Chapter 119 Are you tired today?

eight pm.

Ye Duan had dinner with Su Mengwen and Yang Bingyue, and returned to Zhongliang Jiangjing No. [-].

The three of them had just arrived at the elevator entrance.

I was stopped by one person.

It was Ye Duan's old classmate, Lin Meishuang.

"Ye Duan, you are back, are you tired today?" Lin Meishuang said with a smile.

She already knew Ye Duan's glorious deeds.

First, she was told by a colleague in the IFC shopping mall, and then it spread on the Internet one after another.

But she didn't want to question Ye Duan.

Just trying to find a suitable way to smooth things out.

My old classmates, what can I do?

I have known for a long time that he is very lucky, but I didn't expect it to be so prosperous.

He even brought back two at a time!

Oh, it's difficult!
"Hey, I'm really tired today."

Ye Duan was embarrassed, scratched his head and said.

Lin Meishuang ignored him, but walked to Yang Bingyue's side.

He took her hand and said, "Yueyue, when did you come? I've wanted you to come to Shanghai for a long time."

"Hi sister Lin, I arrived this afternoon, this is my cousin."

Yang Bingyue quickly introduced her cousin.

When she was in Jinhai Real Estate, she heard about the relationship between Lin Meishuang and Ye Duan.

So I was a little scared, so I pulled my cousin out.

"Hello, my name is Lin Meishuang."

"Hello, Su Mengwen."

The two greeted each other.

Su Mengwen was very calm, she had expected such a scene a long time ago.

Just don't know the depth of each other.

Ye Duan saw that the few people did not fight, and said: "Let's go, let's talk about it when we go home."

"Go to my house and sit down. I live on the 39th floor."

Lin Meishuang said with a smile.

She wanted to explain the matter clearly today, otherwise she would be confused and something would happen sooner or later.

So several people entered the elevator and went up to the 39th floor.

When I came to Lin Meishuang's house, the atmosphere was also very awkward.

Several people were sitting on the sofa watching TV, and only Ye Duan was eating the fruit on the table.

None of the three girls wanted to speak first.

Everyone knows what's going on.

How dare you say it out loud?
Now that the matter has come to this point, Ye Duan doesn't want to hide any more, and wants to have a showdown with them.

Just then, the doorbell rang.

Lin Meishuang went to open the door, and it was Liu Qian who came.

"Sister Lin, let me tell you a good thing. Brother Ye asked me to be a charter woman. It's my first day of work today. Guess how much rent I got?"

Liu Qian stood at the door changing shoes, not knowing what was going on inside.

"How much?" Lin Meishuang asked.

"6800 million! A multinational company rented an office building of [-] square meters and paid the rent for one year at a time."

"Ah? Where is it? The rent is so high!"

"It's right next to your shopping mall, the office building of the IFC Center. You don't know yet, the two office buildings of the IFC Center belong to Brother Ye. He is really amazing, and I especially admire him now!"

"Well, he is indeed very powerful!" Lin Meishuang had something to say.

Liu Qian didn't know anything.

She hadn't had time to read the gossip messages on her phone, so she didn't understand what it meant.

Instead, he continued: "Yes, and brother Ye is so kind to me. I said I wanted to be a charter woman, but he actually asked me to collect rent for the office building of the International Finance Center, which is a full 20 square meters! God, I'm about to be Brother Ye is spoiled to death!"

The two stood at the door and chatted.

Their words were heard clearly by the people inside.

Ye Duan was afraid that Liu Qian would sprinkle dog food again, so he got up and went to the door.

"Brother Ye, are you here too?"

Seeing Ye Duan, Liu Qian was very excited.

All of a sudden jumped on him.

"Thank you, Brother Ye!"

Liu Qian couldn't help kissing Ye Duan.

Ye Duan quickly released her and said, "Ahem, Qianbao, sister Lin has guests at home today."

After speaking, he brought Liu Qian to the living room.

Only then did Liu Qian see Su Mengwen and Yang Bingyue.

Lin Meishuang also followed and introduced them to each other.

A few big beauties, you look at me, and I look at you.

Don't know what to say.

In terms of appearance, they are not much different from each other.

Liu Qian scored the highest with 98 points, followed by Yang Bingyue with 97 points, Lin Meishuang with 96 points and Su Mengwen with 95 points.

But Su Mengwen's peach is the biggest.

So everyone is evenly matched.

No one left either.

Because Ye Duan was here, none of them wanted to leave him.

However, they all deliberately kept a distance from Ye Duan to express their displeasure.

I seem to be thinking in my heart: What should I do if you are a big villain?
Lin Meishuang is very kind-hearted.

She didn't want any of her younger sisters to get hurt, nor did she want to embarrass her old classmates.

However, she didn't know what to do.

I can get along well with them, but are the other three willing?
The trouble should end it.

