Chapter 173 Volunteering

Seeing this, Su Mengwen hurried over to comfort her.

Sitting next to Yang Bingyue, he took her hand and said, "Yueyue, you are not young anymore, don't be so reserved, okay? You are graduating from college soon, why are you still not enlightened?"

"Cousin, stop talking."

Yang Bingyue became even more embarrassed, covering her face with sofa pillows.

Su Mengwen's words made her feel restless.

Shouldn't boys take the initiative in this kind of thing?
How dare the girls say it out loud.

Hey, I feel ashamed just thinking about it!

Seeing Yang Bingyue's shy face.

Su Mengwen also stopped persuading her, but continued to discuss with her: "Yueyue, you can think about this matter slowly, I just give you a suggestion. But Brother Duan will come to me tonight, you do well Mentally prepare, either go to sleep at Sister Lin's house, or just stay in the room honestly, okay?"

Yang Bingyue didn't know what to do.

Go to sister Lin's house to sleep, won't you see brother Duan tonight?
Honestly staying in the room, can you sleep at night?
The point is, Brother Duan has already arrived.

And he promised to accompany him tonight.

Humph, it's all my cousin's fault.

The two sisters are discussing how to sleep at night.

After taking a shower, Ye Duan came out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel.

Su Mengwen was startled.

He hurriedly stood up from the sofa and said, "Brother Duan... When did you come?"

"Oh, Wenwen is back. I came here after six o'clock. I had dinner with Yueyue. The little girl's cooking skills are pretty good."

After Ye Duan finished speaking, he went back to the bathroom to dry his hair.

Su Mengwen took the opportunity to ask Yang Bingyue: "You stinky girl, why didn't you tell me when Brother Duan came, and deliberately made fun of me?"

"I wanted to tell you, but you didn't give me a chance to speak."

Yang Bingyue was a little depressed by her cousin.

But I was praised by brother Duan just now, and my mood is not so bad.

So I got up from the sofa and went to the kitchen to squeeze the juice.

Su Mengwen sat on the sofa alone, both happy and angry.

Brother Duan really didn't lie to himself, he came after six o'clock.

It seems that he still cares about himself very much.

But what about the girl Yueyue?

She won't knock on the door again at night this time, will she?


How stupid I am!
I really shouldn't have encouraged this girl just now, and told her to take the initiative.

This stinky girl still has the most precious thing for a girl!

If it were me, I would flip her brand too.

Forget it, don't think about it, let Brother Duan decide.

Su Mengwen went back to her bedroom and deliberately changed into a cool silk pajamas.

Hmph, I don't believe Brother Duan can turn a blind eye!
Here, Ye Duan dried her hair and sat on the sofa in the living room watching TV.

Yang Bingyue also squeezed the juice, brought three cups from the kitchen, and put them on the tea table.

"Brother Duan, are you thirsty after taking a shower? Have a glass of juice."

"Thank you Yueyue, you little girl is really thoughtful, come on, come on, you drink together, let's watch TV together for a while."

Yang Bingyue happily sat beside Ye Duan.

The two watched TV while drinking juice.

Su Mengwen came out of the bedroom and couldn't help feeling sour when she saw this scene.

Yueyue, Yueyue, you can really do it!

I don’t dare to say this or that, but in action, even my cousin like me is ashamed.

Are feelings deliberately deceiving me?

It's only been a few minutes, and everyone is about to get into Brother Duan's arms.

I don't know how to be ashamed now, hey!

Su Mengwen didn't want Yueyue to snatch Brother Duan away, so she deliberately walked over and said, "Yueyue, you haven't taken a shower yet? Hurry up, what time is it?"

Seeing her cousin's fierce look, Yang Bingyue was also scared, and obediently got up from the sofa.

Said to Ye Duan: "Brother Duan, I'm going to take a bath first."

"Well, go, I'll wait for you here." Ye Duan replied with a smile.

Yang Bingyue went to the bathroom happily.

Su Mengwen took her seat and sat down beside Ye Duan.

"Brother Duan, is the juice good?"

As Su Mengwen spoke, she puffed out her chest on purpose.

Ye Duan noticed.

She couldn't help but praised: "Tsk tsk! Wenwen, your pajamas... are so beautiful!"

"Is it just pajamas that look good?"

Su Mengwen is not as immature as Yang Bingyue, she knows how to capture a man's heart.

With charming eyes, she looked at her man delicately.

"They're all pretty, they're all pretty."

Ye Duan was attracted by Su Mengwen's advantages.

Yang Bingyue took a shower and walked out of the bathroom.

Caught off guard and ate a mouthful of dog food.

The two of them actually...

The little girl also blushed.

He walked quickly into his room and closed the door with a "bang".

