Chapter 166 Intimate arrangement

Therefore, every character in the play is controlling their own personal feelings.

Put patriotism full of national righteousness in the first place.

It wasn't until the end that it fully burst out.

Although Ye Duan was a stand-in, he had read the script.

So I still know a lot about the plot.

He also gave director Han Han some suggestions based on his own experience in writing scripts.

Now "Your Youth" has just started filming.

Xiaodi and Ding Xueer are still living a carefree campus life.

What they are filming today is a daily scene.

Ye Duan stood behind the extras and didn't say anything.

Instead, he watched the play quietly.

As a professional actor with a professional background, Xiaodi's performance is still very good.

The facial expressions and actions are all in place.

Ding Xueer is a newcomer, and she needs the director's guidance in many places.

Fortunately, the role she plays is similar to her current identity, both of whom are students at school.

With a little guidance, you can quickly enter the play.

Xiaodi is also constantly explaining something to Ding Xueer.

It should be teaching her how to act.

The way the two of them talked intimately made Ye Duan feel very relieved.

I really hope the two of them can stay like this forever.

Later also become good sisters.

In this way, there will be no jealousy.

If the two of them quarrel.

It's sure to be a headache!

Ye Duan was admiring the acting of his two girls.

The assistant director came to call the extras on stage.

"Come here a few of you, stand in front of the bulletin board on the right, and pretend to read the poster."

The extras around Ye Duan walked over one after another.

He was left alone.

The assistant director didn't recognize it for a while, so he yelled at him: "What did you do? You haven't changed your clothes yet, and you don't have your lunch box tonight."

The great director Han Han who was sitting behind the camera heard the movement.

Glanced this way.

Leaf segments were recognized immediately.

Hastily ran over.

"Brother Duan, when did you come? Come on, sit here."

"I just arrived, so I was afraid to disturb your filming, so I just stood here and watched for a while."

The assistant director heard Ye Duan's name.

Also broke out in a cold sweat.

This "extra actor" turned out to be an investor!
Today's richest man in Shanghai!
Just now I said I wouldn't give him a box lunch.

If he blamed him, he might take his box lunch and leave.

Thinking of this, the assistant director hurried to Ye Duan.

Putting his hands together, he said reverently: "I'm sorry Mr. Ye, I didn't recognize you just now, and I took you as an extra, please don't take it to heart, I apologize to you, I'm sorry!"

"It's okay, it's okay, go get busy."

Ye Duan waved his hand, but did not blame the assistant director.

He himself stood in the line of extras.

How can you blame others?

Ye Duan's generosity moved the assistant director very much.

The staff present were also impressed by his approachability after seeing it.

What a down-to-earth richest man!

Han Han asked Ye Duan to sit next to him.

At this moment, Xiaodi and Ding Xueer also came over. They almost finished filming today's scene.

"Wow! Uncle, why are you here?"

After seeing the leaves.

Ding Xueer was so excited that she almost jumped up.

Regardless of the eyes of the people around him, he immediately hugged Ye Duan.

"I'll come and see you."

Ye Duan quickly stood up, looked at Ding Xueer, and then turned to look at Xiaodi.

"Thank you uncle!"

Ding Xueer had a happy face, and then separated from Ye Duan.

Xiao Di also walked to Ye Duan's side.

He smiled and said, "Thank you... Mr. Ye."

She wanted to say brother.

But there are too many people here, she is really embarrassed to say it.

In case Xueer foolishly teases her again.

Doesn't everyone know about her relationship with Ye Duan?

Xiao Di doesn't want to make his relationship public yet.

Otherwise, it will add a lot of trouble.

In addition to violating the company's regulations.

Some fans might not say yes either.

Still wait for a suitable time, and then announce it to the outside world!
At least until the movie is finished.

You can't influence the movie directed by Han Han because of your personal affairs.

Besides, the film invested hundreds of millions.

I can't let my brother's money go to waste.

Moreover, this is also Cher's first play.

Don't let this little girl cry.

No matter what, now I have to hide my relationship with Brother Ye Duan.

So Xiao Di must restrain himself!

Ye Duan also understands this.

Xiao Di's assistant reminded him last time.

When celebrities fall in love, the consequences are very serious.

Although he can accept any consequences and settle everything.

But let Dee decide!
It's up to her to decide whether to announce the relationship, and when.

Ye Duan once again handed over the decision to Xiao Di.

Not for anything else.

Because of him, he didn't want to let down Xiao Di's heavy feelings.

And her desperate courage!

