Chapter 167 Courage
First he was scratched by Ding Xueer, and then he was punched by Xiao Di.

Ye Duan was also extremely depressed.

"You two lemon essences, why are you venting your anger on me?"

Xiao Di didn't know how to answer.

It was indeed a bad idea thought up by Xueer, a bad girl, and I was led astray by her.

Ding Xueer also became hesitant.

"Because... it's all because of you. Sister Xiaodi and I are like this. We have a good relationship at first, but you created a split when you came here. Of course, we have to teach you a lesson."

"You mean I shouldn't have come? Well, I'm leaving."

Ye Duan got up and pretended to leave.

Xiao Di couldn't bear to part with her first man, so she quickly grabbed his hand: "Brother, I don't blame you, don't listen to Xueer's nonsense."

Ding Xueer was also anxious.

"Uncle, if you leave, who will invite us to dinner? You can stay, okay?"

Ye Duan was reluctant to leave.

Two beauties are here, will he leave?

Unless the sun rises in the west!
He was still thinking about the good things tonight!

"Then I'll eat this meal before leaving, you two hurry up and order."

Xiaodi and Xueer looked at each other and smiled, and quickly ordered dishes.

Ye Duan also sat down and looked at the menu with them.

The three of them squeezed together and their heads came together, but no one noticed something was wrong.

Relationships heat up sharply...

After a while, Northwest-style delicacies were served one after another.

Mutton kebabs, flamed goat chops, naan meat, hand-caught lamb, beef consommé soup, handmade yogurt and more.

Almost all meat.

After Ye Duan had a meat addiction, he exclaimed happily.

Ding Xueer also ate happily: "My belly is almost bursting."

Originally, Xiao Di didn't eat much at night, because he was afraid of getting fat, so he indulged once this time.

The taste of her hometown made her unable to stop.

She also didn't expect that in the international metropolis of Shanghai, she could also eat delicacies from the Northwest.

And many ingredients are shipped cold.

It can be said that it retains the most authentic Northwest flavor.

"Brother, thank you, let me find the feeling of hometown."

Xiao Di couldn't help but thank Ye Duan too.

Thank him for his thoughtfulness and care.

And full of love for myself!
He is a billionaire, the richest man in Shanghai, and he can still notice these details.

Create moving little surprises with your heart.

How rare is this thought!

Much better than sending a few big-name bags.

Although it is said that it can cure all diseases, but for a girl like Xiao Di who has no shortage of bags.

Emotional comfort can touch her heart even more!

After the few people had enough food and drink, Ye Duan paid the bill and was about to leave the restaurant.

Ding Xueer was in a good mood and wanted to continue having fun.

Then he suggested: "Uncle, let's go sing K? I don't want to go back to the dormitory tonight."

Last time, the deputy dean had told the counselor that if she had to leave school, she didn't need to ask for leave.

You don't have to go back to your bedroom at night.

Ye Duan made no statement.

Of course he doesn't care, it doesn't matter if the little fairy goes back or not.

Anyway, he is a man, no matter what he does, he will not suffer.

Xiao Di was a little unhappy.

She had just given her body to Ye Duan, and she was still in the sweet period.

With such a good opportunity tonight, she didn't want to be separated from her brother.

So she said to Ding Xueer: "Xueer, you still have to film tomorrow, you should go back early and rest."

Ding Xueer thought about it, and felt that filming was more important, so she agreed.

"Okay, uncle, will you take me back to school?"

Xiao Di felt a little anxious.

This bad girl still wants to take her brother away.

No, you can't let her succeed.

But if I go to see Xueer off by myself, I still have to separate from my brother.

Why can't both of them send her off?
I'm also embarrassed to let Xue'er take a taxi back alone.

Forget it, let her go.

Anyway, she was going back to the dormitory, not going to other places.

Ye Duan knew that Xiao Di would be jealous, but he couldn't refuse Little Fairy.

He could only say, "Xiao Di, I'll take Xue'er back to school first, you go home first, and be careful on the road."

"Well, you drive slowly, too."

So Ye Duan drove Ding Xueer back to school.

Xiao Di drove home alone.

She heard Ye Duan's hint.

The elder brother said that he sent Cher back to school "first" and let himself go home "first".

The meaning must be that he will come to find himself later.

Xiao Di is looking forward to it.

Looking forward to my brother coming to find me.

So I went home and took a nice bath.

