Sleeping in math class, my status as a scholar is exposed

Chapter 169 Wang Panpan makes a fool of himself!

Chapter 169 Wang Panpan makes a fool of himself!
Ye Duan asked Liu Qian to help him buy a yacht.

He believed in Miss Conch's vision and strength.

When it comes to shopping, Qianbao always surprises him.

The last time she bought a Valentine's Day gift, she gave Ye Duan a lot of professional advice.

The watches the two of them are wearing now were recommended by Liu Qian.

They are all Piaget sapphire and diamond series watches.

Although Ye Duan bought 10 Patek Philippe watches and Liu Qian also got one, she didn't wear them.

She still likes this Earl ALTIPLANO ultra-thin series women's watch.

Because she and Ye Duan bought this watch together.

It was given to her by Ye Duan himself.

Liu Qian brought Ye Duan to the exhibition hall of Ferretti Group.

"Ferretti? What's the relationship with Ferrari? Twins?"

When Ye Duan saw the name, he thought of a Ferrari sports car.

Liu Qian was amused, and said with a smile, "Brother Ye, where are you going? Ferretti is the world's largest luxury yacht manufacturer, and it has nothing to do with Ferrari."

"I thought they were born by a mother, hehe."

Liu Qian shook her head, the master's imagination is too rich.

He further explained: "In fact, these two brands are from Italy, but a few years ago, Ferretti Group was acquired by a large power manufacturing group in China. 75% of the shares, so now Ferretti owns three-quarters of Huaxia lineage."

"You are really capable, Qianbao, you even know this clearly."

Conch girl is also very happy to be praised by her master.

The homework I did in advance was not in vain.

She remembered well that the owner was very patriotic.

He doesn't even want to go to the [-] shopping malls opened by Orientals.

So she wanted to buy a yacht owned by the Ferretti Group.

This not only ensures the quality of the yacht, but also does not embarrass the owner.

Miss Conch is so caring!
"Brother Ye, let's choose one from here."

"Alright Qianbao, listen to you."

Ye Duan likes to let women make decisions.

He trusts them very much.

Seeing Ye Duan and Liu Qian coming over.

The sales staff in the exhibition hall immediately received it warmly.

"Welcome to the showroom of the Ferretti Group."

You can tell by their clothes that they are rich.

The whole body is full of luxury goods, exuding the breath of money.

This is the taste that makes the salesman top!
They like this kind of powerful high-end customers the most.

I can't wait to serve you like my biological parents.

In fact, it is right to do so.

Aren't customers just the parents of food and clothing?

"I am Xiao Wu, the sales consultant of Ferretti Group, and I am very happy to serve you two."

The sales people are smart and don't sell the product as soon as they come up.

Instead, win the trust and favor of customers first, so as to facilitate future sales.

This is the so-called long-term fishing for big fish.

After all, this thing is not cheap, and few people place an order after seeing it once.

Small yachts of similar brands cost several million Chinese dollars, medium-sized yachts cost tens of millions, and large luxury yachts are worth hundreds of millions.

Spend so much money to buy a toy, of course you have to choose carefully!

Liu Qian knew the basic situation of some brands in advance.

Then he said to the sales consultant: "Please help me introduce the yachts of the two brands of CRN and Custom Line."

Conch girl accurately said the brand name.

The sales consultant was both shocked and excited.

This is a proper intended customer!

It must have been known beforehand, otherwise, how could it be so clear?
The two brands owned by Ferretti are not particularly well-known, and there are very few private clients who consult.

Because the yachts of these two brands are relatively large in size, especially the CRN brand, now it mainly produces giant ultra-luxury yachts over 40 meters.

Be able to name the two brands CRN and Custom Line.

The beauty in front of me must be a prospective customer!
Sales consultants are like a chicken blood.

Immediately brought Ye Duan and Liu Qian to the exhibition board of the CRN brand, and introduced them eloquently.

"CRN was born in 1963, more than half a century ago... In 1999, the CRN brand joined the Ferretti Group, opening a new chapter... In recent years, CRN has adjusted its development direction, mainly designing and producing 40 meters to a 90-meter mega-yacht…”


The sales consultant led the two to the specially built VR equipment room.

"Due to the limited space, we did not exhibit the real CRN boat at this yacht show. The two of you can learn about it through VR."

Ye Duan and Liu Qian put on VR equipment.

