Chapter 151 Little Di Cried
"Brother Ye, I like you, I want to be with you..."

After speaking, Xiao Di hugged Ye Duan directly.

"No, Xiao Di, you have no future with me."

"I don't want a future, I just want you..."

Xiao Di completely lost himself.

What Ye Duan did for her during the day today moved her so much that she fell completely.

She didn't want to wait any longer, and she couldn't wait...

Ye Duan wanted to reject her.

He really couldn't bear to hurt Xiaodi.

Xiao Di's female assistant has already told him that if there is a scandal about Xiao Di, the consequences will be very serious.

Ye Duan was about to push Xiao Di away.

The sound of the system suddenly came.

【Ding!It was detected that the host's elder brother was blind and could not completely get rid of the worldly eyes, and the Shenhao life task system was starting...]

[Task Content: Agree to Xiaodi's request. 】

[Task Reward: 100% Equity of Huangchao Company + Level [-] "Lucky Life" System]

Hearing this, Ye Duan was stunned.

"Sister System, are you serious?"

[Of course it’s the real host brother, don’t you receive rewards every time you complete a mission? 】

"But, many people say that it's inappropriate for me and Xiao Di to be together?"

Ye Duan continued to ask in his mind.

[It is not suitable or not, as long as the fate is here, you can be with anyone, this is Shenhao's life.You can only have one at a time though, get it? 】

"Okay, I know what to do."

[Brother host, come on, drink less wine tonight, hee hee~~bye~]

"Thank you sister system, bye."


Ye Duan looked at the infatuated Xiao Di in front of him, and pushed her away.

Even if he can't complete the task, he doesn't want to deceive Xiao Di.

"Xiao Di, before we get together, there are some things I must explain to you."

Ye Duan spoke every word seriously.

Before agreeing to Xiao Di, Ye Duan felt that he had to tell her the truth.

Even if he can't complete the task of the little sister of the system and doesn't get rewards, he can't lie to Xiao Di.

And Xiao Di was dumbfounded.

I have already said what I have said, so why is there any hesitation for Brother Ye?

Does he really not like himself? ?
Ye Duan looked at Xiao Di and said seriously: "Xiao Di, I know your heart, but I am not as good as you think. In fact, I am a very bad person."

Xiao Di didn't think so.

"Brother Ye, you are not a bad person. I am not a fool. Of course I can see what kind of person you are. If you are also a bad person, then there will be no good men in the world."

"It's not Xiaodi like this, I'm really bad. Let me tell you the truth, I already have a girlfriend."

Ye Duan did not hide anything, but revealed everything.

He must let Xiao Di know the truth, otherwise he will have a disturbed conscience.

If he deceives Xiao Di, he is a scumbag!
Xiao Di has the right to know the truth, and then make his own choice.


Xiao Di was stunned.




"Why is that? You tell me, it's not true, right?"

Xiao Di didn't want to believe it.

She would rather let Ye Duan lie to her.

"Xiao Di, don't be sad, what I said is the truth."

Ye Duan insisted not to lie to Xiao Di.

It is better to make her sad for a while now than to make her sad for a lifetime later.

He's really bad, but honest.

He can't do things like getting girls into bed by coaxing them!

However, routines have been popular since ancient times.

Women like to hear lies.

The truth will only make them sad.

That's why scumbags are welcome.

Honest boys never make girls happy.

They are called "straight men"!
Hated by women like cancer.

like now.

If Ye Duan doesn't take the initiative to confess, he can embrace the beauty.

But when Ye Duan told the truth, Xiao Di was very sad.

The final chicken and egg fight!
"Brother Ye, I hate you..."

Xiao Di cried and shook Ye Duan away.

Ran out of the Flair bar.

Ding Xueer just came back from the bathroom and collided with Xiaodi.

Then he asked, "Miss Xiaodi, why are you crying? Who bullied you?"

Xiao Di didn't answer, tears streaming down his face.

Turn around and enter the elevator.

Her heart is completely broken!
Many people noticed this scene and became curious.

Lin Meishuang immediately found Ye Duan and asked softly, "Old classmate, what's going on? It's all right, why did Xiao Di leave crying?"

"I told her I already had a girlfriend."

"Ah? You are stupid, why did you tell her this?"

Lin Meishuang was a little confused.

Isn't this old classmate asking for trouble?
"She said she wanted to be with me, of course I have to tell her the truth, I don't want her to become my woman in a daze."

Ye Duan confessed truthfully.

Lin Meishuang's heart felt hot and she was very moved.

"Old classmate, I'm glad you can do this. But what to do now? Xiao Di must be very sad."

"Let her go, I'm sure she'll figure it out."

Ye Duan also felt uncomfortable.

He didn't want to make Xiao Di sad, but he had no other choice.

There are only two options.

Either A or B.

Either lie to Xiao Di, or tell the truth.

As for Xiao Di's choice, it is beyond his control.

He wants to put the choice in Xiaodi's hands.

After all, this is her due power.

She has the right to decide whether she wants to change from a girl to a real woman.

She also has the right to decide when to give her innocent body to whom...

At this time, Ding Xueer returned to Ye Duan's side.

Lin Meishuang walked away with a smile, she didn't want to be a light bulb.

As soon as the little fairy came up, she questioned Ye Duan: "Uncle, did you bully Sister Xiao Di?"

"I didn't bully her, I just told her something."

Ye Duan said with a wry smile.

"Oh~~ I know, you must have told Sister Xiaodi that you have a girlfriend, that's why she left in tears."

"You're a smart girl, so will you leave me?"

Ding Xueer shook her little head: "No~~ I don't want to leave you, I'm not a star, I want to follow you all the time, and you can't leave me alone, or I'll...cry for you."

The little fairy pouted her mouth and looked so angry that she was so cute.

Ye Duan couldn't help touching her little face.

"What about after you become a big star? Will you change your mind?"

"That's even worse! Even if I really become a big star, isn't it due to you, uncle? I will not be ungrateful, I will repay you well, stick to you for the rest of my life, and let you protect me, hee hee~ ~"

"You little villain, how can you repay someone like this?"

"I don't care, I don't care, I will stick to you~~"

As Ding Xueer said that, she really stuck to Ye Duan's body, hugged her uncle and acted coquettishly...

Ye Duan was also very happy in his heart.

Finally, I didn't hurt this girl in vain.

He hugged the little fairy tightly in his arms.

Although I feel a little sorry for Xiao Di.

But it's better to be sad alone than to break the hearts of two people, right?
(End of this chapter)

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