Chapter 172 The rice is delicious!

"Qianbao, are you on your period?"

Ye Duan was a little puzzled.

Qianbao has always been very obedient, why did she refuse this time?
"No, I don't want to be the first to do good things with you on this yacht..."

Liu Qian shook her head, and continued: "Brother Ye, you have loved me a lot, I understand your heart, let's leave this opportunity to Sister Lin and the others..."

Ye Duan felt enlightened after hearing this.

Girls seem to really care about this.

They all like to pursue romance and pay attention to rituals in everything.

Just like Ding Xueer, she insisted on saving the first time until her birthday.

Perhaps in the eyes of girls, the first time on a new yacht is also very memorable.

Whoever is the first to sleep with him on the new yacht will be the most favored woman, right?

Girls' minds are really interesting.

Ye Duan understood Liu Qian's intention, so he had no choice but to agree to her.

"Well, Qianbao, it's rare that you are so caring. If Sister Lin and the others find out, they will definitely be moved."

"Thank you, master, for your understanding. I can only wrong you first."

Conch girl took the initiative to hug her master.

I want to express my apologies.

But Ye Duan didn't want to stop there.

Pinching Liu Qian's face, he said with a smirk, "Since this big yacht can't do it, then let's go to the small yacht next to it?"

"Small yacht?"

"Yes, it is also possible on that yacht."

Miss Conch was too embarrassed to refuse again, so she obediently agreed, "Okay."

In fact, she panicked herself too.

After being touched by the master just now, my body reacted...

Ye Duan was also very happy when he heard this.

He dragged Liu Qian away from the Voice and came to the Ferretti 650 yacht that was docked nearby.

The Ferretti 650 is much smaller than the Voice.

However, compared with ordinary speedboats, it is still a lot more luxurious.

The length is also nearly 20 meters.

The decoration is also very high-grade.

When he came to the bedroom below the deck, Ye Duan immediately embraced Liu Qian in his arms.

Kissed forgetfully.

Soon, the two rolled onto the bed.

"Qianbao, I want to eat some fruit."

"Master~ don't worry~"


This bedroom is very private.

Almost completely enclosed.

Only a few small windows were left on the cabin walls.

After closing, it becomes a secret room.

Although the space is small, the colors are very warm.

Small also has the advantage of being small, giving people a sense of oppression and security.

She wanted to tell the master in this way that she understood how much the master loved her.

Although I didn't sleep on the Voice number.

But still got the favor of the owner on another new yacht.

She is savoring every second with her heart.

Ye Duan is also very excited.

The feeling of being in this kind of space is the same as that of being in a mansion like No. [-] Zhongliang River View, or in a suite of a five-star hotel.

totally different!
That kind of big bedroom is indeed very grand and open, but occasionally there is a feeling of being peeped.

Here you can do good things with complete peace of mind.

It makes people feel very at ease.

The two of them seemed to be wrapped together.

Except for a large irregular bed, there is no other extra space.

Only this stage can be used.

So the whole person is very focused and has no mind to think about other things.

Just dance yourself and let your soul fly.


The two had done good deeds and hugged each other.

A good night's sleep.

It was five o'clock in the afternoon when I woke up.

Leaf segments feel very comfortable.

He also wanted to give Liu Qian more romance.

"Qianbao, go to the yacht formalities as soon as possible, and I will also go to take the yacht driver's license test early, and then I will take you out to sea. Let's spend a day and a night on the sea, shall we?"

"Hmm~ Master, you are so kind to me~~"

Conch girl felt extremely happy, and kissed her master's face again and again.

"Master, do we want our yacht to join the yacht club? It seems that we can't dock here all the time, we have to go to a special yacht dock."

"I think it's okay. It's best to drive to the Huangpu River and stop near our house. It's a bit far from the city."

"Well, I'm going to do this in two days."

"Thank you Qianbao. Boo~"

Ye Duan couldn't help but kiss Liu Qian too.

Conch girl is really capable!

Whether it is flying a plane or a yacht, it is inseparable from her help.

Now there are big planes and big yachts.

It will be more convenient to go out to play in the future.

Thinking about it really makes people happy!

The two were sweet for a while.

Then get up and leave.

Outside, the breath of spring is getting stronger and stronger.

The sea breeze blows on the body warmly, without a trace of coolness.

Under the sunlight, Liu Qian's small face was very rosy.

Ye Duan smiled wickedly when he saw it.

It should be that the passion just now has not faded, right?
Liu Qian was embarrassed by the look, so she looked down at her watch.

