Chapter 120 You are a big villain!

Ye Duan guessed that Qianbao would be jealous, so he deliberately glanced at her.

Unexpectedly, Liu Qian was also looking at him.

So the four looked at each other, and their eyes collided together.

Liu Qian hurriedly lowered her head to play with her mobile phone.

My heart is no longer uncomfortable.

Because she saw Nuan Nuan's love in Ye Duan's eyes.

At this time Su Mengwen said: "Brother Duan, let Yueyue follow me, I am her cousin, and I should take care of her."

Lin Meishuang also said: "Old classmate, I also want Yueyue to continue to help me."

Yang Bingyue was very moved when she saw the two sisters vying for her.

I don't know how to choose.

Ye Duan made the decision for her, and said to Yang Bingyue with a smile: "Yueyue, follow Sister Lin first, help her manage the finances of a few shopping malls, exercise first, and after you graduate, I will arrange for you again." Work."

"Well, thank you, Brother Duan."

Yang Bingyue nodded happily.

How lucky that so many people love her!

Liu Qian also breathed a sigh of relief, no one competed with her for the position of the master's assistant.

Everything was arranged properly, and Ye Duan completely relaxed.

Everyone has something for everyone.

This way we can live in peace!
Hey, I'm such a genius!

He didn't say a single nasty love word, but he solved the most difficult problem.

It won't capsize this time, will it?

Ye Duan was complacent when his phone rang.

It was delivered by Plaza Hang Lung.

Products purchased at the Hermès store were also delivered.

"Send them all to me on the 39th floor."

Ye Duan decided to distribute these commodities by old classmates.

Soon, piles of goods arrived at Lin Meishuang's home.

Liu Qian just swiped her phone and found out about Ye Duan's shopping spree.

And it was a good thing to do with Su Mengwen and Yang Bingyue.

But she was not particularly surprised, because she and her master had already done this kind of thing.

Humph, what a big deal!
There can be many female helpers, but there is only one conch girl!
Liu Qian used the spiritual victory method.

Although my heart is sour, I still don't want to go downstairs and go home.

Can't move my feet...

Seeing more and more things being shipped in, Liu Qian finally couldn't bear it anymore.

I feel a little out of balance.

Said to Lin Meishuang: "Sister Lin, you see Brother Ye is spending money indiscriminately again, what's the use of buying so many things?"

"Silly girl, are you jealous?" Lin Meishuang said with a smile.

"No! Look, isn't it a waste of money to buy such an expensive limited-edition lipstick?"

Ye Duan heard Liu Qian's complaint.

He picked up a lipstick and handed it to her: "Here, here it is for you."

"Humph! I don't want it!"

Liu Qian was still angry with Ye Duan, deliberately speaking hard.

"No? Don't regret it, hehe."

Ye Duan deliberately teased her.

"Don't! It's not for me."

Liu Qian continued to be angry, sitting on a chair and looking outside.

Ye Duan shook his head with a smile and ignored her.

Just wait to cry later.

Silly girl!
Lin Meishuang, Su Mengwen, and Yang Bingyue helped carry things.

After a while, the carpets in several rooms were filled with various commodities.

Things are finished.

Lin Meishuang asked: "Old classmate, what should I do with so many things? My house has become a warehouse."

"Give Wenwen and Yueyue the clothes and shoes that have sizes, and you can allocate the rest."

Ye Duan remembered something, and added: "By the way, Shuang'er, there is a Cartier diamond necklace, which is also for Yueyue."

Yang Bingyue said quickly: "Thank you, Brother Duan."

His face was full of happiness.

Lin Meishuang began to distribute things as instructed.

"Wenwen and Yueyue, take your things away first."

So Su Mengwen and Yang Bingyue began to transport things downstairs.

They live on the 38th floor, which is quite convenient.

Seeing that everyone was busy, Liu Qian was too embarrassed to sit still.

Then help them transport things.

Su Mengwen smiled and said, "Thank you, sister Qian, can I call you that?"

"Well, I'll call you Sister Wenwen from now on." Liu Qian responded politely.

She was just angry with Ye Duan.

There is no malice towards Su Mengwen and Yang Bingyue.

It can be seen from their words and deeds just now that they are all very good girls.

It's just cheap for the master, the bad guy.

With so many beautiful and virtuous female assistants!

The relationship between Su Mengwen and Liu Qian became much closer in an instant.

Yang Bingyue also found an opportunity to express her gratitude to Liu Qian.

"Thank you Liu Qian, how old are you this year?"

"I'm 23, what about you?"

"I'm 22, so I'll call you Sister Qian."

"Okay, I'll call you Sister Yueyue just like them."

"Good sister Qian."

The two looked at each other and smiled, and became a pair of good sisters.

All of this was seen by Ye Duan.

I am delighted.

