Chapter 171 Surfing the Sea
The sales consultant hastily called the financial personnel on site.

Show the company account to Ye Duan.

"Calculate how many Huaxia coins are needed?"

"Sir, according to today's exchange rate, 6000 million euros is equivalent to 4.635 million yuan in Huaxia currency."

The financial staff took out their calculators and gave the answer.

Ye Duan used mobile banking to transfer the money.

Because there are too many zeros behind, I have to confirm it several times.

After the transfer is successful.

Ye Duan showed it to the other party: "No, the transfer was successful, please check to see if it has arrived."

The manager was stunned again.

Signal the financial staff to check it out as soon as possible.

The financial staff immediately called the company's financial department.

A colleague from the finance department checked on the computer, and there was indeed a private transfer from Ye Duan on the company account.

The amount is exactly 4.635 million Huaxia coins.

The financial staff immediately reported to the manager: "Manager, the money has arrived."

I rub!

The manager is beyond excited.

It was the first time he saw such a proud client!

But he was curious about a question.

"Mr. Ye, may I ask why your mobile bank transfer amount is so large?"

"Because I am a VIP customer of the bank."

Ye Duan replied lightly.

The manager nodded dubiously.

I am also a VIP of the bank, why is the limit only 500 million?

The financial personnel are more professional in this area, so they interjected: "This gentleman must be a super VIP customer of the bank, and the transfer amount of mobile banking should be very, very high."

Ye Duan nodded and said, "You're half right, my mobile bank transfer has no limit."

In fact, at the beginning, Ye Duan's mobile bank transfer amount was also limited, and the maximum transfer amount in a single day was 1 million yuan.

After finishing the business last time, he made a request to the bank.

Increase your mobile banking transfer limit a bit.

Save yourself having to go to the bank every now and then.

Huaxia International Bank only had Ye Duan as a super-supreme VIP customer, so they simply canceled his limit.

Except for Liu Qian, everyone present was shocked.

No wonder it is so easy to transfer 4.635 million, there is no limit at all!

Liu Qian was used to these things.

I'm afraid even he himself doesn't know how much the master's wealth is worth.

A few hundred million is really nothing to him.

The manager also hurriedly prepared the sales contract and other procedures, and handed it to Ye Duan to sign.

Then asked: "Sir, when will you go to inspect the yacht?"

"At one o'clock in the afternoon, dock both yachts at the port, and I will be there on time."

"Two ships?"

The manager was shocked by Ye Duan's series of operations.

The brain was severely hypoxic, and I was a little confused, forgetting about the gift.

"That's right, the Ferretti 650 yacht displayed over there is also transported to the dock for me."

"Okay, sir, don't worry, we will definitely prepare the two yachts in advance. Call me when you arrive at the port, and I will tell you the detailed address."

"Then we'll see you at one o'clock in the afternoon."

After Ye Duan finished speaking, he took Liu Qian and left.

He wanted to take Qianbao to have a meal first, and then go to the port to pick up the yacht.

Then take a nap on the yacht.

Isn't it cool?

After receiving Ye Duan's instruction, the exhibition manager of Ferretti Group immediately got busy.

He wants to transport the Ferretti 650 yacht to the port before one o'clock in the afternoon.

Because the entire magic city currently only has this one in stock.

Ye Duan specified that he wanted this ship.

Therefore, the Ferretti 650 yacht at the exhibition can only be loaded and transported to the port.

It was already eleven o'clock in the morning and he only had two hours.

Fortunately, the supporting services of this yacht show are very complete, and there are special exhibition installation and consignment companies to do these things.

The manager immediately called the staff of the service company.

A group of people came to the Ferretti 650 yacht.

At this time, Wang Panpan was still spitting in front of the yacht.

"Honey, I want this one. Didn't you promise me just now? If you don't buy it today, I won't leave!"


After Ye Duan and Liu Qian left, Cao Jianren regretted it.

I don't want to buy this yacht worth more than 2000 million Huaxia coins for Wang Panpan.

He really didn't want to spend so much money on a little honey.

It’s okay to buy a bag worth hundreds of thousands, and it’s not a big problem to buy a sports car worth 300 million.

But buy a yacht of more than 2000 million.

Cao Jianren felt pain in the flesh.

So he played foolishly.

"Panpan, it's not that I don't want to buy it for you, it's because I'm seasick and can't go to places with strong waves at sea. We can just buy that 600 million yacht. Isn't it the same feeling to play on the river? "

"Of course it's different! You sleep with your wife and sleep with me, can that feel the same?"

