Chapter 155 The Full Life

Since yesterday, Liu Qian has a sense of crisis.

Before that, she had the best looks.

Ye Duan also dotes on her very much.

That's why she has no fear, and she can be a charter woman with peace of mind.

But yesterday not only He Shiping joined, but also Xiaodi and Ding Xueer.

Several people can be said to have their own merits.

He Shiping's figure is extremely hot, and everyone loves it.

Needless to say, Xiao Di's exotic face has a unique beauty.

Ding Xueer was the one who made people feel the most jealous.

Not only is she the youngest, but she is also full of beautiful girlishness.

And the face value is also the highest, the beautiful little face is pink and moist, it is not too much to say that she has the face of an angel.

What is even more annoying is that she has been clinging to Big Brother Ye.

Which man can stand it?
In addition to the three of them, there is also a young lady who is also eyeing Big Brother Ye.

In the bar last night, the two chatted happily.

So after returning home last night, Liu Qian was a little autistic.

A deep sense of worry came from my heart, I am afraid that I will never be favored by my master again in the future.

Conch girl tossed and turned all night, almost lost sleep.

Unexpectedly, a huge surprise fell from the sky. Before ten o'clock in the morning, Brother Ye called and asked him to accompany him out.

Liu Qian was so excited that she was about to jump up.

Quickly change clothes and make up.

Dress up better than ever.

As soon as things were cleared up here, the doorbell rang.

Liu Qian opened the door and looked, and immediately cried out with joy.


"Qianbao, you are so beautiful today."

Seeing the beauty in front of him, Ye Duan was also stunned.

"Really? Do you like it?"

"Of course, I like it very much."

Get an affirmative answer from the owner.

Conch girl's face was instantly rosy, and waves of waves surged in her heart.

Ye Duan seemed to smell the special fragrance emanating from her body.

A koala hugged Liu Qian on his body.

Then went into the bedroom.

Miss Conch was thrown on the bed by him, covering her eyes with her hands in shame.

But my heart was full of joy, I didn't expect the master to like me so much.

Hee hee, it seems that I am still very attractive.

Ye Duan was indeed attracted by Liu Qianmei.

In the past, Conch girls mostly wore light makeup, relying on their natural beauty, they were quite seductive.

This time, she specially dressed up, and the makeup made people's eyes shine.

It's so beautiful.

Ye Duan was amazed, he didn't expect Qianbao to be so beautiful!
"Qianbao, you are so beautiful."

Ye Duan held Liu Qian's small face with both hands.

gently kissed...

After a short rest, the two went out.

On the way, Liu Qian couldn't help asking, "Brother Ye, where are you going to take me?"

"Follow me to inspect the company that our family just acquired."

Liu Qian felt sweet in her heart.

The owner even said it was our company.

It seems that they have regarded themselves as a family.

hee hee~~
He must be very important to him!

"Why did you take me there?"

"Because you can protect me, and I also want to catch bad guys along the way."

"Brother Ye, don't lie to me. Pingping has already said that you are very skilled. You have defeated several gangsters by yourself."

"Oh, did she tell you? When did your relationship get so good?"

"Of course, Pingping is with us now."

"No way?"

Ye Duan feigned surprise.

I was very happy in my heart.

The two talked and laughed all the way, and soon arrived at Huang Chao's company.

Huang Wentao and Huang Xiuwu, father and son, are packing their things and preparing to pack up and leave...

Huangchao Company is a well-known ocean transportation company, which is also engaged in the import and export of bulk materials.

Taking advantage of the booming foreign trade of the Great Xia Kingdom, the development of Huangchao Company in the past few years has also been smooth.

So the boss Huang Wentao decided to develop by leaps and bounds.

Loans were obtained from banks and other channels, and six 6-ton freighters were purchased at a time.

Unexpectedly, the strides were too big and it would be a mess... The global economy collapsed just after the delivery of the six giant ships.

Huang Chao's company's orders plummeted, and its revenue couldn't even repay the bank interest.

In addition, Huang Wentao loves to play. After several trips to Las Vegas, the hole in the company is getting bigger and bigger, so he mortgaged all the assets to the bank.

Fortunately, Huangchao Company's assets are fairly good, including six newly built 6-ton ocean-going freighters, and dozens of large and medium-sized freighters and bulk carriers.

The bank launched abnormal means to package and sell Huangchao Company, without even following the normal procedures...

