Chapter 121

Ye Duan came to the 38th floor without knocking on the door.

Instead, he stood at the door and sent Su Mengwen a message.

"Wenwen, are you asleep?"

Su Mengwen replied in seconds: "Not yet, is there something wrong, Brother Duan?"

"Where's Yueyue? Is she asleep?" Ye Duan asked again.

"Slept for a while."

"Open the door for me, quietly."

Su Mengwen gently opened the door.

Ye Duan tiptoed to her room.

Locked the door.

"Brother Duan, why are you so mysterious?" Su Mengwen was a little puzzled.

"Hush..." Ye Duan pointed to the next door and said softly, "Don't wake Yueyue up."

Only then did Su Mengwen come to her senses and nodded.

Talked to the boss about work.


Despite being cautious, the voices of the two people still woke Yang Bingyue up.

dong dong dong...

There was a knock on the door.

Yang Bingyue stood at the door and asked, "Cousin, who are you talking to? Why did you lock the door?"

"I'm playing on my phone, go to sleep now."

Su Mengwen told a lie.

She didn't want Yueyue to see this scene.

If she misunderstood, wouldn't it be impossible to clean up by jumping into the Yellow River?

Yang Bingyue didn't leave, but said: "I can't sleep, I was thinking about Brother Duan, he didn't come to accompany us when we first arrived in Shanghai, does he not welcome us?"

"Smelly girl, don't think about it, go to bed quickly."

Su Mengwen wanted to send her away quickly.

"I want to sleep with you, you open the door."

Yang Bingyue still didn't leave.

Still want to come in.

How to do?
Ye Duan didn't want to hide it anymore.

We were just discussing work, so why be so sneaky.

So he got up and went to open the door.

"Yueyue, why haven't you slept yet?" Ye Duan asked.

"Duan... Brother Duan..."

Yang Bingyue was stunned.


Six gods without masters.

Why is Brother Duan here?
Su Mengwen also came over, took Yang Bingyue's hand and said: "Yueyue, Brother Duan came to see us just now, you were already asleep, so we talked about work."

"Okay, I get it now."

Yang Bingyue lowered her head shyly.

Blue thin, mushrooms.

who am I?
why am i here

Why should I come to Shanghai?
woo woo woo...

It turns out that I am the clown!

Yang Bingyue left crying.

"Yueyue, Yueyue, listen to me..."

Su Mengwen hurried to comfort her.


Yang Bingyue returned to her room and locked the door behind her.

She doesn't need a cousin now.

Su Mengwen was very guilty, standing in front of Yueyue's gate, feeling a little sorry for Yueyue.

But she did nothing wrong.

Isn't it normal for her to talk about work with her boss?
Ye Duan walked over.

Holding Su Mengwen's hand, she said, "Wenwen, don't be sad, it's not your fault."

He said loudly again: "It's all my fault. I shouldn't be here so late to talk about work. I will go back to my own house and live far away from you, so I won't disturb you."

Ye Duan's words really worked.

"Brother Duan, I didn't blame you..."

Yang Bingyue opened the door and stood there blankly with tears still on her face.

Su Mengwen also quickly asked, "Brother Duan, where is your home?"

"Tang Chen First Grade." Ye Duan answered truthfully.

Yang Bingyue asked, "Is it far from here?"

"Uh... that's the neighborhood across the road."

After Ye Duan finished speaking, he suddenly felt hot on his face.

Su Mengwen smiled instantly: "I thought it was far away."

Yang Bingyue almost laughed too.

"Hey, I don't trust you, so I dare not live too far away."

Ye Duan himself couldn't help laughing.

"Is it convenient for you to supervise employees working overtime?"

Su Mengwen gave Ye Duan a look, turned around and went back to her room.

Ye Duan understood what she meant.

"Yueyue, since you can't sleep, shall I chat with you?"


Yang Bingyue pulled Ye Duan and sat on her bed.

The light from the desk lamp exudes tenderness and sweetness.

Looking at the lovely and pitiful little beauty in front of him, Ye Duan couldn't help kissing her lightly.

Yang Bingyue closed her eyes in shame,

It reminded her of the scene when Brother Duan kissed her in her hometown during the Chinese New Year.

Also in the moonlight night, also under the dim light.

It was also brother Duan's kiss.

The difference is that at that time the two did not reveal their feelings.

And now, the two are connected.

"Yueyue, I understand your current mood, but I really can't do better, because the reality is like this, I hope you can understand my situation."

Ye Duan spoke his mind.

Yang Bingyue nodded to express her understanding.

"Brother Duan, I understand. You can only have one girlfriend now, otherwise you will be punished by the people above."

"You are right, so you and Wenwen can only be my assistants."

"Well, I see, I will pay attention to propriety."

