Chapter 168 Waiting For Me

Good times are always short.

The sweet night passed, and the sky was bright again.

After Ye Duan and Xiao Di got up, they went out together.

Before leaving, Xiao Di recorded his fingerprints on the fingerprint lock of the entrance door.

"Brother, you should come to see me more in the future~~"

"Well, I came quietly in the middle of the night."

"No, I'll be scared~"

"What are you afraid of, I'm here to protect you."

After speaking, Ye Duan also gave a wicked smile.

The two came to the underground garage and prepared to drive away.

"Wait a minute baby."

Ye Duan stopped Xiao Di.

Walked up to her and kissed her: "Boom~~"

Xiao Di looked happy.

"Hee hee, thank you bro~"

"be careful on the road."

Xiao Di nodded, and drove to the Modu Film and Television City for filming.

Ye Duan is going to find Su Mengwen.

Ask her how her preparations for investing in the company are going.

There is also the matter of Yida film stock reduction, which must be implemented as soon as possible.

He has already promised brother Congcong, he can't make brother wait any longer.

Who knows just got into the car.

Then he received a message from Liu Qian.

"Master, I have a small matter to find you~"

Ye Duan initiated a voice call directly.

"Hey, what's the matter, Qianbao?"

"Brother Ye, didn't you ask me to pay attention to the yacht last time? The Shanghai International Boat Show opens today at the World Expo Exhibition Hall. Do you have time to take a look these two days?"

"Yacht show? Is there such a show?"

Ye Duan is very curious.

Is the yacht market so big?

There is actually a special exhibition.

"Yeah, I didn't know that before. I saw it on the Internet in the past two days. It seems that the scale is not small. I think I can definitely find the yacht you want, so I will tell you."

"How about this, Qianbao, you go to the yacht show first, and I will find you in about an hour and a half, okay?"

"Well, okay, I'm leaving now."

Hang up Liu Qian's call.

Ye Duan went straight to the Ritz-Carlton Hotel.

Do your job well before you play, the yacht is just a toy.

I am a positive and capable young man!
When he arrived at the general manager's office, Ye Duan was in vain.

The assistant said that Manager Su went to the office building of the International Finance Center next door.

Only then did Ye Duan remember that Wenwen must have gone to the new office.

But he doesn't know the address yet.

So I called her: "Hey, Wenwen, where are you now?"

"Brother Duan, I'm in the IFC office building, the investment company's side."

"Okay, I'll go find you and tell me the address."

"28th Floor, Block A, I'll wait for you here."

A few minutes later, Ye Duan came to the investment company and found Su Mengwen.

"Wow! This office is quite big and well decorated."

Ye Duan couldn't help but praise.

Not only is this office large, but office equipment also comes into play.

There are even several employees who are already busy.

"Wenwen, you can handle things efficiently, and you have finished the office so quickly."

"Thank you, Brother Duan, for your compliment. In fact, it's all thanks to Sister Qian. She found me a ready-made office. The last company just renovated this place, but it closed down because the investor withdrew its capital. We happened to pick up a leak. .”

"So that's the case, then you have to thank Sister Qian very much."

"Don't worry, Brother Duan, last night I invited Sister Qian, Sister Lin, Yueyue and the others to have a big meal."

While talking, Su Mengwen showed Ye Duan a tour of the new office.

"Wenwen, why don't you invite me? Isn't it too mean?"

Ye Duan felt that he had missed something.

How can this kind of collective activity lack soul characters?

Su Mengwen quickly explained: "No, Brother Duan, I originally wanted to invite you, but Sister Lin said that you are very busy with work, so don't bother you with such trivial matters, so I didn't dare to inform you."

"Hey, I see. Your sister Lin knows me best. I did have something to do last night."

Ye Duan was right.

He had barbecue with Xiaodi and Xueer last night.

Even if Wenwen invited him, she might not have time to attend.

Doppelgänger is useless!

Su Mengwen led Ye Duan to the general manager's office.

The two sat down on the sofa.

A female assistant brought two cups of tea, closed the door and left.

"Wenwen, how is the preparation of the investment company?"

"Brother Duan, I just wanted to report to you. The investment company has submitted the registration materials, and it is estimated that the registration procedures will be completed in a few days. Now there are two things you need to decide. The first is the company's opening time and opening ceremony matters, and the second is the company's organizational structure and personnel recruitment matters."

