Chapter 118 Ye Duan Shocked Everyone

In fact, these three people are none other than Wei Chenglong, his father Wei Qiancheng, and his sister Wei Meili.

Wei Qiancheng is the chairman of the Qiancheng Group. He claims to be worth hundreds of billions of dollars, and has many industries under his umbrella.

But Ye Duan was too lazy to talk to Wei Chenglong, he was only thinking about completing the task now.

After revealing his father's identity, Wei Chenglong was about to explode in anger when he was left out in the cold again.

When did they receive such cold reception?
Could it be that the customer in front of him is more noble than his father?

Wei Chenglong came to the store manager and others angrily, just about to lose his temper.

But after seeing the leaves, they immediately wilted.

He is very clear about Ye Duan's strength, Wei Chenglong was already frightened when he was defeated by Ye Duan again and again.

That kind of psychological timidity, I'm afraid it will never be eliminated in a lifetime!
So with his fat head drooping, he returned to his father and sister.

Wei Qiancheng asked in confusion: "Long Er, who is that man? What's going on?"

Wei Chenglong didn't dare to answer, and didn't know how to answer.

Do you have the nerve to tell me about being slapped in the face by Ye Duan?
Wei Meili became even more angry when she saw her younger brother's cowardice, and scolded her younger brother for being a dishonest guy.

"Hmph, let me go and see who this man is!"

Wei Meili stood up her proud big steamed bun, tossed her hair, stepped on 12cm high heels, and came to Ye Duan and the others.


She was about to get angry when she saw an unusually handsome face.

Tut tut, so handsome!

Deep-set eyes, a high bridge of nose, and a soul-stirring temperament.

Ye Duan turned around and glanced at Wei Meili.

It made the woman almost fall, and her heartbeat gradually accelerated.

I love it, I can't stand it...

Wei Meili stroked her hair with her hands, and quickly changed her words: "You are so handsome, brother... Can you add a WeChat?"

Ye Duan sighed, shook his head, and turned around silently.

Sisters Su Mengwen and Yang Bingyue gave Wei Meili two supercilious looks.

Wei Meili stood there blankly, not wanting to leave.

Seeing his daughter standing there motionless, Wei Qiancheng couldn't help but stepped forward to find out.

So he dragged his son Wei Chenglong to Ye Duan and the others.

At this time, the store manager is introducing the situation of the watch to Ye Duan.

"Sir, these 10 watches all meet your requirements, and the total price is 2274 million yuan."

"OK, swipe the card, wrap it up!"

Ye Duan swiped his card to pay.

Wei Qiancheng was instantly overwhelmed by shock.

More than 2000 million is not much to him, but he has never heard of people who buy 10 Patek Philippe watches at a time.

No wonder the store manager didn't greet them, it turns out that there are really distinguished guests here.

People buy 10 watches at a time, but I only buy 2, which one is more important, even a fool will count!

This person is not very old, but has such strong financial resources, he must be a child of a big family...

It's better to take the opportunity to make friends.

Thinking of this, Wei Qiancheng took the initiative to say hello to Ye Duan: "Sir, I am Wei Qiancheng, chairman of Qiancheng Group, can I make friends with you?"

Ye Duan couldn't understand their domineering appearance, so he ignored him.

Instead, he said to the store manager: "Send someone to help us get the things."

"Okay sir, no problem!" The store manager agreed with a smile.

Only then did Wei Qiancheng realize that there were still several Cartier bags on the ground.

Could it be also the result of this gentleman?

At this time, Ye Duan asked Yang Bingyue, "Yueyue, how much did we spend?"

"Brother Duan, from four o'clock to now, we have spent a total of 5875 yuan in Plaza 3900."

As soon as Yang Bingyue finished speaking, Wei Qiancheng almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

Blood pressure rises sharply.

More than 5000 million spent in less than two hours?

He, the top richest man in the devil city, can't do such a thing!

How strong is this cash flow?
Although he claims to be worth hundreds of billions, his actual assets are only over 500 billion, and his working capital is less than 10 billion.

Wei Qiancheng took a deep breath, but remained silent.

Wei Chenglong was very calm, because he had seen Ye Duan's money ability a long time ago.

Wei Meili is also very calm, she only cares about Ye Duan's body now, and doesn't care about anything else.

Ye Duan sighed.

He said anxiously: "There is only a little more than an hour left, and there are more than 4000 million to spend, so we must hurry up."

Hearing this, Wei Qiancheng was completely unsteady, staggered, and fainted on the ground.



His pair of children were instantly terrified.

