Chapter 147 Ye Duan Gets Angry
The reputation of the International Financial Center shopping mall has become even louder, and the status of the top shopping mall in Shanghai has become stronger!

Ding Xueer was also on fire.

Everyone is asking about her and talking about her beauty.

Countless boys and girls have new idols starting today.

Her name is Ding Xueer!
Xiao Di also dominated several trending searches, becoming more popular than before.

It's so red it's purple!
Ye Duan's strength was also fully displayed.

He became the most handsome man in the entire magic city!

And the richest man!
In short, the manliest man ever!
In a word, perfect and impeccable!

When it comes to money, he is the richest man in Shanghai.

In terms of handsomeness, it kills all the fresh meat in seconds.

Speaking of character, the donation of 10 billion is a matter of his words.

What are the disadvantages?


The only downside may be that he has no skills at all.

He is the only man so perfect in the entire magic city.

Not enough for the girls.

Therefore, 99.999999% of the girls in Shanghai can only regard him as the lover of their dreams.

When you can't sleep at night, you can take out his photo and kiss him.

Looking at his photos, eating cucumbers is smoother and smoother...

Only a few lucky girls can walk into his life.

There are only a handful of girls who can be directly doted on by him.

Now, they are all by his side.

Turn around him tightly.

No one is willing to leave Ye Duan for half a step, for fear that they will be snatched away if they don't pay attention.

Needless to say to his girlfriends, he is now the god in their hearts!

Xiao Di was also conquered, so he was waiting for the opportunity to show his love.

Jiang Yuling's affection for Ye Duan has also increased rapidly, and she plans to find a clear night to look up at the starry sky with him and chat about life...

The event is finally over!
Some guests left one after another.

More guests gathered around Ye Duan and handed in their business cards one after another.

Competing to make friends with Ye Duan.

Xiao Di was also surrounded by fans, and she also politely met the fans' requests, taking photos and signing autographs...

Ding Xueer also started to have her own fans.

"Goddess Xue'er, can you sign my name?"

"Goddess! I want it too, I want it too..."

She was a little confused.

Overwhelmed with excitement.

She was still a little uncomfortable being surrounded by so many people asking for autographs all of a sudden.

Is this what it's like to be a star?

It's really embarrassing to be called a goddess.

I am only 18 years old.

Does being called a goddess make you look old?
Hee hee, all this is due to uncle.

Be sure to reward him well.

In more than two weeks, it will be the birthday of the lunar calendar, and I can...

Thinking of this, Ding Xueer also blushed with shame.

I was busy for a long time.

The guests and fans finally all left.

Only a middle-aged man wearing gold-rimmed glasses was left, and he came to Ye Duan and Ding Xueer.

"Dean Guo, please forgive me for the poor reception today."

Ye Duan took the initiative to say hello.

This man is Guo Jianye, the deputy dean of the Shanghai Academy of Drama that he met yesterday.

"Where is there, seeing you are so successful, I am very happy and excited to be a teacher! You are really the pride of our Drama Academy!"

Guo Jianye has already learned that not only Ye Duan is his student, but Ding Xueer is also a student of the Drama Academy.

The college suddenly produced two outstanding students.

He was really excited in his heart.

Ding Xueer was a little confused, she didn't know the person in front of her.

In fact, many students are like this.

Even after graduation, the school leaders still can't fully recognize it.

Ding Xueer was just a freshman, so it was normal that she didn't know the vice president.

Ye Duan quickly introduced her: "Xue'er, this is Dean Guo of our school."

"Hi Dean Guo, thank you Dean Guo for your compliment." Ding Xueer greeted quickly.

She didn't want to offend the academy leaders again.

The counselor is going to punish her!
"Your name is Ding Xue'er, right? Which department? What's the name of the head of the department?" Guo Jianye asked many questions with concern.

Ding Xueer answered one by one.

"Very good, very good. The college will definitely support your future development and be your strong backing. If you encounter any difficulties, feel free to ask your department head, or come to me directly."

Guo Jianye is very satisfied with Ding Xueer.

Over the years, the Shanghai Academy of Drama has become much worse than before.

Many outstanding students have applied for several art schools in Kyoto, and the School of Drama has not had a big star alumni for a long time.

This Ding Xue'er has only just entered her first year of freshman year, so she can be on an equal footing with a popular Xiao Dan like Xiao Di.

The future is limitless!

We must train her carefully so that she can become a business card of the Drama Academy.

Glory to the academy!
Ye Duan took the opportunity to say: "Dean Guo, Xue'er really needs your help. Because she participates in many extracurricular activities, the counselor is going to give her a major demerit."

