Chapter 148
An old classmate, a commoner, became the richest man in Shanghai, and today he made such a big commotion that he became the most famous man in Shanghai.

It will definitely attract the envy of many people.

Backstabbing is inevitable.

I hope God will bless him to turn bad luck into good luck and everything will be smooth.

Seeing that the younger sisters were not in the mood to eat, Lin Meishuang asked Su Mengwen to open a few suites at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel and arranged for them to rest.

Xiaodi and Ding Xueer will participate in activities in the afternoon, so they must recharge their energy.


On the way, Ye Duan called Qin Miaofei, the general manager of Modu Film and Television Company.

"Manager Qin, do you know about the Shanghai Film and Television City?"

"Mr. Ye, I'm at the scene now."

"What's going on, do you know?"

"I found someone to check. These sports cars belong to a club, and I can't find out the others."

Qin Miaofei was right.

She really couldn't find any more information.

Not because of her lack of ability, but because this club is extraordinary.

The owner of the club is a very common name.

Can't find any information about him.

Only a few people in Shanghai know the secret of this sports car club.

And Qin Miaofei is obviously not layered enough.

Ye Duan didn't ask any more questions.

He had expected such a day.

If he became the richest man in Shanghai, some people would be jealous.

This is how the world is.

Do you want to be quiet and be a good person?
Excuse me.

Bad guys won't agree!

As a line says, the bad guy will never be absent, he is just waiting in a dark corner to set you up.

But Ye Duan is not afraid, he has matured a lot now.

No need to be as cautious as when you first arrived in Shanghai.

He is now the richest man in Shanghai, and also the most handsome and famous real man in Shanghai!
Have the ability and strength to meet any challenge!
After hanging up Qin Miaofei's phone, Ye Duan dialed Wang Congcong's cell phone.

"Brother Cong Cong, help me arrange a few forklifts to drive to the entrance of Modu Film and Television City. I want it now."

"Okay brother, I'll do it right away."

Wang Congcong didn't ask any more questions, and immediately got busy.

He already knew that someone was making trouble.

Han Han's new movie, he is also one of the investors.

And he has asked his father to help find the person behind the scenes, but the result has not been found yet.

Soon, Ye Duan and He Shiping arrived at Modu Film and Television City.

As soon as the two got off the Mercedes-Benz, Hanhan ran over and said anxiously: "What should I do, Brother Duan, these people can't be driven away, and they just sit in the sports car without answering questions. What's more annoying is , even the government doesn’t care about it.”

Qin Miaofei also came over and asked, "Mr. Ye, do you want the security guards to carry them away?"

Ye Duan found that all the security guards from the film and television city had arrived.

There are at least dozens of people densely packed.

Lifting a few sports cars is no problem at all.

Although this Qin Miaofei is a young and beautiful woman, her style of handling affairs is still very bold.

Ye Duan also looked at her with admiration.

Beautiful, indeed beautiful!

"No, I have my own way to deal with them."

I saw Ye Duan coming.

The people in the sports car got out of the car and walked up to him one after another.

A social young man with yellow hair was shaking his Ferrari car keys in his hand, and said in a provocative tone: "Hehe, it seems that this is the new richest man in Shanghai, why did he drive a car worth more than 200 million yuan? The title of the richest man is not bought, is it?"

After Huang Mao finished speaking, he burst out laughing.

Several other punks also booed.

"That is, which one of our cars is not more expensive than yours? You fake richest man, don't be ashamed of yourself here."

"I think he's just a little boy, relying on his good looks to pick up girls everywhere."

"Don't say it, these two beauties are really tender, it's really cheap for this kid."

The eyes of the gangsters began to wander over He Shiping and Qin Miaofei.

attracted by their beauty.

Ye Duan was angry.

He didn't want to get entangled with these gangsters.

Afraid of getting my hands dirty and losing my identity.

Because at first glance, they are just the lackeys of the master.

But now he couldn't take it anymore.

How dare you tease your own woman?

"NND, court death!"

Ye Duan kicked the yellow hair over.

With the S-level fighting skills rewarded by the system, the punks were knocked down in a few hits, and a group of security guards had no chance to help.

Then he walked up to Huang Mao and stepped on his face with his feet.

"Crack" sound.

broke one of his arms.

Huangmao immediately let out a scream: "Ah..."

There was another "click".

Broke the other arm.

Huang Mao fainted instantly from the pain.

Ye Duan walked up to another punk with green hair who was lying on the ground.

It also stepped on his face.

took his arm.

