shopping Center + 100% equity of Shanghai Global Harbor Shopping Center. 】

(End of this chapter)

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