Chapter 125 Yang Bingyue is sick
Ye Duan asked her to arrange a box, explaining that she didn't want to hide anything.

Instead, he regarded her as someone he could completely trust!
So she behaved very measuredly, always greeted several people as the general manager of the hotel.

Lin Meishuang couldn't help but look at Su Mengwen with admiration, thinking that she is a very trustworthy and good sister.

I also secretly decided in my heart that I will definitely get along with Wenwen in the future.

Together to assist the old classmate, so that his career flourishes.

Su Mengwen also admired Lin Meishuang very much.

Brother Duan clearly regards her as an old classmate, but let her make many decisions. Her status is undoubtedly the most noble.

But Sister Lin is not proud of it at all, instead she is courteous in every way.

Brother Duan was holding a little beauty by the arm all the way today, but Sister Lin turned a blind eye and wasn't jealous at all.

This kind of demeanor is really an example for people to learn from!

Su Mengwen also secretly made up her mind to follow Sister Lin in the future and straighten her identity.

Throughout the dinner, Xiao Di was rather dull.

Watching helplessly the man I like and his little girlfriend are sweet and sweet, but I don't want to leave or stay.

She felt very uncomfortable.

It's all because of my status as a big star, it would be great if I were an ordinary person!
If you love, you will love, if you share, you will share, if you hate, you will hate.

No one will pay attention, let alone make irresponsible remarks.

However, female stars can't fall in love normally?

Why do some people feel inexplicably disgusted when it comes to female stars?

I am also a girl who loves fantasy, and also a young woman with dreams!

Moreover, I am also a virgin!

Where is he not worthy of him?

He was so active, but he was still indifferent, did he have to let himself take the initiative again?

Hmph, impossible!
I will never take the initiative to approach this man again in the future!
If he likes him, he will take the initiative to chase after him.

If he doesn't take the initiative, I will never think about him again.

Become a passerby from now on!
Xiao Di also made his own choice.

Although it is very difficult and painful, it is better than being unrequited love all the time.

Ding Xueer was the only one, spreading dog food carefree.

Have a meal with her uncle happily.

"Uncle, open your mouth~~"

"Uncle, is it delicious?"

"Uncle, why don't you feed me~~"

"Uncle, eat another steamed bun~~"

It's cloyingly sweet.

In fact, you can't blame her.

She is an 18-year-old girl, and she is still in love for the first time, how did she know to be more reserved?

Ye Duan has also been enjoying it heartlessly.

Let Ding Xueer cling to him, like a little white rabbit, arching around him.

It made him itch...

Finished meal.

Xiaodi and Ding Xueer followed Lin Meishuang back to her office.

Their gifts are still here.

Ye Duan also came along, and agreed to shoot a new print advertisement for the two tomorrow morning, and the location is of course the IFC Mall.

Xiao Di took the gift, said thank you to Lin Meishuang, and then went home in the nanny car.

When leaving, he took a meaningful look at Ye Duan.

What it means, perhaps only Ye Duan understands in his heart.

Needless to say, Ding Xueer, Ye Duan sent her back to school.

The two of them spent a long time downstairs in the dormitory again...

It wasn't until eleven o'clock in the evening that Ye Duan returned to Tang Chen Yipin's home.

He wants to let himself go.

So sleep alone.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he lay down, he was awakened by a sudden ringing of the mobile phone.

Ye Duan originally wanted to sleep alone, but was woken up by the phone.

As soon as it was connected, I heard Su Mengwen's panicked voice.

"Hey, brother Duan, Yueyue's stomach hurts badly, come here quickly."

"Okay, I'll be there soon."

Ye Duan put on his clothes and ran all the way to the 38th floor of Zhongliang Jiangjing No. [-].

At this time, Lin Meishuang and Liu Qian were also at Su Mengwen's home.

"What happened to Yueyue? When did it start to hurt?"

Ye Duan came to Yang Bingyue's room and asked with concern.

"I'm fine, brother Duan. It started to hurt tonight, but it's not very painful now."

Yang Bingyue was lying on the bed, her face pale.

Seeing Brother Duan coming, she did feel a little better.

Su Mengwen added from the side: "She said she came to relatives, that's why she behaved like this, but I still don't worry, it's not like this because relatives have a stomachache, right?"

Liu Qian also nodded and said, "I don't seem to have ever been in pain. Could it be because I practiced Taekwondo since childhood?"

Ye Duan turned his head and gave Qian Bao a look of approval.

The conch girl was so happy.

Lin Meishuang gave a different explanation: "It may also be caused by relatives. I used to be like this. When visiting relatives, the pain was so painful that I rolled on the bed. If I couldn't bear it, I took a painkiller."

"Sister Lin, are you still in pain?" Yang Bingyue asked in a weak voice.

"Last time it didn't seem to hurt anymore." Lin Meishuang shook her head.

Before coming to Shanghai, she had just visited relatives once, and it really didn't hurt much.

"Why doesn't it hurt anymore?" Liu Qian asked cutely.

"I don't know, could it be because..." Lin Meishuang hesitated to speak, as if she was embarrassed to say it.

Liu Qian asked stupidly again: "Why, tell me quickly, Sister Lin, tell Yueyue to do the same, and she won't feel so uncomfortable next time."

"Shuang'er, how did you do it?"

Ye Duan didn't know about girls, and wanted to know the answer.

Su Mengwen guessed the answer, but she was too embarrassed to say it.

Lin Meishuang was pressed by them, so she could only blushed and said, "Maybe it's because... I'm with him..."

Both Su Mengwen and Liu Qian had been there, and immediately understood the meaning of this sentence.


It's really embarrassing.

The two quickly turned their heads away from looking at Lin Meishuang.

Because at this moment her face is like a ripe apple.

Ye Duan scratched his head, looked at her deliberately, and gave her a wicked smile.

Lin Meishuang was ashamed and angry, she really wanted to beat up her old classmate!
Yang Bingyue is still a pure girl who doesn't quite understand the connotation of "together".

Together, it should refer to two people dating, right?
So he asked naively: "Sister Lin, is it possible that if you find a boyfriend, it won't hurt to come to relatives?"

Hearing this, Lin Mei clenched her fists, wishing she could find a crack in the ground and sneak in.

"Cough cough..."

Su Mengwen also coughed deliberately, wanting to remind Yueyue, a silly girl, not to ask any more questions.

Ye Duan pretended not to know what it meant, and deliberately teased Yang Bingyue: "Oh, I know, if Yueyue finds a boyfriend, she won't have a stomachache, right?"


Yang Bingyue's ears turned red with embarrassment.

Liu Qian couldn't stand it any longer, she glared at Ye Duan, and said, "Okay Brother Ye, don't tease Sister Yueyue anymore."

Then he lay next to Yang Bingyue's ear and said: "Sister Lin said that together, that's what she meant."

Yang Bingyue was even more embarrassed.

Buried his head in the blanket.

At this time, she couldn't help coughing twice, and her stomach hurt even worse.

Su Mengwen quickly lifted the quilt, only to see bead-sized beads of sweat on her cousin's forehead.

Ye Duan didn't care about being shy, and reached out to touch Yang Bingyue's stomach.

I only felt that she was covered in sweat, and her stomach was cold.

"No, go to the hospital quickly."

Ye Duan picked up Yang Bingyue and walked towards the door.

(End of this chapter)

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