"What? There is such a thing? What a fool!"

Guo Jianye was very angry, and comforted Ding Xueer: "You don't have to worry, I will deal with this matter when you get back. You should work hard with Senior Ye Duan, and you can let the school affairs go for a while, and I have the final say on everything!"

Hearing this, the big stone in Ding Xueer's heart fell to the ground.

"I wish you great success!"

Guo Jianye gave a few more instructions before leaving.

Ding Xueer immediately pulled Ye Duan to the place where no one was inside the fender behind the stage.

A small mouth approached Ye Duan's face.


Kissed Ye Duan.

"Dad, you are awesome!"

With Dean Guo's guarantee, Ding Xueer can follow Ye Duan in a legitimate way.

Of course my heart is full of joy.

"You stinky girl, your courage is getting bigger and bigger."

Ye Duan did not dare to linger on Little Fairy's kiss.

Don't stay here for long.

There are a group of beauties waiting for him outside...

As soon as Ye Duan pulled Ding Xueer out of the baffle, he met Lin Meishuang.

It turned out that Lin Meishuang followed them as soon as they left.

She knew exactly what Ding Xueer wanted to do.

If it is discovered, it will be dead.

Lin Meishuang glanced at Ye Duan and said, "Hurry up, Xiaodi and the others are still waiting for you."

Then he took the two of them to the middle of the younger sister.

Sure enough, Xiao Di's complexion was not right.

Apart from Lin Meishuang, she is the only one who knows about the relationship between Ye Duan and Ding Xueer.

Just now I saw Ding Xueer pull Ye Duan away.

She has a bad feeling.

Seeing the two sneaking back, she already guessed something.

The two must have done something bad!
If Ding Xueer becomes a big star in the future, she will definitely snatch Brother Ye away.


You must tell Brother Ye your sincerity as soon as possible.

Compared with them, Jiang Yuling was an outsider.

She was a guest at the event.

Not with them.

"Mr. Ye, I still want to add your WeChat, is that okay?"

Jiang Yuling was very active.

Ye Duan was too embarrassed to refuse her again.

Jiang Yuling's performance today exceeded his expectations.

Not only is she talented, but she is also caring.

Her unscripted speech was great, and she took the initiative to help the sanitation aunt is also very admirable.

Not as lofty as a rich lady.

Ye Duan agreed to her, took out his mobile phone, opened WeChat, and said, "I'll add you."

The two added WeChat.

Jiang Yuling was very happy, and finally got Ye Duan's WeChat.

"Mr. Ye, I'll take my leave first, and I'll keep in touch in the future."

Jiang Yuling shook the phone in his hand while talking.

"Well, Miss Jiang, go slowly, I'll see you off."

Ye Duan sent Jiang Yuling to the side of the road in a personable manner.

The black business car was already waiting.

Jiang Yuling got into the car, waved to Ye Duan again, and then signaled the driver to drive.

Xiao Di couldn't wait any longer.

Seeing Jiang Yuling leaving, he immediately walked to Ye Duan's side.

She said shyly, "Brother Ye, I want to have a few words with you alone."

At this time, Ding Xueer came over with a smile, and said to Xiaodi: "Sister Xiaodi, sister Lin asked us to change clothes, and she invited us to dinner at noon."

Xiao Di didn't want to go, but had to.

Looking at Ye Duan resentfully, he looked unhappy.

"You go first, it's not too late to talk after dinner." Ye Duan comforted her.

"Yes." Xiaodi reluctantly left with Ding Xueer.

The two went into the mall to change clothes.

He Shiping is leaving too.

He came to Ye Duan and said, "Master, I'm going back to the magazine first, remember to visit me when you have time."

She's already determined.

There must be a girlfriend of the master among these girls.

She didn't want to embarrass the master, so she took the initiative to leave.

Ye Duan felt a little uncomfortable when he heard his apprentice's words.

I really cared too little for Pingping.

Then he said: "Pingping, stay for lunch, and I will go to the launching ceremony of director Han Han's new movie with me in the afternoon."

"It's not suitable, master. I'm already very happy that you let me participate in the morning activities. I'd better go back. I don't know them well..."

"It is precisely because of unfamiliarity that we need to get in touch with each other more. You will become familiar with each other in the future."

Ye Duan said with a smile.

Now he is not worried at all that these female subordinates will make trouble.

He had already discovered that they were actually very sensible.

Once a man is good enough, all women who like you will tolerate all your shortcomings.

Leaf segment is now like this.