Director Han Han was very knowledgeable and announced that today's filming had come to an end.

Ye Duan said: "I invite you to dinner tonight."


Ding Xueer cheered immediately.

Xiao Di also nodded happily.

Director Han Han declined: "Brother Duan, I still have a lot of things to do, so I won't go this time."

"Okay, Brother Hanhan, it's your hard work here."

Ye Duan got up to say goodbye.

He left the crew with Xiaodi and Ding Xueer.

Came to the parking lot.

"Uncle, I'll take Miss Xiaodi's car."

Ding Xueer said with a smile.

Xiao Di also smiled and gave her a thumbs up.

"Okay, follow me. Xiao Di, drive carefully."

Ye Duan was surprised.

What was the little fairy thinking?

Have the two of them turned their fights into jades?
How did the relationship become so good?
I have become superfluous...

Leaving Modu Film and Television City.

Ye Duan drove the Lamborghini Poison ahead.

Xiao Di drove a Lamborghini Bull and followed behind.

Two sports cars drive down the street.

Extraordinarily striking.

Some passers-by who often read gossip news even knew that this poisonous car belonged to the new richest man in Shanghai.

no way.

There is only one poison car in the magic city.

It is not allowed to be low-key!

Ye Duan turned on the car phone and contacted Ding Xueer.

"Xue'er, may I ask what Xiao Di wants to eat tonight?"

Ding Xueer turned on the speakerphone on purpose.

He said to Xiao Di: "Miss Xiao Di, did you hear that? Uncle is asking you what to eat?"

The word "you" is deliberately emphasized.

There was a sour taste in his tone.

Xiao Di thought Xueer was jealous.

He just smiled and said, "Xue'er, I'm driving, so Brother Ye called you before asking you to ask me what to eat. If you were driving, Brother Ye would definitely ask me to ask you what to eat of."

Ye Duan heard Xiao Di's voice from the speakerphone.

Quickly explained: "Yes Xue'er, don't think too much, I mean what do you two want to eat tonight."

Of course Ding Xueer knew what uncle meant.

But she wanted to tease Miss Xiao Di.

He pretended to be angry on purpose.

He said angrily: "Hmph! No need to explain, you two go to eat, I'm just redundant."

Xiao Di quickly coaxed her.

"Xue'er, good sister, don't be angry, let Big Brother Ye apologize to you later, and let him speak without thinking."

Ye Duan was also coaxing the little fairy on the phone.

"I'm sorry Xue'er, I really didn't mean that. What do you want to eat tonight? Xiaodi and I will listen to you."

Ding Xueer accepts it when she sees it.

Seeing that both of them came to coax her, she was too embarrassed to pretend anymore.

He laughed "hahaha".

"You two are really of one mind! Hahaha, I want to eat barbecue tonight!"

Only then did Xiao Di discover Ding Xueer's trick.

Angrily gave her a supercilious look: "Xue'er, you are really good, you even lied to me! Well, I won't teach you about filming tomorrow, let the director scold you to death, you bad girl!"

Ding Xueer was in a hurry.

He hurriedly begged: "Miss Xiao Di, I was wrong, I will never dare to do it again next time, so please forgive me. If you don't teach me, I will be a little fool, how do I know how to film?"

Ye Duan heard the little fairy begging for mercy from the speakerphone.

I couldn't help laughing too.

"You stinky girl, is someone going to punish you now? How aggressive you were just now, how cowardly you are now! Hahaha!"

I saw the uncle gloating on the phone.

Ding Xueer is also acting coquettishly.


Xiao Di also couldn't help laughing.

Jokingly said: "Okay, you little actor, it would be great if you can act like this when filming."

Ding Xueer stopped immediately.

He stuck out his tongue at Xiaodi.

"Got it, Miss Xiaodi, don't make fun of me."

Ye Duan also said on the phone: "That's right, Xue'er, from now on, I will follow Xiao Di to film well, and be nice to your sister Xiao Di, don't be so naughty, you know?"

"Understood, uncle!"

Ding Xueer saluted the phone.

Funny look.

Xiao Di couldn't control it anymore, and laughed "giggle".

The relationship between the three is getting closer...

Ye Duan took them to the Northwest Hotel.

Two Lamborghinis stopped in front of the hotel one by one.

Immediately attracted the crowd of many diners.

Even the waiters in the restaurant couldn't help running over to take pictures.

Ye Duan is already used to it, so let them do it.

Afraid of being recognized by others, Xiao Di put on a mask.

This is her usual way of going out.

If not, she would be surrounded by people wherever she went.

