Chapter 130

Ding Xueer was sitting in front of the dressing table, and Ye Duan gently blow-dried her hair.

Why are girls' hair so long?

It's actually quite troublesome to blow up.

If all these girlfriends let him blow their hair, he would probably be exhausted.

But the little fairy's hair is really good, black and shiny, not only smooth, but also full of luster.

It's almost like an advertisement for shampoo.

Ye Duan couldn't help sniffing Ding Xueer's hair.

Well, it’s so sweet!

Ding Xueer saw it in the mirror.

Asked: "Uncle, why are you smelling my hair? Is it smelly?"

"Smelly, very fragrant, very high."

Ye Duan replied with a smile.

Ding Xueer got up and stood up, hugged Ye Duan and kissed: "Thank you, Dad~~"

The little face smiled like a flower.

Ye Duan got a sweet kiss and became hot all over again.

It is also more vigorous to work!
I blow.

I blow.

i blow blow...

After drying Ding Xueer's hair, Ye Duan drove her out, filled the bathtub with water, and took a bath.

After a busy day, it's time to relax.

Unexpectedly, just as he lay down in the bathtub, the little fairy barged in.

"Hey, what are you doing here, you stinky girl? Get out!"

Ye Duan quickly covered it with his hands.

"Hee hee, I forgot to take my issuing card."

Ding Xueer made a grimace and stuck out her tongue.

Bounced out.

It's just so cute.

It's unbearable...

Ye Duan took a bath comfortably.

After calming down completely, he walked out of the bathroom.

After the two of them took a shower, their minds were clear.

Sitting on the sofa in the living room, looking at each other awkwardly.

"Uncle, do you want to sleep now?" Ding Xueer asked with a blushing face.

"Sleep! You sleep in the master bedroom, and I sleep in the second bedroom."

After Ye Duan finished speaking, he walked towards the second bedroom.

I feel a little regretful in my heart.

If I knew I would not have a presidential suite, I forgot that there are two bedrooms.

Just two steps away, Ding Xueer hugged him from behind.

"No, uncle~~ I'm afraid to sleep alone~~"

"But... I'm afraid to sleep with you too."

Ye Duan turned around and looked at Ding Xueer.

The fair face makes people want to reach out and pinch it.

It must be very comfortable to touch, right?

"Uncle, are you afraid that sleeping with me will cause you to lose control of yourself?"

Ding Xueer asked mischievously.

"Yes, you look so good-looking, what if I can't help it?"

"Enhmm~~ You must hold back, you must hold back, I'm not ready yet..."

Ding Xueer was extremely shy.

Got into Ye Duan's arms.

She thought about giving herself to the uncle on her birthday.

In fact, the date is very close.

"You won't let me sleep in the second bedroom, and I'm not ready, so what should I do?"

Ye Duan still couldn't hold back, and stretched out his hand to pinch her little cheek.

It was really soft and elastic.

The slippery feel is nice.

"Sleep with me in your arms, let's sleep with our clothes on, okay?"

Ding Xueer blinked her big eyes with a pleading expression.

Ye Duan took a breath of cold air.

Sleeping with clothes on again!

Why has it been such a painful experience for the past two days?
First Yang Bingyue, then Ding Xueer, who will be next?
Will there be a next time?

But what about sleeping without clothes?

Sleeping together with clothes on is better than staying alone in an empty room!
"Okay, but you have to be more honest when you sleep, and you are not allowed to move around, you know?"

Ye Duan knew very well that Ding Xueer was not as obedient as Yang Bingyue.

She is a stinky girl, she is very naughty!
But that's why it's also cute.

"Got it, I fell asleep, I can't be shaken, hee hee~~"

Ding Xueer grinningly pulled Ye Duan and ran into the master bedroom.

Then Ma Liudi got into bed.

Only a small head is exposed outside.

Looking at Ye Duan dumbly, he smiled foolishly.

Ye Duan turned off the headlights and got into bed.

Only the wall lamp emits a faint light.

Ding Xueer immediately posted it up, crouching in Ye Duan's arms like a little koala.

"What are you doing? Put it down!" Ye Duan said loudly.

It turned out that Ding Xueer put one leg on Ye Duan's body...

Which man can bear this posture?

Even Liu Xiahui couldn't hold it back!
"But, I like to sleep in this position, otherwise I won't be able to sleep~~"

Ding Xue'er pouted, looking pitiful.

"Okay then, you stinky girl, go to bed quickly."

Ye Duan said this on purpose.

He actually panicked a lot.

Sleeping with the beautiful little fairy in my arms, but not being able to move around, what a painful torment!

If you relax your will a little, you will make a mistake!
So I can only pretend to be tough.

Ding Xueer was in a hurry.

"You are the stinky father. You say I'm a stinky girl all the time. I don't stink at all. If you don't believe me, you can smell it. I smell good."

After the little fairy finished speaking, she stretched out her little head and rubbed Ye Duan's nose back and forth.

A lip also slid back and forth on Ye Duan's face.

I rub!

Really fragrant!

Who can stand this?
Ye Duan couldn't bear it anymore, and suddenly lifted up the little fairy's face.

Forgetfully kissing...

After a while, Ding Xueer became honest.

Lying obediently in Ye Duan's arms.

soon fell asleep...

Ye Duan took a long time to fall asleep.

Because Ding Xueer's legs were still wrapped around him.

He was afraid that if he moved, he would wake up the little fairy.

He had no choice but to maintain a posture motionless, quietly looking at the Sleeping Beauty in his arms.

I don't know when, I just fell asleep.


The next morning, Ye Duan woke up.

The little fairy in my arms disappeared.

I saw that my nightgown had been undone with two buttons, exposing my chest.

What's going on?

At this time, Ding Xueer, who was dressed neatly, walked over with a smirk on her face.

"Uncle, are you awake? Did you sleep well at night?"

"Well, it's okay, I didn't make a mistake, right?" Ye Duan asked.

Ding Xueer shook her head: "No, you slept like hell."

"But, what's going on?"

Ye Duan pointed to his open nightgown.

Ding Xue'er blushed instantly, and said falteringly: "I... I was very curious, so I took a sneak peek..."

"What's so curious about this? If you want to see it, I'll show you."

As Ye Duan said, he was about to take off his bathrobe.

"Smelly dad, don't..."

Ding Xueer was terrified, covered her eyes and fled the bedroom.

"Stinky girl, I can't cure you yet, cut it!"

Ye Duan took off his nightgown and changed into his own clothes.

After the two washed up, they went to the restaurant downstairs to have a buffet-style breakfast.

Then Ye Duan took a taxi to send Ding Xueer back to school.

Now that school has started, Ding Xueer can no longer ask for leave casually, so she can only obediently go to class.

Before parting, the two hugged and kissed each other, not shying away from the students who came and went.

Dog food was scattered everywhere.

On the way back, Ye Duan contacted Xiao Di and asked her to come to Tangchen Yipin at ten o'clock in the morning and bring some clothes she liked.

He plans to shoot Xiao Di for the cover of "Beauty on the Silk Road" magazine in his own home.

Luxurious houses like Tang Chen Yipin are all top-notch decorations, much more upscale than any indoor studio!

And also more private.

Isn't it a good place to take pictures?

(End of this chapter)

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