Chapter 131 Flattered
Ye Duan did not go home directly, but came to the IFC Mall.

The SLR camera and lens used yesterday are still here.

He wants to take them back and take pictures of Xiaodi.

Arriving at the general manager's office, Lin Meishuang was planning to launch endorsement advertisements.

"Old classmate, why are you here?"

Seeing Ye Duan coming, Lin Meishuang greeted him immediately.

"I'm here to get the camera, and I'm going to take a set of magazine covers for Xiaodi in a while."

"Oh. Where did you sleep last night?"

Lin Meishuang really wanted to know the answer.

Did Ye Duan go out to fool around?

You won't have a room with Xue'er, will you?

"I went to the hotel with Xueer to sleep overnight."

Ye Duan didn't hide anything, but told the truth.

The body is not afraid of the shadow slanting!

A man acts aboveboard.

If you tell a lie, you have to cover it up with countless lies, and sooner or later the ship will capsize.

It would be better to tell the truth.

So Ye Duan has always been an honest man, and this is also a shining point of him.


Lin Meishuang was speechless.

I'm really afraid of what's coming.

"But nothing happened, believe it or not?" Ye Duan said.

"Of course I believe it. Although you are very hardworking, you never lie. If something really happened to you, you will definitely tell me, right?"

Only then did Lin Meishuang fall to the ground.

She believed that her old classmates would not lie to herself.

"You still know me best, you are indeed my best old classmate."

Ye Duan asked again: "Is Yueyue feeling better? Has she come to work today?"

"She is much better after taking the medicine. I asked her to rest at home for a few more days, but she didn't want to go to the mall with me this morning."

"Okay, I'll go see her."

Ye Duan left Lin Meishuang's office and went to find Yang Bingyue.

However, he did not go directly to the finance department, but went to the Chanel store on the first floor and bought a limited edition bag.

It is better to spend huge sums of money than asking about one's health.

It's inappropriate to visit a patient empty-handed, right?

Holding a Chanel bag in his hand, Ye Duan came to the office of the finance department where Yang Bingyue was.

Knowing that the boss is coming, the director of the financial department immediately came out to greet him respectfully.

Ye Duan nodded to him, said hello, and walked to Yang Bingyue's desk.

This down-to-earth intern is staring intently at the accounting software on the computer.

She didn't notice that Brother Duan, whom she was thinking of, had already come to her.

"Yang Bingyue, is the weekly report I asked for yesterday ready?" Ye Duan asked intentionally.

The little girl quickly stood up and said, "It will be ready soon."

Looking up, it turned out to be Brother Duan.

Yang Bingyue blushed instantly, and asked at a loss: "Brother Duan, why are you here?"

"I'm here to see you, does your stomach still hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt anymore, thank you Brother Duan for your concern."

Yang Bingyue felt warm in her heart.

Brother Duan has so many properties to work on, and he took the time to visit himself, which is really flattering.

So happy!

"Well, pay attention to your body, this bag is for you."

Ye Duan handed the Chanel bag to Yang Bingyue.

She was shocked, but she was too embarrassed to refuse.

Because the colleagues in the office are staring at them.

She didn't want to sweep brother Duan's face in public.

Yang Bingyue took the bag and said, "Thank you Brother Duan."

The sharp-eyed female colleague can tell at a glance that this bag is worth a lot.

Someone immediately searched the Internet and found that this bag is the latest limited edition women's bag launched by Chanel, and the price is as high as 58.

Several female colleagues almost cried out.

For them, it can be said that they dare not even think about owning this bag.

I can't even carry such an expensive bag in my life.

58 bags can buy a BMW car!

And their boss even gave one to the new intern.


What is the relationship between her and the boss?
Seeing everyone's surprised expressions, Ye Duan smiled and said to the chief financial officer: "Yang Bingyue, my sister next door."

The financial director immediately understood, and flatteringly responded: "Boss, please rest assured, I will definitely take good care of Ms. Yang."

Everyone else in the office also knew what to do.

The boss's younger sister must be curry favor with her.

If anyone offended her, wouldn't he be committing suicide?

Ye Duan's goal was achieved, so he bid farewell to Yang Bingyue and left the finance department.

The little girl's heart was already warm, and her love for Ye Duan became even stronger.


Ye Duan took the camera and lens and returned to Tang Chen Yipin's home.

As soon as the equipment was ready, Xiao Di went downstairs.

Ye Duan went downstairs to pick her up in person.

Xiaodi dressed up very beautifully and sexy today.

Inside the coffee-colored windbreaker jacket was a lake blue long skirt with slits, and her long fair legs were looming.

After Ye Duan saw it, he couldn't restrain his heartbeat.

"Xiao Di, you look so beautiful today."

"Thank you."

Xiao Di seems to be in a good mood, much better than yesterday.

"Let's go up."

Ye Duan took Xiao Di and her female assistant into the elevator together.

On the 36th floor, Ye Duan pushed the door open and entered.

The little assistant was stunned immediately, and opened his mouth and murmured: "Wow! It's so big! Sister Xiao Di, this house is even more magnificent and luxurious than yours!"

Then he asked Ye Duan with adoring eyes: "Boss Ye, is this house 600 square meters? It costs tens of millions, right?"

Ye Duan brought two glasses of fruit juice and said with a smile, "It's more than 800 square meters. I don't know the price."

"A set costs more than 2 million yuan. I asked someone about it."

Xiao Di said something.

She was also quite shocked in her heart, but she didn't show it.

After all, he is a big star, and he has seen some things in the world.

And she didn't want to be laughed at by Ye Duan again.

The little assistant, on the other hand, doesn't have the burden of being an idol. He fumbles around the room, taking pictures with his mobile phone.

"Wow! You're so rich. Boss Ye, you are so rich!"

Looking at Ye Duan, the little assistant almost burst into tears.

Xiao Di regretted it very much.

If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have brought her here. It's really embarrassing.

"Xiaoyu, stop taking pictures, it's time to do my makeup."

Hearing Xiao Di's words, the little assistant reluctantly put down the phone, came to the dressing table in the dressing room, and put on Xiao Di's makeup.

"Sister Xiaodi, this cloakroom is three times bigger than yours. Tsk tsk, this Boss Ye is so powerful, he is really handsome, rich, young and promising, whoever becomes his girlfriend will definitely die of happiness."

"If you don't speak, no one will treat you as dumb."

Xiao Di was told what was on his mind, and a blush appeared on his face.

She really likes Ye Duan, but unfortunately he...

ε=(ο`*))) Oh, don’t think about it.

Xiao Di quickly put on her makeup and put on a sexy lace dress.

This is the first time she has been photographed wearing such cool clothes.

The little assistant asked puzzledly: "Miss Xiao Di, is the fabric of this dress too little?"

(End of this chapter)

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