Chapter 156 Management Company
Ye Duan was feeling emotional.

Liu Qian came back from outside.

"Brother Ye, the father and son are gone?"

"Well, let's go."

"What did the old man have to say, are you embarrassed to say it in front of me?"

Liu Qian was also very curious and wanted to know the answer.

Ye Duan told the truth.

"He said he was a fan of Xiao Di, and when he saw that Xiao Di and I were very close together, he was envious and jealous, so..."

"No way? Is he still chasing stars at such an old age?"

Liu Qian shook her head.

I can't believe it.

Ye Duan expressed his opinion: "There are many wonders in the world. Things we haven't seen don't mean they don't exist. Some things are said, and 99% of people will not believe them, but they are facts."

"Makes sense."

Liu Qian nodded her cute little head.

What a delight!

Ye Duan couldn't help pulling her into his arms.

"Qianbao, I want to give you a new task."

"What mission?"

"I want to leave this company in your hands."

"Ah? No way..."

Liu Qian hastily refused.

She went to the company just now and saw the information on the bulletin board.

I know that Huangchao Company is a large company with a scale of [-] billion.

How can she have this ability?

"Brother Ye, this company is too big. I don't have much experience, so I definitely can't manage it. You should find Sister Lin or Sister Wenwen."

"They all have their own jobs. Sister Lin has three shopping centers under her management. Wenwen is the general manager of a five-star hotel. I will set up an investment company and let her take care of it for me. I'm afraid you will be angry. I think I am good to them and not good to you, so I want to find something for you to do."

Liu Qian quickly covered Ye Duan's mouth with her lips.

After letting go, he said: "Brother Ye, don't think so! I know you are good to me. I just collect rent once in a while. I leave the rest of the time to you. I don't want to do anything, I just want to serve you. you……"

"But I'll be very busy recently, and I don't have time to accompany you."

"It's okay, if I'm busy at work, there will be no one to serve you. Like today's situation, if I go to work and you can't find me, what should I do?"

As Liu Qian spoke, her little face gradually turned rosy.

She thought of the affair with Ye Duan just now.

She thought Ye Duan wanted it, so she went to find her.

Ye Duan also saw it.

He teased her and said, "That's right. Your fruit is the most delicious. I want to eat it every day. If you are as busy as Sister Lin and the others, you will definitely starve me to death."

Liu Qian was shy.

Pretending to be angry, he raised his small fist and hit Ye Duan twice.

Then he quickly comforted him.

Kissed him on the cheek a few times...

Ye Duan was in a good mood and decided to take Liu Qian to have a delicious meal.

"Qianbao, I'll take you to lunch."


The two left the office.

Ye Duan drove Liu Qian to the beach.

Huangchao Company is a shipping company located in Lingang Industrial Zone, so it is very close to the port.

Liu Qian asked puzzledly, "Brother Ye, is there a place to eat here?"

"Yes, look to the front right."

Liu Qian turned her head and saw a large cruise ship.

It's as tall as a five-story building.

"It's not eating on a cruise ship, is it?"

"That's right, it's here."

Ye Duan drove the car to the parking lot under the cruise ship, and took Liu Qian aboard.

While walking, he introduced: "This ship looks like a cruise ship from the outside, but it is actually a luxury hotel. In addition to a variety of food, there are also facilities such as bars, KTVs, and guest rooms."

"No, it's the first time I've been to this kind of place."

Liu Qian was very curious.

Ye Duan chuckled.

It's actually his second time here.

It was the first time I came to participate in an event held by a magazine advertiser.

Entering the cruise ship, there is a world of its own.

The interior decoration is not much different from that of ordinary five-star hotels.

"Wow! It doesn't look like a ship here."

"Qianbao, let's go eat first."

Ye Duan brought Liu Qian to the dining area.

Just like the design in the mall, there are also separate restaurants.

"Qianbao, what do you want to eat?"

"do not know……"

Liu Qian was dazzled and didn't know what to choose.

"Then let's eat seafood."

The two walked into a seafood themed restaurant.

Take a seat at a table by the window and look up to the ocean.

This feeling is really strange.

"Brother Ye, isn't the sea under our feet?"

"Yeah, we're floating on the sea right now."

"So happy……"

Liu Qian couldn't help but said.

The little heart was very excited.

A pair of eyes looked at Ye Duan obsessively, full of admiration.

The owner can always surprise her.

I really like him more and more...

