Chapter 165 Celebration
"How will sister Qian go back to the city in a while?"

Lin Meishuang asked worriedly.

The few of them left, what would happen if sister Qian was left alone?

Su Mengwen immediately came up with an idea: "How about I ask the hotel to send another car?"

As the general manager of a five-star hotel, dispatching a car is not something she can just say.

Yang Bingyue also nodded.

She is about the same age as Liu Qian, and their relationship is still very good.

Ye Duan made no statement.

He had expected that Qianbao would definitely not agree.

She's not the type to trouble others.


Liu Qian said with a smile, "Thank you, Sister Wenwen, for your kindness. I don't need to send a car here. I'll take the subway back. It's economical and environmentally friendly, and I don't have to worry about traffic jams."

The sisters praised her for being sensible.

Ye Duan is also very satisfied.

Qianbao is still the former Qianbao, and has not been corrupted by the luxurious and rich life.

She is a tried and tested girl after all!
The first day they met.

Ye Duan took Liu Qian to eat in Sha County, and spent a total of more than 20 yuan.

She doesn't dislike being inferior at all.

He also slept with Ye Duan in a simple rental house for one night.

It turns out.

Liu Qian is a down-to-earth and good girl!

It is still the original intention.

How rare!

So Liu Qian stayed at the airport alone.

Ye Duan and the others returned to the urban area in the hotel's commercial vehicle.

Su Mengwen sent them to the International Center shopping mall.

Back to the Ritz-Carlton by myself.

Yang Bingyue went to work in the finance department.

Ye Duan followed Lin Meishuang to her office.

Just entered the house.

Then he said, "Shuang'er, don't take what I said at lunch today."

"Am I that cheapskate?"

She is not such a small belly.

Otherwise, Ye Duan would have been pissed off!

"Hey, I knew my twins were the best."

As Ye Duan spoke, his mouth moved to Lin Mei's face.

But she pushed it away.

"You bad guy, didn't you kiss enough on the plane just now?"

"On the plane? Shuang'er, have you seen it?"

Ye Duan guessed it.

He kissed Yueyue on the plane, and Shuang'er should have seen him.

No wonder Shuang'er spoke so loudly when Liu Qian walked into the cab.

It turned out to be deliberately reminding them.


You really deserve to be a considerate old classmate!

Lin Meishuang glared at Ye Duan and gave him a complicated look.

Sitting on the sofa, he said, "No, I didn't see anything."

"You peeping tom, with such big eyes, you didn't see anything? I don't believe it!"

Ye Duan sat down beside her.

Played a joke on her.

"You're the peeping tom, big bad."

Lin Meishuang pretended to be angry.

A fist hit Ye Duan.

"Hehe, you bitch, how dare you hit your old classmate? I can't cure you."

"Wait a minute, I'll take you inside to have a look."

Lin Meishuang took Ye Duan into the bedroom inside.

This is a secret base.

The bedrooms are nicely decorated.

Everything is warm.

From the lighting of the overhead light, the wallpaper on the wall, to the soft mattress, to the fluffy carpet.

This room is a veritable love cabin.

To be able to express our love for each other to the fullest...

"Shuang'er, I suddenly thought of a poem."

Leaf segments become very dark.

Lin Meishuang asked curiously, "What poem?"

"When the peach blossoms, it burns its flowers. The son of the peach is returning home, and it is suitable for his family. The peach is young, and there is a truth. The son of the peach is returning, and it is suitable for his family. The peach is young, and it is Ye Zhenzhen. The son of Yugui , Yiqi’s family.”

Ye Duan became a poet.

Lin Meishuang didn't quite understand what it meant.

"Old classmate, what does this poem mean?"

"It's describing your beauty."

"My beauty?"

Lin Meishuang was even more curious.

Ye Duan no longer answered.

He's going to work...

In the love hut built by Lin Meishuang.

Ye Duan's body and mind were greatly relaxed.

After some rest.

Lin Meishuang got off the bed with bare feet and opened the curtains.

Sunlight poured into the house.

The bed and the carpet were all golden.

"Wow! Shuang'er, you did a good job, and there is such a big window."

"That's right, otherwise, I wouldn't have been smothered to death."

"I thought it was a secret room."

"Where do you want to go to your old classmates? Are you playing an escape room?"

Lin Meishuang took out two glasses of juice drinks from the refrigerator.

Back to bed.

"Drink some drinks, it's good for your health."

"Thank you!"

Ye Duan took the drink and gulped down half the bottle.

Lin Meishuang quickly said, "Drink slowly."