In the entire magic city, is there any man better than him?


So, how could these girls blame him and be angry with him?

In order to give his apprentice the courage to stay, Ye Duan took the initiative to hold her hand: "Stay here, Pingping."

Liu Qian who was standing not far away was not calm anymore.

"Look, Brother Ye... what are you doing?" Liu Qian said anxiously and angrily.

Su Mengwen also saw it.

She didn't speak, and had already guessed what was going on.

Yang Bingyue also saw it, blinked her innocent big eyes, and said, "They seem to be holding hands."

Lin Meishuang hurriedly let them in for dinner: "Okay, don't look, let's go to the restaurant first."

So he dragged Liu Qian and others into the shopping mall.

"Sister Lin, isn't that girl a former colleague of Brother Ye?"

Liu Qian asked while walking.

"That's right, she is Brother Ye's female apprentice in the magazine." Lin Meishuang said.

"But, what's going on with them?" Liu Qian was still not calm.

"Why did Brother Duan pull the apprentice's hand?" Yang Bingyue was also curious.

Seeing a few people unhappy, Lin Meishuang said: "Her name is He Shiping, and she is the editor-in-chief of the "Silk Road Beauty" magazine. She is still renting a house by herself, so we have to be more polite to her, understand? "

Liu Qian and the others nodded.

They all lived in the mansion with river view given by Ye Duan, and the editor-in-chief rented a house, so what else could they say?
Several people came to the Suzhe Restaurant.

Lin Meishuang had already reserved a private room, and the dishes were also ordered.

After a while, Xiaodi and Ding Xueer also came.

Finally, Ye Duan and He Shiping also came.

As the organizer, Lin Meishuang greeted everyone for dinner.

Knowing He Shiping's identity, Liu Qian and the others treated her very politely, and gave her food one after another.

It made He Shiping a little confused.

These people were neither cold nor cold to her during the event just now, why have they become so enthusiastic now?

Can only say "thank you" "thank you" all the time.

During the dinner, Ye Duan's cell phone rang suddenly, and director Han Han called.

Didn't the opening ceremony start in the afternoon?

What will happen at this point?
Ye Duan answered the phone, and Hanhan's urgent cry for help came immediately.

"It's not good, Brother Duan, our venue has been taken over."

"What's going on? Tell me clearly!"

Ye Duan was a little confused, what kind of venue was occupied by someone.

Han Han immediately explained: "It's the launching ceremony of the new movie. I set the location in the square in front of the gate of the Shanghai Film City. Sports cars, blocking our field."

Hearing this, Ye Duan became angry.

Dare to make trouble for the first movie I invested in? !
Moreover, Modu Film and Television City is a subsidiary organization of Modu Film and Television Company, and it is also Lao Tzu's property.

Dare to break ground on Tai Sui's head?

These bastards are getting impatient!
"MD, who did it?"

Ye Duan swears directly.

It frightened all the female subordinates at the dining table.

They have never seen Ye Duan get so angry.

"I don't know yet. They just insist on not leaving, and no one cares about it. We made many calls to report to no avail."

"Okay, I'll be right there."

Ye Duan hung up the phone and got up to leave.

Lin Meishuang also stood up, and asked with concern: "What happened? Do you want me to go with you?"

The others also put down the bowls and chopsticks in their hands.

Pairs of eyes stared at Ye Duan, full of love.

Ye Duan's heart warmed.

What kind of virtue and ability do I have to make so many beautiful women who look like gods so worried.

Men do it.

This life is worth it!

So he waved his hands to them, and said with a smile: "You guys continue to eat, it's a trivial matter, and I will listen to sister Lin's arrangement here."

Then he said to Xiaodi and Ding Xueer: "For the opening ceremony of the movie in the afternoon, let Sister Lin send you a car to take you there."

After Ye Duan finished his orders, he left the box.

In less than 10 seconds, it came back.

Walking up to the female apprentice, she said, "Pingping, you go with me, I don't drive, I drive your car."

He Shiping was flattered.

The little heart was pounding.

It's like being turned over by the master!
That feeling of joy is really refreshing...

The two drove He Shiping's Mercedes-Benz off-road vehicle to the Shanghai Film and Television City.

The people in the box didn't feel like eating anymore.

Lin Meishuang knew that their thoughts were all on Ye Duan, so she comforted them and said, "Don't worry, no matter what happens, Brother Ye will definitely be able to handle it well. Have you ever seen anything he couldn't handle?"

Say so.

In fact, even Lin Meishuang was very disturbed.

(End of this chapter)

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