Ye Duan picked up the water glass and took a sip.

Think for a while.

It stands to reason that an investment company with such a large scale should hold a grand opening ceremony.

But after the last activity in the IFC mall.

He discovered the disadvantages of making a fuss.

That is the big tree attracts the wind!
In this society, there are too many people with pink eye disease.

Once you reveal your strength, some people will envy and hate you.

Someone is trying to fuck you behind your back.

You can be infinitely loud.

Because he couldn't hide his identity as the richest man in Shanghai even if he wanted to.

But for investment companies, there is no need to be so high-profile.

In this industry, everything depends on strength.

Simply put, it is a word.

You're so hyped, you don't get paid, and neither do you fart.

As long as you can afford the money, even if you haven't printed a single leaflet, no one dares to look down on you and call you a master.

As the saying goes: If you have milk, you are a mother, and if you have money, you are a father!
Moreover, the low-key style of doing things can bring a sense of mystery to the investment company.

This is a very special industry!
So Ye Duan wanted to change his strategy this time.

Let the investment firm keep a low profile.

"Wenwen, it's an auspicious day for you to find someone. Just hold an opening ceremony inside the company. It doesn't need to be so grand. As for the company's organizational structure and personnel recruitment, you can figure it out. Regarding recruitment, I only have one suggestion , character is greater than ability."

"Okay Brother Duan, I will do what you tell me. I have another idea and I want to hear your opinion."

"What do you think? Let's hear it."

"Graduation season is coming soon. I want to recruit a group of fresh graduates to join the company. Although they have no experience, they have no bad habits and are easy to cultivate from scratch. Moreover, the current graduates are active in thinking, rich in imagination, and have a strong personality. It’s more publicity, maybe it can bring surprises to the company.”

Ye Duan was very satisfied after hearing this.

Thumbs up to Su Mengwen.

"You have a good idea. I thought of it with me. I have always been optimistic about young people because they are full of youthful vitality. And we should also make a small contribution to society. Now college students are under great employment pressure. Recruit some Fresh graduates are also our duty.”

"Brother Duan, you are really... great..."

Su Mengwen looked at Ye Duan with admiration in her eyes.

No wonder Brother Duan is so good.

His ideas are really great, and he can see things from a very high perspective.

His starting point of doing things is always so noble.

It's admirable!

Although the word great is a bit exaggerated, Su Mengwen really can't find any other words to describe her man.

Ye Duan hastily waved his hand.

He pulled the big beauty over and sat on his lap.

"Wenwen, don't bully me, I know I'm not a good person, I just like to do good things."

"Well, I like the way you do good things~~"

Su Mengwen understood in seconds.

And not just because she's smart.

Also because.

Her peach was grabbed by a powerful hand...

Ye Duan has already made an agreement with Qianbao that he will go to Shanghai International Boat Show to find her.

Right now there is one more important thing to discuss with Wenwen.

We must hurry up.

"Wenwen, has Yida Film's shareholding started to decrease?"

"I told Uncle Wang about this matter, and I plan to divide it into multiple operations, because I am afraid of affecting the stock market. After all, it is tens of billions of funds. If it is too big, I may not be able to do it."

"Okay, I don't know much about this matter. You can discuss it with Uncle Wang, and it must be in accordance with the regulations."

Ye Duan really doesn't understand the stock market.

The rules seem simple.

Buy low, sell high.

But the inside has a lot of twists and turns.

Ordinary people can't play it at all.

The younger sister of the system invested 300 billion at that time, and obtained 67% of the equity of Yida Films, which was rewarded to Ye Duan.

The stock price of Yida Films was very low at that time, but now it has almost doubled.

300 billion has become more than 500 billion.

It is a good time to reduce holdings!

This process seems simple, but in fact there are many ways.

There may be risks if you are not careful.

Even invite disaster.

So Ye Duan repeatedly emphasized to Su Mengwen that when operating this matter, it must be compliant.

Fortunately, the stock market in Shanghai is very mature.

There are various agencies.

Full service available.

Su Mengwen doesn't need to go to the market herself, she has already contacted her college classmates.

"Don't worry, brother Duan. I entrusted this matter to my classmate. She works in the largest securities service company in Shanghai. She has rich experience in this field. I guarantee that there will be no problems."

"Well, then please, Wenwen."

Ye Duan stood up and prepared to leave.

Su Mengwen was a little bit reluctant.

