Chapter 136 Shocked?

Soon, we arrived at the IFC Mall.

"Shuang'er, I'm here."

"Tell me, what bad things did you do last night?"

Lin Meishuang glared at Ye Duan, but a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Ye Duan didn't want to hide anything.

Instead, he said truthfully: "Last night, I sent a magazine cover photo to my apprentice, and then I slept at her house."

"Ah? You and your apprentice...?"

Lin Meishuang was taken aback and felt somewhat unable to accept it.

Ye Duan quickly explained: "Don't think about it, we are not boyfriend and girlfriend, I know I can only have one girlfriend now, otherwise I will be blocked."

"Okay, as long as you understand."

At this time, Ye Duan took out a gift box from his pocket and handed it to Lin Meishuang.

"what is this?"

"It's for you, open it and have a look."

Lin Meishuang opened the box, and inside was a transparent and moist jade bracelet.

This is what Ye Duan bought in a mall just now, and the price is 168 million.

Just half a day's income.

"Wow! So beautiful!"

"I'll put it on for you."

Ye Duan took out the bracelet and put it on his old classmate's wrist.

It really is emerald with a beautiful woman.

Lin Meishuang's skin was originally as smooth as jade, but wearing the jade bracelet made her look even fairer and smoother.

"Thank you, old classmate."

"Thank you, I'm your old classmate, shouldn't I give you a gift?"

Lin Meishuang was a little flattered.

She doesn't want to be a burden to her old classmates.

Not to interfere with old classmates.

That would make you look ignorant at all.

Lin Meishuang held a document and asked, "Ye Duan, this is tomorrow's activity plan, can you see if there are any problems?"

Ye Duan took a closer look and felt very satisfied.

"Very good, just follow this. I will add a little bit of icing on the cake to give you a surprise."

"What surprise?"

"Hey, you'll know tomorrow."

Ye Duan deliberately didn't say anything, making his old classmates full of expectations.

He suddenly remembered one thing.

"Shuang'er, Xiao Di and Xue'er will be dressed up tomorrow. Xiao Di will be fine. Xue'er lives in the school, so I don't know if there is a suitable dress."

"Aren't you the little girlfriend who loves you the most? Why do you only think of her at this time?"

Lin Meishuang intentionally teased her old classmate.

Want to see how he reacts.

"Don't blame me, Shuang'er, it's not like you don't know that I'm so busy."

Ye Duan's reason is quite sufficient.

In fact, Lin Meishuang had already thought of it.

Cher was still a student and certainly didn't have the right gown.

And she is the youngest sister, as an older sister, I should take care of her more.

So Lin Meishuang took it upon herself to take Ding Xueer on a shopping spree.

"Don't worry old classmate, I took Xue'er around last night, bought a lot of clothes and shoes for her, and even bought a custom-made Dior dress, which cost several million in total."

"Shuang'er, you did a great job, haha."

Ye Duan was very happy.

At this moment, his cell phone rang.

It was Wang Congcong calling.

Brother Congcong hasn't shown up for a long time, is there something wrong?
Ye Duan answered the phone.

Wang Congcong's hurried voice came: "Hey, Brother Duan, good news!"

This kid is mysterious, what is he doing.

"What's the matter, so urgent?"

"Brother, just now my dad told me that you have been elected as the president of the Shanghai Youth Chamber of Commerce."

The president of the Shanghai Youth Chamber of Commerce?
I didn't participate in any meeting, how did I get selected?
They chose themselves as the chairman without even asking themselves, they are too disrespectful!

"Brother Cong Cong, do you know why they chose me?"

Ye Duan was very puzzled.

Why was he chosen as the president when he obviously didn't do anything.

Isn't the competition for this position of president always fierce?

The young master of the Zhang family and the young master of the Li family were almost torn apart in the street for this position.

How come it's my turn?
"Brother, don't keep a low profile. Who doesn't know your name in the wealthy circle of Shanghai? The assets under your name are nearly 3000 billion, and there are more than 2000 billion in cash in the bank card. Now you are the most powerful in the entire Shanghai. It’s money, and being the president of a youth chamber of commerce has already wronged you.”

"You mean, I'm now the richest man in the capital?"

"Yes, brother, you are too powerful!"

Wang Congcong's voice changed.

There is a little taste of kneeling and licking.

He seemed very excited, even happier than his father becoming the richest man.

Ye Duan was stunned.

Is this the richest man in Shanghai?

Is it too fast?
I didn't do anything, how did I become the richest man?
I don't feel anything, I still have three meals a day and one girlfriend a night!

I still want to fight myself.

This is all right, he has become the richest man in Shanghai.

She doesn't even allow herself to enjoy the process of struggle, the system sister is really uninteresting.

She's so nice to herself, hehe.

"Thank you Congcong, I'll treat you to dinner another day." Ye Duan was about to hang up the phone.

"Brother, my father has discussed with the wealthy people in Shanghai, and we have a special banquet for you to celebrate tonight. You must honor your face and attend, so it's okay to give my brother some face?"

Wang Congcong is looking forward to it.

He has already told others that Ye Duan is his buddy.

So he took the initiative to invite Ying and took on the important task of inviting Ye Duan.

If Ye Duan is not invited, he will be humiliated.

Ye Duan thought for a while, and decided to give brother Congcong a face.

My property is all in Shanghai, so I will definitely deal with these people in the future, so it's good to get in touch first.

"Well, everyone's kindness is hard to turn down, so I'd rather be respectful than obedient. Let me tell you the time and place."

"Seven o'clock tonight, at the Financial Club of Shanghai."

After successfully inviting Ye Duan, Wang Congcong was overjoyed.

It's really lucky to meet the elder brother Ye Duan by coincidence.


Lin Meishuang asked with concern: "Ye Duan, what's the matter?"

"It's nothing, Brother Cong Cong said that I am the richest man in Shanghai, and they even elected me as the president of the Youth Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai."

Ye Duan replied lightly.

He wasn't particularly surprised, because he really didn't feel anything.

It's even blander than drinking a sip of plain water.

Lin Meishuang was not calm anymore.

Opening his small mouth in surprise, he murmured, "The richest man in the capital?"


Ye Duan turned out to be the richest man in Shanghai!

Didn't he become an old classmate of the richest man?
He is so good!

It's no wonder that Shenlong sees the beginning and the end all day long. It turns out that he is busy with important things.

We must support his work well in the future.

Lin Meishuang walked up to Ye Duan, touched his face with one hand, and said softly: "Old classmate, you seem to have lost weight, are you tired? Let me give you a massage."

Ye Duan felt a little strange.

What's the matter, Shuang'er?
When did it become so nasty?
So he shook his head and said, "I'm not tired."

"Don't worry old classmate, I will definitely work hard, don't be too tired, pay attention to rest."

Ye Duan nodded.

Shuang'er felt like a different person.

Could it be that he was frightened when he heard that he became the richest man?

So he asked, "Shuang'er, are you alright?"

(End of this chapter)

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