So Ye Duan became the new boss of Huang Chao Company.

Of course, behind this, it is all operated by the system.

Huang Wentao received a notice from the bank early in the morning that Huang Chao's company had a new owner, and he had to pack up and leave immediately.

Ye Duan didn't know about this.

He just completes the task and accepts the reward.

But he was curious.

Why did Huang Wentao and his son make trouble for themselves over and over again?
Could it be that the younger sister of the system confiscated his company, and this guy is unhappy and wants to take revenge?

With doubt.

Ye Duan led Liu Qian to the general manager's office.

Huang Wentao, who was packing up his things, was taken aback.

"You are the new richest man Ye...Ye Duan?"

"Yes, it's under."

Ye Duan unceremoniously sat on the boss chair.

Liu Qian stood beside him.

"It's you who invested 600 billion to buy Huangchao Company?"

Huang Wentao continued to ask.

Ye Duan still said the same thing.

"Yes, it's under."

Huang Wentao was shocked.

The documents in his hand were scattered all over the floor, he didn't need them now.

The bank had actually told him everything.

He didn't believe it at first.

Can someone take out 600 billion in one go and swallow his company alone?
So he wanted to take away some documents, wait for the opportunity to appeal to the relevant departments, and regain some of his own assets.

But after seeing Ye Duan.

Huang Wentao completely surrendered in his heart!
This guy doesn't look like an ordinary person at first sight.

The aura of nobility exuded from him, and the aura of controlling everything.


But very restrained.

This momentum is not put on because it is not stinging.

But it is this calmness.


You can feel his energy, but you don't know how much his energy is.

Just like a young man said with a smile, I can spend 600 billion to buy your company.

At first you thought he was joking.

But in the next second, he really took out 600 billion.

That's the shocking feeling!
His strength was originally a first-class master.

It looks like he doesn't know martial arts.

But once you make a move, you will kill someone!

This is the real master!

A master of masters!

It wasn't just Ye Duan's financial resources that shocked Huang Wentao.

And his awesome energy!

Huang Chao Company originally had a valuation of [-] billion, and the relationship behind it was intricate.

There is more than one backer, and the position is not low.

That's why Huang Wentao was able to make trouble behind Ye Duan's back.

Unexpectedly, Ye Duan settled all the relationships overnight.

And ate Huang Chao Company!
All of Huang Wentao's backers were silent, and no one stood up to support him.

It can be seen from this that Ye Duan is definitely not an ordinary person!
Huang Wentao decided to let go completely.

The young man in front of him is someone he can never afford to mess with!

So he bowed respectfully to Ye Duan, cupped his fists and said, "Boss Ye, Huang Chao's company will be handed over to you."

At this moment, Huang Xiuwu sneaked into the office furtively.

He has sensed a dangerous atmosphere.

Subconsciously hid behind Dad.

Glancing secretly at Ye Duan, he asked, "Dad, is he the new richest man?"

"Yes, he invested 600 billion to buy our company."

Huang Xiuwu broke out in a cold sweat in an instant, and began to shiver all over.

Seeing his wretched appearance, Liu Qian couldn't help covering her small mouth and wanting to laugh.

Such a cowardly old man!
Ye Duan also couldn't help laughing, wanting to tease this Huang Xiuwu.

Brother Cong Cong said that he is a dude who is too muddy to support him, so he just wanted to verify it.

"Young Master Huang, come over and say hello."

Ye Duan waved to him.

Huang Xiuwu walked out from behind his father tremblingly.

He moved his feet and stood in front of the desk.

He stammered and said: "The first... the richest man is good..."

Ye Duan put away his smile and asked, "I smashed some of your cars yesterday, don't you feel bad?"

"No... I don't feel bad."

"Then will you let me pay for it?"

" don't need to pay."

Huang Xiuwu was about to pee out of fear.

He kept turning his head to look at his father, wanting him to save him.

Huang Wentao's face was hot when he saw his son so cowardly.

Lost all face!

People are more popular than dead people.

At about the same age, Boss Ye has become the richest man, but his son is still like a giant baby in diapers!
Then he sighed and pulled back his son: "Don't be ashamed of yourself here."

Then he said to Ye Duan: "Boss Ye, we are taking our leave."

After speaking, he planned to leave the office.

But Ye Duan stopped them.


The father and son stopped immediately.

