Sleeping in math class, my status as a scholar is exposed

Chapter 128 A Song Sings and Cries Everyone

Chapter 128 A Singing and Weeping People
After all, the rich are a minority, even if they come to buy a limited edition bag every month, the amount of consumption is limited.

White-collar girls sitting in office buildings also want to own a luxury bag, and they are also an important consumer group of top brands.

Their base is also very large. Even if each person only changes one bag per year, the total consumption is still amazing.

Thinking of this, Lin Meishuang said: "Ye Duan, you are so right. I just read a market analysis report recently, and the data shows that half of China's luxury consumers are between 25 and 34 years old, and the post-90s have already It has become the main consumer of luxury goods, so our shopping malls should also find ways to attract these young people.”

"That's right, they are the future masters! Besides, safflower also needs green leaves to set off. When ordinary people can only afford a bag worth tens of thousands of yuan each, and the local tyrants pick up a limited edition bag, the kind of envy The eyes of the rich can show the noble status of the rich."

Lin Meishuang admired Ye Duan's nonsense.

He said adoringly: "Old classmate, you know everything, you are so amazing!"

Then she selected a few photos taken by Ye Duan, and a few photos taken by Chu Yunfei, and sent them to the Weibo of the IFC Mall at the same time.

And deliberately @ the account of the Magic Metropolis Photographers Association.

Lin Meishuang had already noticed Chu Yunfei's Weibo.

This guy dared to laugh at the technique of his old classmate.

It's really a villain who gets his ambition and gets carried away.

Now let you clowns see how powerful your old classmates are!

The photos are right in front of you, and it is clear at a glance which is better.

You sanctimonious guy, just wait for the live broadcast to eat Xiangxiang!
Seeing Shuang'er's operation, Ye Duan felt very warm in his heart, and couldn't help saying, "Thank you, Shuang'er!"

Lin Meishuang selected a few more photos taken by Ye Duan and sent them to Xiaodi and Ding Xueer.

After the two watched it, they were also elated.

Because this is a photo taken by their sweetheart himself, and the photo is even more beautiful than that of a big-name photographer, can you be unhappy?
After Lin Meishuang was done, she turned off the computer.

Ye Duan suggested to have fun at night.

"Shuang'er, the endorsement film is basically done, how about we celebrate it?"

"Okay, you make the decision, I'll listen to you."

"Then let's charter a yacht and take a night cruise on the Huangpu River. What do you think?"

"Well, I'll tell Xiaodi and Xueer now."

Lin Meishuang nodded vigorously, with a happy smile on her face.

Seven o'clock in the evening.

Ye Duan and the others set off from the pier on a yacht.

You can have a panoramic view of the night scene of the bustling magic capital, a scene of a prosperous age full of lights.

Ding Xueer hugged Ye Duan and said excitedly: "Uncle, it's so beautiful and romantic~~, I feel like I'm going to fly..."

"Then fly!"

Ye Duan lifted Ding Xue'er up, and the little fairy screamed in fright.

"Ahhh, let me down quickly..."

"Bad uncle, smelly uncle..."

"Father, please forgive me..."

Xiao Di stood alone in front of the guardrail, seeing their sweet appearance, felt very disappointed.

The rims of the eyes were red with grievance.

Why do you want to fall in love with such a person?
So painful!
Lin Meishuang saw that Xiaodi was unhappy, so she came over to comfort her and said, "Don't think about it, what should come will always come."

Xiao Di didn't understand the meaning of this sentence, it seemed that there was something in it, but she was too embarrassed to ask.

All I could say was, "Thank you, Manager Lin."

Lin Meishuang smiled and said, "If you don't mind, call me Sister Lin from now on."

"Okay, I've wanted to call you Sister Lin for a long time."

Xiao Di also laughed, and her heart was not so dull anymore.

At this time, Ding Xueer shouted: "Sister Lin, Sister Xiaodi, come and eat quickly."

The two held hands and returned to their seats.

Surrounded by three beauties, delicious food and wine are also available.

Ye Duan was stunned.

Swallowing champagne.

After a while, he became drunk.

Xiao Di also wanted to go forward, but unfortunately he didn't have a place of his own.

She has also decided that she will not take the initiative to confess her love to Ye Duan again.

So he sat quietly.

Ding Xue'er laughed so hard that she leaned forward and backward: "Giggle~~ Uncle, one more song, one more song~~"

"Okay! A song "Love Is What I Have" is dedicated to everyone!"

Ye Duan held up the wine bottle as a microphone and began to sing.


I'm afraid that I will fall in love with you myself, and I dare not let myself get too close.

I'm afraid I have nothing to give you, and loving you also takes a lot of courage.


Ye Duan sang, glanced at Ding Xueer, then at Lin Meishuang, and finally fixed his eyes on Xiaodi.

Xiao Di listened to the song, feeling ups and downs in his heart.

She wanted to see Ye Duan, but was afraid to see him.

Afraid of seeing his eyes, afraid of being captured by him.

Still couldn't help but glanced at him.

Unexpectedly, Ye Duan has been staring at her.

The eyes met, and Xiao Di had nowhere to escape.

Her face was red.

A drop of tear flowed down her fair cheek...

Lin Meishuang noticed this scene.

The old classmate was using songs to express their love to Xiao Di, and Xiao Di was moved and cried.

Which song did these two people sing?
I really don't know if we should beat the mandarin ducks.

Little Di looked pitiful.

It's all because the old classmate is so charming, even big stars are seduced by him.

In the whole of China, I'm afraid I can't find a villain who is more charming than him!
It makes girls tickle at every turn...

Or make others cry.

At this time, her cell phone rang suddenly.

It was the great photographer Chu Yunfei who called.

"Hey, Manager Lin, I was wrong, please, delete that Weibo."

"It's because I don't know the heights of the sky and the earth, and I haven't seen Ye Dong's strength. It's because I have no eyes, I deserve to die."

"Please Manager Lin, I don't want to eat Xiang..."

After hearing this, Lin Meishuang roughly guessed what was going on.

Then he said, "I'll take care of it, bye."

Hang up the phone and open Weibo.

Lin Meishuang found that there was already a commotion on the Internet.

The photography circles, fashion circles, entertainment circles, advertising circles of Shanghai... are all talking about old classmates.

It turned out that after the photos taken by Ye Duan were posted on the Internet, they immediately attracted great attention. Experts, scholars, authorities, well-known bloggers and film and television stars in various circles were all shocked by the photos.

"I have been taking professional photos for 50 years, and I have never seen a large portrait with such a unique style."

"This unconventional shooting technique is refreshing, like walking in the fields in spring, which greatly releases the whole body and mind."

"Are these works really made by that handsome and wealthy guy? I really want to find him to make films now."

"I also want to take pictures with him, the private kind..."

At the same time, many people are laughing at Chu Yunfei, and even cut off cooperation with him.

"The president of the well-known Metropolis Photographers Association is actually no better than a self-taught photographer. This president is better off!"

"It's ridiculous to call yourself the number one photographer in Shanghai at this level, and I'm ashamed to be with him!"

"In the future, our group will never have any business dealings with Aomei Advertising Company."

"The artistes in our studio will not work with such megalomaniacs."

There are also many people @ him, let him broadcast live eating Xiang!

(End of this chapter)

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