Wei Qiancheng fainted to the ground, and everyone was so frightened that they were at a loss for what to do.

Wei Chenglong and Wei Meili burst into tears, like a ghost crying and a wolf howling.

Ye Duan quickly asked someone to bring a glass of water, and took a sip in his mouth.

Then spray it on Wei Qiancheng's face.


Wei Qiancheng woke up instantly after being sprayed with water all over his face.

Wei Meili said weepingly, "Thank you handsome guy."

Ye Duan ignored them and hurriedly took Su Mengwen and Yang Bingyue to spend money.

There are more than 4000 million to spend!
Unexpectedly, as soon as the three of them walked out of the Patek Philippe store, they were surrounded by a group of people.

They are all store managers and clerks of various shops in Hang Lung Plaza. After seeing the whereabouts of local tyrants in the group, they brought their own products and came to sell them to the local tyrants.

After Ye Duan knew their reason for coming, he was overjoyed.

He quickly brought everyone to the open space in the middle hall of the shopping mall, and asked them to divide into two teams and arrange them according to the price of the products, so that Su Mengwen and Yang Bingyue could sort out the products.

Ye Duan sits in the middle and is only responsible for paying by card.

It has to be said that this method is indeed very efficient.

Because almost all the products brought from each store meet the requirements, and some of them have even just been taken out of the warehouse.

There is no shortage of unsalable products that have been backlogged for a long time because the prices are too high.

In order to complete the task, there is no need to pick and choose at this time.

The main difficulty is to remove duplicate product types.

For example, women's shoes, women's clothing, etc., which have already been purchased, can no longer be bought.

In about five and 10 minutes, nearly 4000 million items have been purchased.

The type is also beyond people's imagination.

From cosmetics to small appliances, from mobile phones to laptops, it can be said that there is everything that one expects to find.

The product that surprised Ye Duan the most was the camera.

The price of some SLR cameras is as high as 30 million, and what is even more outrageous is the lens.

A single lens can cost 50 million yuan, and a set of lenses can cost millions.

In this way, 10 women's cameras plus 10 sets of lenses easily cost more than 1000 million.

Sure enough, "photography is poor for three generations, and SLR ruins a lifetime."

In addition, there are unexpected headphones.

The price of a pair of high-fidelity HiFi electrostatic headphones plus a host is as high as hundreds of thousands.

If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed it.

Even with the purchase of these expensive items, there is still some distance from the completion of the task.

With 10 minutes left in the time, Ye Duan glanced at the transaction records of the mobile banking, and the total expenditure today was 9746 yuan.

There are more than 200 million that have not been spent.

The rest are worthless things, and if you continue to buy them, you will not be able to complete the task within the specified time.

How to do?
I didn't expect spending money to be so difficult, alas!
Isn't it fun to spend money?
Why are you so tired?
At this time, the shopping mall was already crowded with people, and it was completely surrounded.

The general manager of Hang Lung Plaza Shopping Center also rushed to the scene and sent 50 security guards to maintain order.

A protection zone was specially set up with an isolation belt to enclose the entire atrium.

Reporters and anchors from all walks of life also turned on their cameras and mobile phones to broadcast live.

Ye Duan originally didn't want to be so high-profile.

But this is the end of the matter, and there is nowhere to hide.

The point is, there are piles of products, even if you want to keep a low profile!

At this time, Ye Duan suddenly remembered that there seemed to be several sports cars on display in the mall.

So he asked Yang Bingyue: "Yueyue, do you have a driver's license?"

"Well, I took the test when I was a junior, but I haven't driven a car until now."

"Great, come with me!"

Ye Duan pulled Yang Bingyue up, squeezed through the crowd, and walked towards another atrium.

Su Mengwen stood there in a daze, looking at the mountains of goods, at a loss.

The crowd also moves with the leaf segment.

At this time, Ye Duan was attracting more attention than NBA stars.

When we arrived at the place, there were indeed several sports cars on display, and the brand was Aston Martin.

Ye Duan found the person in charge of the scene and asked, "Is there any car with less than 300 million yuan? Are you selling it?"

The sales manager replied: "The price of this DB11 is 286 million. It is just a display car, and it is usually not for sale."

"Call your boss right away, I want this car now, pay in one lump sum!"

"Okay sir, please wait a moment."

The sales manager immediately called the boss and got the answer without guessing.

Of course you can.

Sports car competition is also fierce now, and the Aston Martin brand is not particularly loud.

Now there are local tyrants buying cars with full money, isn't it a good thing that the sky is falling?
Ye Duan immediately paid the money and bought the Aston Martin DB11.