But suddenly shouted.

"It's not good, master, I'm going to be late for swimming class, please take me back quickly."

"Swimming lessons?"

Ye Duan is very curious.

Does Qianbao want to go swimming in the sea?

That's not right, shouldn't you learn to dive if you go to sea?

Diving headlong into that kind of...

Ye Duan drove wildly all the way and brought Liu Qian back to the urban area.

Stopped in front of a swimming pool.

"Thank you Brother Ye, I'm going to class."

Liu Qian got out of the car to go to swimming lessons.

Ye Duan stopped her.

I couldn't help asking, "Qianbao, is your coach a man or a woman?"

He has held back all the way.

Very tangled in this issue.

He can't bear any physical contact between his woman and other men.

I can't get over this hurdle in my heart!
Liu Qian covered her mouth and smiled.

I didn't expect the master to care about me so much.

Then he replied: "Don't worry, I will not find a male coach, and this is a women's swimming pool, and men are not accepted."

Ye Duan took a closer look at the gate of the swimming pool.

Sure enough, there was a sign saying "Men not allowed to enter".

This is relieved.

He waved to Liu Qian: "Qianbao, come in!"

"Well, goodbye Brother Ye!"

Liu Qian walked into the swimming pool with her long legs.

Ye Duan checked the time, it was already 6:[-] in the evening.

He decided to go to Su Mengwen.

I have promised her in the morning that I will go find her tonight.

Lamborghini galloped all the way, and soon arrived at Building 3, Jiangjing No. [-], Zhongliang.

Arriving at the 38th floor, Ye Duan swiped the fingerprint lock and went straight into the house.

"Wenwen... Yueyue..."

Ye Duan came to the living room, but found no one.

Are they all working overtime?
Ye Duan picked up his phone and was about to send a message to Su Mengwen when the little girl Yueyue ran out of the kitchen.

"Brother Duan, why are you here?"

Seeing Ye Duan, Yang Bingyue was also overjoyed, her face was full of smiles.

"Hey, I'm here to see you... and you, Sister Wenwen. Are you cooking?"

Seeing that Yueyue was still wearing an apron, Ye Duan asked curiously.

"Well, I don't like eating out very much, so I made some myself. Brother Duan, have you eaten yet?"

"Not yet, let's go and see what delicious food you have made."

Ye Duan took Yang Bingyue's little hand to the kitchen.

There were two small stir-fried dishes on the table, one was long bean fried pork slices, the other was braised eggplant, and there was a soup in the pot.

Yang Bingyue said modestly: "Brother Duan, I'm actually not very good at cooking, so don't laugh at me."

In fact, she has been cooking and eating by herself since junior high school, and her cooking skills are not bad.

Ye Duan pinched a piece of meat with his hands and put it in his mouth, chewing slowly.

"Well, it tastes good, much better than what I made."

"Really? Then you can eat more later."

Yang Bingyue was very happy.

I didn't expect that brother Duan could eat the dishes he made himself, and he was praised by him.

Ye Duan lifted the lid of the soup pot and asked, "What kind of soup is this? Is it ready?"

"Egg drop soup with shredded radish, it should be ready."

Yang Bingyue picked up a soup bowl, ready to serve soup.

"Give me the bowl, I'll serve it, don't burn you."

Ye Duan took the bowl, filled a bowl of soup with a spoon, and carefully brought it to the dining table.

Yang Bingyue felt a little moved in her heart, and hurried to serve the meal.

"Yueyue, is your sister Wenwen coming back for dinner?"

Ye Duan was afraid that he would eat the big beauty's meal, and she would have nothing to eat when she came back.

Yang Bingyue quickly replied: "Cousin is too busy with work, and hardly eats at home."

"Oh, then we won't wait for her."

So the two sat at the dining table and prepared to eat.

Ye Duan saw that the two bowls of rice were not evenly packed, there was a lot of rice in his own bowl, and there was only a little rice in Yueyue bowl.

It is estimated that this girl cooked a meal for one person, and then served it all for herself.

How can this work?
"Yueyue, I actually had dinner, this bowl of rice is too much, let's change it."

Ye Duan told a lie.

Yang Bingyue was smart enough to guess what he was thinking, she must be looking for an excuse to make herself eat more.

She didn't want Brother Duan to be hungry, so she found an excuse: "Brother Duan, I've been on a diet recently, and I don't think this is too much food. You are so busy at work, eating more food will give you strength to work."

Ye Duan knew that Yueyue would definitely not agree to change the meal if she kept going like this.