When Ye Duan and Su Mengwen heard the movement, they separated from the sofa in embarrassment.

"Brother Duan, I'm going to take a shower."

"Well, I'm waiting for you."

Su Mengwen understood, she leaned into his ear and said, "Go and coax Yueyue first."

Ye Duan nodded.

But my heart is full of pain.

What should I do now?
Su Mengwen went to the bathroom to take a shower.

Ye Duan gently knocked on Yang Bingyue's door: "Yueyue, can I go in?"

No one answered.

The little girl was probably angry.

There was no other way, so I had to bite the bullet and go on.

Ye Duan pushed open the door and walked into the room.

I saw Yang Bingyue wearing a set of pink cotton pajamas, lying sideways on the bed, with her back to the side of the door.

"Yueyue, are you unwell?"

Ye Duan sat down by the bed and grabbed her little hand.

Yang Bingyue remained silent.

The feeling of heartache made her not want to say a word.

Brother Duan has changed his mind. He only has his cousin in his eyes, not himself at all.

woo woo woo...

I don't want to talk to him anymore!
Ye Duan felt apologetic, lay down beside Yang Bingyue, and hugged her from behind.

"Yueyue, it's all my fault. I don't know how to face you and your sister Wenwen. I want you both to be happy and happy, but I really don't know what to do , it's all my incompetence..."

Ye Duan rubbed Yang Bingyue's small face.

Smelled a unique aroma.

The whole person was restless.

Yang Bingyue's face was already hot.

Slowly turned around and hugged Ye Duan tightly.

"Brother Duan, I don't blame you, I'm not angry with you."

The two lips are only 3 cm apart.

You can even smell the jasmine aroma of toothpaste.

I don't know who moved his head first, but the two hot lips pressed together.

In an instant, the air became hot.

Ye Duan kissed Yang Bingyue's tender face with forgetfulness.

Yang Bingyue shivered, and slowly curled up into a ball.

The whole world seemed to be silent.

All I could hear was the beating of my heart.

"Brother Duan~"

Yang Bingyue was about to suffocate.

Push away the leaves.

"Brother Duan, no...we will violate the rules."

"Yueyue, it's all my fault. I made a mistake. I will correct it."

Ye Duan quickly let go of her.

"Brother Duan, get out quickly."

As Yang Bingyue said, she got off the bed.

Then pull up the leaf segment and push it out of the door.

After closing the door, the whole person sat down on the carpet.

It's like I just took a sauna, and I have no energy at all.

"Yueyue, Yueyue..."

Ye Duan was kicked out, feeling very depressed.

I have no choice but to endure it.

At this time, Su Mengwen also took a bath.

Pulling Ye Duan to the living room, he asked quietly: "Brother Duan, did you tell Yueyue? Did she agree?"

"Well, Yueyue is very sensible and kicked me out."


Su Mengwen hugged Ye Duan excitedly.

He whispered again: "Brother Duan, is this a violation of the rules?"

"As long as you're not my girlfriend, you should be fine, right?"

Ye Duan said.

He didn't know what to do either.

"Okay then, I'll be careful."

Su Mengwen covered her face and ran into the bedroom.

Ye Duan quickly chased after him.


Two hours later, it was twelve midnight.

Su Mengwen looked at Ye Duan lying on the carpet.

I feel a little uneasy.

The girl Yueyue has also grown up, and she can no longer be treated like a child.

I am my cousin, so I should let her go.

There is indeed something wrong today, and it probably made Yueyue angry.

Let Brother Duan go with her for a while.

Anyway, you can only watch, not do it.

Thinking of this, Su Mengwen said: "Brother Duan, go and accompany Yueyue, she needs you more now."

"Wenwen, can you sleep alone?"

"Don't I sleep alone every day? Hurry up and give Yueyue a surprise."

After Su Mengwen finished speaking, she pushed Ye Duan out.

"Then I'm leaving, Wenwen."

Ye Duan left Su Mengwen's room.

Before coming to Yueyue's bedroom, she pushed the door directly.

The door opened, but it was not locked.

Yang Bingyue didn't lock the door on purpose and didn't sleep.

She made a bet in her heart.

If Brother Duan came to look for him at night, he would get up tomorrow morning and make breakfast for the two of them.

If they don't come, don't make them breakfast.

"Yueyue, are you asleep?"

Ye Duan asked softly, and tiptoed to the bed.

"Brother Duan..."

Yang Bingyue originally wanted to be reserved.

But when he heard Ye Duan's voice, he couldn't help it immediately.

Turn on the desk lamp, get up from the bed, and slip into Ye Duan's embrace.

"Yueyue, I'm here to accompany you, go to bed quickly, don't catch a cold."