Let Ye Duan deal with it.

Thinking of this, Lin Meishuang walked up to Ye Duan and said, "Old classmate, please say something."

Ye Duan wanted to show his cards directly, he didn't want to avoid anything.

Just say it all.

Whether to go or stay, let them decide for themselves.

He was about to speak when the system's voice suddenly sounded.

【Ding!It is detected that the host may capsize, and the Shenhao life task system is starting...]

[Task content: appease the girls in front of you and let them live in peace. 】

[Mission reward: 1000 billion special investment fund + four-level "good luck life system". 】

After listening to the task of the system.

Ye Duan seemed to have caught hold of a savior, and quickly asked, "Good system, help me!"

[Okay, I will send you the eight-character motto: move with emotion, understand with reason. 】

Ye Duan pondered this sentence carefully, and seemed to understand what to do.

"Thank you system, you are amazing, you can wake up the dreamer with just one word."

【No thanks.One more sentence for you: women should be pampered and coaxed, but not indulged. 】

"Okay, I understand, the system is really good!"

[Cut, I'm not an expert, go and complete the task quickly. 】

After being awakened by the system, Ye Duan decided to use another method.

Although a direct showdown is easy, it is too rough.

Women are made of water, which can moisten everything, submerge everything, and contain everything...

You can't freeze them into ice, or you will be head-to-head.

It will hurt.

Pet them first.

When pets are in place, people become obedient.

Everyone is obedient, won't we be able to live in peace?

Let's start with Shuang'er.

Ye Duan ate a piece of rock candy heart apple, sweet to the bottom of his heart.

Smiling, he said to Lin Meishuang: "Old classmate, are you tired from work recently?"

Lin Meishuang shook her head, wondering what he was up to.

"Then you do me a favor, can you?"

Lin Meishuang nodded.

"Recently, I have wholly acquired Hang Lung Plaza Shopping Center and Global Harbor Shopping Center. Please help me manage them."

"Old classmate, are you kidding me?"

Ye Duan smiled and said, "Of course I'm not joking."

Lin Meishuang was shocked.

She had just received an annual analysis report on Shanghai Shopping Mall. The data showed that Global Harbor's sales last year were nearly 100 billion, ranking first in Shanghai.The sales volume of IFC shopping mall is about 90 billion, ranking second.Last year, Plaza Hang Lung's sales exceeded RMB 70 billion, ranking third in Shanghai.

Now the top three shopping malls in Shanghai are all owned by Ye Duan!

Moreover, he actually left it to himself to manage! !

What a heavy burden! ! !

"Old classmate, I can't manage three shopping centers by myself."

"You can sit in the IFC shopping mall and command the other two remotely, so it's easy."

"Well, thank you Ye Duan, I will definitely do a good job!"

Lin Meishuang was very moved.

The warm current in my heart came one after another.

Come up.

flow down.

This silly classmate must be trying to make himself happy, so he deliberately bought two other large shopping malls for him to manage.

Fool, even if you don't do anything, I won't leave you either!

Who would give up on you?

It is the greatest luck in my life to meet such a good old classmate!

After pampering Lin Meishuang, it's time for Su Mengwen.

Ye Duan took a bite of the Australian navel orange, and his mouth was filled with sweet juice.

It's really big and moist!
"Wenwen, you have to do me a favor, no, two favors."

"Brother Duan, tell me, what are you busy with?"

"I recently acquired the Ritz-Carlton Hotel, and I want you to be the general manager. This is your old profession, so it should be fine?"

Su Mengwen nodded and said, "No problem, brother Duan, I came to Shanghai to help you."

Ye Duan felt quite touched in his heart.

On the night of New Year's Eve, in a daze...

This charming female subordinate never clings to him, and she doesn't fight for anything.

The work is also very measured.

It's really rare!

Ye Duan said again: "Wenwen, you said that you are very interested in investment, and there are many students in major financial institutions in Shanghai, right?"

"Yes, Brother Duan. Actually, I also saw that there are many opportunities here, so I wanted to give it a try. Because almost all the richest people in the world will get involved in the investment industry, and this is also one of the ways to maintain wealth appreciation."

Su Mengwen explained, Ye Duan certainly understood what she meant.

She already has a strong sense of professionalism, and she also wants to use this to show her value.

In the final analysis, she wanted to help herself.

"I can understand your thoughts. After a while, I plan to start an investment company and plan to invest 1000 billion investment funds into this industry. I want you to be in charge of this, can you?"

"1000 billion? Is it too much?"

Su Mengwen, who is usually very calm, couldn't help getting excited.


The boss is too generous!

One shot is 1000 billion!
Among the college students, someone manages a fund of [-] million yuan and shows it off in the class group all day long.

If you tell them that you have a 1000 billion investment fund.