If things go on like this, the world will be peaceful!

Everyone rowed with great strength, and the things were moved quickly.

Back on the 39th floor again, everyone took a rest for a while.

Lin Meishuang said: "I took a look just now, basically there are 10 pieces of each item. We each choose one item of each item, and keep the rest with me first. What do you think?"

Several people nodded in agreement.

"Well, let's choose something. Yueyue is the youngest, let Yueyue choose first."

Lin Meishuang does have the demeanor of a big sister.

Ye Duan sat on the sofa and ate melon seeds, very satisfied with the arrangement of his old classmate.

Yang Bingyue was embarrassed to come first, so she refused: "Sister Lin is the biggest, you should choose first."

Lin Meishuang was also unwilling to use the big to bully the small, so she proposed again: "Then let's choose together and discuss it, so the speed will be faster."

So everyone started to pick things up.

Liu Qian was still sitting on the chair by the balcony.

not moving at all.

Lin Meishuang came over and asked, "Silly girl, why didn't you choose?"

"I just said I don't want..."

Liu Qian pouted.

He glanced at Ye Duan.

Although she regretted it a bit, she didn't want to be laughed at by the master.

Lin Meishuang saw that Liu Qian was still angry with her old classmate, so she comforted her and said, "Don't talk to him, he's just teasing you on purpose. Come and choose, now I have the final say."

Su Mengwen and Yang Bingyue also came over to pull Liu Qian.

Ye Duan knew it was time to do it himself.

So he stood up, walked up to Liu Qian, and said with a smile: "Qianbao, don't be angry, I was wrong just now, go and choose, these things were originally bought for you. If you don't choose, I will feel bad of."

Lin Meishuang was also on the sidelines venting her anger for Liu Qian: "Next time, don't be cruel to Qianbao again. Did you hear that, and don't be cruel to any of us, or we'll beat you together!"

"Beauties, I will never dare again."

Ye Duan raised his hands, pretending to be scared.

Everyone laughed.

Liu Qian also showed a smile, and happily went to choose things with her sisters.

Seeing their harmonious appearance, Ye Duan was also elated.

Now the task will be completed for sure!

A few girls chirped to choose something, but they were modest with each other, and there was no dispute.

Ye Duan was bored, so he took a shower, lay on the sofa and played with his mobile phone.

Soon he met Duke Zhou.

It was not until eleven o'clock in the evening that the four sisters chose their own things, and then helped each other transport them back.

Each gets millions in gifts.

The mood is also extremely comfortable.

Su Mengwen and Yang Bingyue thanked Lin Meishuang and returned to the 38th floor.

Liu Qian also reluctantly went downstairs to her home on the 36th floor.

Lin Meishuang took a shower and was about to wake Ye Duan up and go to bed.

But I feel something is wrong.

Wenwen and Yueyue just came to Shanghai.

It stands to reason that Ye Duan should be allowed to accompany them.

After all, we haven't seen each other for so long.

But Liu Qian is in a very bad mood today, shouldn't she let her old classmate accompany her?
Forget it, let him decide for himself.

"Old classmate, wake up." Lin Meishuang gently pushed Ye Duan.

"What's the matter, Shuanger?"

Ye Duan opened his eyes in a daze.

"Go and accompany Wenwen or Qianmeizi."

Lin Meishuang said.

Ye Duan didn't agree, but watched TV with his old classmates.


In the night of early spring, everything is silently sprouting and growing.

Leaving Ye Duan alone, Lin Meishuang felt a little guilty.

The two sisters, Su Mengwen and Yang Bingyue, are lucky to live together, and they take care of each other.

She was a little worried about Liu Qian.

This girl is actually quite obedient, caring and gentle, and also good at taking care of others.

It's just a little too clingy, and some are jealous.

Being wronged today must make her feel very uncomfortable.

Or let Ye Duan go and see her.

So Lin Meishuang said: "Old classmate, do you want to coax sister Qian? She seems very unhappy today."

"Shuang'er, you really have a good heart, but you don't have to worry, Qianbao won't be really angry with me."

"Are you so sure?" Lin Meishuang was still worried.

"Of course, if she is really unhappy, she will stay here tonight."

"Well, you should know her better."

"Hey, actually I know you very well." Ye Duan smiled wickedly.

"Don't be so confident, okay? Then guess what I'm thinking now."

Lin Meishuang didn't believe that he could guess it.

Ye Duan said with a smile: "You are wondering whether you want to watch TV again."

"Old classmate, you are so bad... I didn't think about it..."

After Lin Meishuang finished speaking, she was almost ashamed to death.

"No? I have proof."

"That's not mine..." Lin Meishuang quickly defended herself.

"Could it be mine?" Ye Duan deliberately teased his classmates.

"It must be yours!"