Ye Duan ordered some fresh seafood, and the dishes began to be served in a short while.

"Wow! It's delicious."

Liu Qian was in a good mood, and the food was particularly delicious.

Ye Duan was also very relieved to see the happy face of Conch Girl.

He promised Qianbao that he would make her happy every day.

It's not like breaking a promise.

The two kept feeding each other food.

"Brother Ye, open your mouth~~ Is it delicious?"

"Wow! It tastes so good!"

The sweet air filled the entire restaurant.

Finally, the waiter brought a hot purple clay pot.

Inside is morel dendrobium abalone stewed teal.

"Be careful it's hot."

As soon as the waiter finished speaking, his foot tripped over something.

The purple clay pot in his hand was not stable and fell from the top of the dining table.

Liu Qian let out an "ah" and used her body to block Ye Duan.

Ye Duan is even more quick-witted.

I poked the purple clay pot with chopsticks and popped it out.

Only a "bang" sound was heard, and the purple clay pot fell to the floor two meters away.

"Qianbao, are you okay?"

Ye Duan asked hastily.

"I'm fine, Brother Ye, how about you, are you burning?"

Liu Qian got up from Ye Duan.

Hastily checked his hand.

"I'm fine too."

The two breathed a sigh of relief.

They held each other's hands tightly.

The four eyes also meet together.

Ye Duan's heart was warm.

He said affectionately: "Qianbao, you are so kind!"

Liu Qian blushed.

She didn't know, where did she get so much courage just now?

Maybe it's because she's always the master in her heart...

The restaurant manager came after hearing the news.

"I'm sorry, you two, are you not injured? It's all our fault, sorry!"

Liu Qian responded, "We're fine. I don't know if that waiter got burned?"

The stunned waiter hurriedly said, "It's okay, I'm fine."

The restaurant manager immediately reprimanded the waiter.

"You are a useless thing, you are so clumsy that you can't even serve a dish well, hurry up and apologize to the guests."

The waiter quickly said, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

The restaurant manager was quick to give a solution.

"We are very sorry for frightening the two guests, and we decided to give you a free meal for this meal."

Then he yelled at the waiter: "The guests' meals will be deducted from your salary, why are you still standing there, hurry up and clean the floor."

Hear the manager's punishment.

Tears flowed down the waitress's face.

Choked up to clear the ground.

Ye Duan felt a little unhappy.

This meal is not cheap, it costs more than 6000 yuan in total.

If the waiter's wages were deducted, wouldn't she have done nothing this month?
Is this punishment a little heavier?
Liu Qian also felt that something was wrong.

The waiter in front of her was about her age.

He looked like he was in his early 20s.

He looks quite handsome.

If she was born in the city, she would probably be a white-collar beauty.

It's a pity that she can only work at the lowest level now.

If you do something wrong, you will be punished.

It would be fine if it was a symbolic punishment for her.

It is indeed unfair to deduct the meal expenses from her salary.

Thinking of this, Liu Qian said to Ye Duan: "Brother Ye, why don't we pay for the meal, that little girl is very poor."

"That's exactly what I mean."

So Ye Duan took out his mobile phone to pay.

The manager of the restaurant was so happy that he offered a [-]% discount.

After paying for the meal, Ye Duan took Liu Qian and left the restaurant.

The restaurant manager escorted them to the door.

"Walk slowly, two guests, welcome to come again next time."

The waiters were also very touched.

Wiping tears with one hand, waving them goodbye with the other.

Go outside the restaurant.

Liu Qian took Ye Duan's arm and couldn't help but praise him.

"Brother Ye, you are such a kind person!"

"Hey, it's necessary, my heart is always good."

"I just like the way you do good things, hehe~~"

"Really? Let's do something nice again, shall we?"

Ye Duan looked at Liu Qian and smiled wickedly.

Conch girl looked puzzled: "Master, what do you want to do?"


Liu Qian suddenly realized.

Only then did he understand what Ye Duan meant.

His face flushed red.

Angrily throwing away Ye Duan's arm, he walked forward with his head down.

Ye Duan hurriedly chased after her to coax her.

"Okay Qianbao, I'm just kidding, don't be angry."

Liu Qian stopped and asked shyly, "Do you really want it?"

Ye Duan did not answer directly, but looked at the time and said, "There is still an hour and a half before the meeting at three o'clock in the afternoon."

Miss Conch didn't act stupid again this time.

Instantly understood what the master meant.

He took his arm and bowed his head in silence.

