Sleeping in math class, my status as a scholar is exposed

Chapter 149 Solving Ding Xueer's Trouble

Chapter 149 Solving Ding Xueer's Trouble
Seeing the flattery and flattery of her classmates, Ding Xueer didn't know how to face them.

Yesterday she was just an ordinary member of them, today she is their unattainable idol...

The uncle drove her all the way.

Leave your peers far behind!

Take her to an unprecedented height!
It's like climbing Mount Everest.

List of small hills!

All of a sudden, she helped her realize her childhood wish.

She's about to be a movie star!
So happy, so happy.

So happy!

However, a phone call.

Woke up Ding Xueer from happiness.

It was the counselor calling.

"Ding Xueer, you missed class again today, come to my office quickly, immediately! Immediately!"

After the opening ceremony.

Ding Xueer immediately ran to Ye Duan with a sad face.

"Uncle~ What should I do? The counselor said I missed class again, so let me go to her office now."

"This eighth woman won't cry until she sees the coffin. I'll go with you to meet her."

"Well, thank you uncle."

Ye Duan bid farewell to everyone, and took Ding Xueer to the Shanghai Academy of Drama.

If you don't settle this matter, how will you live in the future?
The movie "Your Youth" has already been launched. If the female lead Ding Xueer can't ask for leave, how can the movie be filmed?

I still have to be a stand-in for kissing scenes and sex scenes...

What age is it, and there are still such counselors who don't understand the general situation and don't care about the overall situation? !
It really makes no sense!

Ye Duan was very angry and decided to go to the Drama Academy to make a fuss.

Seeing the two leave in a hurry, Xiao Di was displeased.

She waited for a long time to whisper to Ye Duan.

As a result, Ding Xueer snatched the opportunity every time.

Since Sheng Yu, He Shengliang?
This Ding Xueer is here to grab her job.

Grabbing her own commercial endorsement, snatching the number one movie actress, and even... her sweetheart!
woo woo woo...

Ding Xueer, you stinky girl!

I really want to pinch you.

You must not do bad things with Ye Duan, otherwise I will never let you go!

Xiao Di bit her lip and watched the two leave helplessly.

My heart hurts...

Ye Duan glanced back, just in time to catch Xiao Di.

A pitiful look really makes people feel distressed.

It seems she is not happy.

Let Ding Xueer deal with the school affairs first, and then come back to comfort Xiao Di.

Men, they always focus on the head of the bed and miss the end of the bed.

This is a dilemma!
When he arrived at the Shanghai Drama Academy, Ye Duan first called the vice president, Guo Jianye.

"Dean Guo, I'm Ye Duan, please go to the office of the counselor of the acting department, and go now."

After that, he hung up the phone.

Although it seemed impolite to do so, Ye Duan was indeed very angry.

This Guo Jianye was still patted his chest in the morning and wanted to make decisions for Ding Xueer, but Ding Xueer was made things difficult by the counselor in the afternoon.

Some people talk like farts!
If you can't handle this matter well today, let's see how he explains it.

At any rate, he is also the vice president of the Drama Academy in Shanghai, and he is also a person of dignity, so I don't believe that he doesn't mean anything, and he can afford to lose this person!
When Guo Jianye received a call from Ye Duan, he immediately understood what was going on.

It must be because of Ding Xueer's punishment.

Ye Duan told him about it in the morning, but he hasn't had time to deal with it yet.

And he has discovered that the relationship between Ye Duan and Ding Xueer is extraordinary.

The two are not only alumni but fellow villagers.

Ding Xueer is just a freshman, why did she get the chance to be on equal footing with the big star Xiao Di?
Ye Duan must be behind her back!
Ye Duan is the new richest man in Shanghai, the president of the Photographers Association, and the most outstanding alumnus of the Drama Academy.

He can't afford to offend him!

Thinking of this, Guo Jianye also rushed all the way to the office building of the acting department.


Ding Xueer brought Ye Duan to the counselor's office, trembling all the way.

A woman in her mid-thirties sat at her desk angrily and waited for her.

This woman with early menopause is her counselor Ai Lili.

"Xue'er, I'm with you."

Ye Duan wanted to go in with Ding Xueer, but was stopped outside.

"Uncle, you'd better not go in, just wait here for me."

So Ding Xueer walked into the office alone.

Seeing Ding Xueer come in, Ai Lili immediately yelled loudly: "Ding Xueer, you ask for leave every three days and don't go to class, don't you think of me as a counselor at all?"

"I went to an event..." Ding Xueer explained.

"Participate in an event? Do you really think you are a big star? Is it great to accept an endorsement commercial?"

