Sleeping in math class, my status as a scholar is exposed

Chapter 116 Pick the expensive one and buy it!

Chapter 116 Pick the expensive one and buy it!

Ye Duan froze for a moment, and quickly realized.

I looked at my watch, it was ten minutes to four.

3 million spent in [-] hours.

But the rewards are very rich, this time it turned out to be two top shopping malls in Shanghai.

When did the system become so generous.

Could it be... that you don't feel proud enough to despise yourself?
"System, are there any restrictions on consumption?" Ye Duan asked silently in his heart.

[First, you must buy products that girls can use; second, no more than 10 products of the same type; third, the price of a single product cannot exceed 300 million. 】

"I'll wipe it! Can't I buy it for myself?"

[The host thinks beautifully! 】

"Hey, I want to reward myself too." Ye Duan wanted to bargain.

[Smelly host, hurry up and complete the task, time is limited. 】

Hmph, it's too bullying!
Ye Duan made a grimace in his mind.

The system is really getting more and more mischievous, the more it looks like a girl, it even calls itself a stinky host.

It really makes no sense!

Leave her alone and spend the money quickly.

Ye Duan pulled the two sisters, quickly ran into the elevator, and entered the shopping mall.

Su Mengwen guessed the boss's intentions. Judging by this posture, she must be shopping. No wonder she told herself not to bring clothes and shoes under 5000 yuan, and bags under 30000 yuan.

Yang Bingyue had question marks in her eyes: "Brother Duan, what did you bring us here for?"

"Listen, I just made a bet with my friend that I will spend 3 million within [-] hours."



Both Su Mengwen and Yang Bingyue were shocked.

Spend 3 million in [-] hours?

Rich people's ideas are crazy!
Ye Duan looked at his watch, the time was exactly four o'clock in the afternoon.

"Yueyue, you are a student of finance, help me do the calculations, and must complete the task. Let's go!"

Ye Duan led the two sisters to the first stop of the shopping.

Hermès store.

"Close the door, we have to reserve the venue!" Ye Duan said to the salesperson.

"Excuse me sir, you are not driving..."

Before the salesperson finished speaking, Ye Duan stretched out a hand in front of her eyes.

holding in hand.

It was Huaxia International Bank's super supreme VIP card with the tail number 88888888.

The salesperson immediately called the store manager and whispered.

Seconds later, the Hermès store closed.

Ye Duan took two female assistants with him, and started shopping recklessly.

Spending 3 million yuan within [-] hours is not particularly difficult in Plaza [-], the top shopping mall in Shanghai.

For example, in the Hermes store, there are many valuable luxury goods.

A platinum diamond bag is priced at more than 200 million.

But the number of such things is small, there are only two in stock in the whole store, and the other bags are less than 50.

Most of the expensive bags need to be customized.

Therefore, the difficulty of this task is that there should be no more than 10 items of the same type, and the unit price should not exceed 300 million.

Leaf segments must control the quantity and price.

This is a very testing thing.

The arrival of Ye Duan caused panic in the Hermès store.

Under the leadership of the store manager, all salespersons are on standby, waiting for Ye Duan's instructions.

"Everyone heard clearly, bring all the products in your store that can be used by the two of them. Two conditions: first, no more than 10 products of the same type; second, the price of a single item does not exceed 300 Ten thousand. Is everyone clear, act quickly."

Everyone was shocked!

What kind of perverted play is this?

Are you playing games?

Seeing that the store manager and the salesperson were all stunned and did not move, Ye Duan took out his bank card and said, "This card has billions in it!"

The words worked immediately.

All the salespersons went to pick up the goods, and the originally clean shop soon became a mess.

Ye Duan shouted again: "Pick the most expensive one, as long as it doesn't exceed 300 million."

Su Mengwen and Yang Bingyue looked at each other, not daring to say a word.

The sisters were petrified and could only make eye contact.

"Yueyue, brother Duan, what kind of operation is this?"

"I do not know!"

"Is he trying to knock us out with a substance, or is he trying to appease us?"

"Is there a difference?"

"The former is the rich second generation of scumbags, and the latter is the big brother of warm men."

"Needless to say, it must be the latter."

"I think so too."

Soon, a mountain of Hermès products moved in front of the three of them.

Where is it a luxury, it is clearly like buying Chinese cabbage.

"Don't try on clothes and shoes, just choose by size."

"Remember, there can be no more than 10 pieces of each type, and the most expensive one is selected within 300 million."

Ye Duan stood in front of the mountain and commanded, like a valiant general, full of masculine strength, especially charming at this moment.

Not only Su Mengwen and Yang Bingyue were excited and hot, but their small hearts beat almost 100 times per minute.

All the salespersons also became enthusiastic, with smiles blooming on their faces.

It is estimated that their bonus this month can be doubled several times.

Even the female store manager in her 40s wanted to kneel down in front of Ye Duan.

She has been in the luxury circle of Shanghai for more than 20 years, and this is the first time she has encountered such a perverted client.

Buying 10 pieces at a time, tsk tsk, it's like wholesale.

This feeling is really cool!

Under the supervision of the store manager, all the products were selected, sorted, and placed neatly in front of Ye Duan and the other three.

10 women's coats, 10 pairs of women's shoes, 10 bags, 10 silk scarves, 10 hats, 10 gold jewelry, 10 bottles of perfume, 10 belts, and even 10 beach towels...

"Sir, please take a look." The female store manager said delicately.

"Look at your size, hurry up and calculate the price, no discount is allowed!" Ye Duan roared.

He kind of wanted to lose his temper.

Because half an hour has passed.

too slow!
Everyone immediately starts calculating prices by category.

"Wait a minute, don't want gold jewelry, the most expensive one is only 10,000+, it's too cheap!"

Ye Duan was right, 10 pieces only cost more than 100 million, which was a waste of a valuable product category.

"Ok sir."

The store manager removed 10 pieces of gold jewelry and quickly calculated the total price.

"Sir, the total is 946 yuan."

"Damn it! There are so many things that are less than 1000 million? Swipe your card now!"

Ye Duan's words choked everyone.

Less than 1000 million.

Have you heard people say?
The store manager brought the POS machine, and Ye Duan swiped the card to pay.

"Put the things here first, and send them to the 10th floor, Building 5, Jiangjing No. 38, Zhongliang before [-] o'clock in the evening."

Ye Duan gave instructions to the store manager.

Then he took Su Mengwen and Yang Bingyue and ran towards the next store.

"Wenwen, what is the most expensive thing you girls use? No more than 300 million."

Ye Duan asked as he walked.

"I don't know either, Brother Duan, maybe it's diamond jewelry."

"Yes, diamonds should be the most expensive, let's go!"

The three hurried to the Cartier store.

This diamond is the most famous.

When he came to the store, Ye Duan immediately put forward his request.

"The 300 most expensive women's diamond jewelry within 10 million yuan, hurry up and bring them to me!"

The salesperson also thought that Ye Duan was joking.

Ye Duan had no choice but to explain again.

Only then did the store manager believe in his strength, and quickly found 10 types of jewelry together with the store staff.

"Sir, the most expensive jewelry in our store within 300 million yuan is this necklace, priced at 299 million yuan, inlaid with 666 cut diamonds, with a total weight of 16 carats. The largest diamond weighs..."

"Okay, okay, no need to introduce, just get me 10 pieces of this one. Please, I'm in a hurry!"

Ye Duan was impatient because it was almost five o'clock.

(End of this chapter)

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