Chapter 126 The Gentle Leaf Duan

Su Mengwen said: "I will go with you."

"Okay, bring Yueyue's new car keys, her car has 4 seats." Ye Duan ordered.

Liu Qian also wanted to follow, but Lin Meishuang held her back: "Sister Qian, let's wait at home. If we need to deliver anything, we can deliver it directly from home."

Liu Qian nodded and sent them to the underground garage.

Ye Duan drove Yang Bingyue's Aston Martin DB11 sports car, and soon arrived at a nearby hospital.

When I arrived at the emergency department, the female doctor on duty checked and found that there was nothing serious.

It was determined that the abdominal pain was caused by a relative.

Ye Duan wanted to ask if it was after that, it would not hurt so much to come to relatives in the future, but if he asked a boy, he was afraid that the doctor would treat him as a hooligan.

He gave Su Mengwen a look, then pointed at the doctor.

Su Mengwen understood in seconds.

He asked softly: "Doctor, after that girl, will relatives who come to visit in the future not have stomach pains?"

"Is this the boy who said it? Hooligan!" The female doctor said with a smile.

Ye Duan hurriedly cried out for injustice: "You are wronged, doctor, I really didn't say it."

"Hehe, what did you point at me just now?"

It turned out to be seen by a female doctor.

Ye Duan was about to explain, but Yang Bingyue, who was sitting on the bed, blocked her: "Doctor, it was my sister who said it."

"Oh, that's why I wronged this handsome guy, I'm sorry!"

The female doctor sat on the chair and said seriously: "In fact, some girls will indeed relieve the pain when they come to relatives after that. There is a certain medical basis for this.

But it doesn't work for every girl, so girls still have to protect themselves, and you can't make a small mistake, understand? "

Yang Bingyue nodded.

The female doctor prescribed some pain relief medicine, and several people left the hospital.

Ye Duan hugged Yang Bingyue the whole time.

From home to hospital, from hospital to home.

She hardly took a step, she was either sitting in the car or in Ye Duan's arms.

The little girl was also very touched.

On the way home, tears kept flowing.

Being ill this time, it seemed that she took back all the hugs that Brother Duan owed her.

But her feelings for Ye Duan are getting stronger and stronger.

Brother Duan still holds her in his palm and loves her like she did when she was a child.

This time, when she just arrived in Shanghai, she was dazzled by his pampering, and she was dazzled by all kinds of gifts.

Today even has a sports car!

No one will believe you when you say it, right?

Before she graduated from university, she owned an Aston Martin sports car worth more than 200 million yuan.

If my mother knew that Brother Duan loved her so much, she would be very happy, right?
I still don't tell her, what if she wants to come to Shanghai?
Yang Bingyue's mind was full of Ye Duan, and she also forgot about the stomachache, and soon returned to Su Mengwen's house.

Ye Duan hugged Yueyue and put her on the bed.

Lin Meishuang and Liu Qian hurriedly asked what was going on.

Su Mengwen told them what the doctor said.

"It turns out that this method is really useful."

Liu Qian muttered, then sat beside Yang Bingyue's bed and said, "Yueyue, do you want to try it?"

This statement came out.

Everyone in the room panicked.

Liu Qian quickly explained: "I was joking with Yueyue, where are you thinking?"

At this time, Lin Meishuang brought a glass of warm water.

Ye Duan gave Yang Bingyue medicine.

"Thank you for taking care of me, you go back to sleep, I'm fine."

Yang Bingyue was very moved and wanted everyone to go back and rest.

"Then let's go, sister Yueyue, you have a good rest."

Liu Qian pulled Ye Duan and wanted to leave.

But was stopped by Lin Meishuang: "Sister Qian, let Big Brother Ye accompany Yueyue tonight, be obedient."

"Oh fine."

Liu Qian obediently let go of Ye Duan's hand.

Lin Meishuang pulled her away.

Su Mengwen also returned to her room.

Ye Duan sat beside Yueyue's bed and held her hand.

Yang Bingyue's eyes were red, and she said foolishly: "Brother Duan, thank you for being so kind to me..."

Sleeping with Yang Bingyue in his arms, Ye Duan felt very comfortable.

The two felt each other's body temperature, and they just lay there quietly, doing nothing, but seemed to have everything.

Ye Duan's hand kept stroking Yang Bingyue's face, it was as silky as jade.

People can't help but want to kiss.

But Yang Bingyue was tightly in Ye Duan's arms.

Looking for my own typhoon shelter.

She has already decided that she will give everything about herself to this loving and righteous big brother who dotes on her and loves her.

Wait for a sunny day, or a moonlit night.

Complete the most sacred rituals for girls...

At dawn the next day, Ye Duan woke up.

Yueyue in her arms was soundly asleep.

The long black eyelashes set off the fair cheeks.

The round nostrils are panting lightly, and underneath is the tightly closed cherry mouth.

Ye Duan was afraid of waking Yueyue up, so he remained motionless, admiring the little beauty in his arms.

Soon, the beauty opened her eyes.

He found that her sweetheart was looking at her affectionately.

He kissed it without hesitation...

The body is warm and the heart is sweet.

The room is full of happiness...

Not long after Ye Duan woke up, Liu Qian delivered breakfast.

"Brother Ye, come and have breakfast."

The caring conch girl is always like a hardworking bee.

No wonder Ye Duan dotes on her so much, who doesn't like such a good baby?

Had breakfast.

Liu Qian accompanied Yang Bingyue to rest at home.

Ye Duan and Lin Meishuang are going to the IFC shopping mall, and today they will shoot a print advertisement for Xiaodi and Ding Xueer.

Su Mengwen is also going to work at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel.

So the three of them went out together.

Ye Duan was carrying a large bag, which contained a SLR camera and a set of lenses.

Two big beauties were by his side, one on the left and the other on the right.

Walking on the road is also envious of others.

Not long after arriving at the IFC mall, Xiaodi and Ding Xueer also rushed over.

Xiao Di brought a special makeup team.

Ding Xueer basically showed up without makeup.

Apart from styling the hair and adding some jewelry, there is basically no grooming.

This is also Ye Duan's idea.

He wanted to endow Xiaodi and Ding Xueer with different identities and different looks to form a contrast.

Xiao Di represents an intellectual woman over 25 years old, a successful woman with a successful career and a certain social status.

Ding Xueer is the incarnation of a young and beautiful girl, representing the group of young students and Bai Fumei who has just started working.

Their full outfit, including clothes, shoes, jewelry, watches, and more.

All are sponsored by the major luxury stores in the mall for free.

Moreover, various stores are rushing to provide sponsorship.

It is not only to obtain the opportunity to display the brand, but also to please Ye Duan.

His identity could no longer be hidden.

The bosses of the three top shopping malls in Shanghai, with assets of over [-] billion, spent [-] million in three hours...

Who wouldn't want to curry favor with such a super rich man?
(End of this chapter)

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