Chapter 142 The Circle of the Rich

She was a little anxious, and looked at Ye Duan eagerly: "Brother Ye, I'm going to the event site in a while, where should I stand?"

Ye Duan couldn't help laughing when he saw Qianbao's cute look.

When did this girl become so cute?

It's just his joy!

"Qianbao, you forgot, you are my personal assistant, follow me in a while."

Hearing this, Liu Qian was also full of joy.

In front of everyone, he kissed Ye Duan.


The other three sisters turned their heads away in anger.

Only then did Liu Qian realize that her actions were inappropriate, so she hurriedly apologized: "I'm sorry, I was too excited just now and couldn't control it. If you have any objections, you can also kiss Brother Ye. I don't care."

As soon as Miss Conch finished speaking, Ye Duan couldn't help laughing.

The other three sisters also covered their mouths and laughed.

After encountering the leaf segment.

Liu Qian's IQ also dropped sharply.

Talking and doing things are always so funny.

No wonder Ye Duan likes to be with her, who wouldn't want to tease such a cute girl?

Had breakfast.

Ye Duan took four of his most magnificent female subordinates to the IFC shopping mall.

On the square in front of the mall gate, the event stage has been set up.

There are red carpets everywhere.

Outdoor billboards of various sizes have also been installed in place, and the contents are all photos taken by Ye Duan for Xiaodi and Ding Xueer.

The huge outdoor screen also began to play the video commercials of the two spokespersons.

All the security guards have also arrived on duty, and traffic control has been carried out on some sections of the road.

Except for the guests participating in the event, other unrelated persons are not allowed to drive in.

There is also a festive atmosphere in the mall.

Billboards with photos of Xiaodi and Ding Xueer are placed at the entrance of each store.


From midnight onwards, every channel of Modu TV began to broadcast commercials of Xiao Di and Ding Xueer.

Advertisements for the IFC Mall have also begun to be displayed in commonly used mobile apps.

Precise delivery to mobile phone users in Shanghai.

The local newspapers in Shanghai published today and in the next six days are also full-page advertisements for the IFC shopping mall.

They are all endorsement photos of Xiaodi and Ding Xueer.

The intensity and investment of this activity has exceeded the level when the mall opened.

It even created a record for Chinese celebrity endorsement activities.

The entire Demon City and even half of China are paying attention to this unprecedented ceremony.

Before the event started, Ye Duan went around again inside and out.

Finally came to the stage in front of the door.

Reporters from all walks of life have also arrived.

Video camera, camera are in standby state.

The local TV station in Shanghai and the popular live broadcast app will broadcast the event simultaneously.

Some Internet celebrities and self-media editors also came to join in the fun.

They also want to take the opportunity to get traffic.

Ye Duan looked up at the signboard of the shopping mall, and finally settled on the biggest billboard.

In the photo, Xiaodi and Ding Xueer are so beautiful.


At 09:30 in the morning, there is still half an hour before the event starts.

Guests from all walks of life have arrived one after another.

The circle that Ye Duan made began to play a role, because most of the guests who came were from the photography circle and the wealthy circle of Shanghai.

There were also some friends he hadn't made yet.

In other words, it was a heavyweight who hadn't had time to make friends with Ye Duan.

Under normal circumstances, the guest who arrives early is a low-key guest.

But this time it was completely different.

Afraid of traffic jams and not being able to catch up with the opening of the event, some heavyweight guests also arrived early.

This is the first public event of the new richest man in Shanghai, who dare not take it seriously?

It would be fine if Ye Duan was only rich.

The key is his mysterious identity, which makes people shudder.

It's okay if you don't know about the event.

Once you know it, you must come and participate.

Who dares not to give Ye Duan face?
So more and more guests came.

Even something went wrong because of it.

Due to the large number of visitors, the seats placed on the site are no longer enough.

Another half of the guests are expected to be on their way.

It was too late to rearrange the seats, and there was not enough space.

Lin Meishuang asked anxiously, "Old classmate, what should I do?"

Ye Duan waved his hand: "Remove all the seats, everyone stands to participate in the event today."

"Ah? Inappropriate, right? Some guests have special identities."

Lin Meishuang's worry is not unreasonable.

Randomly pull out any one of these guests, and they will be absolute VIPs wherever they go.

And it will definitely sit at the very center of the podium.

If they came to Ye Duan's place and didn't even have a chair, it would really be a loss of their status.

For example, among the guests who have arrived, there are the governors of the districts under the jurisdiction of Shanghai, the director of the China Merchants Bureau, the deputy director of Shanghai TV, the chief editor of Shanghai Daily, and the vice presidents of the two universities.

Not to mention the bosses in various fields.

Even Wang Congcong's father, Wang Jianlin, was ranked outside the top 20.

Anyone with a net worth of less than [-] billion is embarrassed to participate.

But now there is really no condition.

I can only feel wronged for these distinguished guests.

So Ye Duan said: "It's okay, they will understand."

Lin Meishuang had no choice but to explain to the guests, and then ordered people to remove the seats.

Everyone is also very cooperative.

At this time, who cares about whether there is a seat? No matter how big their face is, can it be bigger than Ye Duan?
He is a noble son from Kyoto...

The event is about to start.

The camera reporter of the local TV station in Modu activated the camera and began to report on the spot.

Online and mobile media live broadcasts have already begun.

Some self-media editors were squeezed out, and even climbed onto a big tree by the side of the road to broadcast live...

The security guards couldn't catch them down because they climbed everywhere and climbed higher and higher.

All the guests were divided into two columns and stood on both sides of the red carpet leading to the stage.

Ye Duan led a group of female subordinates to the stage.

Lin Meishuang, Su Mengwen, Liu Qian, Yang Bingyue, and He Shiping all came.

The appearance of several beauties immediately caused commotion among the audience.

Many people raised their mobile phones and patted each other.

"Wow! Are these people models or celebrities? They are so beautiful!"

"They are also spokespersons, right? One is more beautiful than the other, which is really an eye-opener."

"Is the one in the middle the new richest man? He looks so handsome. I want to take a picture of him."

"I want it too, I want it too. When you can't sleep at night, take it out and read it under the quilt."

"It's boring to watch too much, isn't it more fragrant to add..."

Wang Congcong, who was hiding in the corner, also stared blankly with his mouth open.

He knew that these girls were all female colleagues of Brother Duan.

Brother Duan is really comfortable to have so many stunning beauties waiting around!

I work with these beauties every day, even if I don’t get paid.


Soon, the auspicious time has come.

Lin Meishuang, as the general manager of the IFC Mall, came to the center of the stage with a microphone in hand, ready to announce the start of the event.

Just said a few opening remarks.

A black commercial vehicle drove slowly and stopped at the side of the road at the end of the red carpet.

A stunning beauty got out of the car.

Along the red carpet, they walked to the stage.

I saw her wearing a small rose-gold suit and wearing light coffee-colored leather shoes, with a pretty face and a graceful figure.

Cheers immediately appeared at the scene.

(End of this chapter)

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