Chapter 157 Doing Business

Liu Qian blushed when she said that.

At this time, Ye Duan suddenly remembered something.

Rename the company!
Huang's father and son have all packed up and left, what is the Huangchao company called!
So he ordered the administrative director: "Immediately change the name of the company. From now on, our company will be called Conch Company!"


A warm current hit Liu Qian's heart.

The master spoils himself too much, doesn't he?
Isn't she his conch girl?

Arrange various matters of Conch Company.

Ye Duan and Liu Qian returned to the urban area.

On the way, he called Wang Congcong.

"Hey, Congcong, please contact Jiang Yuling for me. I'm going to have a banquet with her tonight, so you can come with me."

"Okay brother, do you want me to arrange the place?"

"No, it's at the Jean Georges restaurant on the Bund, at eight o'clock in the evening."

"Okay brother, I'll contact Miss Jiang right away."

Ye Duan could have contacted Jiang Yuling directly.

But against the rules.

Because last time it was the party that brother Congcong brought Jiang Yuling to.

So this time he still asked Congcong brother to invite Jiang Yuling.

This is the so-called "one must tie the bell to untie the bell".

In this way, it gave Jiang Yuling face.

It also gave brother Congcong a face.

After this banquet, he can contact Jiang Yuling directly.

Ye Duan invited Jiang Yuling to a banquet for no other reason.

I just want to thank her for helping me.

Liu Qian is very knowledgeable.

Didn't ask much.

Instead, he sat quietly in the passenger seat.

She won't be jealous at all now.

Because of Ye Duan's love for her, she felt that being jealous was unnecessary.

Just changing the name of Huangchao Company to Conch Company is enough to prove how deep the master's love for her is!
Ye Duan sent Liu Qian back to Zhongliang Jiangjing No. [-].

The two kissed goodbye in the car.

Liu Qian was about to leave when Ye Duan stopped her.

"Qianbao, wait a minute."

"What's the matter, Brother Ye?"

"Like the guest room on today's noon cruise?"

Liu Qian blushed shyly: "Bad master, why are you mentioning this?"

"Hey, let me ask you if you like it?"

"Of course I like it..."

Liu Qian puffed her cheeks and said what was in her heart.

"Then pay attention to where there is a yacht for sale recently. I want to buy a super luxury yacht."

"Buy a yacht?"

"Yeah, so we can drive our own yacht to the sea to watch the sunrise and sunset."


Liu Qian understood Ye Duan's thoughts.

He readily agreed.

The feeling on the boat is really different!

If you spend the night at sea, watching the stars and sunrise, it must be very romantic...

Thinking about it makes people look forward to it.

Ye Duan actually wanted to buy a yacht for a long time.

He came up with this idea after chartering a yacht on the Huangpu River last time.

Today I experienced the feeling of being on the sea again.

Reminding him of this, he wanted to get a yacht for fun.

After separating from Liu Qian.

Ye Duan returned to Tang Chen Yipin's home.

Ma Liudi took a shower and changed into a suit of clothes.

Then drove to the Jean Georges restaurant.

After seeing the Lamborghini sports car of the leaf segment.

Alexander, the restaurant manager, was immediately greeted at the door.

"Welcome, Mr. Ye, long time no see."

"Hello, Alexander."

On the eve of Valentine's Day, Ye Duan booked the entire restaurant and gave Su Mengwen an unforgettable holiday.

Impressed restaurant manager Alexander and all the staff too.

Because Ye Duan gave a lot of tips.

Money, let them remember.

"Mr. Ye, what do you want to arrange for tonight?"

"Give me a private box."

"Okay, please come with me."

Alexander brought Ye Duan to a box on the second floor.

The field of view is very wide.

Sitting in the seat, you can see the night view of the Bund outside.

You can also see Ye Duan's own home.

There are also several girlfriends' homes.

Because Tangchen Yipin and Zhongliang Jiangjing No. [-] are just across the river.

Seven forty in the evening.

Wang Congcong came with a new girlfriend.

"Big brother, my girlfriend. Beautiful, call me big brother."

"Hello, brother."

Ye Duan saw that it was Wei Meili.

It seems that the two are really on good terms.

"Not bad."

Seeing the two of them together, Ye Duan thought it was pretty good.

Wei Meili seems to be conquered by Wang Congcong.

I am no longer insane.

After all, Ye Duan was the man she couldn't get.

It was also good to meet Wang Congcong.

Because this kid has a lot of tricks...

A few minutes later, Jiang Yuling also arrived at the restaurant.

