Chapter 152 Someone is making trouble
Ding Xueer took advantage of the situation and put her small mouth on Ye Duan's face, wanting to kiss her.


Two hot lips pressed together.


Although Jiang Yuling didn't see Ye Duan, he saw Xiao Di leaving crying.

She was also curious about what was going on.

Ye Duan's performance during the day is very good, he is very good at pleasing girls.

His tricks are simply trying to lift Xiao Di to the sky.

If it were me, I would definitely be overwhelmed with joy.

If he confessed to himself, he might not be able to refuse...

But what happened to him and Xiao Di now?
in argument?
broke up?
It's a pity that I don't know him well, so I can't ask him rashly.

Thinking about it, Jiang Yuling realized that she seemed to be a different person.

When did you become so gossipy?
Hey, it's all because of this Ye Duan!

My own heart has also become a mess...

Xiao Di's departure did not affect the normal progress of the party.

A group of young people still had a good time.

Lin Meishuang and Su Mengwen were busy greeting the guests.

Liu Qian, the renter, met one of her tenants, and the two chatted happily.

He Shiping is interviewing director Han Han, preparing to warm up for the movie "Your Youth" in the next issue of the magazine.

Yang Bingyue is a fan of Yi Yang Qianxi, so she seized this opportunity to chat with her idol.

Wang Congcong didn't bring his girlfriend over, he was bored, so he sat with Wei Meili.

The two of them guessing wine and punching each other seemed to be having fun.

Due to Jiang Yuling's special status, no one dared to approach her, so she sat alone at the bar and drank cocktails.

Ye Duan and Ding Xue'er walked out from the terrace after a while.

Seeing Jiang Yuling alone, he couldn't bear it.

Anyway, she is a beautiful big lady.

Why don't these people know how to pity the fragrance and cherish the jade?
Then she said to the little fairy: "Xue'er, why don't you go to the stage and sing us some songs?"

So Ding Xueer went on stage to sing.

Ye Duan came to Jiang Yuling's side.

"Miss Jiang, please forgive me for not taking good care of me tonight."

Unexpectedly, Jiang Yuling said directly: "Shoufu Ye, you are finally willing to come out to see me. Am I so annoying to you?"

Ye Duan was at a loss for words for a moment, but he didn't know how to answer.

Is she drunk?

Why do you say such ambiguous words?

At this moment, a group of policemen suddenly entered the bar.

A young official in the lead said loudly: "We have received a report that there are people gathering here to make trouble, please cooperate."


Ye Duan cursed in his heart.

Looks like he's been tricked again!
Everyone was having a good time, when something like this happened suddenly, they couldn't help complaining.

Wang Congcong took the lead and asked, "I mean, officer J, do you know where this is? Do you know who hosted this party?"

"Hey, isn't this the prince? Disrespect and disrespect."

The young official J was still polite, and replied: "We know this is the richest man Ye's party, but we are also following orders, and I hope all young masters and ladies can understand."

Hearing this, Ye Duan confirmed his thoughts.

Someone must have played tricks on purpose to tear down his platform!
Including being blocked by several sports cars during the day.

It should be the same person behind it.

Who will it be?

Knowing that he is the richest man in the capital city, he still dares to make trouble again and again. It seems that this person has a lot of background...

Ye Duan was about to stand up and ask, but was stopped by Jiang Yuling.

"You sit here and let me handle it."


Jiang Yuling got up and walked to the young officer.

He said coldly: "Call your Chief Jiang and tell him that Jiang Yuling is looking for him."

The young Officer J took a breath: "You know our Director Jiang?"

"He is my second uncle."

"Could it be that you are Jiang...'s daughter?"

The young official J was a little scared, and he didn't even dare to reveal Jiang Yuling's father's position.

"Yes, what else do you want to know?"

"Don't dare, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

The young officer J was terrified, and immediately took the people away.

Only then did the atmosphere in the bar ease down.

Jiang Yuling returned to Ye Duan's side.

Ye Duan was about to express his thanks to her, but he didn't say anything.

Jiang Yuling spoke first: "Mr. Ye, I will help you find the person behind the trouble, don't worry."

"Why help me?"

"Because I..., because you are a good person, I don't want bad people to harm you."

Jiang Yuling originally wanted to say that I like you.

But she is a big girl with yellow flowers, how can she have the nerve to say it?
So I just found a reason.

Besides, Ye Duan was a good person in the first place, he donated 10 billion to the sanitation workers at once, that's why I like him.

"Thank you, Miss Jiang."

"Can you call me Yuling in the future? Or Lingling is also fine."

Jiang Yuling wanted to take this opportunity to get closer to Ye Duan.

It feels awkward to call her Miss Jiang all the time.

Very unusual!
Not kind at all!

"Of course, Miss Lingling."

"Don't call me Miss, just call me Lingling."

Jiang Yuling's tone changed completely.

It's like a different person, completely different from the imposing young lady just now.

In front of Ye Duan, she is like a good girl.

Not only did the voice become much softer, but even the tone of the voice changed, a bit like a coquettish feeling.

In front of the man she likes, women will become extremely gentle...

"Good Lingling."

After Ye Duan finished speaking, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but turn up.

This Jiang Yuling is getting more and more interesting.

He actually let himself call her Lingling!
What an ambiguous title.

Could it be that she fell in love with herself?

Is my charm really that great?

Even Miss Qianjin has become more obedient, tsk tsk, it's unbelievable.

I heard Ye Duan call her Lingling.

Jiang Yuling's little face was also instantly rosy.

The sound of Lingling, called her heart...

It was not until ten o'clock in the evening that the guests dispersed one after another.

Hanhan took Qianxi's younger brother and left.

Wang Congcong and Wei Meili went to open a room hand in hand.

Seeing the two of them coming together, Ye Duan was a little surprised, but he could understand.

Although this Wei Meili has a bit of a temper, she still looks good, much prettier than those internet celebrity faces that brother Congcong found.

Besides, she is also a lady from a rich family, and she is a good match with Congcong.

The two of them are quite a match.

Jiang Yuling also got up reluctantly to leave.

"I'm leaving, Ye... Brother Ye."

She changed her mouth on purpose.

Not Mr. Ye, but Big Brother Ye.

Ye Duan had already guessed her thoughts, and said with a smile: "Alright Lingling, be careful on the road."

Jiang Yuling was so sweet in her heart that she blushed and left the bar.

The guests have all left, and the rest are our own people.

Among them, only He Shiping and Ding Xueer lived far away.

Ye Duan was going to find a substitute driver for He Shiping, and personally take Ding Xueer back to school.

Then she said to Su Mengwen: "Wenwen, you can send a driver from the hotel to take Pingping home, and arrange another car. I will take Xueer back to school."

"Okay Brother Duan."

Su Mengwen was about to make arrangements.

Lin Meishuang pulled He Shiping and said, "Pingping is going to sleep at my house tonight, we still have something to say."

After speaking, the two also looked at each other and smiled.

Ye Duan couldn't figure out which song they were singing.

Is the eldest wife going to brainwash Pingping again?
That's good too, save yourself the trouble of coaxing them.

Hey, let them go.

(End of this chapter)

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