A sweet female voice came from the headset: "Welcome to the world of CRN yachting. What you are seeing now is the latest yacht launched by CRN. It was just completed last year and won the World Yachting Award. The best appearance design award at the first level. Its English name is Voice, 164 meters long and 270 meters wide. The Voice yacht adopts a fashionable and avant-garde design style, with very beautiful lines and even a sci-fi atmosphere. Its interior space It’s also very spacious, so come in with me and have a look.”

The VR device took the two into the interior of the yacht.

"Wow! Not bad, not bad, I didn't expect there to be a hole in it!"

Ye Duan was a little surprised.

There is such a super luxury yacht!

It is completely different from the yachts rented outside.

It's like a mansion with hundreds of square meters.

There is not only a spacious living room, but also a dedicated dining room and kitchen.

The area is very large, and the decoration is super luxurious, adopting the European royal style.

The furniture is also very high-grade, sofa, coffee table, dining table, cabinet...

Everything in the mansion is here.

Liu Qian was also shocked.

Although she had seen similar yachts online, they were just pictures.

When wearing VR glasses to enter the interior of the yacht, the huge impact can make people faint.

When you come to a luxury yacht, you will know what enjoyment is!

The voice in the earphone continued: "This is the first floor of the yacht. Below are the power and storage compartments. There are three floors above. The top is an open-air viewing platform. The entire yacht has a main cabin and 1 VIP rooms. The cabin can accommodate 5 passengers at the same time for accommodation and cruising..."

With the help of VR glasses.

Ye Duan and Liu Qian entered the cabin of the yacht one after another.

It's like being there!
Both were amazed.

What kind of yacht is this? It's clearly a mobile villa.

And it is a super luxurious villa of thousands of square meters!
The visit is over.

The sales consultant helped them take off the VR glasses.

He said with a flattering smile: "I wonder if you are satisfied with our CRN yacht. If you think this yacht is too big, you can take a look at other smaller yachts. There are several Ferretti brand yachts on display. Shall I take you up for a visit?"

Ye Duan didn't answer.

Instead, he asked Liu Qian for his opinion first: "Qianbao, do you like this yacht?"

"Well, it's much more shocking than the photos on the Internet. I think this ship is pretty good."

Liu Qian also likes this yacht named Voice very much.

It can satisfy women's imagination of all luxurious life!

Is there anything more romantic than going out to sea on a yacht and watching the stars with your loved one?
"How about we order this one?"

"Wait a while, brother Ye, let's go to other yachts to have a look first, and then make a decision."

"Listen to your Qianbao! Xiao Wu, please take us to the yacht over there."

The sales consultant immediately said, "This way, please."

The sales consultant immediately said, "This way, please."

So the three came to the yacht experience area.

Boarded a Ferretti 650 yacht.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I arrived on the yacht, I met an acquaintance.

Technically, they met more than one acquaintance.

Liu Qian met her old classmate Wang Panpan.

It's the gold digger who sells cars at the Ferrari store and can come to the door 24 hours a day.

Before Valentine's Day, Ye Duan bought 3 Ferraris from her in one go.

One of them was given to Liu Qian.

As a result, Wang Panpan burst out of jealousy, slandered Liu Qian in the classmate group, and was blocked by Conch Girl.

Did not expect to meet here again today.

However, Liu Qian ignored Wang Panpan.

This kind of woman who sells her body and soul to sell a car, this kind of person who hates others to live better than her and slanders her classmates for it.

Miss Conch doesn't want to say a word to her!

Simply turn a blind eye and treat her like air.


Dogs cannot change shit.

Wang Panpan was still the same, full of envy and hatred.

Losing to Liu Qian last time made her lose face in the classmate group.

She was suffocated and broke her phone.

This time, how could she let it go?

So when she came up, she deliberately found trouble, because she also had a backer now.

"Hey, isn't this student Liu Qian? Last time I asked the boss to buy you a Ferrari sports car, but this time I want a yacht again? Hehe, your appetite is getting bigger and bigger!"

"Keep your fucking mouth clean!"

Ye Duan saw Qianbao being slandered, so he wanted to go forward and teach this bitch a lesson.

But Liu Qian held him back: "Brother Ye, let's ignore this villain."

Ye Duan gave Wang Panpan a vicious look.

Suppressing his anger, he prepared to leave with Qianbao.

Unexpectedly, this bitch Wang Panpan would not let her go.

She recognized Ye Duan and already knew his new identity.

He deliberately provoked him in front of him.

"Hmph, what's the matter? You think you can bully others because you are the richest man in the city? You want to hit me, come on, come on and hit me."

As Wang Panpan said, he rubbed against Ye Duan.

Looks like a cursing shrew.

