Sleeping in math class, my status as a scholar is exposed

Chapter 127 Powerful Photography Ability

Chapter 127 Powerful Photography Ability

Knowing that the boss is going to shoot a commercial for the spokesperson himself, the salespersons in the mall also came to watch early, wanting to see the boss's demeanor.

Many fans of Xiaodi also came to cheer for their idol.

Of course, some people want to see a joke.

Among them is Chu Yunfei, the chief photographer of Aomei Advertising Company.

Because Lin Meishuang contacted Aomei Company early in the morning, wanting to rent a set of supplementary lighting equipment, saying that she wanted to re-shoot the print advertisement of the IFC mall.

Chu Yunfei was very upset about this, because he was the one who shot this set of commercials before.

He was also very curious as to who was going to re-shoot the commercials instead of him.

Could it be that Modu has a better print advertisement photographer than him?
Chu Yunfei is quite confident about this.

Because he is not only the chief photographer of Aomei Advertising Company, but also the president of the Metropolitan Photographers Association, and also a visiting professor of Metropolitan Normal University.

His works have won many international awards, and many print advertisements of major companies are from him.

Many big stars have also designated him as the only co-photographer.

If you are not satisfied with his works, who else can make better works?

So Chu Yunfei personally sent the fill light equipment over.

He wanted to see for himself, who was this ignorant photographer?
How dare you play big swords in front of Guan Gong!

Out of courtesy, Lin Meishuang introduced him to Ye Duan: "Dong Ye, this is Mr. Chu Yunfei, the chief photographer of Aomei Advertising Company, and this is Mr. Ye Duan, the chairman of our shopping mall."

"It's a pleasure to meet you." Ye Duan said politely to him.

Chu Yunfei asked curiously: "May I ask Manager Lin, which photographer is in charge of shooting today?"

"It's me." Ye Duan replied.

"Chairman Ye is not joking, right? Photography is a professional subject. For example, I graduated from the New York Institute of Photography, which is ranked number one in the world. May I ask which school did Director Ye study in?"

Chu Yunfei thought Ye Duan's behavior was just a joke.

How can a big boss with a net worth of hundreds of billions have the time to learn photography?
And he had never heard of a photographer named Ye Duan in Shanghai.

"I am self-taught." Ye Duan answered truthfully.

He really didn't take a day of photography lessons.

Although there was this optional course in the university, he didn't take it because he couldn't afford a SLR camera.

Photography is not suitable for children from poor families to learn.

It is still difficult to buy a SLR camera, let alone a variety of lenses.

It is simply a bottomless pit of burning money!

Hearing this, Chu Yunfei became more certain of his judgment.

Although the chairman is handsome and rich, but when it comes to photography, hehe, just wait to be slapped in the face.

Can a self-taught unknown junior compare to the president of his dignified photographers association?


Ye Duan saw the contemptuous expression on Chu Yunfei's face, and knew that he was not convinced.

But he doesn't want to talk to him yet.

What are you talking about?

Works speak louder than words!

At this time, Xiaodi and Ding Xueer are ready.

Ye Duan began to concentrate on filming the two beauties according to the photography techniques instilled in the system.

"Uncle, you want to take a beautiful picture of me~~"

Ding Xueer stuck out her tongue at Ye Duan, and then smiled naturally.

Xiao Di was a little jealous.

But she didn't want to lose to Ding Xueer in front of Ye Duan, so she also acted very confident.

While proudly sticking out her chest, she showed her straight long legs.

Really white as snow...

Ye Duan seized the opportunity to capture these wonderful moments one by one with the camera.

Although posing can realize the photographer's idea.

However, snapping more tests the photographer's skills, and the photos taken are more contagious.

Ye Duan didn't want to follow the old rules and shoot those dull commercials.

He wanted the photos to show the natural side of the spokesperson.

Make them look friendly, not cold and untouchable.

Chu Yunfei couldn't help shaking his head when he saw that Ye Duan didn't play cards according to the routine and the shooting process was very casual.

I couldn't help posting a Weibo: "Some people are really rich and self-willed. They want to have fun with big stars. If they can't take pictures in private, they won't be afraid to make such a big noise! ​​If he can take better pictures than me, I’m going to eat live broadcast!!!”

His disciples and grandchildren and a bunch of dog friends in the circle forwarded the comments one after another.

"Teacher, don't get angry. If you are number two in the photography circle of Shanghai, no one will dare to be number one."

"Who doesn't know President Chu's photography skills? Don't get angry with those local tyrants. They have no artistic talent at all. Their works are simply ruining the art of photography!"

"Master uncle, come on, if you lose, I'll eat with you!"

Several celebrities who did not know the truth and worked with him also praised him.

This microblog quickly became the hot search list and spread in the photography circle.

After seeing it, Chu Yunfei felt extremely at ease.

My position in the photography circle of Shanghai is definitely No 1!

He was also not interested in watching Ye Duan's filming, so he left the mall directly. There were still a few wild models waiting for him to shoot.

Although shooting wild models is not high-grade and does not make money, the invisible benefits are very attractive...

So now there are many cats and dogs who act as photographers with DSLRs, fooling girls around to take pictures in hotels.

It can be said that the drunkard's intention is not to drink...

Ye Duan has been shooting to his heart's content.

Seeing Xiaodi and Ding Xueer in the camera, they are so beautiful, it makes him happy...

The more I shoot, the more excited I get.

Several people filmed until three o'clock in the afternoon.

During the period, Xiao Di and Ding Xueer changed eight or nine sets of looks, sometimes shooting together, sometimes taking turns shooting.

Ye Duan was so busy that he didn't even eat lunch.

After the filming, Xiaodi and Ding Xueer were almost exhausted, and Lin Meishuang hurriedly arranged for them to go to the Ritz-Carlton Hotel next door to rest.

Ye Duan casually ate a few mouthfuls of boxed lunch.

Then copy the photos to the computer and start editing.

Another three hours of busy work.

Finally you're done.

The beautiful advertising blockbuster is out!

Lin Meishuang sat in front of the computer and began to appreciate the photos.

Although she doesn't know much about photography, she can tell that these photos are more contagious.

Xiaodi and Xueer are already beautiful, but they are even more beautiful in the photos.

Men are heartbroken when they see it, and women feel heartbroken when they see it.

Even Lin Meishuang was a little jealous.

I really want Ye Duan to take such a beautiful set of photos for herself...

"Shuang'er, what do you think of my photos?"

Ye Duan stood behind Lin Meishuang, leaned on her shoulder and asked.

Lin Meishuang answered truthfully.

"I don't really understand, but I feel that the photos you took are very different. Their beauty is not the kind of rigid and unattainable beauty, but very kind. After people look at it, they seem to have a kind of desire The urge to talk to them."

"Shuang'er, you are so good! In the past, the print advertisements were all the same, and the stars were photographed aloof, even a little domineering. I want to show their warm side, so that ordinary people can also feel their existence. .”

"I understand what you mean. You want consumers to think that our shopping mall is not so far away after seeing the advertisement, and it is also a place where ordinary people can spend, right?"

"Smart! IFC Mall used to be positioned too high-end, intended to serve a small number of rich people. We can lower it a little bit appropriately, so that the middle class can come here without pressure."

Ye Duan expressed his thoughts.

Lin Meishuang quickly understood the truth.

(End of this chapter)

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