Ye Duan picked up Yang Bingyue and put her under the quilt.

Then he lay obediently on the carpet.

"Brother Duan, I thought you wouldn't come?"

"Hey, am I here?"

Yang Bingyue was still a little uneasy.

Brother Duan sneaked over in the middle of the night and left his cousin alone, would she be willing?
So he asked: "Sister Wenwen won't be angry?"

"No, if you are angry, let her be angry first."

Hearing this, Yang Bingyue felt extremely happy.

His whole face flushed red with embarrassment.

"Yueyue, did you hear anything just now?"

Ye Duan wanted to see her reaction.

Is this girl open or not?

"I seem to hear my cousin's voice. Brother Duan, you guys are arguing because of me, right?"

Yang Bingyue poked her head out.

Under the illumination of the desk lamp, her long eyelashes fluttered, giving her an innocent look.

The ruddy face became more and more beautiful.

Pure as an angel.

Ye Duan couldn't bear to destroy this innocence, and said, "Go to bed early, Yueyue."

Ye Duan hugged Yang Bingyue and fell asleep soundly.

Yueyue's innocence and purity let him control the idea of ​​doing good things.

Some things really can't be rushed.

Girls are like fruits, some ripen early and some ripen late.

If picked too early, it will taste very astringent.

Only when you eat it at the right time can you taste the ultimate delicacy.

Ye Duan is very patient now, he can wait until Yueyue is sensible, and then experience the bliss in the world with her!
Yang Bingyue's bet came to fruition.

Brother Duan came at night.

So she was busy in the kitchen early in the morning, making breakfast for Ye Duan and Su Mengwen.

Everything is ready.

Yang Bingyue went to wake her cousin up.

Unexpectedly, there was no one in the room. Su Mengwen woke up at some point and had already gone to work.

My cousin is really a workaholic, and she also works overtime on Saturdays.

Then he went to call Ye Duan to get up.

"Brother Duan, get up and have breakfast."

"Yueyue, you are so beautiful!"

Ye Duan opened his eyes, saw Yang Bingyue's beautiful little face, and couldn't help but pull her over and kiss her.

Only then did I wake up.

Ye Duan couldn't help feeling guilty as he ate the breakfast Yang Bingyue made himself.

Ever since Yueyue came to Shanghai, she didn't spend much time with her.

Today is Saturday, so let's play with her.

So he said: "Yueyue, I don't go to work today, I will take you out to have fun, shall I?"

"Brother Duan, I'm going to be a volunteer at the orphanage this morning."

Yang Bingyue showed embarrassment.

How is it so unfortunate?

Brother Duan finally offered to play with him, but it conflicted with his volunteer time.


Ye Duan was a little puzzled.

Yueyue has only been in Shanghai for a few days?How did you become a volunteer?

"That's right, I have been doing volunteer work since I was in college, and I have developed a habit, so after arriving in Shanghai, I will also go to the orphanage to do volunteer work."

"Oh, how about I go volunteer with you?"

"Okay, okay, thank you, Brother Duan."

Yang Bingyue was so excited.

Brother Duan is really a good brother. In order to accompany him, he actually offered to do volunteer work.

His heart is so kind!

After they finished their meal, they were going to drive Yang Bingyue's Aston Martin sports car to the Mordor Orphanage.

The reason why he didn't drive the Lamborghini poison was because Ye Duan thought it was too high-profile.

You don't need to put on a show to go to that kind of place, and an Aston Martin worth more than 200 million is enough to attract attention.

"Yueyue, will you drive today?"

As Ye Duan said, he got into the co-pilot.

Yang Bingyue hurriedly said: "No way, Brother Duan, I haven't driven this car since you gave it to me."

"Ah? Why don't you open it?"

"After I got my driver's license, I hardly touched the car. This car is too expensive and I'm afraid of crashing."

Yang Bingyue's reason made Ye Duan dumbfounded.

Isn't this a waste of food because of choking?

What's the use of buying a car if you don't drive it for fear of an accident?
However, it is also understandable that a female driver who has just hit the road is really easy to drive a car into a bumper car.

"Yueyue, I'll take you to practice driving this afternoon."

Ye Duan got off the co-pilot and sat in the driver's cab.

Carrying Yueyue to the Orphanage in Modu.

He has already made up his mind, to be a volunteer at the orphanage in the morning, and to practice driving with Yueyue in the afternoon.

Today, I will just accompany this girl specially.

Let Yueyue enjoy the love from her brother!
When we arrived at the orphanage, several volunteers were already busy.

Yang Bingyue immediately joined them and started trimming the orphans' nails and tidying up the room.

Ye Duan stood by at a loss, it was his first time in this kind of place, and he didn't know what to do.

(End of this chapter)

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