Huang Wentao returned to Ye Duan and said, "Boss Ye, now Huang Chao's company is yours, and I won't let you pay for the sports cars. I'm already penniless. Do you still want us father and son to kneel down?" Can I make an apology to you?"

When Huang Xiuwu heard that his father wanted to get angry, he was afraid of offending Ye Duan.

Immediately ran to Ye Duan and Liu Qian.

With a "plop", he knelt down.

"The richest man spares his life, the richest man spares his life..."

Ye Duan originally wanted to teach them a lesson.

Seeing Huang Xiuwu being so funny, most of his anger disappeared.

As the old saying goes, you don't hit a smiling face with your hand, but there is still one thing he doesn't understand.

"Boss Huang, I want to know, why do you trouble me again and again? Did you instigate someone to do it, or did someone tell you to do it behind the scenes?"

"It was done by me alone, it has nothing to do with martial arts, and no one else ordered it."

Huang Wentao answered simply.

Ye Duan continued to ask: "Why?"

"Because... please let this lady out first, I won't tell you the answer in front of women."

Ye Duan and Liu Qian looked at each other.

Is this what is going on?
What are you embarrassed to say in front of women?

Ye Duan became interested and decided to agree to him.

"In that case, Qianbao, you should go out first, find the HR department and send a notice to hold a meeting of the company's executives at three o'clock in the afternoon, and ask them to come up with some suggestions on the company's development, and give them to me before the meeting in the afternoon."


Liu Qian walked out of the office and went to the personnel department.

"Boss Huang, can you tell me the answer now?"

"Because I... I'm Xiao Di's fan."

When Huang Wentao spoke, he deliberately turned his head to one side, his face flushed to the ears.

It's really embarrassing to say this.

Ye Duan was also stunned.

What the hell!

You are very bad old man!

People in their 50s actually like a girl in their 20s?

Do you still want an old face?

"But why are you bothering me?"

"Because during this period of time, Xiao Di has been around you every day, and there are rumors on the Internet that Xiao Di has become your girlfriend."

"So you are envious and jealous?"

"That's right, I...I can't accept that you take Xiaodi away, I can't see you and Xiaodi together."

Huang Wentao is also transformed into Xiao Di's old fan at this moment.

Ye Duan called "Good guy".

Is this the rabid fan?
Stars are human too!

Can't you talk about a relationship and experience the beauty of love?
Besides, Xiao Di is with me, so what does it matter to you, old man?

Salty eat radish light worry!
Then let you completely die of this heart!
"Then let me tell you the truth. What is said on the Internet is correct. Xiao Di is already mine."

"What?! You..."

Huang Wentao's blood pressure rose sharply, and he collapsed on the ground, too angry to speak.

"Dad, let's go."

Huang Xiuwu was terrified, helped his father and left.

Ye Duan couldn't help shaking his head.

No wonder many celebrities dare not announce their love affairs, because they are afraid that fans will not accept it!

After Huang Wentao and Huang Xiuwu father and son left.

Ye Duan took out his mobile phone, opened the notepad, and sorted out the upcoming work items.

1. Invest 1000 billion to establish an investment company - [Wenwen].

2. The 20th Anniversary Fashion Ceremony of "Beauty on the Silk Road" magazine - [Pingping].

3. Filming of "Your Youth" - [Xiao Di and Xue Er].

4. Prepare for Ding Xueer's 18th birthday—【Xueer】.

5. Donate 100 billion charitable funds within 1000 days, leaving 990 billion.

6. Determining the future development direction of Modu Film and Television Company - [Qin Miaofei].

7. Clean up the mess of Huang Chao Company.


After writing.

Ye Duan instantly felt dizzy.

His life is so full and busy.

Don't think that the life of a rich person is just eating, drinking and having fun all day long. Being the richest man is actually very tiring.

Just becoming the richest man, there are so many things to deal with, if you become the richest man in Daxia, you will not be exhausted!
Fortunately, there are so many beauties to accompany, otherwise, there would be only two words left in life: work!
There is only one taste in life: boring!

Many people are busy from morning till night.

From the beginning of the year to the end of the year, I was busy studying and working.

Busy making money.

busy family.

When can we stop and enjoy life?

No wonder there is a saying among poets: You must be happy to be happy in life, don't let the golden cup be empty to the moon.

How nice it would be if everyone had no troubles!

Unfortunately, my ability is limited.

Can't help everyone.

We can only start from the front.

Take care of your beauties!

(End of this chapter)

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