Chapter 150
On the way, Ding Xueer said shyly, "Uncle~ you won~~"

Ye Duan instantly understood what she meant.

He asked badly, "Hey, are you ready for me to kiss?"

"But~ where do you want to kiss?"

Ding Xueer bit her lip shyly, her little face flushed.

"Where do you want me to kiss?"

Ye Duan asked back.

"Bad guy~~ I won't let you kiss anywhere~"

Ding Xueer's face turned even redder...

Ye Duan couldn't help kissing her too.


It's really sweet and delicious!

Ye Duan took Ding Xueer directly to the Ritz-Carlton Hotel.

"Uncle~ why did you bring me to the hotel?"

Ding Xueer was frightened.

Is the uncle going to kiss her now?

What if the loved one can't control it? ?

I am not ready yet, there is still some time before my birthday.

At the elevator door.

Ding Xueer dared not go in.

"Uncle~~ I don't want to have a room with you..."

"Hey, where are you thinking, you bitch? Let's go to the party!"

Ye Duan dragged Ding Xueer into the elevator.


"Yeah, tonight I'm hosting an open-air party at the Flair Roof Restaurant and Bar on the 58th floor."

"Huh? This place again?"

Last time Ding Xueer was bullied here, she felt a little dark.

"Don't worry, the entire hotel has been mine for a long time, and no one will make trouble this time!"

Ye Duan patted his chest.

Only then did Ding Xueer feel relieved.

The two soon arrived at the Flair bar.

Ye Duan's female subordinates have all arrived.

Lin Meishuang, Su Mengwen, Liu Qian, Yang Bingyue, He Shiping.

All of them are radiant and beautiful.

And Xiaodi is there too.

After the opening ceremony of the movie "Your Youth", she came here directly in He Shiping's Mercedes-Benz.

See Ye Duan come in.

Xiao Di quickly ran to his side.

She has made up her mind.

I won't take another half step away from Ye Duan tonight.

lest he be robbed again...

Ding Xueer didn't know that Xiao Di was angry with her, so she greeted her with a smile: "Sister Xiao Di, are you here too?"

"Yeah." Xiao Di nodded.

She didn't really hate Ding Xue'er.

Just a little jealous.

So wherever Ye Duan went, Ding Xueer followed, and Xiao Di also followed.

One on the left-hand side of the leaf segment and one on the right-hand side of the leaf segment.

Surrounded by two beauties.

It is also envious of others.

However, Liu Qian and the others were vaguely jealous.

But Lin Meishuang had already told them in the "Secret Garden of Good Sisters" group that no one should take the initiative to look for Brother Ye tonight.

So they can only endure it first.

For tonight's party, Lin Meishuang and Su Mengwen are in charge of arranging everything.

Romanee-Conti, Petrus, Li Peng, Le Hua, Lafite...

All the world's top red wines are fully equipped and are available in unlimited quantities.

Six Michelin-starred chefs were also invited here at high prices.

All kinds of precious ingredients are also ready.

Foie gras and caviar from Gaul, lobster and abalone from Australia, king crab from Alaska, Wagyu from Japan...

All are shipped by air.

Some dishes have already started cooking.

The speakers and microphones have also been adjusted, and you can show your singing voice at any time!
The Flair Bar is closed tonight.

According to the list of guests who participated in the event during the day, Lin Meishuang arranged for all personnel to be notified in place.

Guests who want to come to the party can enter the bar by reporting their names.

Some older guests were very tactful, knowing that this was a party for young people, they politely refused.

Some second generations didn't want to miss the richest man's party, so they came to attend in the name of their elders.

Among them was Wei Meili.

Although she has recognized the reality clearly, she knows that she has no chance to get close to Ye Duan again.

But she still came.

Even if Ye Duan took a few more glances, the trip would not be in vain.

At least I have someone to dream about at night, especially in spring, it's easy to dream...

Han Han also brought Yi Yang Qianxi.

Ye Duan likes little brother Qianxi very much, and thinks he is very self-motivated, and although he is already very famous, he is also very hardworking.

He took the initiative to greet him.

"Brother Qianxi, welcome, you are not allowed to go home to do your homework tonight, so have a good time."

"Okay Brother Duan, thank you Brother Duan for your hospitality."

Yi Yang Qianxi also responded politely.

Ye Duan quickly arranged for them to sit down.

After a while, Wang Congcong also came.

And brought a beautiful woman over.

Ye Duan walked over to greet them and took a closer look.

I rub!

It turned out to be Jiang Yuling!

"Miss Jiang, why are you here?"

Ye Duan was very surprised.

He specifically told Lin Meishuang not to inform Jiang Yuling to come to tonight's party.

Because he doesn't want to get too close to people with official backgrounds yet.

Especially this Jiang Yuling.

Ye Duan had a premonition that something would happen to this young lady.

If a story really happened between the two, others would say that their success depended on the woman and Jiang Yuling's father.

Ye Duan didn't like the result.

It is enough to have a system sister to help me!

It's better for Jiang Yuling to stay away from her.

"Why, Mr. Ye doesn't seem to welcome me? He didn't notify me of such a big party, what a cheapskate."

Jiang Yuling was a little unhappy.

She still heard about tonight's party from others, and she was very unhappy.

What the hell is this Mr. Ye doing?

Why not inform yourself?
Is it just getting in the way?

Could it be that in his heart, he has no weight?
Although Jiang Yuling was aggrieved, she still wanted to go to the party.

In fact, she admired Ye Duan very much, and was attracted by the manly charm in him.

I just want to know more about Leaf.

But she was embarrassed to contact Ye Duan directly.

So she found Wang Congcong and asked him to take her to the party.

Because at the event site during the day, Jiang Yuling discovered that Wang Congcong and Ye Duan had a good relationship.

"Don't dare, I'm afraid that Ms. Jiang's status is noble, and I'm not used to the activities of ordinary people like us, so I just... Hehe, I hope Ms. Jiang will not be angry and have fun tonight."

Ye Duan said a few polite words.

He left with Ding Xueer and Xiao Di.

Jiang Yuling was a little embarrassed.

She was still not sure about Ye Duan's true thoughts, so she could only play by ear.

At seven o'clock in the evening, night fell.

The partying has begun.

A group of young people are eating delicious food and drinking fine wine.

In the most prosperous business district of Shanghai, the outdoor bar on the 58th floor is enjoying the good times of youth.

Everyone is immersed in the festive atmosphere of today's event.

Forget about all the unpleasantness.

Lin Meishuang brought a group of younger sisters to toast Ye Duan frequently.

She is also very happy to see her old classmate's career so successful.

Several female subordinates are also very good, and they are not jealous of Ding Xueer and Xiao Di.

Ding Xueer still looked heartless.

Sticking to Ye Duan all night.

"Ha ha ha" for a while, "giggle" for a while, and "hee hee hee" for a while.

Her laughter is everywhere.

She is the most carefree of all the girls, because Ye Duan has arranged everything for her properly.

Xiao Di has been looking for suitable opportunities.

She was still waiting to confess her love to Ye Duan.

Finally, Ding Xueer went to the bathroom.

Xiao Di seized the opportunity.

Pulling Ye Duan came to a hidden terrace.

(End of this chapter)

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