"Brother Duan~~"

Su Mengwen seemed to be a different person, her tone became charming.

It's completely different from the serious talk just now.

It was obvious that she didn't want him to go.

Women are so fickle.

Especially mature women who have their own careers.

At work, she is a successful woman in the workplace, her gestures are very stable, even a little serious.

And in private, she may be a charming little fox.

Or a docile white rabbit.

Ye Duan guessed her thoughts.

Comfort her and say, "I'll go find you again tonight, wait for me."

"Well, you must come~"

With Ye Duan's guarantee, Su Mengwen felt very at ease.

very happy!
Am looking forward to!
Temporarily appease Su Mengwen.

Ye Duan drove to the World Expo Exhibition Hall, planning to go to the yacht show.

On the way, he kept overtaking.

Qianbao couldn't be made to wait any longer.

In fact, the conch girl has just arrived there.

Liu Qian had already gone out, but she went back and put on a delicate makeup.

She used to wear light makeup, and her appearance of 98 points made her full of confidence.

No matter where you go, you have a super high return rate.

However, since participating in the last event at the IFC mall.

Her state of mind changed.

Miss Conch finds that she has a new competitor.

She was afraid that her position in the master's heart would be lost, so she had to pay attention to her makeup.

She wants to make herself more beautiful!
For this reason, Liu Qian specially signed up for a makeup class.

Also signed up for a swimming class.

Because she heard that swimming can make a woman's figure more beautiful.

She wants to have more attractive curves.

thereby attracting the owner's attention.

Anyway, she doesn't have to go to work every day, and she has a lot of time to improve herself.

So she came back after going out in the morning and dressed up specially.

When Ye Duan rushed to the yacht show, Liu Qian had just arrived.

After the two met at the door, they entered the exhibition hall together.

"Wow! So many yachts!"

Liu Qian was immediately stunned.

Yacht manufacturers from all over the world, carrying various types of yachts, came to the Modu Yacht Show.

Today's World Expo exhibition hall has become a sea of ​​yachts.

It's dazzling.

Leaf segments are also attracted to yachts of all kinds.

It's a rich man's big toy.

He is now the richest man in Shanghai, and he really needs a toy like this.

But Ye Duan didn't know much about yachts.

He also didn't have time to browse these trivial information.

The industry worth hundreds of billions has already kept him too busy to stop.

Dreams are necessary, but work is not the whole of life.

Should play or have to play...

Ye Duan didn't know which yacht to buy, nor did he know which brand was better.

"Qianbao, there are too many yachts here, which one do you think looks better?"

"Brother Ye, you can't just look at the exterior of a yacht, but also look at its performance parameters and brand."

Conch girl has done her homework.

I specifically browsed some knowledge about yachts and purchasing strategies on the Internet.

She has always attached great importance to the things the master has explained.

"It seems that you came prepared, what kind of yacht do you think we should buy?" Ye Duan continued to ask.

"The purchase of a yacht is mainly based on several aspects such as category, budget, purpose, brand, etc. If we buy it, I suggest buying a giant luxury yacht of a big brand."


Ye Duan likes to listen to Qianbao talk.

Especially the way you are doing things seriously now.

Very charming.

"Because the quality and after-sales service of big brands are guaranteed, and the decoration is good and high-grade. Although the price of big brands is a bit more expensive, you are willing to buy an airplane, so it's not bad for this money, hehe~~"

Liu Qian was right.

Yachting is an emerging industry, and the quality is uneven. Buying a big brand is more worry-free.

Besides, the owner is the new richest man in Shanghai, and his status does not allow him to buy a low-end cheap yacht.

"Qianbao, what size should we buy?"

Ye Duan looked at several booths and found that the size of the yachts varies greatly.

"The larger the size, the larger the cabin space inside, the more people can be accommodated, and the more complete internal facilities. I think, we have to buy at least a large yacht over 30 meters in length."

"30 meters? Is it too big?"

"Hmph~~ You have so many female subordinates, how can you sit down if you don't buy a bigger one?"

As Liu Qian spoke, she rolled her eyes at Ye Duan.

What it means is self-explanatory.

"Hey, listen to your Qianbao, we will buy whatever you say you want."

Ye Duan felt a little embarrassed.

However, it is really exciting to think of taking a group of beauties out to sea on a yacht to watch the sunrise and sunset, the moonlight and the starry sky.

Gotta buy a big one...

(End of this chapter)

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