Just thought of a bad idea.

"Yueyue, let's feed each other, I'll feed you, and you feed me."

After Ye Duan finished speaking, he sat down on the dining chair beside Yang Bingyue.

"Brother Duan~~ This...isn't it good?"

Yang Bingyue was shy.

The little face instantly turned crimson.

"Why not, didn't I often feed you when you were young?"

"Brother Duan, do you still remember?"

"Of course I remember. Come on, I'll feed you first and open your mouth."

Ye Duan raised the rice spoon and fed Yang Bingyue a mouthful of rice.

Then he picked up another long bean and put it in her mouth.

As Yang Bingyue was eating, she remembered the scene when Brother Duan fed her when she was a child.

At that time, I was still a bare-bottomed baby, and brother Duan was already a big brother in a senior grade.

How time flies!

In a blink of an eye, both of them grew up. Fortunately, I came to Brother Duan's side again.

Now, he has to feed himself again.

It's like a dream, it makes people feel so happy!

Yang Bingyue's nose was sour, tears streaming down her face.

Ye Duan panicked, and hurriedly asked: "What's the matter, Yueyue, did you bite your tongue?"

"Brother Duan, I miss you..."

Yang Bingyue hugged Ye Duan and wept softly.

"Silly girl, am I not here? You can see me every day, why do you miss me?"

Ye Duan threw away the bowl and chopsticks, and hugged Yueyue tightly in his arms.

"I just can't help but miss you. I've missed you for many years. I've missed you every day since I was in high school. Until now, I still miss you every night..."

Yang Bingyue spoke her mind, she did not lie.

All these years, she had been thinking about Ye Duan.

Since she was a child, Brother Duan has been the only boy in her heart, the only man!
If she didn't see Ye Duan before, she would miss him.

Now that he came to Shanghai and came to Ye Duan's side, he would still miss him.

Because she has grown up and has more complicated feelings.

Like boys, girls also have some embarrassing dreams when they grow up.

Ye Duan guessed what Yueyue was thinking.

Then he comforted her and said: "I understand your mood every month. It's all my fault. I have forgotten you all these years. Aren't we together now? I will accompany you often in the future, okay?"

"Brother Duan, but you can only have one girlfriend now, otherwise you will be punished. I'd better be your little assistant honestly."

Yang Bingyue got up from Ye Duan and looked at him bewilderedly.

The sensible look is also distressing.

Ye Duan felt a little sorry, so he said: "Yueyue, brother can accompany you, as long as we obey the rules."

"Really? Great, thank you brother Duan."

The light rain on Yang Bingyue's face turned cloudy, her little head moved closer and closer to Ye Duan, but then slowly stopped.

Ye Duan knew that Yueyue wanted to kiss him, but he was too embarrassed to take the initiative to kiss him.

The shy and introverted look is also cute.


Ye Duan's lips kissed Yueyue's small mouth.

The little girl blushed, turned around immediately, lowered her head and started eating.

"Yueyue, it's up to you to feed me."

Ye Duan said deliberately.

Yang Bingyue had nowhere to hide, so she had to raise the spoon and feed him a mouthful of food.

"Wow, it smells so good!"

Ye Duan's exaggerated appearance instantly amused Yang Bingyue.

Two people had a sweet dinner...

After dinner, Ye Duan went to take a bath first.

Yang Bingyue was watching TV on the sofa when Su Mengwen came back.

"Cousin, you're back, Duan..."

Yang Bingyue just wanted to tell her cousin that brother Duan was here.

But it was interrupted by Su Mengwen.

"Yueyue, I have something to discuss with you. Brother Duan is coming to our house tonight. Can you go to sister Lin's to sleep?"

"No, cousin, brother Duan..."

Before Yang Bingyue finished speaking, she was interrupted by her cousin again.

"Good Yueyue, if my cousin begs you, I will wrong you for one night, okay?"

"But, I also want to..."

Yang Bingyue's words came to her lips, but she didn't speak them out.

How dare you tell your cousin this kind of thing?

So embarrassing!
After all, Su Mengwen is someone who has experienced it, and she is also very outgoing and well-informed.

I am very open about things between men and women.

So he said directly to Yang Bingyue: "Aren't you still with Brother Duan? When you are together, I will give you a place to go out and sleep, okay?"

"Cousin... what are you talking about?"

Yang Bingyue was shy.

Sitting angrily on the sofa.

His little face was flushed, and his body was dry and hot.

The cousin is too shy, she can say such things, regardless of whether she can accept it or not.

(End of this chapter)

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