Chapter 175 The Girl Has Grow Up

Jiang Yuling was very disappointed.

Why did Big Brother Ye refuse?
Is he hiding from himself on purpose?

After being entertained by him last time, he never contacted himself once.

It seemed that he didn't have the name Jiang Yuling in his heart at all.

It is not difficult to understand that there are so many beauties around him, all of whom are outstanding in appearance.

The girl next to him today also looks extremely pure and delicate, not inferior to him.

How could he still have the energy to eat with himself?

But he clearly called himself Lingling just now, and even praised himself for being a good girl.

Could it be that he issued a good person card?

ε=(ο`*))) Oh, how annoying!
Jiang Yuling went home sullenly, and decided to tell her father about Ye Duan's kind deed.

Here, Ye Duan took Yang Bingyue to lunch.

"Yueyue, what do you want for lunch? Brother, please!"

Ye Duan was in a good mood after donating 10 billion yuan.

After completing the task, you can get 10 billion Huaxia coins and 10 billion rice coins, no matter how you calculate it, you will not suffer!

"I don't know what to eat, Brother Duan, you can bring me whatever you want to eat."

Yang Bingyue is well-behaved and sensible, not picky at all.

Being able to be with Brother Duan, any meal is delicious!

"Shall I take you to the buffet?"


Ye Duan drove to a cafeteria.

Royal Kitchen's self-selected restaurant at No. 66 on the Bund.

Entering the restaurant, Yang Bingyue was also stunned.

The restaurant with thousands of square meters is brightly lit, with hundreds of crystal lamps exuding warm tones.

In the middle of the restaurant there is a stage with a white piano.

A young lady is playing soothing music.

Although the area of ​​the restaurant is large, it is divided into small areas by bonsai and partitions.

There is no feeling of emptiness at all, but a sense of private tranquility.

"Brother Duan, is this a place to eat?"

"Yes, come with me."

Ye Duan came to the front desk and paid with his mobile phone.

The price of optional lunch for one person is 2688 yuan.

"It's so expensive."

Yang Bingyue smacked her tongue.

One meal here is enough for her two months of living expenses in college.

The waiter led the two of them around the food service area, introduced the various food served today, and then came to a half-enclosed box, said "I wish you a happy meal" and left.

"Yueyue, let's go pick up the meal."

Ye Duan took Yang Bingyue to pick up the meal.

Soon, the table was filled with sumptuous buffet food.

The two also ate lunch happily.

Ye Duan ate to his heart's content and kept feeding Yang Bingyue.

"Yueyue, try this crab stick, it's delicious."

"Well, it's delicious."

Yang Bingyue also had a happy face.

After coming to Shanghai, this is the first time to play with Brother Duan.

Is this the feeling of dating between couples?
No wonder many people like to fall in love in college, it turns out that the taste of love is really sweet...

Slowly, Yang Bingyue also lost her reserve.

Take the initiative to add vegetables to the leaves.

"Brother Duan~ Open your mouth, I'll feed you."

"Wow! It melts in your mouth, it's so delicious."

Ye Duan closed his eyes and savored the food attentively, which seemed very exaggerated.

It made Yang Bingyue giggle.

Can't help but say: "Brother Duan, you are so funny~"

"Hey, because I'm with Yueyue, I'm very happy."

"Brother Duan, me too, I am very happy when I am with you~"

"Then we'll be together forever?"


Yang Bingyue nodded vigorously.

The happiness in my heart is about to melt.

I really hope to be like this every day, I really like Brother Duan!

Thinking of this, Yang Bingyue's face turned red, like a ripe apple.

The two ate and drank enough and left the restaurant.

"Yueyue, let's go for a walk on the Bund, and I'll accompany you to practice driving later."

"Okay, okay, I've never been there, I can only look at it from the balcony at home every day."

Yang Bingyue is looking forward to it.

Ye Duan took her hand and walked across the road to the Bund.

"Wow, it's so beautiful! Brother Duan, look quickly, isn't that our home?"

Yang Bingyue pointed to a mansion across the river and asked.

Ye Duan also saw Tang Chen Yipin and Zhongliang Jiangjing No. [-] community at a glance.

"That's right, you and your sister Wenwen live in that community."

Yang Bingyue suddenly put away the smile on her face.

Holding Ye Duan's hand, he said in a begging tone, "Brother Duan, I want to ask you one thing."

"What is Yueyue? As long as my brother can do it, I will promise you."

Ye Duan held Yang Bingyue in his arms, looked into her eyes and asked.

"Can you find me another house, I don't want to live with Sister Wenwen anymore."