Lu Mao immediately begged for mercy: "The richest man spares his life, the richest man spares his life, the richest man spares his life..."

Ye Duan asked: "Say, who told you to come?"

"No... no one asked us to come." Lumao hesitated to say.

"Crack" sound.

Lu Mao broke a hand.

"Ah... ah..., I said, I said, it was Huang Shao who asked us to come."

"Which Young Master Huang?"

"It's Huang Xiuwu, the son of Huangchao Company."

After finding the real culprit behind the scenes, Ye Duan let go of his green hair.

At this time, the two beauties have become little fans.

All looked at him adoringly.

"Master is such a man!"

He Shiping couldn't help being crazy.

It turns out that the master is not only good in bed, but also good in fighting!

Qin Miaofei was also touched by the valve.

The admiration for Ye Duan in my heart began to ripple...

This man is so brave!

No wonder he was voted the most handsome man in Shanghai on the Internet!
Really handsome!
"Brother Duan, Huang Chao Company doesn't seem to be involved in the film and television industry, why did they come here to make trouble?" Han Han asked suspiciously.

"They're coming after me."

Ye Duan understood that these people came for him.

But also very puzzled in my heart.

Huang Chao Company is a well-known chaebol in Shanghai, with extremely deep connections.

But their main industry is shipping and import and export, and they have no intersection with them, nor any grievances.

Why is this Young Master Huang making trouble for himself?
Ye Duan just finished teaching a few gangsters.

Wang Congcong came with three forklifts.

"Brother, the forklift is here, what should I do, I will follow your orders."

"Brother Cong Cong came just in time, smashed these sports cars and pushed them away!"


Wang Congcong immediately commanded the forklift to work.

He Shiping, Qin Miaofei and others were startled.

These sports cars are worth tens of millions!
But in Ye Duan's eyes, they are no different from toy cars.

"Master, if it breaks, do you want to pay for it?" He Shiping was very worried.

"Compensation? Hehe, pay him a hammer!"

Ye Duan didn't take it to heart at all.

Not to mention a few million-dollar sports cars, even a few helicopters, he had to smash them to pieces!

If you dare to block Lao Tzu's territory, the consequences will be very serious.

Ye Duan also wanted to make an example of others.

Who will dare to come to find trouble next time?
Under the command of Wang Congcong, several sports cars were quickly smashed into iron bumps and pushed to a nearby garbage dump by a forklift.

A luxury car worth tens of millions instantly became trash.

The gangsters were also dumbfounded, and hurriedly reported to the master.

I don't know what order the master gave them, and this group of people quickly disappeared.

Wang Congcong also received news from his father, and he had already found out who was behind the scenes, so he said to Ye Duan, "Brother, my father has found out that the backside of this sports car club is the Huangchao Company in Shanghai."

Ye Duan nodded: "I see, brother Congcong who works hard."

"Brother Duan has already asked about it just now, it was Huang Xiuwu, son of Huang Chao Company, who did the trick." Han Han said quickly.

"Huang Xiuwu? This guy is a rich second generation who eats, drinks and has fun all day long. How dare he come to trouble your elder brother?"

Wang Congcong was also puzzled.

He is also in the wealthy second-generation circle, and he still knows a little about Huang Xiuwu.

"Brother Congcong, do you know this guy?" Ye Duan asked.

"I've met this Mr. Huang a few times. He's just a poor guy who can't be supported by mud. He doesn't have any ambitions. According to my guess, he shouldn't be able to do such a thing."

"But, it was he who did it."

"How about I go and find out what he has to say?" Wang Congcong wanted to relieve his elder brother's worries.

"Forget it, if you ask rashly, he will definitely not say anything. I smashed his tens of millions of sports cars. If he feels distressed, he will definitely come to the door by himself. Let's stop quietly and see what tricks he plays. .”

Wang Congcong thinks it makes sense.

"Brother is now the richest man in Shanghai. In the territory of Shanghai, whoever dares to behave wildly in front of you is asking for trouble?"

"That's right, the highest officials in Shanghai have sent their own daughters to support Brother Duan, who dares to make trouble at this time?"

Hanhan also felt that there was nothing to worry about.

Maybe this incident was just an accident, it was just Huang Xiuwu's whim.

Ye Duan didn't think so.

He vaguely felt that it was not that simple behind this matter.

Qin Miaofei also gave her own opinion, and said to Ye Duan: "Mr. Ye, no matter how stupid that Huang Xiuwu is, he should know your current identity. He knows that you are the new richest man in Shanghai, and he dares to come to find trouble. Someone instructed."

Ye Duan nodded.