As Yang Bingyue said, she left Ye Duan's embrace.

It's not easy for Brother Duan. What can we do now that the situation is like this?

Ye Duan gently stroked Yang Bingyue's hair.

Smell the plain watery fragrance on her body.

She said emotionally: "Yueyue, don't worry, even if you are my assistant, I will definitely take good care of you."

"I believe in your brother Duan, I will work hard in the future."

Yang Bingyue is like a docile kitten.

after awhile.

Ye Duan was a little sleepy and dozed off.

Yang Bingyue said: "Brother Duan, do you want to go back to sleep?"

"I'm so sleepy, can I sleep on the carpet overnight?"

"it is good……"

Ye Duan lay on Yang Bingyue's carpet and had a good sleep.


Ye Duan was a little tired after working until midnight.

Didn't wake up until 09:30 in the morning.

When he opened his eyes, he heard the sound of the system.

【Ding!Congratulations to the host for completing the task and obtaining 1000 billion investment funds + four levels of "Lucky Life System". 】

[Remarks: The 1000 billion investment fund can only be used to carry out various investment businesses, and cannot be used for the daily consumption of the host.The four-level "good luck life system" earns 40 yuan in cash per second. 】

I rub!

1000 billion!
Ye Duan was almost confused.

He quickly said in his mind: "Thank you system, you are such a caring and good system!"

[Hee hee, thank you host for the compliment, but there is no lucky draw this time. 】

"It's okay, I'm quite satisfied."

Ye Duan was telling the truth.

If you invest 1000 billion in anything, you will make a lot of money!

[Satisfaction is the only way to be happy, I wish the host happy every day, let's talk next time! 】

"Thank you system, bye!"

Finish talking to the system.

Ye Duan felt sweet in his heart.

If the system is a girl, she must be a good girl like an angel, right?
For sure, her voice seems to have become sweeter...

Ye Duan opened the mobile bank, and sure enough, there was an extra 1000 billion deposit, which existed in the form of a separate sub-account just like the previous 100 billion film creation fund.

In addition, the income per second has also become 40 yuan.

You can earn 3456000 yuan a day, and 1261440000 yuan a year.

Haha enough to feed the family!

At this time, Yang Bingyue also woke up.

In fact, she woke up long ago, just pretending to be asleep.

She wanted to stay in the same room with Brother Duan for a while.


Lin Meishuang went to work early in the morning.

Liu Qian prepared breakfast and brought it to the 38th floor.

Chatting with Su Mengwen.

Both of them went to universities in Shanghai, Su Mengwen graduated from Aurora, and Liu Qian graduated from Jiaotong University.

So there are a lot of common topics.

Ye Duan and Yang Bingyue, two big slobs, got up from the bed together.

As soon as the two walked out of the room, they saw Su Mengwen and Liu Qian sitting outside.

There was something wrong with the atmosphere.

Ye Duan was afraid of causing misunderstanding, so he hurriedly declared: "I slept on the carpet, don't get me wrong."

Su Mengwen and Liu Qian looked at each other and smiled.

They said together: "There is no 300 taels of silver here! Hehehehe..."

They are all from the past, and they know that Ye Duan likes to sleep on the ground.

In fact, they did it on purpose.

If Ye Duan really did something bad, he would definitely say it.

Secretiveness is not his style.

Yang Bingyue blushed in embarrassment, ran into the bathroom and got busy without saying a word.

Washed up.

Two guys who sleep late, sit at the dining table and have breakfast.

Knowing that Liu Qian prepared the breakfast, Yang Bingyue couldn't help but praise: "Sister Qian's hands are really skillful, and the breakfast she made is really delicious."

"Yes, Miss Conch is a treasure girl." Ye Duan also echoed.

After hearing this, Liu Qian felt sweet in her heart.

Su Mengwen ate a mouthful of dog food.

It's like being hit by [-] points.

Yang Bingyue ate her breakfast in a dawdly manner, but didn't take it to heart.

Because she just slept in the same room with Ye Duan.

It is also a professional dog food spreader.

Had breakfast.

Ye Duan is going to take Su Mengwen and Yang Bingyue to the Ritz-Carlton Hotel to get rid of that nympho Zhao Feiyan.

Asked Liu Qian: "Qianbao, are you still going to collect rent today?"

"No, I want to tidy up the house."

"Well, thank you for your hard work!"

Ye Duan comforted Qianbao.

Then went out with Su Mengwen and Yang Bingyue.

When they arrived at the hotel, the three of Ye Duan went directly to the finance department.

He wanted to find conclusive evidence to convince Zhao Feiyan to leave.

The director of the financial department met Ye Duan once before, and knew that he was the new owner of the hotel, so naturally he didn't dare to neglect him.

Honestly took out all the books.