"I also took a movie..."

Ding Xueer told the truth.

She had indeed just returned from the opening ceremony of Han Han's new film.

In fact, Ellie already knew these things from the Internet.

With the topic of advertising spokesperson and movie heroine, Ding Xueer has already dominated today's hot search list.

She is now the hottest student at the Shanghai Academy of Drama!
The big celebrity of the whole school!

It is precisely because of this that Ellie bursts out with jealousy.

Want to hit Ding Xueer.

"Hmph! You bratty girl, don't show off in front of me! What's so great about making a movie! I think you were still wearing diapers when I was making movies!"


Ding Xueer was very scared and didn't know what to say.

She could see that Ai Lili was obviously making trouble for no reason, and deliberately wanted to punish herself.

"Don't think that I don't know about the shitty things you did. Isn't it just that you got a big money? You were raised by a man when you were just in freshman year. That's why you got commercials and movies, right?"

Ai Lili began to talk nonsense, and her jealousy had made her lose her mind.

Some women are like this, they can't see the good of others.

If you see that your subordinates or juniors are better, more beautiful, more outstanding, and more popular than yourself.

They can't stand it.

You will be full of jealousy!
The dark side of the heart will be exposed.

They will use the power in their hands to suppress the outstanding ones.

Ellie is that kind of woman.

She also graduated from the Acting Department of the Academy of Drama. Because of the failure of plastic surgery, she couldn't become a star, so she tried her best to stay in school.

For this reason, she slept with several men...

Now that she saw that Ding Xueer was so good, she received an advertisement endorsement when she was just a freshman, and she even became the heroine of Han Han's new movie.

Fame even caught up with big star Xiaodi.

Ellie was so angry that she was about to explode.

envy, jealousy, hate!
She hated herself for ruining her appearance and not being a star.

I hate that Ding Xue'er is as beautiful as a fairy, and her star journey is so smooth!
So she wanted to use a little bit of power in her hands to hit, insult, and intimidate Ding Xueer.

This will make her feel better.

Ellie's heart is so dark!
When Ye Duan heard her words outside the door, he couldn't bear it anymore.

He kicked open the office door.

"You bloody bitch!"

Ye Duan walked up to Ai Lili, ready to beat her up.

But Ding Xueer firmly held her back.

"No, uncle, don't cause trouble here, or I will be fired..."

Only then did Ye Duan regain his rationality.

Staring at Ai Lili firmly, she said: "I advise you to keep your mouth clean, you old woman, you don't take pictures of yourself with piss, and you still make movies with your ugly appearance? Do you play Ruhua or Baoyazhen? Sister Pomegranate is ten times prettier than you!"

"You... who are you? How dare you be presumptuous here! You... get out of here!"

Ai Lili was so angry that her tongue was tied up, and she couldn't speak fluently.

" what are you? You are an ugly, old woman, broom star, femme fatale, shrew who doesn't want face!"

Ye Duan intentionally imitated her stuttering appearance.

Swear all the bad words in one breath.

If it wasn't for Ai Lili being a woman, he would have beaten her all over the place.

"You... Ding Xueer, I want to fire you!"

Ellie fainted.

She couldn't fight Ye Duan, so she could only grab Ding Xueer to vent her anger.

"Ai Lili! I think you are crazy!"

At this time, a person walked in quickly, pointing at Ai Lili and shouting angrily.

It was Guo Jianye who came.

"Guo... Dean Guo, why are you here?"

Ellie froze instantly.

One level crushes people to death!

In front of Guo Jianye, she is just a little guy, only kneeling and licking.

"Why did I come here? It's not because of your good deeds! Ding Xue'er has achieved such great achievements, you not only discourage and support her, but also accuse her and punish her. What is your intention? Stupid or stupid?"

"I..." Ellie was speechless.

Guo Jianye turned to Ye Duan and Ding Xueer again and said, "I'm sorry Ye Duan, it's my fault that I didn't inform her in time, please don't take it to heart, I will give you an explanation."

"It's okay, Dean Guo, I asked you to come here because I was afraid that this idiot would delay Xue'er's future."

Seeing that Guo Jianye was so devout, Ye Duan couldn't say anything more.

Ellie was stunned at this moment.

Who is this handsome guy in front of him?
Why is even Dean Guo so polite to him?

Ai Lili put all her mind on being jealous of Ding Xueer.

Didn't pay attention to the reports on Ye Duan on the Internet.

So he didn't recognize him as the richest man in Shanghai.