Lin Meishuang changed the subject and said, "Ye Duan, you'd better go and coax sister Qian, otherwise I won't be able to sleep well."

"Okay, I'll go down and have a look at her, you go to bed first."

Ye Duan was actually a little guilty, feeling that he was too indifferent to Qian Bao.

But Shuang'er's heart is really kind.

Thinking of others everywhere.

Angels are nothing more than that, right?

Ye Duan got up and put on his clothes, and said, "Shuang'er, you are so kind!"

Then came to the 36th floor.

Ye Duan rang the doorbell, and then hid in the blind corner of the monitoring.

He wanted to tease Qianbao.

At this time, Liu Qian was not sleeping, but was sorting things out.

Arrange the gifts that Ye Duan gave just now in order and store them away.

The title of Conch Girl is not in vain.

Hearing the doorbell ring, Liu Qian went to the door and looked at the surveillance screen, but found that there was no one there.

She was a little scared.

Who could it be so late?

Can't be a bad guy?

Is it a robbery?

Or robbing?
But there is no one outside, it can't be a ghost, right?
The more Liu Qian thought about it, the more frightened she became. She ran to the living room, picked up her phone and sent a message to Ye Duan.

"Brother Ye, come and save me, someone is knocking on my door, come quickly..."

After seeing the message, Ye Duan deliberately waited for a few minutes before knocking on the door.

dong dong dong...

Liu Qian heard a knock on the door, and saw from the monitoring screen that it was the owner.

Hastily opened the door.

All of a sudden, he got into Ye Duan's arms and hugged her hands tightly.

"Brother Ye, you scared me to death just now."

"Don't be afraid of Qianbao, I'm here."

Ye Duan picked up Liu Qian, walked directly into the bedroom, and threw her on the big bed.

But Miss Conch still refused to let go, and put her arms around her master's neck.

She looked at her male god obsessively.

He said pitifully: "Master, I was wrong just now, I shouldn't have acted like a baby with you in front of them..."

"Then tell me why you can't do this."

"Because they will be jealous, they will be angry with you in their hearts, and they will be angry with me, and they will put you in the middle, and the relationship between the few of us will become very bad, how will we live in the future .”

Liu Qian's analysis was right, this was exactly what Ye Duan was worried about.

If you want to get along with each other in a friendly way, you must master your sense of proportion.

Especially since everyone is not familiar with her, it seems that Qianbao is particularly favored when they meet for the first time. This is not for her benefit, but for her harm.

Ye Duan was very satisfied with Liu Qian's reaction, and kissed her small face as a reward.

"Qianbao, you are such a caring little girl, you can see my thoughts clearly. I just attacked you just now, not because I don't love you anymore, but for your own good, you know?"

Liu Qian nodded.

He moved his body and turned over to lie on his master.

The little head lay on Ye Duan's chest and said: "Master, I know your heart, but the person you love the most is me."

"You little villain, you're not ashamed to be so narcissistic."

"I'm not narcissistic, obviously I am. The job you give me is the easiest, and I don't have to collect rent every day, so I can spend more time with you. You must have planned this way, am I right? ?”

"You discovered all of this, you are really a little bug in my stomach."

Ye Duan couldn't help laughing, and put Qianbao's little hand on his stomach.

Liu Qian quickly took his hand away and put it in the palm of his master.

"Well, I don't want to be a bug. I will be your conch girl and serve you every day."

"What will you serve me?"

Ye Duan touched the smooth back of Qianbao's hand, thinking badly.

Liu Qian understood what he meant, and said shyly, "I will do whatever the master asks me to do..."

"Then what should we do now?"

Conch girl blushed, leaned into Ye Duan's ear and said, "Serve the master to sleep..."


After sleeping for a long time, Ye Duan became more and more excited.

Liu Qian took the initiative to drive him away.

"Brother Ye, go to the 38th floor. Sister Wenwen and Sister Yueyue have just arrived in Shanghai, so they must have a lot to say to you."

"Qianbao, I don't want to leave."

"No, they will be sad if you don't go, and they may be angry with me if they know that you have spent the night with me."

"Okay then, I'll go up, it's not an example to go down."

Under Liu Qian's urging, Ye Duan reluctantly went upstairs.

It's not that he doesn't care about Su Mengwen and Yang Bingyue, but it's too late, it's already past two o'clock in the morning.

He was so sleepy he could barely keep his eyes open.

Another thing that gave Ye Duan a headache.

Yang Bingyue asked to live with Su Mengwen.

This made him unable to start.

Because Yang Bingyue is still a big girl!

Definitely don't know anything.

If she hears some strange sounds, will it scare her?
Or, would she be curious?

She won't eavesdrop, will she?

What if He Yueyue knocks on the door?
can not imagine!

Although everything is unknown, Ye Duan still came to the 38th floor.

What is waiting for him?

(End of this chapter)

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