They will definitely rush to seek cooperation, right?
Seeing Su Mengwen's surprised expression, Ye Duan smiled and continued: "In Shanghai, 1000 billion is not too much. We will discuss this in detail later."

"Okay, thank you Brother Duan for your trust, I will do well."

Su Mengwen was about to cry.

As soon as he arrived in Shanghai, he was so favored by the boss.

First, a river view mansion worth hundreds of millions, followed by a shopping spree worth 1000 million, then the general manager of a five-star hotel, and finally a [-] billion investment fund.


The whole of China, and even the whole world.

Not many female employees can enjoy this kind of treatment, right?
This boss really loves his female subordinates!

If you tell the favor of the boss, the female employees who want to apply may be able to line up to the train station from here, right?
Like Lin Meishuang, Su Mengwen didn't have any grievances at this time.

He was completely conquered by Ye Duan's favor.

Just want to be obedient.

To be his female assistant...

Help him!
Seeing Su Mengwen also looked happy, Ye Duan didn't feel relaxed.

Because Liu Qian was the one who gave him the most headaches.

The reason is not difficult to understand, it was he who took the initiative to let Qianbao be his conch girl, this girl is so caring.

And among the four, Qianbao has the best looks and the best figure.

With a face value of 98 points and straight and seamless long legs, it is a scenery wherever you go.

The point is, Qianbao is very clingy, and he also likes to be with her.

Those who are favored are fearless.

Qianbao seemed to be spoiled.

Ye Duan ate a strawberry, which was sweet and sour, fresh and tender.

Ready to convince Qianbao.

But before he could speak, Liu Qian took the initiative to sit beside him.

Holding his arm, she pouted and said, "Brother Ye, I want to help you too."

"You, you are helping me by being your charter wife."

Ye Duan pushed Liu Qian's hand away and said angrily.

He actually did it on purpose, so as to show his fairness and justice.

Can not favor one over the other!

In private, he can love Qianbao infinitely, and let her go to heaven.

But not now.

Keep a proper distance from her.

Openly flirting, others will be jealous.

"Brother Ye, don't kill me, I'll collect the rent for you."

Liu Qian was a little unhappy.

The master has always loved her very much, even in front of Sister Lin, he is more toward her.

As a result, two more female assistants came now, and they started to attack her.

It's like a different person.

Ye Duan did not comfort Liu Qian, but continued talking about her.

"Also, don't keep thinking about being a charter woman. Don't forget that you are still my conch girl. You have to take care of the house, wash and cook for me, you know?"


Liu Qian's eyes were red, and she was so wronged that she was about to cry.

Seeing the sudden change in the painting style, Lin Meishuang hurriedly took the center to reconcile.

"Old classmate, Sister Qian has always been very considerate. She wakes up early every morning to make breakfast for you. You are not satisfied."

Sitting next to Liu Qian again to comfort her.

"Okay, sister Qian, don't be angry, I won't make him breakfast in the future, just starve him a few times."

"Sister Lin, I'm not angry..."

Liu Qian didn't know what she did wrong.

I feel very aggrieved.

But I can't cry out, lest the master will be unhappy.

So he stood up and sat down on the chair by the balcony.

Seeing Qianbao's pitiful look, Ye Duan felt a little distressed.

But he still controlled it and didn't go to comfort her immediately.

That's how it is sometimes.

The more you love the people around you, the less you can show your liking.

Ye Duan ate a cherry, the sweet flesh was mixed with shyness, it seemed that it was not fully ripe yet.

Just like sister Yueyue.

Yang Bingyue is the youngest of the four, 22 years old this year, with a chastity score of 99.

It is as pure as the ice and snow at the top of the Antarctic continent.

Not polluted in any way!

It's really worrying to let her go out to work alone.

It stands to reason that she should be allowed to follow Su Mengwen, because they are cousins.

Moreover, she majored in financial management, and after the establishment of an investment company, she will be more suitable for her job.

However, the hotel is mixed with fish and dragons, and the simple Yueyue may not be able to adapt to that kind of environment.

Let her follow Shuang'er first.

After making up his mind, Ye Duan said to Yang Bingyue: "Yueyue, what kind of work do you want, I will arrange it for you."

Yang Bingyue was already petrified.

She has not yet graduated from college and has not formally joined the work.

The shopping malls, big hotels, and 1000 billion investment funds mentioned by Ye Duan and others just now...

frightened her.

She felt that these were high above, things that could never be touched.

Unexpectedly, it has now become Brother Duan's property.

But what can you do yourself?

can't do anything...

Thinking of this, Yang Bingyue replied: "Brother Duan, I don't know how to do anything, can I follow you and be your little assistant?"

After Liu Qian heard this, she kept turning her head to look at them.

Heart sour.

I am Brother Ye's personal assistant!

You don't want to join in the fun, okay?

However, she didn't say it.

(End of this chapter)

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