"Did your sister Wenwen say something about you? I will criticize her later."

"No, Brother Duan, it's because I don't want to affect the two of you anymore, and I also let you accompany me alone..."

After Yang Bingyue finished speaking, she lowered her head in embarrassment.

If I lived alone, I might have given my body to Brother Duan last night...

Ye Duan understood what was going on, hugged her tightly, and leaned her little head against his chest.

"I understand. Yueyue has grown up and become a big girl. She should live alone."

"Brother Duan, do I have a lot of things to do? If it's too much trouble, forget it. It's fine for me to live with Sister Wenwen."

Yang Bingyue didn't want to embarrass Ye Duan.

Living in such a high-end mansion and being picky and picky, it really shouldn't be.

"Hey, how could it be? I've prepared it for you a long time ago. How about you live downstairs from your sister Wenwen, which is the 37th floor?"

This time Ye Duan did not let Yang Bingyue choose by herself.

Instead, a floor was assigned to her.

Because this floor is just in the middle of the houses of Su Mengwen and Liu Qian.

Shuang'er lives on the 39th floor.

The houses of several of them are close to each other, and there is a care for each other.

"Floor 37? That's great, Brother Duan, have you already bought these houses?"

Yang Bingyue was overjoyed.

Unexpectedly, Brother Duan had already arranged for himself.

"That's right, I bought a house before you came to Shanghai, so you can pack up and move in these two days."

"You are such a good brother."

Yang Bingyue looked at Ye Duan excitedly, her eyes were full of longing.

Ye Duan knew that this girl wanted to kiss again.

So she was satisfied.

Kissed Yueyue's tender little cheek twice.

The apples are indeed ripe and ready to eat...

Ye Duan and Yang Bingyue pressed the road around the Bund.

I met a seller of candied haws.

"Yueyue, do you want to eat candied haws?"

"Think, hee hee."

Yang Bingyue was in a good mood, she acted like a child in front of Ye Duan.

"Boss, take a candied haws."

Ye Duan only bought one and handed it to Yueyue.

"Brother Duan, don't you want to eat?"

Yang Bingyue asked.

Ye Duan smiled mischievously: "Can the two of us eat one?"

"Well, you can eat first."

Yang Bingyue handed the candied haws to Ye Duan's mouth.

"You should eat first, Yueyue, and I will eat the rest after you eat."

"How about that, why don't we have a bite together?"

"Okay, okay, hey, Yueyue is so nice!"

Ye Duan's little trick succeeded.

If it weren't for too many tourists, I can't wait to kiss each other immediately.

This girl is so beautiful today, people can't control it after seeing it.

The two walked forward for a few minutes, and came across another street portrait.

Yang Bingyue was very interested and stopped to watch.

"Yueyue, do you want to draw a picture?"

Ye Duan finished eating the last candied haws and threw the stick into the trash can.

Yang Bingyue was a little embarrassed, because she had to sit there for several minutes without moving.

There are many people watching around, and it is really embarrassing to be watched like this.

So he refused: "Brother Duan, forget it, I don't want to draw."

Ye Duan knew that Yueyue was a bit introverted, but in fact, she probably really wanted to draw a picture.

So he suggested: "How about the two of us together?"


Yang Bingyue hesitated for a moment, but still agreed.

What does it matter if you can take a portrait with Brother Duan, even if you are surrounded by people?
It must be safe to be with him.

"Boss, draw a picture for the two of us."

Ye Duan scanned the QR code to pay, and sat on a small bench with Yang Bingyue.

"Come closer, both of you. Yes, this lady can rest her head on Mr.'s shoulder. Okay, keep this posture."

Under the command of the portrait master, Yang Bingyue rested her head on Ye Duan.

Although the two had already slept on the same bed with their clothes on.

Kissed and kissed several times.

But Yang Bingyue still felt a little shy, because there were too many tourists around.

The little face quickly turned red.

Ye Duan felt that she was a little nervous, so he held one of her hands.

He comforted her and said: "Yueyue, take it easy, the painting will be finished soon."

Only then did Yang Bingyue slowly relax.

After a while, the portrait master finished the portraits of the two and handed them to Ye Duan: "Sir, take a look, are you satisfied?"

"Not bad, good work."

Ye Duan took the portrait and showed it to Yang Bingyue.

The little girl was also very excited when she saw it, and said excitedly: "It looks like a painting."

It doesn't matter if you look like it or not, the main thing is to be able to leave a picture with Brother Duan.

"Brother Duan, can you give me this painting?"