Just a little over 1 million.

Ye Duan looked at his watch and heaved a sigh of relief.

There are 8 minutes to seven o'clock.

"System, is it there? Have I completed the task?" Ye Duan asked in his mind.

[Host, I'm here. Although it's more than 32, I won't embarrass you this time. Let you complete the task. 】

"Thank you system, you are so kind, you must be a beautiful woman!"

[The host should not be naughty, if you talk nonsense next time, you will be responsible for the consequences! 】

"Don't dare, don't dare." Ye Duan was terrified.

[Congratulations to the host for completing the task and obtaining 100% equity of Shanghai Hang Lung Plaza Shopping Center + 100% equity of Shanghai Global Harbor Shopping Center.All the procedures have been completed, and the documents and other materials are in the home of the host, Tang Chen Yipin. 】

Ye Duan was frightened, so he didn't speak.

Unexpectedly, the system has opinions.

[Smelly host, I don't know how to say thank you. 】

"It's you who didn't let me talk nonsense, I'm afraid you won't be happy if I say something wrong."

【Cut, am I that stingy? 】

"Hey, the system is not stingy at all, it's so cute." Ye Duan hurriedly said nice things to the system.

[Hehe, the host really knows how to make girls happy.But don't be too happy, there will be a storm coming soon, we will talk later! 】

Ye Duan's heart, which had just landed, hung up again.

System, system, when did you become a little enemy?
Are you really a girl?
Do you look good?
Ye Duan was thinking wildly and was woken up by Yang Bingyue.

"Brother Duan, what's wrong with you? Stand here and don't talk for a long time."

"Oh, I'm fine, I'm a little tired. Yueyue, this car is for you."

As Ye Duan said, he handed over the car purchase procedures to her.

"Huh? Give it to me?"

Yang Bingyue was overwhelmed with surprise. Looking at the blue Aston Martin DB11 in front of her, she was almost suffocated with joy.

Ye Duan said to the sales manager again: "Please help me deliver the car to Zhongliang Jiangjing No. [-] tomorrow, and call me when you arrive."

Then he brought Yang Bingyue back to Su Mengwen's side.

Sitting down on a laptop box.

In the crowd of onlookers, someone immediately screamed.

Because the laptop he was sitting on was not an ordinary one, but a customized version of Apple's MACBOOK PRO worth 60.

Seeing that Ye Duan was resting, the general manager of Hang Lung Plaza came over.

He said hello: "Sir, I am Qi Tongfa, the general manager here. May I help you?"

"Qi Tongfa, good name. Help me deliver these things to the 5th floor, Building 38, Jiangjing No. [-], Zhongliang later."

"Okay, no problem, I will arrange for someone to deliver it right away."

Qi Tongfa readily agreed.

This kind of local tyrant who spends money without batting an eyelid lives in a mansion worth hundreds of millions, so he must serve him attentively!

Who knows what's behind him.

If the service is not good, maybe he can kill himself as the general manager with a single word.

"I will come to you in two days, work hard!"

Ye Duan stood up, patted Qi Tongfa on the shoulder, and prepared to take the two sisters away.

Qi Tongfa was flattered, but uneasy.

Come to find yourself in two days, nothing will happen, right?
Just as Ye Duan walked out of the protected area, a group of reporters and anchors surrounded him.

"Sir, I'm a reporter from Modu TV, can I interview you?"

"I'm a reporter from the Oriental Entertainment News..."

"I am the second dog of the first paparazzi..."

Ye Duan ignored them, took Su Mengwen and Yang Bingyue, and left without looking back.

Reporters and anchors who didn't know the truth, as well as some self-media editors, made up their own brains, added fuel and vinegar, and exaggeratedly reported Ye Duan's crazy behavior extensively.

All of a sudden, there was news about Ye Duan on TV, on the Internet, and on mobile phones.

"China's richest second generation!"

"Handsome and wealthy heartthrob brother!"

"The chief supreme shopaholic who spends money without blinking an eye!"

"The ultimate infatuated man who spends a lot of money for the stunning sisters!"


Soon, the property under Ye Duan's name was also picked up.

Different from the last cyber violence, Ye Duan has more than [-] billion assets under his name.

Ritz-Carlton Hotel, IFC Office Building, Hang Lung Plaza Shopping Center, Global Harbor Shopping Center.

There are legends about Ye Duan circulating in the entire Demon City, and even half of China...

Because of his wealth, he has already ranked among the top 20 richest people in mainland China.

It seems that Ye Duan's assets are not many.

But what is frightening is that he owns 100% of these assets!
(End of this chapter)

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