Sleeping in math class, my status as a scholar is exposed

Chapter 141 Participating in Activities

Chapter 141 Participating in Activities
"Sorry, my WeChat friends are full."

But Ye Duan rejected her.

Still the same reason.

Because he put Jiang Yuling and Wei Meili in the same category.

He doesn't like these people who depend on their parents.

If you didn't have the aura of your father, why would you, Jiang Yuling, sit in this position?
You see how self-aware Brother Cong Cong is, he took the initiative to sit at the door.

If you can also adjust your position, you can also make people look up to you.

If you want to take advantage of your father's face to pretend to be aggressive here, you should die as soon as possible!
Jiang Yuling was talented and intelligent, so of course he understood what Ye Duan meant.

He politely rejected himself.

It's not a micro-business, how could it be possible to add so many people?
What a naive excuse to say that WeChat is full of friends!

But this guy is really upright, self-cultivation and self-love.

Or maybe a clueless idiot.

He doesn't even want beautiful women to add WeChat on their own initiative, what a silly little fool...

Ye Duan rejected Jiang Yuling, not only was she not angry, she was happy instead.

Women, women, are so strange.

The more you kneel and lick, the more superior she is, the more she will look down on you.

If you snub her a few times and suppress her, she will be able to see clearly how much she is, and even chase after her.

But Ye Duan and Jiang Yuling were obviously not this kind of people.

There is no such idea.

Ye Duan definitely wouldn't kneel and lick Jiang Yuling, and of course he didn't mean to suppress her, he just didn't understand her and classified her as the second generation.

And Jiang Yuling would not go after Ye Duan, because she was not a nympho, she just had a crush on Ye Duan.

People kept coming to toast.

Some respected Ye Duan, some respected Jiang Yuling, and some respected both of them together.

Ye Duan was so annoyed that he walked to the door and dragged Wang Congcong to the balcony outside.

"Brother, that Miss Jiang is nice. I heard that she has never had a boyfriend. Are you interested in teasing her?"

Wang Congcong had a smirk on his face.

But Ye Duan shook his head: "Just now she asked me for WeChat, but I didn't give it to her. It's just a vase, not my thing!"

This sentence hurt Wang Congcong very badly.

"Brother is a full man who doesn't know how hungry a man is hungry. I added her as a friend several times, but she rejected them all. But it's understandable, you have so many stunning girlfriends, and this one is not bad."

Ye Duan shook his head helplessly.

No matter how many girlfriends you have, you can only spoil one in one night!

Wang Congcong said again: "Brother, my brother told some buddies that we will go to the IFC Mall tomorrow morning to cheer you on."

"Okay, welcome, thank you brother in advance."

The two chatted for a while before returning to the box.

By this time the banquet was drawing to a close.

While Ye Duan was out, several well-known wealthy tycoons in Shanghai also discussed, and they were going to attend the spokesperson's debut ceremony at the IFC Mall tomorrow.

Jiang Yuling did not participate in the discussion, but he also heard their conversation.

I was hesitating in my heart, whether I should support this handsome rich man.

After Ye Duan returned to his seat, everyone exchanged pleasantries again.

It was not until 09:30 in the evening that the banquet was declared over.

Ye Duan called the driver.

Did not go home.

Instead, he came to Liu Qian's house.

He misses Qianbao...

Ye Duan came to the 36th floor of Jiangjing No. [-] Zhongliang.

Liu Qian was cooking soup in the kitchen.

Conch girl was also full of joy when she saw her master.

She hadn't seen Ye Duan for several days, which felt like centuries.

In spring, it is difficult to fall asleep at night.

When it's warm and cold, it's the hardest thing to do.

According to the current words, it is empty, lonely and cold!
If Sister Lin hadn't told them, Big Brother Ye was now the richest man in Shanghai, and he was extremely busy with work.

She couldn't help but want to call him and ask him to accompany her.

Now Big Brother Ye came here on his own initiative.

Definitely get a good night's sleep tonight!

Liu Qian was dreaming.

The little face also became flushed.

Seeing that Liu Qian was still wearing an apron, Ye Duan asked drunkenly, "Qianbao, are you still cooking at this late hour?"

"Brother Ye, you've been busy with work recently, so I made soup to replenish your body."

Liu Qian answered truthfully.

Ye Duan was very moved.

Speaking of sweet words: "Qianbao, you are such a caring little maid."

It may be because of drinking too much at night, Ye Duan's head is in a daze.

Talking is also very nasty.

Liu Qian was elated after hearing this.

Ye Duan smelled of alcohol.

Liu Qian hurriedly washed him.

Then he brought a bowl of Dabu soup, and fed Ye Duan spoonful by spoonful: "Master, be careful of burning."

Ye Duan felt very at ease after receiving such considerate care from Miss Conch.

Drank up a bowl of soup.

Liu Qian took off her apron.

Clean up the dishes.

He went to the bathroom and took a shower.

The shower gel full of bubbles washes the conch girl's body very clean.

Every inch of skin exudes a charming fragrance.

When she came to the bedroom, Ye Duan had already fallen asleep.

He is really tired today.

Originally, I didn't have much rest at He Shiping's house last night.

Another day of running around during the day.

Also drank in the evening.

Even a tough guy can't stand it.

Liu Qian felt sorry for his master, and couldn't bear to wake him up.

So he lay down beside him.

In the middle of the night, Ye Duan was suffocated awake.

Spotting Qianbao who was sleeping soundly beside her, she tiptoed to the bathroom.

When I came back, I couldn't fall asleep.


That night, Ye Duan slept soundly.

Liu Qian slept more soundly.

But neither of them slept in late, and got up at dawn.

Liu Qian was preparing breakfast in the kitchen, while Ye Duan went upstairs.

They called Lin Meishuang, Su Mengwen, and Yang Bingyue over.

Everyone sat at the dining table in Liu Qian's house and had breakfast.

"There is an event in the IFC mall today, you all dress up and join in the fun."

Ye Duan ordered.

He wanted to make this morning's event more lively and interesting.

What I am most afraid of when engaging in various activities now is that there is no topic.

If there is no place for people to discuss, the heat will pass quickly.

It is not enough to rely solely on self-promotion and self-promotion. Netizens must spontaneously point and make irresponsible remarks.

This is how the heat lasts.

Ye Duan hopes that through this event, the IFC Mall will become the leader of the top shopping malls in Shanghai, and even become the benchmark for the whole of China and even Asia.

He also wanted to make Xiao Di more popular, and also wanted Ding Xueer to become famous overnight.

By the way, show off your own strength.

So he planned to let these beautiful female subordinates in front of him go to the event site.

In addition, he also notified his apprentice He Shiping, asking her to bring along the editor of the "Silk Road Beauty" magazine to participate in the event.

And it will be reported in a forthcoming magazine.

With their looks, they will definitely attract the attention of many people.

Women are born to gossip, men are born to look at beautiful women.

So many beautiful women appeared at the same time.

There will be a lot of hot topics here.

Hear about the arrangement of the leaves.

Except for Liu Qian, the other three nodded.

Lin Meishuang is the general manager of the mall, so naturally she has to host the event.

Yang Bingyue works in a shopping mall, so participating in activities is also part of her job.

Su Mengwen is the manager of the Ritz-Carlton Hotel, so she can come to congratulate her as a representative of friends and businessmen.

Only Liu Qian did not have a suitable reason to participate.

(End of this chapter)

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