Chapter 164

Ye Duan drove to the IFC Mall.

His other carrot and stick, both need Lin Meishuang's help.

Enter the general manager's office.

Ye Duan was stunned.

It's so lively here today.

Besides Lin Meishuang, Su Mengwen and Liu Qian were also there.

"Hehe, why did you guys get together?"

Liu Qian saw Ye Duan coming.

Be most excited.

He ran up to him in a hurry, and asked with a smile: "Brother Ye, why are you here?"

"I have something to discuss with Sister Lin, why are you two here?"

"Sister Wenwen and I are chatting with Sister Lin."

Su Mengwen stood up and explained: "I asked Sister Qian to help me find a suitable office in the office building of the International Finance Center, and I will come to Sister Lin's place with her after finishing the work."

"Oh, did you find the office? How big is it?"

Ye Duan asked.

Liu Qian hurriedly replied, "Of course I found it. Sister Wenwen needs it. I will definitely give her a big and nice house. I vacated a floor for her, which is more than 2000 square meters."

"Hey, I didn't expect you to be so capable."

Ye Duan couldn't help but praise his conch girl.

After hearing this, Liu Qian felt as sweet as drinking honey.

There is also a smile on the face.

Su Mengwen also took the opportunity to say: "Yes, I really have to thank Sister Qian this time, otherwise, it would take a lot of time just to find the office."

Seeing such a harmonious scene.

Lin Meishuang was also very happy.

Then she smiled and said to her husband, "Sister Qian is really capable, and sister Wenwen is also very capable. We heard from her that you asked her to manage a 1000 billion investment fund, and the burden is not light."

"That's right, you're all capable of...doing it."

Ye Duan deliberately prolonged the pronunciation of the last word.

The three of them listened and instantly understood what it meant.

"You bastard!"

Lin Meishuang took the lead and punched Ye Duan with her small pink fist.

Su Mengwen and Liu Qian also called.

Ye Duan hurriedly avoided the rain of fists.

"Beauties, please forgive me!"

Run around the house.

But accidentally knocked open a hidden door.

Inside is a newly renovated bedroom.

Liu Qian chased after her and asked curiously, "Hey, why is there a bedroom here?"

Lin Meishuang blushed instantly.

Ye Duan specially arranged for her to do this.

He said sleeping on the couch was uncomfortable.

So Lin Meishuang opened up a room next door and renovated it into a bedroom.

Ye Duan also knew what was going on.

He just covered it up and said, "Your elder sister Lin likes to take a lunch break, this is where she sleeps at noon."

Lin Meishuang also hurriedly said: "Yes, sometimes I am tired from work, so I will take a rest here."

"Oh, it's time to take a nap at noon."

Liu Qian nodded, looking suddenly enlightened.

Ye Duan secretly gave Lin Meishuang a look.

Seeing that the atmosphere was dangerous, Su Mengwen made a suggestion: "Let Sister Lin treat us to dinner at noon today."

After finishing speaking, he deliberately smiled at Lin Meishuang.

Ye Duan also took the opportunity to make a fuss: "Yes, yes, yes, you, sister Lin, are so good at enjoying yourself, you should treat us to a meal."

Lin Meishuang bit her lips angrily.

He glared at the two of them angrily.

I really want to drag my old classmates out and beat them up.

There is also sister Wenwen, who also learned badly from him.

Looking around, it's better for sister Qian.

Both caring and simple.

So Lin Meishuang took Liu Qian's hand and said intentionally, "I just want to invite Sister Qian to dinner today, you two are just for dinner."

"Hee hee, thank you sister Lin."

Liu Qian was cute and cute, and followed Lin Meishuang out the door.

Ye Duan and Su Mengwen also looked at each other and smiled.

Both of them are from here...

Lin Meishuang led a few people and reserved a box at the Sicilian restaurant.

After sitting down for a while, Yang Bingyue also came over.

"Yueyue, sit next to me."

Ye Duan hurriedly beckoned her to sit down.

"Thank you, Brother Duan."

Yang Bingyue happily sat on Ye Duan's right side.

Liu Qian on the left asked, "Sister Yueyue, how did you find it?"

"Brother Duan told me that Sister Lin invited me to dinner."

Lin Meishuang deliberately pretended to be jealous.

Looking at Ye Duan, he said, "Hehe, it seems that someone is still kissing his sister in his heart."

Su Mengwen also smiled and said: "Yes, when sister Yueyue comes, we both have to sit aside."

The two are actually not malicious.

just joking.

Liu Qian fights for Yang Bingyue.

Pouted her lips and said, "Yueyue is the youngest, shouldn't Brother Ye be fond of her?"