Wang Panpan is not a fuel-efficient lamp either.

She was willing to bow her head and apologize to Liu Qian just now in order to get this Ferretti 650 yacht.

And she also uttered big words that the yacht must be driven home today.

Now this bad old man won't buy it for her.

Of course she won't say yes.

But Cao Jianren is also treacherous and cunning.

He has rich experience in dealing with little girls like Wang Panpan.

"Anyway, I will not buy you this yacht today. You only have two choices, either buy that 600 million yacht, or buy nothing at all! Of course, you have another choice, which is to give I'm going to fuck off!"

Cao Jianren was sure of Wang Panpan's mind of a gold-worshiping girl.

Only in his 20s, he is willing to be with an old man in his 50s.

Isn't it all about money?
If she left herself, Wang Panpan would have to continue to find her godfather if she wanted to live the current extravagant life, and she might not be able to find someone as rich as him.

Cao Jianren predicted that Wang Panpan would definitely compromise.

However, his old fox miscalculated.

"You old liar! How could I be blind to be with you back then? I, a beautiful white-collar woman, was ruined by you, an old bastard. Cao Jianren, if you don't promise me today, I will Just go find your wife!"

Wang Panpan decided to fight to the death.

She had seen just now that Cao Jianren was very afraid that his wife would know about his scandal.

So use this as a threat.

Cao Jianren was timid.

He is afraid of his wife not only because of his bad temper.

Also because her wife is the actual controller of "Time Basha" magazine.

He now knows almost nothing about the daily affairs of the magazine.

If his wife really found out that he was raising Xiaomi outside and was kicked out, he would be a fart.

So Cao Jianren wanted to compromise.

Isn't it just spending more than 1000 million more?
Anyway, I bought it by myself, and I kicked Wang Panpan in the future, and the yacht is still my own.

Whether you continue to keep it to pick up girls, or sell it, it's not too bad.

Cao Jianren just wanted to promise Wang Panpan.

The exhibition manager of Ferretti Group came with a group of people.

"Please leave, both of you, this yacht has been sold, and now we are going to transport it away."

Hear the manager.

Wang Panpan became anxious and shouted loudly: "What's going on? This yacht belongs to me, you can't take it away!"

The sales consultant who served Ye Duan just now couldn't stand it anymore.

Stand up and say: "I said this lady, you didn't pay a hair, why is this yacht yours? To tell you the truth, the lady who hit you just now bought a 6000 million yacht, this yacht The Ferretti 650 was given to her as a gift. If you really wanted to buy it, why did you go so early?"


Wang Panpan's brain exploded.

Boss Liu Qian bought her a 6000 million yacht?

"What did you say? Those two people who bullied me just bought a 6000 million yacht?"

Wang Panpan asked angrily.

"That's right, and it's 6000 million euros! 4.635 million Huaxia coins, paid off in one lump sum on the spot!"

The sales consultant's voice just fell.

Wang Panpan suddenly sat down on the ground.

More than 4 million?

Oh my God!

What exactly is this for?
Why is Liu Qian so lucky?
I don't even want my face, I go to kneel and lick a bad old man.

The result is still not as good as her!

The boss held her in the palm of his hand, and bought more than 4 million yachts as soon as he said he would buy them.

I have been so shameless that I have added the old pervert for half a month, and I can't even get a 2000 million yacht.

She is also a woman, why is Liu Qian so lucky?
Wang Panpan was completely desperate and collapsed...

Cao Jianren was also shocked.

There is a feeling of being pressed and rubbed on the ground.

There was also nameless anger in my heart.

He was reluctant to buy a yacht worth more than 2000 million yuan, but he bought a yacht worth 6000 million euros directly.

This invisible slap in the face is more uncomfortable than a real slap in the face.

But my banknote ability is not as good as others.

How can it be?
However, Cao Jianren also had a little relief.

Because there is no need to buy this more than 2000 million yacht for Wang Panpan.

Saved a ton of money too!

Soon, the Ferretti 650 yacht that Wang Panpan was thinking of was loaded onto a truck by a crane and directly transported to the port.



Ye Duan and Liu Qian came to a restaurant to enjoy delicious food.

They just bought a yacht, and the two of them are in a beautiful mood.

"Qianbao, I'll take you out on a yacht in a while, shall I?"

Ye Duan couldn't wait to go to the sea.

Sleep with your beloved woman in your arms on the endless sea.

It's exciting just thinking about it.

"Brother Ye, can you drive a yacht?"

