Sleeping in math class, my status as a scholar is exposed

Chapter 138 The Promise of the Goddesses

Chapter 138 The Promise of the Goddesses
This time, the group fell silent.

The other three stopped talking.

Seeing the awkward atmosphere, Su Mengwen wanted to take the lead in making a statement.

After all, she is a little older, and she is more open about emotions.

And she didn't expect anything from the beginning, as long as she could follow Ye Duan and work by his side, she would be content.

So Su Mengwen said: "I can understand Brother Duan's difficulties, no matter what, I will work hard for him."

Seeing her cousin's speech, Yang Bingyue was also shaken.

She has been inseparable from Ye Duan since she was a child, and leaving him is like losing her soul, so she can only continue to follow him.

Yang Bingyue: "Me too, I will also be Brother Duan's little assistant."

Seeing that she was the only one left without expressing her opinion, Liu Qian became a little anxious.

Although I can't go any further with my master, I can only endure it.

Liu Qian: "Okay, I will also do my duty as a conch girl, wash and cook for Brother Ye, and won't bother him."

Seeing that the three younger sisters expressed their views.

Lin Meishuang breathed a sigh of relief, feeling much more at ease.

In the future, there is no need to worry about fouls from old classmates.

Let him concentrate on falling in love with Cher.

Although it is cruel, there is no other way...

Lin Meishuang comforted her sisters.

Ye Duan also woke up.

"Shuang'er, I'm going to the meeting next door."

"Well, thank you for your hard work old classmate, pay attention to your health."

Lin Meishuang sent him to the door.

Ye Duan didn't take a few steps until he arrived at the office building of the International Finance Center next door.

Arriving at the office of the Metropolitan Photographers Association, Chu Yunfei and a dozen heavyweight members were already waiting.

Seeing Ye Duan approaching, everyone hurriedly got up to greet him.

Chu Yunfei said flatteringly, "President Ye is welcome to visit."

Out of politeness, Ye Duan shook hands with them one by one.

Because these people are generally older than him, and there are many old men at the uncle level.

Of course, Chu Yunfei was excluded.

He is not worthy to shake hands with Ye Duan now!
"President Ye, do you still remember Teacher?"

A familiar face greeted Ye Duan with a smile.

"Professor Guo, hello, hello."

Ye Duan recognized that the chubby uncle wearing gold-rimmed glasses in front of him was his department head when he was in college.

After receiving the business card, he realized that he has now been promoted to the vice president of the Shanghai Academy of Drama.

Unexpectedly, he also mixed in circles like the Photographers Association.

After a symbolic greeting, Ye Duan sat in the middle of the stage under Chu Yunfei's flattery.

After everyone was seated.

Chu Yunfei immediately flattered Ye Duan and introduced to the audience: "Maybe many people already know about our President Ye, and some people may not be familiar with it. Let me introduce you to Ye Hui first." long."

As the eldest son of the Chu family, Chu Yunfei was very well informed.

He already knew that Ye Duan had become the richest man in Shanghai, that's why he tried so hard to curry favor.

"President Ye's photography skills have been seen by all, and I am amazed. Even photographers from countries such as the United States and Gaul have noticed President Ye's works and sent letters to have friendly exchanges with President Ye."

Immediately there was bursts of applause from the audience.

Chu Yunfei added: "In addition to superb photography skills, President Ye is even more successful in business. Some people may already know that President Ye is the new richest man in Shanghai, with personal assets of nearly 5000 billion! Our The office building of the International Finance Center where the association is located is President Ye's exclusive asset."

At this time, the audience began to stir up.

Many people only know that Ye Duan's photography skills are top-notch and that he is rich.

He turned out to be the richest man in Shanghai!
Everyone was shocked.

"The president has become the richest man in Shanghai at such a young age, isn't his background too strong?"

"The president's surname is Ye, could it be the Ye family? Hey, I dare not think about it..."

"It's no wonder that Chu Yunfei obediently gave up the position of president. It turned out that the clown met the master!"

"With the richest man as the chairman, the status of our association will be improved again."

"Yes, it is a great honor to speak out!"

Everyone made up their minds and felt even more admiration for Ye Duan.

Chu Yunfei then introduced some vice presidents and outstanding members to Ye Duan.

After hearing this, Ye Duan was also secretly surprised.

Because these people have various identities, almost all of them can be regarded as the elites of society.

Among them are the chief reporter of a newspaper, the director of the camera department of a TV station, the deputy editor-in-chief of a portal website, the vice-president of a university, the boss of a company, and a retired official...

Ye Duan felt that it was not in vain this time.

The quality of this circle is still very high.

Nowadays, circles are popular everywhere. Businessmen have their own circles, literati have their own circles, and photographers have their own circles.

And it is also popular to cross circles.

Some people are mixed in both the business circle and the literary and artistic circle.

The reason for mixing circles is also very simple, most of them are to make more network resources and get more benefits!

For example, if the boss of a private enterprise wants to be arty, he will make friends with some literati to decorate his appearance.

University professors also need sponsorship from companies if they want to obtain project funding.

Ye Duan understood this truth.

That's why he wanted to get in touch with these circles.

But he doesn't need to take the initiative to win over these people.

Instead, these people would take the initiative to kneel and lick him.

Because he is already strong enough.

Human nature is like this, the stronger you are, the more everyone will fawn on you and kneel and lick you.

You don't have to say anything, these sycophants will take the initiative to solve your problems for you.

Just like a schoolgirl-level goddess.

Many boys like to kneel and lick them, and even save their pocket money and meal money to give them gifts.

Although I know that I will have nothing in the end after licking.

Not even a spare tire.

Many licking dogs will still enjoy it and keep going.

Kneeling and licking their goddess without giving up their lives.

Ye Duan is now the richest man in Shanghai, and he is willing to humble himself to be the president of this photographers association. These people will definitely kneel and lick.

What a great opportunity!

Even if you take a photo with Ye Duan and show it to others, you can still pretend to be aggressive.

"Look, rich man Ye took a photo with me."

What a face to say!
Just like the goddess promised to send a photo of a dog licking.

Licking dogs can be so happy that they can't sleep for months!
You can wake up with a smile in your dreams.

However, Ye Duan is a low-key person, and he doesn't want to be high-ranking, being flattered and dizzy.

Water can carry a boat and it can overturn it.

Gun hit the bird.

He understands all these principles.

Even if you become the richest man in Shanghai, it's better to keep a low profile.

Wouldn't it be more chic and happier to be a low-key Shenhao quietly?

So Ye Duan was still polite to everyone.

And posed for pictures with everyone.

Finally, he said: "Tomorrow morning, there will be a spokesperson's appearance ceremony in the mall of the International Finance Center. I hope you can come to support the show. I thank you all here in advance."

Hearing this, everyone in the audience is also gearing up.

They all said they would arrive early.

This is such a good opportunity to curry favor with the chairman and the richest man, and he must perform well.

(End of this chapter)

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