Ye Duan couldn't bear it anymore and clenched his fists tightly.

You bitch, if you hadn't missed a pendant, I would blow your head off!
This is a public place, and Ye Duan doesn't want to hit people in public, because his status is different now.

In case of being framed by unscrupulous media, it is not so easy to clean up.

He has a deep understanding of how terrible cyber violence is.

Wang Panpan is also sure about this.

If Ye Duan was an ordinary person, maybe he would really dare to beat her.

But now he is the richest man in Shanghai, if he dares to hit a woman in public, internet trolls will kill him!
So Wang Panpan became more and more arrogant.

Vigorously jump in front of Ye Duan.

"Aren't you rich? You think you are so great that you dare to sleep with female subordinates, you are a sanctimonious hypocrite!"


Wang Panpan had just finished speaking.

He got a big scratch on his face.

"Wang Panpan, don't talk nonsense!"

It was Liu Qian who hit him.

Miss Conch made a move, she knew that the master's identity was special and she couldn't easily hit him.

So instead of the master, teach this bitch a lesson.

"Alright Liu Qian, dare to hit me?"

Wang Panpan was stunned by the beating, and was furious.

He raised his fist and rushed towards Liu Qian: "I'll fight with you!"


Another two slaps hit Wang Panpan's face.

It was still Liu Qian who beat him.

How could this gossip woman be the opponent of Conch girl?

Conch girl is a third-degree black belt!

Even the elders were beaten all over the ground, let alone a shrew who only knows how to talk.

Wang Panpan's eyes were filled with golden flowers.

Sitting down on the ground, he knew he couldn't beat Liu Qian, so he just threw up.

"Hurry up, someone...someone is killed...husband, come and save me..."

Liu Qian didn't want to talk to her, and pulled Ye Duan to leave.

At this time, an old man in his 50s walked over quickly and stopped them.

"I want to leave after hitting someone, isn't it appropriate?"

Take a closer look at Ye Duan.

This old man turned out to be Cao Jianren, the owner of "Time Basha" magazine.

When Ye Duan was an editor of the "Silk Road Beauty" magazine, Ye Duan had seen this person several times at events, so he recognized him.

But Ye Duan doesn't want to get close to him, there's no need for that!

Then he said: "This bitch said something wrong, shouldn't he hit him?"

Cao Jianren also recognized Ye Duan.

He didn't meet Ye Duan when he was an editor, but because he saw some reports on the Internet about the new richest man in Shanghai, and saw Ye Duan's photos.

So he asked, "Are you the new richest man in Shanghai?"

"Yes, it's down."

Ye Duan did not evade his identity, and admitted it openly.

Cao Jianren was stunned.

I don't know what to do for a while.

He didn't know much about Ye Duan.

All I know is that the new richest man has a mysterious identity, strong assets, young age, and generous spending.

But he can become the richest man in Shanghai at a young age, so he must have unusual abilities or background...

Cao Jianren didn't want to cause trouble, so he kept silent.

He wouldn't be so stupid as to offend the richest man because of a little honey.

At this time, Wang Panpan who was sitting on the ground stood up.

Grabbing Cao Jianren's arm, he cried and said, "Husband, you have to decide for me. I was slapped three times. Look at my face is swollen, woo woo woo..."

I heard Wang Panpan call Cao Jianren's husband.

Liu Qian was also stunned.

This old man can be her father now.

She actually called this man her husband!

It's so shameless that the upper lip touches the sky and the lower lip touches the ground!
Ye Duan was also curious, isn't Cao Jianren's wife Tian Bichi, the editor-in-chief of "Time Basha" magazine?

One of them is the boss behind the scenes, and the other is the editor-in-chief in front of the stage.

Show affection in public from time to time.

More than 50 years old and kiss in public.

It's so disgusting that even young people feel ashamed.

When did this guy get divorced?

It seems that Wang Panpan and Cao Jianren must have an improper relationship.

So Ye Duan joked: "Yes, Boss Cao, old cows eat young grass, does editor Tian know about this?"

Cao Jianren broke out in a cold sweat instantly.

This Ye Duan actually knew his identity? !

Not good.

If he spread it out and raised Xiaomi outside, he would definitely be skinned by the hag at home.

in fact.

Wang Panpan is Cao Jianren's Xiaomi.

The last time I saw Liu Qian found a rich boyfriend and got a Ferrari directly.

Wang Panpan's mentality was completely out of balance.

The endless jealousy made her suffocate.

She didn't want to try her luck at the Ferrari store, but lowered her requirements.

(End of this chapter)

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