So he said reluctantly: "Dean Guo, why are you being so polite to a young man? You are the vice president of our college, so you don't need to be humble to an outsider, right?"

"shut up!"

Guo Jianye was angry and disappointed with Ai Lili.

This woman is hopeless!
Not only is it extremely stupid, but it also has no vision.

I don't know how she sat in this office, how could the school hire someone like her?
"You don't have eyes! Do you know who this gentleman is? He is the new richest man in Shanghai! He is also the most outstanding business alumnus in our school's history!"

"No... no?"

Ellie was completely dumbfounded.

This handsome guy turned out to be the richest man in Shanghai?
Why so young?

Looks like he's in his early 20s!

He also graduated from drama school?

No wonder he looks so handsome.

It's a pity that I offended him, otherwise...

"Quickly apologize to Ye Duan and Ding Xueer, or you'll get out of this office immediately!"

Seeing Guo Jianye furious, Ai Lili was about to pee in fright.

She doesn't want to lose this iron rice bowl.

Ellie was terrified.

With a "plop", she knelt down in front of Ye Duan and Ding Xueer.

Weeping and saying: "Mr. Ye, I was blind and didn't recognize you. Please let me go? Xue'er, I was wrong. I will never criticize you again. I will definitely support you in participating in the off-campus competition." activities, you will forgive me this time, okay?"

Ding Xueer saw Ai Lili in such a mess.

Also unbearable.

With kindness in my heart, I don't want to embarrass her anymore.

He turned around and glanced at Ye Duan, motioning him to let Ai Lili go.

Ye Duan understood, and said to Guo Jianye: "Dean Guo, what to do with her is up to you."

"It's still Ye Duan who understands righteousness! I will immediately issue a notice and give Ai Lili a serious punishment as a warning!"

Guo Jianye is also scheming.

Give Ellie a moderate punishment.

As the leader of the college, he is well aware of the complexity of interpersonal relationships.

Ai Lili is so stupid but can stay in school and work, it must not be a fuel-efficient lamp.

It's better to let her go.

Ye Duan didn't want to continue making trouble.

After all, Xueer still has to continue studying at school, so she can't push Ai Lili to a dead end.

Leave her a way out, and she will treat Xueer well instead.

If you push her into a hurry, maybe she will break the pot and stalk her.

Ding Xueer was also relieved.

This time there will be no more punishment.

Seeing that the matter had been resolved, Guo Jianye took the opportunity to say: "I will also send out a notice to praise Xue Er, thank her for winning the honor for the school, and she has achieved such great results in her freshman year. proud of me!"

"Thank you, Dean Guo."

Ding Xueer felt sweet in her heart.

But she felt another "danger" approaching.

Now the uncle won the bet.

To get him to kiss three times, it has to be in three different places.

Which three places will it be?

Uncle won't take the opportunity to make money for himself, right?

What if he wanted to kiss...?

To promise him or not to promise him?
Ding Xue'er was embarrassed, she was dreaming, and her face was as red as a newly ripened apple.

Ye Duan hadn't had time to think about this yet.

He wants to get more convenience for Ding Xueer.

"Dean Guo, Xue'er's new film has already held a launching ceremony and will start filming soon, so a lot of leave will be asked for during this period. I hope you can accommodate her and support her acting career."

"No problem, no problem, the school will definitely support her with all its strength!"

Guo Jianye immediately agreed.

"I've heard that Xue'er was selected by director Han Han to be the lead actress in his new movie, and she's working with big stars Xiao Di and Yi Yang Qianxi. This is a very precious opportunity!"

Guo Jianye turned around and said to Ai Lili: "Ai Lili, Ding Xueer doesn't need to ask for leave when she goes out to film in the future. You have to take the initiative to help her handle the school affairs. Do you hear me?"

"Understand, I will definitely take good care of Xue'er, so that she will not have any worries."

Ellie smiled flatteringly.

She has seen the situation clearly now.

Ding Xueer is definitely someone she can't afford to offend!
Instead of fighting against her, it's better to flatter her, maybe you can get her credit too.

Get the unanimous guarantee of Guo Jianye and Ai Lili.

Ye Duan was very satisfied.

Now Xueer can concentrate on filming.

During the freshman year, there were some open classes, even if she asked for leave, it would not affect her studies.

Besides, learning to act in class is not for making movies and TV dramas.

Let the big star Xiao Di teach her how to act, and let the big director Han Han give her pointers, wouldn't she learn faster?
Things worked out.

Ye Duan took Ding Xueer and left the school.

He has told Lin Meishuang and Su Mengwen to hold a big party tonight to celebrate.

(End of this chapter)

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