Under Su Mengwen's guidance, Yang Bingyue began to check the accounts carefully.

Ye Duan sat on the sofa and drank tea.

Not long after, Zhao Feiyan, the general manager of the hotel, rushed over in a panic.

"Mr. Ye, why are you here? You didn't say anything in advance, so I can welcome you."

As Zhao Feiyan said, she lifted up a corner of her skirt, revealing black silk pantyhose.

She is going to repeat the old trick and seduce Ye Duan with a beauty trick.

But when he saw the two beauties in the room, he immediately put down his skirts.

No wonder the boss is not interested in her.

The two beauties in front of me are above her in terms of appearance and temperament.

And one of them is particularly charming, and one can tell at a glance that it is a D size, which is bigger than her own.

She instantly became the ugliest woman.

If you continue to show off, you will be playing tricks.

So Zhao Feiyan stood there obediently, waiting for the boss's order.

Ye Duan sneered and said, "Manager Zhao, what was the hotel's turnover last year? What was the net profit?"

Zhao Feiyan began to get nervous.

He said vaguely: "This..., I remember it more clearly in the account."

Ye Duan didn't ask any more questions.

He didn't really want to know the answer, but wanted to suppress Zhao Feiyan's arrogance.

At this time, Yang Bingyue found out some problems.

The accounts between the Ritz-Carlton Hotel and Huaxia International Bank were very chaotic, and the hospitality and accommodation fees were significantly lower than the market price. The daily room rate for an executive suite was even less than 100 yuan.

Su Mengwen looked carefully again, and immediately guessed what was going on.

Someone must have made false accounts and got kickbacks from it.

So he leaned into Ye Duan's ear and said, "It was found out, there is a problem with Huaxia International Bank's accounts."

Ye Duan knew it.

Said to Zhao Feiyan: "Manager Zhao, you can go home now."

"Huh? Mr. Ye, it's not time to get off work yet."

"I mean, you can fuck off, you understand this time?"

Zhao Feiyan was taken aback, the boss wanted to fire her.

But she is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

There is a reason why she can be the general manager of a top five-star hotel in Shanghai at a young age.

"Mr. Ye, I think you still don't know my background?"

Zhao Feiyan was about to reveal her identity.

Ye Duan became interested, and said with a smile, "I would like to hear more about it."

"I didn't want to say it at first, but since you want to know, I'll tell you. My godfather is the president of Huaxia International Bank's Mordu branch, and he is the guest of the highest official in Modu."

After Zhao Feiyan finished speaking, she hummed unconvinced.

"Hahahaha, it scared me to death, it looks so amazing!"

Ye Duan couldn't help laughing.

Zhao Feiyan heard a sense of sarcasm, and said angrily: "You think that you are great because you have money. Everything in Shanghai is about personal connections. I advise you not to fire me. Everyone can be safe and sound." .”

"Hehe, if I'm not mistaken, your godfather's name is Liu Jinzhu, right?"

After Ye Duan finished speaking, he took out a business card and threw it on the floor.

Zhao Feiyan picked it up and saw that it was her godfather's.

She couldn't help being stunned, feeling uneasy.

Has the boss already investigated her background?

Hmph, so what if he knows, unless he has a stronger relationship!

So Zhao Feiyan collected herself, pretended to be tough and said: "Since you know my identity, it will save me from calling my godfather."

"No, you call him right now and tell him that Ye Duan is going to fire you. By the way, tell him again, be careful when shopping with Xiaomi in the future, and don't be so ostentatious."

"Don't talk nonsense, what Xiaomi, I'm the only godfather."

Zhao Feiyan had a bad feeling and immediately called her godfather.

Zhao Feiyan cried to Liu Jinzhu that she was fired by her boss.

"Godfather, my boss is going to fire me and stop letting me be the general manager of the hotel. You have to make the decision for me, woo woo woo..."


"Yes, he is very arrogant. After I revealed your identity, he still laughed at you."


"His name is Ye Duan, and he said that hearing his name can scare you to death."


"Why are you so afraid of him? Who dares not give you face in Shanghai?"


"I've made so much money for you, you can't leave me alone."


"Did you have a new woman and go shopping with her, isn't it true?"


"Bastard, you dare to hang up on my phone, you old scumbag who received a thousand dollars!"

Zhao Feiyan put down her phone, knowing that she was completely screwed.

Weeping and kneeling in front of Ye Duan.

"Boss, don't fire me. My godfather gave me the idea. He asked me to reimburse him at a discounted price, and then he reimbursed him at the normal price at their bank. He took all the money away." Yes, I only allocated less than 100 million."

"I was also spoiled by this old man. He said that I was his only one, his favorite darling, but it turned out to be all lies. Boss, please take pity on me, don't fire me, okay? I beg you……"

(End of this chapter)

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