They may even be followed and photographed secretly.

caused great disturbance to her life.

The three got out of the car and walked into the restaurant.

"Welcome distinguished guests, please come inside."

The lobby manager of the hotel greeted them warmly.

Ye Duan said: "Arrange a private box for me."

"Okay, all three, this way please."

The lobby manager led them to a VIP box on the second floor.

After sitting down, the waiter immediately brought tea.

Ding Xueer was a little puzzled: "Uncle, this is a restaurant, do you have barbecue?"

“There is not only barbecue here, but also very authentic!”

Ye Duan said, and handed the menu to the little fairy.

"Oh, I see. This is a restaurant run by Miss Xiaodi's hometown. The barbecue is really famous."

Ding Xueer's voice just fell.

Xiao Di's face was already crimson.

From the moment I got off the bus and saw the name of the restaurant.

She understood Ye Duan's good intentions.

This hotel looks inconspicuous, just a small two-story building.

Not even classy at all.

But this is a restaurant from her hometown.

Only in this kind of place can you eat authentic hometown food.

Here, there is a taste of home!

Xiao Di was moved by Ye Duan's carefulness.

This kind of thoughtful arrangement can only be imagined by my brother.

And he did!

How lucky to meet such a good man as my brother!

Ding Xueer is also very sensible.

He took the initiative to hand over the menu to Xiao Di.

"Miss Xiaodi, you come to order today, and uncle and I will be in charge of eating, hehe~~"

"Thank you Xue'er, I don't know what you like to eat yet, let's order together."

Xiao Di moved the menu to Ding Xueer's side again.


The menu was just in front of Ye Duan.

Because he was sitting between Xiaodi and Ding Xueer.

"Uncle, you are in the way~"

Ding Xueer squeezed the leaves.

Want to push him away.

But was killed.

Ye Duan stretched out his arms and held her in his arms.

"You stinky girl, you actually said that I was in the way, then I will try my best to get in your way."

"Bad uncle, you still dare to bully me in front of Sister Xiaodi. Sister Xiaodi, help me!"

Ding Xueer hurriedly called for help.

Ye Duan turned his head to look at Xiao Di.

Her complexion was a bit wrong, she seemed to be angry.

Are you jealous?

No, it should be because I want to hug myself.

So Ye Duan stretched out his other arm.

He also embraced Xiaodi in his arms.

"Hey, let's see who saves you now."


Ye Duan miscalculated.

Ding Xueer was very naughty.

Secretly winked at Xiao Di.

Taking advantage of Ye Duan's inattention, she reached into his clothes and scratched his itch.

Xiao Di also stretched out his hand.

Two smooth little hands moved around inside Ye Duan's jacket.

It was too much for him.

I can only let go and beg for mercy.

"You stinky girl, quickly take out your hand, you'll ruin your little sister Di."

Xiao Di's heart softened.

He took his hand out of Ye Duan's clothes.

Ding Xue'er was relentless: "Don't, let you bully us."

Simply reach in with both hands.

Ye Duan was so confused that he could only stand up and use brute force.

Hold Ding Xueer tightly to her body so that she cannot move her hands.

Being hugged by the uncle like this, the little fairy instantly became honest.

She smelled the man's breath on the uncle's body and felt his temperature.

Unable to restrain her heart, she lay down on Ye Duan's face and kissed her.

Xiao Di stood aside, at a loss for a while.

This bad Xue'er dared to kiss her man in front of her face! !

Although she didn't mean to.

But, it's really unbearable!
Ye Duan had sensed her small thoughts, and quickly let Ding Xueer go.

Sit down and pretend to order food.

Ding Xueer also realized her recklessness.

Hurry to Xiaodi's side.

Take the initiative to admit the mistake: "Miss Xiaodi, I couldn't hold back just now, I'm sorry."

"It's okay, anyway, I know you like Brother Ye."

Xiao Di said it was okay, but he was actually very upset.

He also had an unhappy look on his face.

You can kiss any way you want in private, but in front of me, it's too big or small, right?

Ding Xueer rolled her eyes and came up with another bad idea.

"Miss Xiaodi, it's not fair to ask uncle to kiss you too."

"You bad girl, don't be ashamed."

Xiao Di blushed instantly.

Ding Xueer made me dumbfounded.

Can she come up with such a bad idea?

Ye Duan added fuel to the fire: "This idea is very good, Xiao Di, just agree."

"Brother, how are you~~"

Xiao Di punched Ye Duan with a small fist...

(End of this chapter)

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