Chapter 160 The Disciple Was Wronged
Ye Duan went to the magazine office.

Just after parking the car, I saw Su Mengwen's news.

The big beauty always knows how to be grateful.

How rare!

Then happily replied: "Wenwen, it is also my luck to meet you, I love you~"

Su Mengwen couldn't help but be overjoyed after receiving the message.

Arrived at the office of "Girl on the Silk Road".

There was something wrong with the atmosphere.

A former colleague greeted Ye Duan.

He pointed to the editor's room with his finger.

He whispered, "Your apprentice is losing his temper."

"What's going on? Which of you messed with her?"

Ye Duan asked with a smile.

Everyone shook their heads.

They all knew He Shiping's identity, and it was too late to flatter her, who would dare to mess with her?

Ye Duan walked to the door of the editorial office.

Lightly knocked on the door.

"do not bother me!"

He Shiping's roar came.

Ye Duan was startled.

What's the matter with this girl, Pingping?

Is aunt here?
How did you make such a big fuss?
"Pingping, it's me."

Hearing the voice of the master, He Shiping quickly opened the door.

"Master~~ woo woo woo..."

He Shiping cried and threw herself into the arms of the master.

Ye Duan hastily closed the door.

He hugged the female apprentice tightly, and asked with concern: "Pingping, what's going on? Who bullied you?"

"Master, I'm really useless, woo..."

"How could it be, Pingping is the most capable, tell the master quickly, what happened?"

Ye Duan wiped away the female apprentice's tears.

He pulled her to sit on the sofa.

He Shiping still couldn't stop, lay on Ye Duan's lap, and cried for a while.

Ye Duan patted her on the back lightly.

Constantly comforting her: "Okay Pingping, Pingping won't cry, if you have anything to tell the master, the master will make the decision for you."

He Shiping slowly stopped crying.

Leaning on the master's shoulder.

He spoke out in every detail.

"Master, I originally planned to hold a celebration for the 3th anniversary of the magazine on March 7, the notice has already been sent out, and invitation letters have also been sent to the stars and media we have worked with.

"However, at noon today, the colleagues of the magazine found out that "Times Basha" magazine also issued an announcement, planning to hold the Girls' Day star night event on the same day.

"Isn't this deliberately dismantling our platform and making trouble with our magazine? They are really deceiving people!"

Ye Duan understood.

What Times Basha magazine has done is indeed excessive.

The magazine has never held a fashion event in March.

This arrangement is definitely not a coincidence.

Obviously they got the news and deliberately embarrassed the "Silk Road Beauty" magazine.

Because the "Times Basha" magazine has a great influence.

It is almost the most famous fashion magazine in China.

It also has a deep appeal in the entertainment industry.

If this magazine held a fashion event, it would surely invite a large number of stars to participate.

At that time, "Silk Road Beauty" magazine will not have any celebrities to join in.

If it insists on holding it on the same day, the 20th anniversary celebration will definitely be silent.

Or just change the event date.

postpone or postpone.

However, the invitation letter has already been sent out, and if it is changed temporarily, it will not only involve too much, but also increase the trouble.

It is also tantamount to surrendering to the "Times Basha" magazine.

Before the event started, the "Silk Road Beauty" magazine was afraid.

In the future, there will be no influence in the fashion circle.

In front of "Time Basha" magazine, I can no longer hold my head up!

He Shiping has a strong personality and has a clear distinction between likes and hates.

How could it be possible to swallow this breath?

"Master, I originally wanted to work hard and hold this event seriously, so as to restore the reputation of the magazine and revitalize the "Silk Road Beauty" magazine, but I didn't expect that this kind of thing happened just after the preparation of the event. Isn't it very useless?"

He Shiping's eyes were red from crying.

Pear blossoms look like rain.

It's really pitiful.

Ye Duan felt distressed.

Gently touched her face, comforted her and said: "Pingping, you are already great, you can manage such a big event at such a young age, you are much better than the master, don't blame yourself, do you hear me? ?”