"Of course, it was originally drawn for you. You are a red flower, and I am a green leaf, hehe."

Yang Bingyue rolled up the portrait happily.

After returning home, it must be hung on the head of the bed, so that you can sleep looking at the portrait every day.

Hee hee, just thinking about it makes me happy.

The two strolled around for a while, returned to the parking lot, picked up the car and headed to the Modu International Circuit.

Ye Duan is going to practice driving with Yueyue there.

Along the way, Yang Bingyue was immersed in happiness and couldn't extricate herself.

His two eyes kept staring at Ye Duan, and he showed a sweet smile from time to time.

The heart of the little beauty has been fascinated.

Soon to the racetrack.

Ye Duan directly spent his wallet on a field.

The racing track has straights and curves, and Ye Duan teaches Yang Bingyue to drive on the straights.

"Yueyue, sit in the co-pilot first and watch how I operate carefully. I'll drive slower. If you have any questions, you can ask them."

"Well, good brother Duan. Shall I record it with my mobile phone?"

"No, no, we just need to practice for a while. You are so smart, you will definitely be able to get started soon."

Ye Duan started the Aston Martin sports car and drove slowly on the driveway.

While operating, explain to Yang Bingyue.

"Yueyue, this sports car is an automatic one. If you drive in urban areas, you basically don't need a manual transmission, so you just need to master the automatic transmission driving method.

"Automatic transmission does not need to change gears, and it is relatively simple to drive. The main difficulty is to control the accelerator and brake well. This requires continuous trial and error, and you will gradually know how to drive.

"Novices should remember two things when driving in urban areas, one is not to go too fast, and the other is to look in the rearview mirror when changing lanes, and not to change lanes casually at the beginning.

"There is another very important point. If you are on an uphill road or at the exit of a garage, the car is prone to slipping. At this time, you turn on the uphill assist function, so that if you loosen the brake, the car will not slip backwards. Press the accelerator lightly. The car moved forward."

Ye Duan took Yang Bingyue back and forth on the straight road several times.

Explain all the points of attention.

"Yueyue, come and try it out, I'll be the co-pilot."

"I'm still a little scared."

Yang Bingyue was still a little timid.

If it was the car from the driving school, she would definitely be able to go on the road, but this is a 300 million sports car, what if it crashes?
Ye Duan understood Yueyue's mood.

It's not that she can't drive, but she doesn't dare to drive.

So he pushed her into the driver's seat and sat in the passenger seat himself.

"Yueyue, don't worry, drive boldly, it doesn't matter if you get hit, we have insurance, if you get hit, I'll give you another one, don't be afraid."

"Okay, I'll try it first."

Yang Bingyue took a breath, started the car, turned off the electronic handbrake, and started slowly.

"Very good, keep this state, lightly step on the gas pedal and release it."

Ye Duan commanded from the side, cheering for Yueyue.

Soon, the little beauty drove the sports car.

Turn back and start again, turn back again.

After several rounds, Yang Bingyue has already driven the car very smoothly.

"Let me just say it's not difficult, isn't this already learned?"

"Thank you, Brother Duan, you taught me well, hehe."

Yang Bingyue was very happy and moved.

Brother Duan is so patient!
When I was learning to drive, the coach of the driving school was fierce.

If Brother Duan were to become a coach, he might be able to charm a large group of girls.

The two rested for a while.

When Ye Duan saw the curve next to him, his hands were itchy.

"Yueyue, take a rest here, I'll go for a few laps."

"Well, be careful."

Ye Duan sat in the car, kicked the accelerator and flew out.

The performance of this Aston Martin DB11 sports car is actually not outstanding.

Because it has 4 seats, the body is larger than other sports cars, which is more suitable for commuting in the city.

However, it is equipped with a V12 engine and has two sports modes. In the S+ mode, it is quite exciting to drive.

Ye Duan has mastered the driving skills of the "Almighty King", almost driving DB11 like poison.

The completion of several consecutive corners is quite perfect.

Yang Bingyue kept applauding in the stands.

"Brother Duan, come on!"

Ye Duan ran a few laps, returned to the starting point, and let the engine rest for a while.

Then he said to Yang Bingyue: "Yueyue, get in the car, I will take you to experience the feeling of drag racing."


The little beauty was also looking forward to it, and immediately got into the car and fastened her seat belt.

"Sit still, hehe."

As soon as Ye Duan finished speaking, the DB11 sports car had already rushed into the track.

Speed ​​through the racetrack.

Yang Bingyue was so frightened that she kept screaming.

(End of this chapter)

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