"Yeah, I really know how to drive a yacht."

"Do you have a license? You need a license to drive a yacht, just like a car driver's license. You need a yacht driver's license to drive a yacht."


Ye Duan was choked speechless by Liu Qian's words.

"Almighty King" piloting skills did teach him how to drive yachts and helicopters.

But the system sister didn't prepare a driver's license for him!

Leaf segments become sullen.

Liu Qian quickly thought of a way to enlighten him.

"Brother Ye, even if you have a driver's license, you may not be able to go to sea immediately. According to the information I read on the Internet, private yachts need to go through a lot of procedures. Although the yacht company has already completed some procedures, there are still some procedures that we need to go through by ourselves. , You can sail to sea only after you have all the formalities.”

"Is it so troublesome? Looks like you're going to have to work hard again, Qianbao, you should spare some time to go through these procedures."

"Okay, leave this matter to me."

Liu Qian readily agreed.

She is happy to do things for her master.

Ye Duan suddenly remembered an important matter.

Qianbao helps her with errands all day long, and has never given her money.

She must have spent all of her own money during this time.

How does this work?

So Ye Duan said, "Qianbao, send me your bank card number."

"What do you want this for?"

Liu Qian was a little puzzled.

"I didn't seem to have received a reminder from the bank when I transferred the money just now. I'll try again."

"Oh fine."

Miss Conch believed it and sent her bank card number to the owner.

Ye Duan opened the mobile banking and transferred 1000 million to her.

Liu Qian's cell phone immediately received a text message alert.

The whole person became restless for an instant.

"Brother Ye, why did you transfer so much money to me?"

"Office expenses!"

"But 1000 million is too much, right?"

"Not much, not much, the rest is our living expenses, hehe."

Ye Duan said with a smile.

Liu Qian was so moved that she was about to cry.

Two big eyes looked at the master affectionately.

It makes people feel compassionate.

Ye Duan was fascinated, and couldn't wait to do good things with Qianbao...

Had lunch.

Ye Duan drove Liu Qian to the port.

At the meeting place, the exhibition manager of Ferretti Group was already waiting beside the two yachts.

"Wow! It's really big!"

Seeing the yacht Voice moored in the port, Ye Duan couldn't help sighing.

Such a big guy, is it still a yacht?

Liu Qian also stared at the Voice number intently.

Holding Ye Duan's arm with both hands, he said excitedly, "Brother Ye, this yacht looks like an alien spaceship."

"It does look a bit like it, the lines are so beautiful, it's almost catching up with my Qianbao."

As Ye Duan said, he glanced at Liu Qian.

Tall and slender legs, really seductive!

Conch girl was a little embarrassed by the praise.

Her little face was blushing, but her heart was sweet.

"Mr. Ye, on behalf of the Ferretti Group, I officially deliver the Voice yacht to you."

The manager handed a model of the Voice yacht to Ye Duan.

The staff at the scene applauded.

After a simple yet grand handover ceremony.

Ye Duan became the new owner of Voice.

The manager, engineer and others spent another half an hour introducing the cabins of the yacht.

Then he left very tactfully.

Only Ye Duan and Liu Qian were left on the Voice.

"Qianbao, shall we take a nap here?"

Ye Duan smiled badly.

The conch girl immediately guessed what the master was thinking.

She actually thought about it too.

Such a luxurious big yacht really makes people unable to restrain their physical excitement.

False local tyrants rent a small yacht and can coax girls into obsession.

What's more, what about the world's top yacht like Voice?

But Liu Qian was also a little worried.

This is a brand new and valuable mega yacht.

The sisters have not been here yet.

Wouldn't it be too much if I slept with my master on it first?

If they found out, they would definitely be jealous!
Liu Qian decided to reject the master's "kindness".

"Brother Ye, why don't you just forget it, this yacht is too big, the two of's so deserted... next time, let Sister Lin and the others come and play together."

"It's okay, it's just the two of us, isn't it just that no one bothers you?"

Ye Duan hugged Liu Qian in his arms.

One hand is also dishonest.

Move up and down.

"Master, stop quickly..."

Conch girl was very uncomfortable being teased.

But she really didn't want to be the first hostess of this big yacht before her sisters.

The master loves himself enough.

Being with me twice in three days, the other sisters probably have opinions.

If he continued to enjoy the exclusive favor of his master without fear, how would he face Sister Lin and the others in the future?

Thinking of this, Liu Qian struggled to leave his master's embrace.

(End of this chapter)

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