Cleaned up, waiting for my brother's arrival...


Ye Duan sent Ding Xueer to school.

But this girl was desperately unwilling to go back to the dormitory.

"Uncle, it's still early, why don't you take me out for a stroll? Please, please~~"

"You stinky girl, it's almost ten o'clock, where do you want to go for a stroll?"

It's not that Ye Duan doesn't want to go for a walk.

It was because she was afraid that the little fairy would find an excuse to stay in a hotel after the stroll.

Then they didn't agree to be together.

The taste of being able to only watch but not eat is simply too tortured!

He didn't want to suffer this kind of crime again.

Ding Xueer continued to act coquettishly: "Then take me for a walk on the playground, just to relieve my hunger."


Ye Duan parked the car and led Little Fairy to the playground.

The two walked arm in arm through the night.

"Uncle, does Miss Xiao Di like you very much?"

Ding Xueer chatted about sensitive topics as soon as she came up.

"It should be, Xiaodi really treats me very well."

"I've noticed it a long time ago. Miss Xiao Di's eyes are obviously wrong. Are you two together already?"

"um, yes."

Ye Duan answered truthfully.

Ding Xueer was in a hurry.

"Ah? When did it happen?"

"Just a few days ago."

"Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow, you two are both?!

"I'm sorry Xue'er, I didn't expect this to happen."

Ye Duan quickly hugged the little fairy in his arms.

He really didn't mean to.

It was indeed the younger sister of the system who encouraged him behind his back and gave him a mission to spend the spring night with Xiao Di.

It's too late for him to love the little fairy, so how could he take the initiative to hurt her?
If it wasn't for her birthday in the lunar calendar, the two would have been together long ago.

Ding Xueer also understood this.

You can't blame Uncle, and you can't blame Xiaodi either.

She told Sister Xiao Di that she could give her a little bit of uncle.

I also told Ye Duan that I don't care how many girlfriends he has.

Although Ding Xueer went to college, she was actually a little girl who didn't grow up.

Thinking of many things is very simple.

The whole person is also very pure.

Now that you love, you have to love desperately.

Love no matter what!

As long as I can be with my uncle, I have the whole world.

The key is.

She could feel the uncle's infinite love for her.

The feeling of holding her in the palm of your hand.

She cannot live without this love.

Thinking of this, Ding Xueer was no longer angry.

"Uncle~ I don't blame you, nor sister Xiaodi, as long as you don't bully me~~"

"Hey, how could I bully you? It's too late to love you."

As Ye Duan said, he hugged Ding Xueer.

Like a koala, it hung on itself.

A pair of hot lips, can't wait to kiss Ding Xueer's little mouth.

The two hands of the little fairy also tightly grasped Ye Duan.

Both feet were wrapped around his waist.

"Uncle, hold me tighter~~"

"It can't be any tighter, something is blocking it."


Ding Xueer's little face was as red as a peach in June.

can eat...

Ye Duan hugs Ding Xueer and makes love on campus.

Xiao Di has been waiting anxiously at home.

Why isn't my brother here yet?

Could it be that his words have no connotation, is he thinking too much?
He won't go out with Xue'er, will he?
This girl just wanted to sing K.

How about calling my brother?
Xiao Di picked up the phone, but put it down again.

just forget it.

He will come when he comes, and he will not come if he does not come.

Who is rare!
Is it possible to let myself take the initiative to find him and beg him to accompany me?

It seems that I am too that.

It's better for girls to be more reserved...

Xiao Di lay on the bed, tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep.

I had to put on my pajamas and go to the living room to watch TV.

But what was shown on TV, but I don't know anything.

Because she is not in the mood to watch TV at all!
It would be great if I didn't see my brother today, and I wouldn't miss him.

After meeting, why do you always miss him?
Shame to death...

Perhaps he felt Xiaodi's spiritual call.

Maybe it was just too late.

When it was nearly eleven o'clock in the evening, Ye Duan coaxed and persuaded, and sent Ding Xueer back to the dormitory.

Then back to the car.

He didn't go to Xiao Di immediately.

Instead, he sent her a message first: "Xiao Di, are you asleep?"

"Not yet bro, {shy}{shy}"

Xiao Di replied in seconds.

Because she was holding the phone all the time, she had to check it every few seconds.

Seeing the expression sent by Xiao Di, Ye Duan understood it in seconds.