"But, what should we do now? I really want to go to the "Times Basha" magazine to make a fuss, without such a bully."

He Shiping was furious.

She was eager to get it done.

I want to show off in front of my master.

Unexpectedly, someone poured cold water on his head.

If the master doesn't come, according to her temper, it is really possible to go to "Times Basha" magazine to make trouble.

Ye Duan understood his apprentice's temper.

He couldn't let her do it.

"Pingping, impulsiveness is the devil. If you don't have any reason to make trouble, you will only be laughed at. Since "Time Basha" magazine wants to tear down our station, we will fight against them."

"But master, our magazine is obviously not as good as "Times Basha". The stars will definitely go to their platform. When the time comes, our home's event venue will be empty, isn't it even more embarrassing?"

What He Shiping said was not wrong.

But she still doesn't know the true strength of the master.

Not what it used to be!

If it was in the past, the "Silk Road Beauty" magazine would have lost.

However, it is different now.

Ye Duan became the boss behind the magazine.

His identity is the new richest man in Shanghai.

He has enough energy to reverse the disadvantage of "Silk Road Beauty" magazine.

"Don't worry, Pingping, please leave the celebrity matter to me. Trust me, master, I will definitely embarrass "Times Basha" magazine this time, and let them shoot themselves in the foot."

"Master, I believe in you, but what should I do?"

"You just move forward according to the planned plan, and prepare as you like. By the way, where is the event venue?"

"Sister Wenwen said that the banquet hall of the Ritz-Carlton Hotel is available."

"You two have such a good relationship? Not bad."

Ye Duan couldn't help but praise.

It seems that what Shuang'er said is right, they not only did not reject Pingping.

On the contrary, he sincerely treats Pingping well.

However, this venue is not suitable.

The layout is small.

"Pingping, your sister Wenwen is really kind, but the venue there is too small. Change the event venue to Shanghai International Grand Theater, don't be afraid to spend money, didn't I transfer [-] million to the magazine account, don't worry Let’s go and spend everything, this celebration, everything must be done according to the highest standard, don’t let others look down on us.”

"I understand what you mean, master. I will take care of other things. I will leave the matter of inviting celebrities to you."

"Don't worry, Pingping, I promise to invite half of the entertainment circle for you."

"Thank you master~~"

Get Leaf Guaranteed.

He Shiping's heart disease was also cured.

The dark clouds on his face dissipated, revealing a bright smile.

Ye Duan was also extremely happy after seeing it.

"You crybaby, don't cry so easily next time."

"I know, Master~"

He Shiping was a little shy, and got into Ye Duan's arms.

Now she is like a different person.

Like a little fox.

Sniff back and forth on the master.

The two hands also began to be dishonest, and even reached into Ye Duan's clothes.

"You bad girl, what do you want?"

"Master, I miss you~~"

"Stop! There's a bunch of people out there."

Ye Duan had expected that there were many ears outside to catch the movement.

But He Shiping was relentless.

She doesn't care about these.

Anyway, she has long been the master's woman.

Colleagues also know.

Why bother to hide it?

She acted coquettishly and said to the master: "Well, they can't see it."

"But I can hear it. Your voice is so loud every time, maybe you can hear it upstairs and downstairs."

"I hate it~~ Master, you are making fun of me again, I won't play with you anymore."

After He Shiping finished speaking, she left the master.

Ye Duan grabbed her tightly.

Let her sit on his lap.

"Pingping, why would I make fun of you? I'm just praising you."

"Is it a compliment to say that I have a loud voice? Huh, I don't believe it!"

"It's like I said your peach is big, isn't it a compliment?"

He Shiping shyly buried her little head in the master's clothes.

Ye Duan leaned on her ear and said, "Let's go to the hotel next door and get a room. I'll take a group of beautiful photos for you."

"Really? Great!"

He Shiping was very happy.

The little face instantly turned red into an autumn persimmon...

(End of this chapter)

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