Chapter 139
After finishing the photography circle, Ye Duan was about to leave.

Chu Yunfei knelt and licked around again, and said with a flattering smile: "President Ye, can you add a WeChat?"

Seeing him licking the dog, Ye Duan decided to tease him.

"President Chu, no, you are the vice president now, right? When are you going to live broadcast Chixiang?"

Chu Yunfei blushed instantly.

I really want to find a hole to drill into.

If someone else said that about him, he must have lost his temper on the spot.

But facing the richest man in Shanghai, he could only endure it.

Also, keep a smile on your face.

Seeing this, everyone couldn't help laughing out loud.

Someone said: "No wonder Vice President Chu wants to eat Xiang so much. It turns out he is a pug."

Someone added: "I don't look like a pug, but a mangy dog!"

Everyone laughed even harder.

The wall is knocked down!

It's not true for Chu Yunfei to smile, and it's not true if he doesn't smile.

He could only stand there in embarrassment, waiting for Ye Duan's disposal.

"Don't be so crazy in the future, don't lose the face of our association."

Ye Duan patted his shoulder and said.

Chu Yunfei immediately nodded and bowed, and replied: "Understood, I will definitely change it, I will definitely change it."

"That's right, it's a good dog who knows his mistakes and can correct them."

Ye Duan said deliberately.

Chu Yunfei chuckled, although he was angry, there was nothing he could do.

It doesn't matter if the skills are not as good as others, and the money is not as much as others.

What capital dares to stand up in front of the richest man in Shanghai?

Ye Duan didn't want to waste time on this dog, so he bid farewell to everyone.

Picked up the car and went to Modu Film and Television Company.

General manager Qin Miaofei is still waiting to report to him.

When he arrived at Modu Film and Television Company, Ye Duan didn't stay too long.

After briefly listening to Qin Miaofei's work report, he met with several senior executives.

In the past two years, the film and television industry has encountered a cold winter, and the development of Modu Film and Television Company has not been very good.

Fortunately, the company's previous accumulation is very deep, relying on the sale of copyrights for film and television dramas, the cash flow is also sufficient.

However, Ye Duan still needs to decide which direction to develop in the future.

"Let's discuss it first, draw up a few plans, and I will discuss it with you in a few days."

Farewell to executives.

Ye Duan also asked the general manager Qin Miaofei a few words.

"Manager Qin, you have worked hard during this time. The company will move forward step by step. If you have any questions, please contact me directly."

"Good boss, please rest assured, we will definitely do a good job."

Qin Miaofei replied.

Ye Duan took a closer look at her again.

It was found that the female manager was quite young, with good looks, delicate features, dignified demeanor, and a professional attire that looked very capable.

There is a workplace OL fan.

Aloofness is not aloofness, kindness is not kindness, it is somewhere in between.

But she never flattered herself from beginning to end.

This fact made Ye Duan have a good impression of her.

It was too late to leave Modu Film and Television Company.

Ye Duan went directly to the club of the Shanghai Financial Association.

This club is extraordinary.

It is one of the most high-end circles in Shanghai.

Members of the club are either rich or expensive, and they must be introduced by three people to join.

Members must be elites in various fields, mainly focusing on the financial industry.

Of course, there are also many bosses in emerging industries and the super rich second generation.

For example, Wang Congcong is an active member of the club.

That's why he persuaded everyone to set the banquet venue for Ye Duan at the Financial Federation Club.

But there are far more than just club members at the banquet.

But it is much heavier than the weight of this circle...

When Ye Duan rushed to the box, everyone was already there.

After exchanging pleasantries, Ye Duan took the seat of host and guest.

There were nearly 20 people present, but he only recognized three people.

In addition to Wang Congcong and his father Wang Jianlin, there is also Wei Qiancheng's daughter Wei Meili, who is also Wei Chenglong's sister.

When Ye Duan went shopping like crazy that day, he met her once.

Wei Qiancheng was supposed to attend in person. He claims to be worth hundreds of billions of dollars, and he is considered a figure in the circle of rich people in Shanghai.

However, after being frightened and fainted that day, his health has not been very good, so he asked his daughter to come to the banquet instead of him.

He also intentionally let his daughter take this opportunity to get close to Ye Duan.

Needless to say the purpose.

As the richest man in China in the past, Wang Jianlin still had a very high status.

So he acted as the host tonight and sat on Ye Duan's left hand side.

Wang Congcong's qualifications are not enough, he is only qualified to sit in the position of assistant at the door.

Before the banquet started, Wang Jianlin said some polite words, introduced the purpose of the banquet, and praised Ye Duan.

People in the arena involuntarily.

Although Wang Jianlin is several dozen years older than Ye Duan, in this box, everyone is distinguished by wealth and status.

Needless to say, Ye Duan's wealth.

The real fixed assets are nearly 3000 billion, and personal bank account deposits are more than 2000 billion.

He has become the richest man in Shanghai, and Huaxia ranks third.

His status is even more mysterious, making people dare not guess.

The increase in Ye Duan's wealth is done in a very short period of time, which is inevitably a bit suspicious.

So Wang Jianlin and several top tycoons specially asked someone to investigate.

They discovered that when Ye Duan purchased assets, it was all cash transactions, and it was paid in one lump sum.

For example, the 300 billion yuan of shares repurchased by Yida Films was completed within one day.

It is very shocking!
Not to mention the magic capital, even in the whole of China, how many people have this courage?
The cash investment of tens of billions is completed by one person's financial resources.

Simply incredible.

I can't imagine it!

They followed the clues and found Huaxia International Bank to inquire about Ye Duan's source of funds.

The result is even more chills down their spines.

Ye Duan's remittance party is an asterisk ※※※※※※, and the central bank is vague, saying that there is no comment.

there is only one truth.

That is, Ye Duan's funds are all directly deposited into his bank account by the central bank...

What does this mean?
What is behind him?
Just thinking about it can scare people to pee!

Although it was found out that Ye Duan was from Jinhai County in northern Jiangsu, his family was very ordinary, and he was unknown before the Chinese New Year.

But this does not prove anything, but makes his identity more mysterious.

Maybe he's an illegitimate child?
do not know.

Does anyone dare to make random guesses?

Who dares to think?

Arbitrary remarks, the consequences are very serious!

So it's okay for Wang Jianlin and the others not to investigate, just treat Ye Duan as an ordinary rich second generation.

But after investigating, they were afraid.

Ye Duan is not only a super rich man, but also has a mysterious identity. The power behind it makes people dare not even think about it...

Therefore, these old guys all unanimously regarded the young Ye Duan as an absolute guest of honor.

And promoted him to the position of president of the Shanghai Youth Chamber of Commerce.

Do not feel that this title is insignificant.

With this identity, you can directly meet the chief executive of the magic capital without making an appointment.

And it has to be honored as a guest of honour.

It must be a green light all the way to do things.

After praising Ye Duan, Wang Jianlin introduced the guests to the banquet.

They are all prominent figures in the Demon City.

There are CEOs of securities and investment companies, real estate companies, traditional physical industries, logistics and express delivery companies, mining and shipping companies, and Internet and new media industries...

Assets are not less than 500 billion.

There are also some second-generation people who participated in the conference instead of their elders.

Like Wei Meili.

(End of this chapter)

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