Chapter 159 Glory
Ye Duan froze for a moment.

Is the big beauty angry?

Why did you leave alone?
He hurriedly chased after him.

"Wenwen, don't you want me to eat seafood?"

"I'm going to open a room..."

Su Mengwen secretly wiped away her tears.

My heart has already started to dry up.

She had stood there hopefully waiting.

However, when Ye Duan came back for the first time, her hopes were extinguished.

She didn't give up, she still stood where she was.

Ye Duan came back for the second time.

She hadn't had any hope.

It turned out to be a surprise for her...

Is God playing a joke on me, or is Brother Duan deliberately teasing me?

one way or another.

Su Mengwen still got this chance.

She was already suffering from thirst...

Five minutes later, the two came to an executive suite.

As soon as they entered the house, they hugged each other.

Don't wait for a hot mouth.

Ye Duan carried Su Mengwen to the big bed.

"Wenwen, you just stood there and didn't leave, did you miss me?"


Su Mengwen nodded.

"Then why didn't you tell me and let me stay?"

Ye Duan held her face, looked into her eyes and asked.

"I'm afraid of delaying your work. You are the richest man in Shanghai now, so you must be very busy. I dare not waste your time."

"Hey, don't think so, my work is trivial, how could it be important to you?"

"Really? Then I'll delay you for half an hour..."

"How can half an hour be enough, at least an hour!"


Su Mengwen looks like she was in Jinhai Hotel.

Very active.

After all, she is the general manager of this five-star hotel.

This is her home.

But she didn't want to win by force.

Instead, she used a beauty trick to make the most of her charm.

She took off the headband on purpose, and her long hair was scattered on her shoulders. Her every frown and smile were charming.

Her giggling smile was also full of tenderness, which made people relax their vigilance.

Ye Duan fell into a beauty trap.


The results speak for themselves.

Ye Duan lost.

But Su Mengwen does not have the attitude of a winner, but is like a little sheep, very obedient.

She won Ye Duan, but lost her heart.

The reason is simple, Ye Duan dotes on her very much.

In addition to a five-star hotel, there are 1000 billion investment funds.

1000 billion!

Looking at the entire Magic City, there should be no investment company with a self-sustaining capital of 1000 billion, right?
If not leaf segments.

She has never been able to reach such a height in her whole life, two lifetimes....

So Su Mengwen is grateful.

She decided to follow her man wholeheartedly.

Complete everything he told you!

Ye Duan also likes being with Su Mengwen very much.

His big beauty always puts him at complete ease.

Let him taste different flavors.

In a word.

Very good!
The two packed up and left the room.

Ye Duan drove to the magazine office.

Find the female apprentice He Shiping.

Discuss the 20th anniversary celebration of the "Silk Road Beauty" magazine.

Su Mengwen returned to the office and immediately contacted her college classmates.

These classmates are her biggest network resource.

In the group of classmates of the Finance Department of Aurora University.

Su Mengwen said: "Everyone, please do me a favor. I have a 500 billion stock list. Is anyone interested?"

The group exploded instantly.

"Fuck! 500 billion?! Su Mengwen, are you kidding me?"

"When did Wenwen make a joke, she is now the person next to the richest man in Shanghai!"

"Yes, yes, I just saw on the Internet that the new richest man in Shanghai is holding an event, and Wenwen is standing next to the richest man."

"You don't know, Mengwen is now the general manager of the Ritz-Carlton Hotel! Our company is holding activities there, and I recognized Miss Su at a glance. She has a strong temperament. I am ashamed and dare not go up and talk to her. She said hello..."

"Wenwen, you are amazing! You have only graduated for a few years, and you have climbed so high, we can't catch up with you even if we take a rocket!"

"Beauty Wenwen, do you still need a bag? How about I follow you?"

"Old classmate, I also want to follow you. Can you lead us to make a fortune together?"


See the information in the group.

Su Mengwen smiled.

He replied: "Everyone, don't worry, if you really want to work with me, you can. Recently, I will set up an investment company with a scale of [-] billion for my boss. If anyone is interested, you can send me your resume."

This sentence is another king bomb.

All the invisible students in the group were blown out of the water.

"My God!"

"Fuck! F*ck! F*ck!"

"I don't know what the hell to say. Someone hit me to prove that I'm still alive."

"Hundred billion scale!!!"

"The richest woman in the magic capital doesn't have that much money, does she?"

"Wenwen, is your boss the newly promoted richest man in Shanghai?"

"Needless to say, it must be, otherwise, who would be able to spend so much money?"

"Wenwen, I want to follow you! I'm going to resign now, and I must leave a place for me!"

"Old classmate, I also reserve a seat, and the gatekeeper is fine too!"

"There's me and me, I'm signing up too, and I'll send you my resume right away!"


Su Mengwen is still browsing the news.

The cell phone beeped non-stop.

Chat boxes popped up one after another.

Many classmates started talking about her in private.

She replied in the group: "Thank you old classmate for your support. If you are interested in the above two matters, you can contact me as soon as possible."

More and more private chats are sent over...

Many people came up with a burst of praise.

Some praised her for being beautiful, some praised her for being smart, some praised her for being capable...

Su Mengwen was overwhelmed.

But she did not enjoy everyone's flattery.

Although pleasant words are pleasant to the ear, it is easy for people to lose themselves.

Su Mengwen was very clear in her heart.

All of this is the honor given to her by Brother Duan!

If not leaf segments.

She is still a county girl now.

The students who stayed in Shanghai wouldn't even look her in the eye.

And now.

She became the best student in the class!

She has become an unattainable mountain in the eyes of her classmates!
Su Mengwen didn't have time to think about it.

Take out the notepad and record the information of the eligible students.

Next, she will contact these old classmates one by one.

According to Brother Duan's order.

Gradually reduce the shares of Yida Films first.

Then Yeduan Investment Company was established.

It didn't take long.

Suddenly an unfamiliar number called.

Su Mengwen answered the phone.

"Hey, hello, who is that?"

"Is it Su Mengwen? I am Teacher Xiong, the deputy director of the Finance Department of Aurora University. I would like to invite you to give a report in the department and share your story with the younger students. When will you be free? "

Su Mengwen froze for a moment.

The news spread so fast?
Do you even know about it?
"I'm sorry, Mr. Xiong, I've been busy with work recently, can I contact you again after a while?"

"Okay, okay, our Finance Department of Aurora University will always be your strong backing, and welcome you home at any time."

"Thank you, Mr. Xiong, for your concern. I will definitely go home and have a look."

hang up the phone.

Su Mengwen sat blankly on the office chair.

A great sense of satisfaction rose from my heart.

The department actually asked me to go back and give a report?

This honor is really exciting.

I never dreamed that such a day would come!
Su Mengwen picked up her phone and sent a message to Ye Duan.

"Thank you, Brother Duan. Knowing you is the greatest luck in my life. I feel so happy...Love you"

(End of this chapter)

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