What a little guy!
Ye Duan chuckled, took another sip, and drank up the whole bottle of drink.

Lin Meishuang shook her head.

"Old classmate, have you grown in reverse? Why are you still acting like a child?"

"Maybe, my mentality is very young now, and my body seems to have returned to the appearance of 20 years old. It seems that I have endless strength."

Ye Duan was also a little puzzled.

It seems that I have really become a lot younger.

Words and deeds are not as mature and stable as before, or lifeless.

Not to mention the body.

I don't feel a trace of fatigue.

It's not like a 30-year-old man!

Is it really reverse growth?

Could it be that the younger sister of the system thought she was too old, so she secretly reduced her age?

I'll ask her next time I get a chance.

Lin Meishuang hit Ye Duan with her fist angrily.

"You are a bad guy, you bully us every day, be careful and tired."

"Hey, with such a good old classmate by my side, even if I'm exhausted, I'm willing."

"I'm not capable of exhausting you to death, you are like a cow."

After Lin Meishuang finished speaking, she couldn't help laughing.

His face flushed.

The shy look is also charming.

Get out of bed.

"Shuang'er, don't go."

Lin Meishuang said with a smile: "You'd better go find your girlfriend, I'm... full today."

"Full? Haha, Shuanger, you have changed."

Ye Duan was happy.

Unexpectedly, she also uttered such connotative words.

Being teased by old classmates.

Lin Meishuang was also a little shy.

Then complained: "I didn't learn from you, you pretended to be bad water, and I accidentally drank a few sips."

"Hahahaha, I'll feed you more next time, so you won't say I'm bad again."

"Old classmate, you are necrotic!"

Lin Meishuang picked up a pillow and threw it at Ye Duan.

Then quickly escaped from the room.

Came to the outside office.

He became the general manager of the IFC mall again.

In the eyes of outsiders, she is a warm and wise successful lady.

In the eyes of the younger sisters, she is a kind, virtuous, caring big sister.

Only in front of old classmates.

She can be a coquettish and willful woman.

Ye Duan understands her!

That's why she was willing to follow him wholeheartedly and be his right-hand man.

The strength of a woman is forced out by life.

If someone hurts, someone loves.

Which woman doesn't want to be a good wife and mother who is obedient, lovely, gentle and considerate, and virtuous in housekeeping?
Lin Meishuang understood this.

She was lucky to meet a boss like Ye Duan.


Ye Duan also packed up and walked out of the love hut.

Came to the office to discuss business with Lin Meishuang.

"Shuang'er, I need your help with something."

Ye Duan sat on the office chair opposite Lin Meishuang.

"what is the matter?"

"Pingping encountered a little trouble. She wanted to invite some celebrities to participate in the celebration held by the magazine, but was deliberately made things difficult by her opponents, and she also held the event on the same day, so Pingping was worried that all the celebrities would be robbed by her opponents. Cold field."

"Is Pingping's opponent the Times Basha magazine?"

"how do you know?"

Ye Duan is very curious.

Could it be that Pingping has already found Shuang'er?
"Old classmate, look at this."

Lin Meishuang handed Ye Duan a card.

It was the invitation letter for the "Girls' Day Star Night" event sent by "Times Basha" magazine.

"It's really unreasonable! Did you send the invitation letter here?"

Ye Duan was very angry.

He crumpled up the invitation and threw it in the trash.

""Time Basha" is really deceptive! Don't you know that the IFC shopping mall and "Silk Road Beauty" magazine are the same owner?"

"Don't be angry, they may really not know."

Lin Meishuang quickly comforted her.

"Old classmate, many people actually don't know that you are the behind-the-scenes boss of "Grace on the Silk Road" magazine. I have read many reports about your personal information on the Internet, but there is no mention of this."

"It's also possible, because the "Silk Road Beauty" magazine is affiliated to the Silk Road Legend Culture Company, and there is a layer of separation in the middle. Maybe they don't know the relationship between the two."

"It should be. If "Times Basha" magazine knew that these are your industries, it would not dare to be so presumptuous."

"Okay, then let them know about this relationship."

Even though Ye Duan said so.

In my heart, I was dubious.

"Times Basha" magazine makes such a big noise, will it not know that the opponent has changed the boss?
But that doesn't matter.

He's already thought of an idea.

Lin Meishuang asked: "Ye Duan, how do you want me to help Pingping?"

"Shuang'er, I think about it this way. You mentioned last time that you want to find spokespersons for Hang Lung Plaza and Global Harbor Shopping Center. Hurry up and release this news."