Ye Duan also took the opportunity to say: "That's right, you two sisters, you should reflect on it."

Lin Meishuang and Su Mengwen look at me and I look at you.

It seems a little unconvinced.

Ye Duan continued: "Sister Lin, you are the oldest. I don't know if you are called Sister Yueyue for lunch. How did you become the eldest sister and manager?"

"I... I thought Wenwen would tell Yueyue."

Lin Meishuang quickly explained.

Ye Duan sighed and said: "Wenwen, you are good enough to be a cousin. You only care about eating a big meal by yourself, and you even forget your cousin."

"I thought Sister Lin would notify her..."

Su Mengwen also hurriedly defended herself.

Yang Bingyue saw that something was wrong with the atmosphere.

For his own sake, Brother Duan told both Sister Lin and Sister Wenwen.

She was afraid that the two sisters would be angry, so she hurriedly intervened to mediate.

So he took Ye Duan's hand and said, "Brother Duan, Sister Lin and Sister Wenwen definitely didn't do it on purpose, they usually treat me very well."

"Brother Ye, don't mess with Sister Lin. If she gets angry, no one will invite us to dinner."

Liu Qian also helped to persuade.

Ye Duan didn't intend to criticize Lin Meishuang and Su Mengwen either.

Just to tease them.

By the way, I also remind them to take care of their younger sisters.

Then he followed Liu Qian's words and said, "That's right, sister Lin, don't be angry, don't let this meal go to waste."

"Don't worry, just eat."

Lin Meishuang saw Ye Duan deliberately pretending to be confused.

Knowing that he is giving himself a step down.

Then he smiled and passed away.

It's just that I feel a little guilty in my heart.

Yueyue was originally working in the mall.

He invited him to dinner and forgot to tell her.

This kind of mistake is really unnecessary.

I will definitely not do it again in the future.

I am the eldest sister of my sisters.

Take good care of them!
Su Mengwen was uttered by Ye Duan, and she also discovered her own shortcomings.

There is too little concern for Yueyue.

It must be corrected in the future!

With such a small episode, the sisters became more intimate.

When eating, everyone picks up food from each other.

A happy scene.

Ye Duan saw it in his eyes and was happy in his heart.

Using the excuse of going to the bathroom, I came to the Hermès store on the first floor.

Bought 4 new bags.

Then back to the box.

"Come, come, one by one."

Ye Duan each sent a package.

Liu Qian was the first to join in: "Wow! Thank you Brother Ye!"

Yang Bingyue also smiled and said, "Thank you, Brother Duan."

Su Mengwen understood Ye Duan's intentions, and said a little guiltyly: "Brother Duan, thank you."

Lin Meishuang took the bag and did not speak.

Instead, he smiled at him.

This guy is always so good at coaxing women!

Who can resist hitting people with bags at every turn?

Several people had a delicious meal.

Getting ready to leave.

Ye Duan's cell phone rang.

"Hello, is this Mr. Ye?"

"I am, please speak."

"Hello, Mr. Ye, the Gulfstream G700 business jet you ordered has arrived and is now parked in Zone E of Shanghai Shanghai International Airport. Please spare some time to receive it."

"Okay, I'll go later."

hang up the phone.

Ye Duan said with a smile: "Everyone, beauties and beauties, who wants to go to the airport with me?"

"To the airport? Brother Ye, are you going on a business trip?"

Liu Qian asked.

Ye Duan shook his head: "The plane I bought has arrived, does any of you want to go and see it with me?"

"Airplane? I'll go, I'll go!"

Liu Qian immediately raised her two hands in a high-pitched manner.

Yang Bingyue also raised a hand: "Brother Duan, I also want to see the plane."

Ye Duan looked at Su Mengwen.

Asked: "Wenwen, are you going? It's very big!"

Su Mengwen smiled.

Nodded: "I will go too."

She knew that Ye Duan meant something.

This man is indeed a bit unscrupulous.


Where is the big one?
It's good and bad!

Lin Meishuang didn't want to dampen Ye Duan's interest.

He took the initiative to say: "Since you are all going, take me with you."

Several sisters are looking forward to it.

Ye Duan came to Su Mengwen and said, "Wenwen, ask your hotel to send a commercial vehicle to take us to the airport."

"Okay Brother Duan."

Su Mengwen immediately called the hotel.

When several people came downstairs.

Commercial vehicles are already waiting on the side of the road.

Ye Duan led a group of female subordinates into the car and went straight to the airport.

Arriving at Area E of Shanghai Modu International Airport, a brand new business jet was parked on the apron.

"It must be this one!"

Liu Qian couldn't wait to take out her mobile phone to take pictures.

"Wow! It's really big!"

Yang Bingyue was also surprised.