"Hey, open the door for me in 15 minutes."

after the information is sent.

Ye Duan kicked the accelerator and set off towards the destination.

Xiao Di also hurriedly got up from the sofa, went to the dressing table, and tidied up her makeup.

After making sure there were no problems, he sat back on the sofa.

While looking at the time on the phone, he happily waited for Ye Duan.

She was very excited.

very excited.

Like winning a Best Actress award.

The result is already known, just waiting for the award to be issued.

Those who have not experienced it cannot understand this feeling.

The relationship between men and women is very complicated.

Very troublesome.

Very brain-burning.

But it is memorable.

Hook people's soul.

In short, make people happy and make people worry!
Fortunately, Ye Duan's doting on Xiao Di gave her the most beautiful love.

Only joy, no worries!
So she is happy.

She is happy.

She waited for Ye Duan's arrival with great anticipation.

Waiting for my brother's favor to come again...

15 minute later.

The doorbell didn't ring.

There was no knock on the door either.

Xiao Di became anxious.

Is it a traffic jam?

No, there will be no traffic jams at this late hour.

No surprise, right?

bah bah bah.

Certainly not!
hold on.

Another 5 minutes passed.

Doorbell rang.

Xiao Di jumped off the sofa and ran to the door barefoot before she had time to put on her shoes.

open the door.

Ye Duan really appeared in front of her eyes.

Holding a bouquet of small flowers in his hand.


Xiao Di was so excited that he was about to cry.

Ye Duan handed her the flowers.

"I gave it to you. I picked it on the side of the road, because the flower shops are closed. Don't you mind?"

Xiao Di shook his head, took Xiao Hua, put it in front of his nose and smelled it.

"It's delicious."

Of course the flowers my brother sent are fragrant.

Xiao Di quickly pulled Ye Duan into the room.

Put the flowers in the bottle.

Then he threw himself into Ye Duan's arms.

"Brother, I thought you weren't coming?"

"How come? I didn't tell you to come back first."

"I thought I misunderstood it. You are gone so late, which made me think wildly..."

"Hey, what are you thinking about?"

Ye Duan hugged Xiao Di and sat on the sofa.

"I was wondering, did you go out with Xue'er..."

"Haha, you little vinegar."

Xiao Di was also extremely shy, her face felt hot.

"Brother, thank you for taking me to eat hometown food tonight. This is the first time I have eaten hometown food since I came to Shanghai."

"What's there to thank for that, you are my baby, shouldn't you be nice to you?"

"How did you come up with the idea to take me to eat home-cooked food?"

Xiao Di was very curious.

Very few boys can think of this.

They will only send bags, send lipstick, and go to have a big meal.

In fact, taking girls living in other places to eat in their hometown can touch their hearts even more.

"Because I've been thinking about you all the time, and I don't know how to treat you well. You are already a star and you don't need anything, so I also have a headache. I don't know what to do to express my love for you. your heart."

"Really? I'm so touched~~"

Ye Duan was right.

He wasn't trying to coax Xiaodi, but he thought so in his heart.

"Xiao Di, will your being with me affect your career?"

"How come, outsiders don't know about our relationship."

"What if some bad news comes out?"

"It's okay, I don't care, the big deal is that I won't be a star."

Xiao Di answered very simply.

The moment she decided to be with Ye Duan, she was ready.

If you had to choose between stars and leaf segments.

She would definitely choose the latter.

It doesn't matter if you become a star or not, anyway, you have already been a star, and there is nothing to cherish except for a false name.

It is absolutely impossible to leave my brother, because my heart has been stolen by him.

Can a person live without his heart?
Xiao Di's answer moved Ye Duan very much.

But he is also preparing countermeasures.

If it is really discovered by outsiders, he also has a way to make up for it.

"Xiao Di, I am very moved by your courage. Don't worry, no matter what happens, I will not let anyone hurt you! I have the ability to protect you, trust me."

"Well, I believe in you, brother is very powerful, I know, hee hee~~"

Xiaodi also spoke the truth.

My brother is now the richest man in Shanghai, with assets of hundreds of billions.

If even he can't protect himself, which man is worth entrusting?
Get Xiaodi's praise.

Ye Duan had another idea.

This is Xiao Di's second night with Ye Duan.

Ye Duan understood this truth.

So I took great care of Xiao Di, lest she get hurt in the slightest.

(End of this chapter)

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