The shy look is really beautiful...

Without any hesitation, Ye Duan brought Liu Qian to the guest room area.

Opened a supreme sea view room with the most expensive price.

When the two entered the room, they were also stunned.

I saw that this room has a large floor-to-ceiling glass window.

All you can see is the sea and the sun.

"Wow! It's so beautiful!"

Liu Qian immediately took off her shoes and ran to the French window.

Ye Duan picked up the quilt from the bed and spread it flat under her feet.

Then he hugged her from behind.

Put your head on the shoulder of the conch girl.

He kissed her ear lightly.

Peach was also caught.

Liu Qian trembled, and suddenly lost all strength.

The waves under his feet seemed to hit him.

"Master, is this what you mean by doing good deeds?"

"That's right, Qianbao, is this a bad thing?"

"Not good at all..."

talking room.

Liu Qian had collapsed on the quilt.

Ye Duan ate the fruit happily.


Spring sunlight streams through the floor-to-ceiling windows.

Just hit the two of them.

It's warm everywhere...

It was 02:30 in the afternoon when the two finished their good deeds.

Ye Duan drove Liu Qian back to Huang Chao's company.

It was three o'clock, and the executive meeting was on time.

Because Huang Wentao left behind a lot of mess, the atmosphere in the venue was very gloomy.

Ye Duan first boosted his morale.

"My colleagues, I know that the company has encountered a serious financial crisis, but that is in the past tense. I can tell you responsibly here that starting today, our company will not owe the bank a penny!"

Everyone started talking.

Can't believe this is true.

"Boss Ye, you didn't lie to us, did you? Is there any company that doesn't owe the bank money?"

"Yeah, that Huang Wentao said something similar before, and the company is going to close down in the end."

"Don't draw big cakes for us, we have a bad stomach and can't digest your big cakes."

Ye Duan gave the chief financial officer a look.

The chief financial officer immediately stood up, took out several documents, and showed them to everyone.

"Please be quiet, everyone. This is the settlement list of our company and the bank, as well as our company's current financial summary. If you don't believe me, you can pass it around. Mr. Ye is right. Our company's current financial situation is very good. Although There are not many cash reserves, but we don't have any baggage."

Several executives looked at the document and couldn't help but be overjoyed.

They finally believed it was true.

So they all applauded.

Ye Duan waved his hand to everyone, signaling for everyone to be quiet.

"I just read the suggestions put forward by everyone, and they are all very good. Several colleagues mentioned that the company should develop inland waterway shipping. I think this idea is very good."

Several executives also echoed.

Agreed with this one.

Ye Duan continued: "I have decided that the company's shipping business department will be divided into two, one is in charge of ocean shipping, and the other is in charge of inland waterway shipping business. Two vice presidents will be in charge respectively. I hope that everyone can work together to strive for the upper reaches and bring us The company is built to become a first-class shipping company in China, and it will go to the world in the future and compete with international giants!"

All the executives were also passionate when they heard the words, and expressed their opinions one after another.

"Mr. Ye, don't worry, we will definitely follow you, you are our guide!"

"The direction of the company is the meaning of my life. Starting today, I decide to eat, drink and sleep in the company."

"I swear that I will live and die with the company from now on until the day before the company closes down, no, the day before IPO."

One executive said the wrong thing.

It caused everyone to laugh.

The atmosphere in the venue suddenly relaxed a lot.

The executives lost their psychological burden, spoke freely, and made many suggestions that they were afraid to say before.

Ye Duan recorded them one by one, and ordered all departments to implement them immediately.

Things are almost arranged.

Ye Duan finally said: "I'm usually busy with things. If you need to find me, you can contact Ms. Liu Qian first. She is my personal assistant."

Liu Qian stood up, greeted everyone, and left her contact information.

The executives have long noticed the beauty beside the boss.

Only then did she know her identity.

It is also a beautiful word.

"Assistant Liu is so talented and beautiful, it's amazing!"

"Yes, yes, Assistant Liu must have extraordinary talent to be able to assist the richest man at such a young age."

"Assistant Liu is simply as beautiful as Xishi, more beautiful than Diaochan, more beautiful than Zhaojun, and more charming than Yuhuan; his smile is better than Baosi, his art is better than Mulan, and his voice is like Niannu, so he can beat Yi'an."

"With the help of Assistant Liu to connect, our Huangchao company will surely be able to ride the wind and waves and set sail!"

(End of this chapter)

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