Ye Duan went to handle the handover formalities, and signed a full set of agreements with the airport for custody and maintenance.

The total cost of a year is as high as 6800 million!
This does not include operating costs.

According to the airport, this is China's first Gulfstream G700 private jet, so the cost is 30% higher.

But for the leaves.

This little money is like drizzle.

He now has a five-level lucky life system.

Earn 50 yuan per second.

6800 million, just half a month's income.

This alone is enough for his daily expenses!
Go through the formalities.

The group boarded the plane.

Entering the interior of the plane, everyone was stunned and felt very novel.

It was their first experience with private jets.

The layout inside is completely different from that of a commercial airliner.

There is not only a spacious boarding environment, but also comfortable massage seats.

Life and entertainment facilities are also readily available.

Liu Qian was very naughty, and lay directly on a multi-person sofa.

Close your eyes.

Muttering in his mouth: "It's so comfortable! I really want to have a good sleep here."

It made Lin Meishuang and Su Mengwen cover their mouths and laugh.

Yang Bingyue followed Ye Duan to the cab.

He asked curiously, "Brother Duan, can you fly a plane?"

Ye Duan sat in the driver's seat and thought about it.

"Almighty King" driving skills do not include this large commercial aircraft.

Contains only cars, helicopters, etc.

Then he replied: "I seem to know how to fly a helicopter."

"Wow! It's amazing!"

Yang Bingyue was surprised.

Two eyes looked at Ye Duan adoringly.

The clear eyes are like twinkling stars, exuding a charming light.

Ye Duan was dumbfounded.

He pulled her into his arms and kissed her passionately.

Yang Bingyue catered shyly and jerky.

Enjoy this fiery kiss.

She hasn't been kissed by Ye Duan for a long time.

So very eager.

don't want to separate...

At this moment, Lin Meishuang walked over and saw this scene.

The two people in the cab didn't notice it.

She didn't say anything either.

It's rare that they are so close.

Just fulfill them once.

So Lin Meishuang simply stood outside the cab door to watch out for them.

After a while, Liu Qian came over.

Lin Meishuang hurriedly said loudly, "Sister Qian, are you awake?"

"Don't laugh at me, Sister Lin, I haven't slept at all. By the way, have you seen Brother Ye?"

As Liu Qian spoke, she walked towards the cab.

Ye Duan and Yang Bingyue heard the commotion outside.

Quickly separated.

Pretend to be nothing.

Liu Qian walked in and said with a smile, "So you two are hiding here."

"Qianbao, I'm studying how to fly a plane, so that I can take you to the sky."

Ye Duan told a white lie.

Yang Bingyue also nodded quickly.

Liu Qian believed it was true, and said happily: "Brother Ye, hurry up and learn, and take us to heaven soon~~ I'm so looking forward to it~"

Lin Meishuang stood outside the cab.

Overheard the conversation inside.

Can not help but shook his head.

I sighed in my heart: Sister Qian is really hopeless...

Ye Duan pretended to be fiddling with the dashboard.

Exclaimed: "It's so difficult! I still don't want to learn."

Liu Qian looked disappointed: "Then why are you taking us to heaven?"

Even Yang Bingyue couldn't stand Miss Conch's stupid look.

She smiled and said, "Sister Qian, the airline should have a special captain that can be hired, and this plane needs two pilots, even if brother Duan can fly, he can't fly alone."

"So this is ah."

Liu Qian suddenly realized.

Like a little fuzzy guy just waking up.

Ye Duan gave Yang Bingyue a look of approval.

Sister Yueyue knows a lot!

In contrast.

Qianbao's IQ is simply a parabola opening downwards!
If you are at this level in the college entrance examination, can you be admitted to Shanghai Jiaotong University?

Several people played on the plane for a while.

Ready to leave the airport.

Before leaving, Ye Duan asked Liu Qian to stay.

There are still some things that Conch girl needs to deal with.

Although private jets are convenient, they should not fly randomly.

In most cases, it is necessary to apply for the route in advance.

Applications are usually submitted the day before.

If the relationship is hard, a few hours in advance is also possible.

Ye Duan wanted Qianbao to understand these regulations.

"Qianbao, when I signed the agreement just now, the airline service company said that there are some terms that the owner of the aircraft needs to understand, including the employment of the captain and flight attendant, and the reservation of the flight route. I was in a hurry and didn't listen. You are mine. Personal assistant, I will leave this matter to you."

"OK, all right."

Liu Qian readily agreed, and took the document bag containing the agreement from Ye Duan.

Miss Conch is very happy to help her master.

And she was just a little silly in front of Ye Duan.

Outside, IQ is quite normal.

(End of this chapter)

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