I saw her wearing light makeup, and her handsome face exuded a charming temperament under the light.

The student's head, which has just covered the ears, looks very pure.

The clothes on her body are also completely different from the style of the last event.

This time Jiang Yuling wore an off-white V-neck sweater with a casual shirt inside.

The lower body is a pair of lake blue long-leg jeans.

A pair of casual flat shoes on the feet.

It looks like you haven't graduated yet.

"Lingling, you are here, sit down quickly."

"Good evening, Miss Jiang."

After a few pleasantries.

The food is also coming up one after another.

Several people chatted while eating.

"Brother Ye, is that sports car outside yours? It's so cool."

Jiang Yuling didn't see anyone this time.

Come up and call Brother Ye.

Ye Duan was no longer polite to her.

"Yes, if Lingling is interested, you can open it casually."

"No no, I don't know anything about sports cars, I just think it's cool."

At this time, Wang Congcong interjected: "Miss Jiang, this sports car is called Lamborghini Poison, and it is worth tens of millions. You can't buy it with money. There are only a few in the world."

"No wonder it's different from the sports cars I've seen. Brother Ye is really amazing. You can get such a great car."

Jiang Yuling admired Ye Duan's energy even more.

Ye Duan said casually, "I'll take you for a drive when I'm free some other day."

"Then I would like to thank Brother Ye first."

"It's me who should thank you. I invite you to dinner tonight to express my gratitude and help me find the troublemaker behind the scenes."

"You don't need to alienate me, I'm happy to help you."

Jiang Yuling's words sounded weird.

Ye Duan couldn't figure it out.

Why are you willing to help me?
Do you really have an idea for me?
This is a dangerous idea!

Wang Congcong asked curiously: "Brother, who did it?"

"It's Huang Xiuwu's father, Huang Wentao."

"Why did he do this? I heard that his Huangchao company is dying."

"Maybe it's in a bad mood."

Ye Duan did not tell them the truth.

Swearing is not short.

Since Huang Wentao is embarrassed to say it.

Still don't talk about him behind his back.

The ancients said: Leave room for everything, and generosity can accommodate others.

Ye Duan believes in this principle of life.

He felt that being a human being could not kill everything, and he still had to keep a little kindness in his heart.

He is not a soldier king who comes back for revenge, nor is he a bloodthirsty god of war.

Not even a young and frivolous hot-blooded boy.

It's a happy and lucky Shenhao!

There's no need to be full of resentment all day long and kill others at every turn...

So when he dealt with every opponent, he showed mercy.

Leave a way out for them.

Jiang Yuling asked casually: "Brother Ye, did you really buy Huang Chao Company?"

Wang Congcong was taken aback when he heard it.

"No way, brother, you bought another company? Huang Chao's company is not small."

Ye Duan nodded.

He said nonchalantly, "That's right, I spent 600 billion to buy Huang Chao Company."

"600 billion?"

Both Wang Congcong and Wei Meili were shocked.

Ye Duan continued: "And Huangchao Company will disappear soon, and it will be called Conch Company in the future."

"Conch Company?"

All three were stunned.

The name is too random, right?
"That's right, Miss Conch's conch sounds very nice."

The three shook their heads one after another.

Expressed appreciation.

Wang Congcong took the opportunity to say something.

"Brother, you should need a lot of cash for such a large investment. You can sell the shares of Yida Films."

"That's exactly what I mean. Recently, I will reduce my holdings a little bit. You let your uncle seize the opportunity to buy back."

"Okay, thank you, brother."

Wei Meili still doesn't know that Ye Duan is the major shareholder of Yida Films.

So he asked Wang Congcong suspiciously: "Isn't Yida movie owned by your old Wang's family?"

"You probably don't know yet, but brother is now the controlling shareholder of Yida Films, owning 67% of the shares."

"How much is that worth?" Wei Meili was curious.

"Based on the stock price in the past few days, it should be more than 500 billion."

"My God!"

Wei Meili was dumbfounded.

Although Jiang Yuling was calm on the surface, there was a turmoil in his heart.

Brother Ye's financial resources are too strong, right?

Tens of billions at every turn?

No wonder he can become the richest man in Shanghai at such a young age.

It's really admirable!

Ye Duan still acted as if nothing had happened.

"Recently, I plan to become an investment company and set up a 1000 billion investment fund. If you have a good project, you can tell me in advance."

Wang Congcong directly said "Fuck".

Wei Meili's eyes widened too, she was too shocked to speak.

This time, even Jiang Yuling couldn't hold it anymore.

Both eyes kept looking at Ye Duan.

Heart pounding.

