Chapter 135 School Praise
At 07:30 in the morning, He Shiping wanted to go to work.

Ye Duan stopped her: "Pingping, go later today."

Of course He Shiping is happy.

And fell asleep for a while.

At 09:30 in the morning, the two were still dreaming.

Ye Duan's cell phone rang one after another.

The first one came from Lin Mei's doubles.

Tell him that there will be a spokesperson appearance ceremony for Xiaodi and Xueer at ten o'clock tomorrow morning.

Also, Chu Yunfei was ashamed to be the president of the Metropolis Photographers Association, and took the initiative to elect Ye Duan as the president.

He also wanted to thank Ye Duan for his mercy in person.

The second call was from the great director Han Han.

I want Ye Duan to attend the opening ceremony of the new movie at [-]:[-] pm tomorrow.

The name of the new movie is "Your Youth".

The third one was from the little fairy Ding Xueer.

She was reported for staying out at night the night before, and she had asked for too much leave recently, and the counselor was going to give her a major penalty.

She didn't know what to do and wanted to get help from her uncle.

The fourth one was from Qin Miaofei, the general manager of Modu Film and Television Company.

She wanted to report to Ye Duan and let him attend the company's executive meeting.


Seeing that the master is so busy at work, He Shiping is too embarrassed to rely on him to sleep in.

"Master, get up and go to work."

Ye Duan had to get up.

He Shiping also understood his difficulties.

"Master, you must take care of yourself, pay attention to your body, and don't be too tired."

He Shiping felt sorry for her master.

Will you be exhausted after being so busy with work?

"Well, I know Pingping. My body is very strong. If you don't believe me, take a look."

As Ye Duan spoke, he showed his muscles.

Seeing that He Shiping was embarrassed.

After breakfast, send He Shiping to the magazine office.

Ye Duan drove to the Shanghai Academy of Drama.

Everything else can be put aside.

Ding Xue'er is his darling, and she cannot let the little fairy be wronged.


After seeing Ye Duan, Ding Xueer immediately hugged him crying.

"Uncle, what should I do? Wuwuwu...I don't want to be punished..."

"Don't cry, don't cry, it breaks my heart."

Ye Duan quickly wiped away her tears.

"You go back to class today, and continue to ask for leave to participate in activities tomorrow. The day after tomorrow, I guarantee that your school leaders will take the initiative to find you."

"Huh? The school leader is looking for me? Then I must die."

Ding Xueer looked terrified.

The counselor can give her a major demerit. If the school leader finds her, won't she be expelled?

"It's not to die, but to praise you. You will soon become the number one celebrity on campus, just wait and see."

Ye Duan said with a smile.

Ding Xueer blinked, unable to believe it.

"Uncle, you didn't lie to me, did you? Will the school really praise me?"

"Of course it's true! A teacher will contact you tomorrow night at the earliest, and the day after tomorrow at the latest, and the school will definitely praise you."

Ye Duan has a well-thought-out plan for this.

Ding Xueer will make her official debut tomorrow morning and become the spokesperson of the IFC shopping mall.

In the afternoon, there will be a launching ceremony for Hanhan's new movie, and Ding Xueer will also participate.

There will certainly be a lot of coverage in the media.

Ding Xueer will definitely be the focus.

People will be curious, what is the background of this unknown girl?
Why can he be on an equal footing with the big star Xiaodi?
The leaders and teachers of the Shanghai Academy of Drama will definitely know the news.

Among the freshmen in the school, such a character appeared.

Can they be unhappy?
Can we not set her up as a role model and advanced model for students?
When the time comes, why not go home at night and ask for too much leave, are these trivial problems still a problem?
So Ye Duan is sure that Ding Xueer will be praised!
"Well, I'll wait for another two days. If the counselor still punishes me, I won't spare you!"

Ding Xueer pretended to be fierce, but she was also quite cute.

Ye Duan couldn't help but continued to tease her: "What if I praise you? How should you thank me?"

"I...I'll let you kiss..."

The little fairy blushed.

"No, I want three kisses."

Of course Ye Duan would not let her go so easily.

He whispered again: "And I have to kiss three different places."

Ding Xueer was so ashamed that she raised her small fist and hit Ye Duan.

"Bad uncle, smelly uncle, bullying me all day..."

"If you hit me again, I won't help you."

Ye Duan's words frightened the little fairy and immediately begged for mercy.

"No, uncle, I just let you kiss me, you can't leave me alone, please~~"

"Hey, I'm going to kiss you now, who told you to hit me?"

Ding Xueer was eager to survive, so she had to close her eyes.

Ye Duan left a sweet kiss on her pink and tender face.

After comforting Ding Xueer, Ye Duan rushed to the IFC shopping mall without stopping.

Tomorrow's spokesperson's appearance ceremony must not be underestimated.

This is his first major event after returning to Shanghai, and he must show his strength with a lot of pen and paper.

In the past, he gave people the image of a playboy, who knows how to buy and buy all day long.

Like an upstart.

Nothing but spending money.

In fact, that wasn't his original intention, it was mainly to complete the task of the system.

Now he has to rebuild his image.

Positive, sunny, positive!

Only in this way can we go further and higher!
He wants to become a super rich man with powerful influence, now in Shanghai, then in Huaxia, and finally to the whole world.

Become the man who holds the pulse of the earth!
To realize this dream, money alone is not enough.

Keep your feet on the ground and work hard step by step!
Ye Duan was thinking all the way, the voice of the system suddenly sounded in his mind.

【Ding!It is detected that the host realizes the second stage of Shenhao's life, and the task system is starting. 】

[Task content: Donate 100 billion charitable funds within 1000 days. 】

[Mission reward: 1000 billion Huaxia currency + 1000 billion national currency]

Ye Duan was stunned for a moment.

A lot of money!

It should not be difficult to donate 100 billion in 1000 days.

Donating money is definitely easier than spending it.

Donate 100 billion at a time, and it will be done 10 times!

But the system will not perform such a simple task.

"Sister System, are there any restrictions on donations?" Ye Duan asked.

[The host brother is really smart!Of course, there are restrictions. The amount of a single donation cannot exceed 10 billion, and it can only be used for offline donations, not online donations. 】

"Okay, I will definitely complete the task and spend the 1000 billion seriously."

【Brother host, come on, bye~~】

"Goodbye, sister system."

After finishing the chat, Ye Duan thought for a while.

No more than 10 billion each time, means at least 100 donations.

It also needs to be completed within 100 days, with an average donation of 10 billion yuan per day.

It's really hard.

But, for the sake of honorable charity, be sure to meet deadlines!

But there is no rush.

You can't deliberately do charity for the sake of donating money, as that will lose the meaning of charity.

It's better to do the work in front of you first, and maybe donate the money by the way.

(End of this chapter)

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