"I understand. You want all the celebrities to compete for this opportunity to be the spokesperson, and then clarify the relationship between the two shopping malls and the "Silk Road Beauty" magazine, and let the celebrities take the initiative to participate in the event held by Pingping."

Lin Meishuang is Bingxue smart.

It breaks at one point.

Ye Duan was very satisfied with her wisdom.

"That's right, Shuang'er. Our two shopping malls are the top shopping malls in Shanghai. The weight of spokespersons is still very important. If big stars want to get this opportunity, they will definitely show their favor to us."

"Yes, many people were jealous of Xiao Di's endorsement in the IFC shopping mall last time. Many brokerage companies contacted me and said that if there is another chance, they must tell them."


Ye Duan was very happy.

Sure enough, he expected it.

I couldn't help clapping my hands and said: "Then you should inform them quickly, the opportunity is here, if you want to fight for it, let their star participate in Pingping's activities. I will arrange for Pingping to hold an event in two days." At the event press conference, you signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Silk Road Beauty magazine on behalf of the three shopping malls, so that everyone will know the relationship between you."

Ye Duan made up his mind.

Ask apprentice He Shiping to hold a press conference.

Announced the 20th anniversary celebration of "Silk Road Beauty" magazine.

Let Lin Meishuang sign a cooperation agreement with the magazine on behalf of the IFC Mall, Hang Lung Plaza and Global Harbor Shopping Center.

Let Qin Miaofei attend the press conference on behalf of Shanghai Film and Television Company, and also sign a cooperation agreement with the magazine.

The spokesperson of the two shopping malls, and the 200 billion film and television creation fund.

Just two carrots!
Attract big and small stars to participate in the 20th anniversary celebration of "Silk Road Beauty" magazine.

Because behind these three.

It's the same boss!

Except for two carrots.

Ye Duan also prepared a big stick.

Anyone who doesn't know how to participate in the activities of "Times Basha" magazine.

Just spank his/her ass!

Lin Meishuang immediately agreed to Ye Duan's arrangement.

Her ability to execute is beyond doubt.

Besides, this is helping sister Pingping.

As a sister, she is obliged to do so!

Although Lin Meishuang is an only child, she seems to be born to be an older sister.

For the younger sisters in the "Good Sisters' Secret Garden" group.

She cares about each one.

"Ye Duan, I will do as you asked, and immediately announce the news that the two shopping malls are looking for spokespersons. Also, Pingping must be under a lot of pressure recently. You should take time to visit her. She lives alone. Outside, it's pretty worrying."

"Don't worry, Shuang'er, I will comfort her."

"You can persuade her again, don't live outside, let her live with me."

Lin Meishuang was still thinking about this matter.

Pingping's sensibility impressed her deeply.

"Well, after this event is over, I will find a way to let Pingping live with you."

The leaves have already been calculated.

He has a total of 10 suites in Zhongliang Jiangjing No. [-] Community.

Now Lin Meishuang lives in an apartment on the 39th floor.

Shuang'er and Yueyue lived in a suite on the 38th floor.

Qianbao lives in a suite, located on the 36th floor.

The other 7 sets are empty.

When the magazine's 20th anniversary event is over, let Pingping also choose a set.

It's fun when everyone lives together!

Finish the matter with Lin Meishuang.

Ye Duan drove to Modu Film and Television City.

Both Xiaodi and Xueer were filming there today.

Time to see them too.

Otherwise, the two beauties should be angry.

I don't know if they will get angry when they are filming?
Cher is very naughty.

Xiaodi is not a fuel-efficient lamp either.

When the two first met, they competed with each other.

Now that I'm filming in the same crew, will there be a lot of trouble?

Ye Duan went to the film and television city and found the crew of "Your Youth".

Xiaodi and Ding Xueer are filming a rival scene.

In the play, the two played a pair of girlfriends.

But fell in love with the same boy.

It is the male protagonist played by Yi Yangqianxi.

However, the second female lead played by Xiao Di has never shown it, but deliberately suppressed her feelings, and finally fulfilled the female lead played by Ding Xueer.

This plot is actually very common, and it is also very common in reality.

Even a little bloody.

However, director Han Han's strength is that he expresses the pure emotion between the campus lovers very meticulously.

Each character has a distinct personality.

The whole emotional scene is very pure, without any trace of evil thoughts.

Of course, the most brilliant part of this play is that the background arrangement is very clever.

It was placed in the era of saving the nation for the survival of the nation.

Everyone's life is closely linked with the destiny of the nation.

Every passionate young man puts his small feelings behind the big feelings of saving the country.

(End of this chapter)

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