Chapter 137 The Sisters' Secret
Lin Meishuang was still immersed in the shock just now.

"I'm fine, I'm just so happy, I'm so proud of you."

While talking, Lin Meishuang actually cried.

She was so excited.

Seeing my old classmates succeed in their careers, I am even more happy than myself being 10 years younger than myself.

However, she felt inferior again.

"Old classmate, you are so good, I'm a little scared, you won't fire me in the future, will you?"

Lin Meishuang was like a little sheep at this moment.

"Good Shuang'er, I promised you before that I will hire you for the rest of my life, so you can rest assured, let alone the richest man in Shanghai, even if I become the richest man in the world, you will still be my old classmate!"

"Well, I believe you."

Lin Meishuang was moved and cried.

After working hard for a long time, the two of them were also a little hungry.

So I went to Suzhe Restaurant for lunch.

The reason why they frequent this restaurant is because of their hometown dishes.

People in my hometown eat their hometown dishes, and they are naturally in a good mood.

During the meal, Chu Yunfei called Lin Meishuang again, begging her to tell Ye Duan that she must agree to be the president of the Metropolis Photographers Association, and that the members wanted to see him very much.

The reason why he didn't contact Ye Duan directly was because he didn't have Ye Duan's contact information.

Even if he could find out, Chu Yunfei didn't dare to call him rashly.

How could a defeated player have the face to directly contact the winner?

Lin Meishuang hung up the phone and asked Ye Duan for his opinion.

"Old classmate, do you want to be the president?"

"What do you think, Shuang Er?"

Ye Duan asked in turn.

Sometimes women's intuition is more accurate than men's.

Lin Meishuang had already done some investigations and expressed her opinion.

"Old classmate, this Chu Yunfei is no ordinary person. He is not only the president of the Metropolitan Photographers Association, nor is he the chief photographer of the Aomei Advertising Company, nor is he just a visiting professor at the Metropolitan Normal University."

"Oh, does he have a more important identity than these?"

Ye Duan was very curious.

This Chu Yunfei looked to be in his 30s. If he relied on his talent alone, it would be impossible for him to be so successful at such a young age.

Lin Meishuang replied: "Yes, he also has another important identity, the eldest son of the Chu family in Modu, and the actual controlling shareholder of Aomei Advertising Company."

"It's no wonder that he can still stand after such a big blow, that's why."

Ye Duan seemed to understand something.

This Chu Yunfei was really arrogant before losing to him.

Knowing that he is the owner of the IFC mall, he still dares to speak provocatively.

It seems that the family power is not trivial.

Lin Meishuang continued: "The Chu family is one of the most prominent families in Shanghai. They almost control the advertising industry in Shanghai. They also have a deep influence in the fashion and entertainment circles."

As a senior fashion editor, Ye Duan also has a certain understanding of these circles.

The advertising industry may seem inconspicuous, but its output value and profits are actually astonishing.

Roughly estimated, the annual output value of Shanghai's advertising industry is at least hundreds of billions.

Based on this calculation, the Chu family is also a big family with a net worth of tens of billions.

Ye Duan decided to meet Chu Yunfei for a while.

It doesn't matter whether you are the chairman or not, the main thing is to see how the quality of this circle is.

Tomorrow's event, these people may be useful.

These days, the most scarce thing is traffic and popularity.

If there is no one to support an event, it would be a shame.

It is also necessary to have a few guys with false names to fill the scene.

Just like the current real estate sales, company opening, project foundation laying, etc., it is necessary to invite a few prominent people to stand on the platform.

Even the pharmaceutical advertisements on TV know to invite a few "experts and professors" to support the scene.

If you can get a few heads from the Photographers Association, it would be nice to act as extras.

Thinking of this, Ye Duan said to Lin Meishuang: "Shuang'er, please contact that Chu Yunfei for me, and say that I agree to be the president of the Photographers Association, and I want to meet the members."

"Okay, I'll call him right now."

Lin Meishuang immediately contacted Chu Yunfei.

It was agreed to meet at the office of the Metropolitan Photographers Association at three o'clock in the afternoon.

"Old classmate, it's a coincidence that the office of the Metropolitan Photographers Association is in the office building of the International Finance Center."

"Since it's so close, I'll sleep before going."

Ye Duan lay on the sofa and took a nap.

Lin Meishuang was not idle.

She created a group and brought Liu Qian, Su Mengwen, and Yang Bingyue into it.

The name of the group is "The Secret Garden of Good Sisters".

Liu Qian joined the group, and made a fuss first: "@林姐姐, what group is this?"

Su Mengwen saw it at a glance.

There are only four people in the group, and they all have a common identity, that is, Brother Duan's employees.

Obviously, this is Brother Duan's female subordinate group.

But Su Mengwen is very puzzled, why do you want to build a group?
Isn't it embarrassing for several people to be in a group?

Yang Bingyue greeted several sisters very politely: "Hello, sisters!"

As the group leader, Lin Meishuang answered their doubts.

"My sisters, I have good news for you. Brother Ye is now the richest man in Shanghai."

The other three were not calm anymore.

Liu Qian: "Wow! No way?"

Yang Bingyue: "Sister Lin, is this true?"

Su Mengwen: "???"

Lin Meishuang replied: "It's absolutely true, and Brother Ye was elected as the chairman of the Shanghai Youth Chamber of Commerce."

Liu Qian: "Brother Ye is amazing! {applause}{applause}"

Yang Bingyue: "Brother Duan is awesome! I adore him so much! {cute}{cute}"

Yang Bingyue: "Brother Duan is awesome! I adore him so much! {cute}{cute}"

Su Mengwen: "Sister Lin, we should celebrate Brother Duan properly."

Seeing the harmony in the group, Lin Meishuang continued: "We must celebrate, but Big Brother Ye has been busy with work recently and he is quite tired, so let's not disturb him yet."

Liu Qian: "Okay, I will make some delicious food for Brother Ye to supplement."

Yang Bingyue: "Sister Lin, you have to tell Brother Duan to take care of his health."

Su Mengwen: "Sister Lin, please rest assured, we will definitely not disturb Brother Duan's work."

Lin Meishuang was very satisfied with their speech.

He also said: "Sisters, Brother Ye is busy with work and has too many properties to manage. There are many things that he needs to deal with every day. There are two important meetings waiting for him today, and there are two important events that he needs to attend tomorrow. .

So we should understand him, support him, be his strong backing, care about him a lot, and help him work hard, okay? "

Liu Qian: "Don't worry, Sister Lin, it's my duty to take care of Brother Ye."

Yang Bingyue: "I won't have a stomachache anymore, and I won't let Big Brother Ye worry about it anymore."

Su Mengwen: "I will work hard and help Brother Duan relieve his worries."

Seeing the attitude of the younger sisters, Lin Meishuang decided to strike while the iron was hot and give them a vaccination first.

Lin Meishuang: "One more thing, I'm actually embarrassed to say it, but I have to say it today. Brother Ye is so good, it's inevitable to please girls. I hope you don't get jealous."

"According to the current regulations, Big Brother Ye can only have one girlfriend, have to be mentally prepared."

(End of this chapter)

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