The man in front of me is really terrifying...

Jiang Yuling and others were entertained at the Jean Georges Restaurant on the Bund.

Ye Duan came to Lin Meishuang's home.

He was ready to thank his old classmates.

This time, the spokesperson's appearance in the IFC mall was very successful, and it can be said that it exceeded Ye Duan's expectations.

First of all, the status of the IFC mall is even more unshakable.

Secondly, Ding Xueer became popular overnight, and Xiaodi's fame was also flourishing.

In the end, he became the most famous man in Shanghai!

Shuang'er also helped comfort He Shiping.

Completed a tough challenge!

Ye Duan was still worrying about how to introduce Pingping to them.

Because women are always jealous.

Now it's all right, the girls settled the matter by themselves.

Ye Duan quietly came to the door of Lin Meishuang's house, pressed the fingerprint lock, and the door opened.

Lin Meishuang was taking a bath in the bathtub.

He didn't notice any movement outside.

Ye Duan tiptoed to the door of the bathroom.

The door was not closed tightly, and a crack was exposed.

Ye Duan leaned on the crack of the door and admired the scenery.

It's really delicious!

Unexpectedly, after watching for less than 3 minutes, Lin Meishuang stood up from the bathtub.

Walk to the scales that are placed by the door.

Drops of water slid down her skin.

I can see clearly.

Ye Duan was afraid of frightening her.

He walked back to the door lightly.

Then deliberately pretended to be just coming in, and shouted: "Shuang'er, Shuang'er..."

Lin Meishuang heard Ye Duan's voice.

He put on his bathrobe and came out of the bathroom.

"Old classmate, why are you here?"

"Hey, let me thank you."

Ye Duan came to the sofa in the living room and sat down.

Lin Meishuang poured two glasses of red wine.

"Old classmate, cheers."


After drinking a glass of red wine, Lin Meishuang's face turned crimson.

"Old classmate, I want to tell you some good news."

"What good news?"

"The turnover of the IFC mall in the past two days has broken records, and the single-day turnover has exceeded 2 million yuan."

"I'll wipe it! Not bad!"

"That's right, many of our colleagues were not optimistic about our activities at the beginning. They thought it was unnecessary to find spokespersons for the mall, but after the sales came out, they all shut up. I didn't expect the mall to be so popular in the off-season."

"Okay, okay, it's all thanks to you."

Ye Duan was very happy.

Lin Meishuang added: "I want to replicate the practice of the IFC shopping mall and find two spokespersons for the Hang Lung Plaza shopping mall and the Global Harbor shopping mall."

"Good idea! These three shopping malls can be said to be the top luxury shopping malls in Shanghai. If the three stores are linked together, they will firmly control the high-end department stores and luxury goods market in Shanghai. However, we must be properly innovative in the selection of spokespersons. Let’s make a big noise, if there is no new idea, the effect of the activity will be greatly reduced.”

"Okay, I will study it with my colleagues in the marketing department and make a plan for you."

"That's hard work for you, Shuanger, let me give you a massage."

As Ye Duan said, he began to massage Lin Meishuang.


After that, the two chatted again.

"Ye Duan, there is one more thing I want to tell you."

"Speak, Shuang'er, let's have a good chat today."

"I talked to Pingping and told her about your relationship with us. We all know about her relationship with you. Wenwen and sister Qian are very sensible and treat Pingping very well."

"No wonder you guys had a lot of fun yesterday, so you've become a family, hehe."

Ye Duan has actually seen it.

All this is due to Shuang'er!

That's why he came here to treat her well.

"Yeah, it's not that you are too attractive, we all want to work under you."

"Don't worry, Shuang'er, I will definitely do a good job and make you the most shining workplace beauties in Shanghai."

"It's nothing for us. We live in a mansion with tens of millions of river views, but Pingping is still renting a house alone. I want her to live with me, but she doesn't agree. You take the time to persuade her, don't let her A person is outside, otherwise we will feel bad."

"Shuang'er, your heart is so kind and kind. If I were Pingping, I would be moved by you too."

The leaves are very touching.

He continued: "Actually, I have said several times that I want to give Pingping a house, but she never agreed every time. She is a girl with a strong personality, and she will not accept gifts from others easily. Wait for a while, and I will Persuade her to live in."

"Well, she is indeed a good girl."

"Hey, it's not just Pingping, you are all good girls! Especially my old classmate, who is smart and capable, kind and generous, really unparalleled in the world!"

"You're not bad, otherwise, we wouldn't be willing to follow you."

The two started the mutual praise mode.


(End of this chapter)

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