I quite agree with Qin Miaofei's opinion.

I didn't expect that a woman like her would have such insight, she is really a woman.

A little training is also a good helper!

Ye Duan couldn't help but look at Qin Miaofei a few more times.

It really looks better the more you look at it, the small nose and small mouth are really delicate...

Qin Miaofei's face was also blushing.

She looked a little embarrassed...

But Ye Duan was still a little worried.

Who is this behind-the-scenes messenger?

"Forget it, just leave him alone."

Seeing that the time for the event was approaching, Ye Duan quickly told Qin Miaofei, "Manager Qin, help Director Han Han clean up the venue, the guests will be arriving soon."

Everyone immediately got busy, and quickly arranged the venue intact.

During this period, He Shiping kept busy with her mobile phone.


Lin Meishuang was very worried about Ye Duan, and sat in the hotel suite with Su Mengwen, Liu Qian, and Yang Bingyue, as anxious as ants on a hot pot.

However, only He Shiping followed him.

So Su Mengwen came up with a way: "Sister Lin, do you have Pingping's WeChat? Ask her how she is doing now."

Hearing this, Lin Meishuang found He Shiping's cell phone number and added her WeChat.

Liu Qian gave a better suggestion: "Anyway, she is also Brother Ye's female subordinate, so why not drag her into the group."

Several people agreed.

Lin Meishuang then dragged He Shiping into the "Secret Garden of Good Sisters" group.

Seeing the group's name, He Shiping guessed it in an instant.

This group is definitely not easy!
Could it be that they are all female colleagues of the master?
But she was too embarrassed to ask directly.

You can only pretend that you don't know anything.

Lin Meishuang: "Pingping, tell us quickly, how is Brother Ye doing now?"

Liu Qian: "Yes, yes, sister Pingping, sister Pingping, tell us quickly."

Miss Conch didn't know whether He Shiping was older or younger than her, so she simply called her elder sister and younger sister.

It made everyone want to laugh.

This little showy hoof must be worried.

He Shiping: "It's all right now, my master has driven all the bad guys away and smashed their cars."

Liu Qian: "No way? Brother Ye doesn't know martial arts, he wasn't injured, right?"

Miss Conch was very worried.

The last time I met Pengci, Ye Duan couldn't beat him and drove away alone, leaving Liu Qian alone.

This incident stuck in her memory.

He Shiping: "Brother Ye is amazing, he knocked down several people in a few strokes by himself."

Yang Bingyue: "Brother Duan is so amazing~"

Liu Qian was puzzled.

Could it be that Big Brother Ye deliberately hid his strength from her last time?
This bad master.

good or bad!

In fact, she wronged Ye Duan.

Because she didn't know that Ye Duan was instilled with S-level fighting skills later.

Lin Meishuang: "That's good! Take good care of your master. If there is anything wrong, please tell us quickly."

He Shiping: "Okay, I will take a good look at Master."

Seeing that Ye Duan was fine, the beauties breathed a sigh of relief.


At 02:30 in the afternoon, the guests arrived one after another.

The number of people was far less than that in the morning, and they were basically representatives of the film and entertainment circles in Shanghai.

Because this is not Ye Duan's home field after all.

Director Han Han is the soul of this opening ceremony.

Ye Duan can't overwhelm the host.

However, the media from all walks of life still attended the scene and carried out massive reports.

Xiaodi and Ding Xueer also arrived by car.

Yi Yang Qianxi's younger brother also arrived at the scene.

At 58:[-], the auspicious time has come.

The opening ceremony of the movie "Your Youth" officially started.

Han Han led several actors and held a simple but grand celebration.

As an investor, Ye Duan announced: "The movie "Your Youth" has a good start!"

Immediately there was thunderous applause at the scene.

He Shiping also took a few photos and sent them to the "Secret Garden of Good Sisters" group.

The beauties in the group were also extremely happy when they saw it.

Like it one after another!

Soon, there were overwhelming reports on the Internet.

Xiaodi and Ding Xueer are once again popular all over the Internet.

Especially Ding Xueer, who became popular almost overnight.

Everyone is asking for news about her.

Her class group was already boiling.

"@丁萨儿, Xue'er, you are so good!"

"Is the school belle still missing a bag? It's on call 24 hours a day."

"Ding Xueer, you are so amazing, I want to confess my love to you!"

"Go away! Xue'er has become a big star, you have no chance in this life!"

"@丁雪儿, when are you going back to school? We treat you to dinner."

"Xue'er, is your crew still short of extras? Help me introduce them."

(End of this chapter)

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