Chapter 124 Eating together

Xiao Di also had no choice but to say against his will: "Okay, Director Ye's skills should be very good, right?"

"Haha, I was discovered by you, my technique is really good."

With the skill of "God Shooting Hand", Ye Duan's face is getting thicker and thicker.

Lin Meishuang smiled, knowing that he meant something.

This bad guy is always bullying other girls!
Xiao Di also felt that Ye Duan's words sounded weird, but he didn't think about it.

She felt that Ye Duan must not be such a frivolous womanizer.

After all, the last kiss was on my own initiative...

He has always been very reserved.

There is no step beyond the mine pool!
Not to mention taking advantage of the opportunity to make cheap money, or making unreasonable demands.

If he took the initiative to make any request, which girl could refuse it?
Ding Xueer was very pure-hearted, and took it for granted that the uncle must be talking about good photography skills.

What kind of bad intentions could a perfect male god like Uncle have?

Then he said with a smile: "Uncle's technique must be great, I can't wait to experience it~~"

Lin Meishuang took a breath.

I couldn't help but say something in my heart: This girl is really innocent!

"Xue'er, stop rubbing him, the more you rub him, the more it hurts."

Lin Meishuang said, and gave Ye Duan a look.

It means: stop taking advantage of other little girls!
Ye Duan received the gaze, and was too embarrassed to put it on any longer, so he sat up from the sofa.

At this time, Lin Meishuang moved the two gift boxes to the tea table and said, "Xiao Di, Xue Er, this is a gift from Director Ye."

"Sister Lin, what gift is inside?" Ding Xueer was very curious.

Xiaodi is also looking forward to it.

Because it was given to them by someone they like.

What will it be?

"Open it and have a look." Lin Meishuang said with a smile.

Ding Xueer opened the box, her eyes widened immediately.

He opened his mouth and said, "Wow! So many babies..."

Hermès bags, Cartier diamond necklaces, limited edition Guerlain gold diamond lipsticks, luxury beauty creams from Clé de Peau de Skin, commemorative Patek Philippe watches, customized diamond-encrusted gold-plated mobile phones...

Every product is valuable, even the packaging box is like a work of art.

"Thank you uncle, I like it so much~~"

Ding Xueer was so excited that she threw herself into Ye Duan's arms.

Standing on tiptoe, gave him a little fairy kiss.

In Xiao Di's gift box, there are almost the same things.

Although she is a popular star and wears international famous brands, she was extremely shocked to receive so many limited edition luxury goods at one time.

Roughly estimated, worth several million.

This guy is really generous!
You hit people with jewelry and luxury goods at every turn, which woman won't be knocked out by you?
Xiao Di was very excited and wanted to thank Ye Duan.

But now that little girl Ding Xueer was spreading dog food, she could only stand aside in embarrassment, and had no chance to speak out what was in her heart.

Lin Meishuang also felt very embarrassed.

He hurriedly said: "It's getting late, let's go have dinner."

Xiao Di also quickly responded: "Okay, Manager Lin, I'm a little hungry."

Only then did Ding Xueer let go of Ye Duan, and asked with a smile: "Sister Lin, where should we go for dinner?"

"The Jinxuan Restaurant at the Ritz-Carlton next door." Lin Meishuang replied.

Ding Xueer frowned and said, "I don't want to go to that hotel anymore."

Last time at the Flair bar on the top floor of the hotel, she was harassed by Zhao Feiyan's younger brother Zhao Xiaogao, leaving an unpleasant memory in her heart.

So I don't want to go there.

Ye Duan understood what she meant, and persuaded him, "Don't worry, Xueer, that bastard and his sister have already been fired by me, and now no one will bully you."

Only then did Ding Xueer feel relieved, and nodded in agreement.

Xiaodi also knew about the incident last time, and she also took the initiative to stand up for Ding Xueer and expressed her appreciation for Ye Duan's actions.

But she still felt a little uncomfortable.

This guy is too kind to Ding Xueer, right?

It would be enough to fire that little bastard, but even his sister was fired too.

Fired the general manager of a five-star hotel for a trivial matter, isn't that too spoiling Xue'er?

It's a madman who spoils his girlfriend!
But, what is he thinking in his heart, does he like himself or not?

If you don't like it, why send so many gifts?Almost exactly the same as Ding Xueer's.

If you like it, why didn't you take the initiative to contact yourself once after the last kiss goodbye?
He also looks like a passerby to himself.

Alas, the headache!

Under Xiao Di's wild imagination, the three went to Jinxuan Restaurant.

Walking to the downstairs of the IFC shopping mall, Ye Duan called Su Mengwen.

"Wenwen, help me arrange a private room in Jinxuan Restaurant, and prepare dishes for 4 people. We will be there in 5 minutes."

"Okay Brother Duan, I'll make arrangements right away."

After receiving Ye Duan's instructions, Su Mengwen called Jinxuan restaurant and rushed over by the elevator.

When Ye Duan and others arrived at the restaurant, the VIP box was already ready.

With large floor-to-ceiling bay windows, you can enjoy the bustling night view of the magic city while sitting in the box.

Dishes were also cooked, using mostly fresh ingredients flown in from the South.

Authentic Cantonese food, quickly served on the table.

As the general manager of Ritz-Carlton, Su Mengwen greeted them personally.

Lin Meishuang was very surprised to see Su Mengwen present.

She also wanted to contact Su Mengwen to arrange a box, because she is now the general manager of the hotel, so it must be very convenient for her to do things.

But today Xiaodi and Ding Xueer are going to be entertained, and their relationship with Ye Duan is very special.

It's better not to let Wenwen know.

To prevent her from thinking wildly, or feeling uncomfortable after being jealous.

So Lin Meishuang didn't bother Su Mengwen, and wanted to go to Jinxuan restaurant for dinner quietly.

I didn't expect Ye Duan to contact her, and I don't know what this guy is thinking.

It's just lest the world will not be chaotic!

After Su Mengwen left the box, Lin Meishuang quietly asked Ye Duan: "Old classmate, why did you tell Wenwen? Are you not afraid of capsized?"

"Don't worry, Shuang'er, Wenwen is not that kind of person, she handles affairs very well, you will know soon."

Ye Duan was very relaxed and had great trust in Su Mengwen.

He was right.

When the four of them came to Jinxuan restaurant, Su Mengwen could tell that the relationship between Ye Duan and the girl beside her was a bit abnormal.

That fairy-like little beauty held Ye Duan's hand all the way, looking very clingy.

Ye Duan did not shy away from it at all, indicating that the relationship between the two must be extraordinary.

The other beauty is the big star Xiaodi, Su Mengwen recognized it immediately.

When she first saw Xiao Di, she was indeed very surprised.

Because she has never had such close contact with a popular star.

I am also very curious why Xiao Di is with Brother Duan and Sister Lin.

But thinking of Ye Duan's wealth and status, Su Mengwen quickly figured it out.

Brother Duan is now worth hundreds of billions, isn't it normal to be with female celebrities?

Su Mengwen is very clear about her identity, and is very grateful for Ye Duan's trust.

(End of this chapter)

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