Chapter 176 Angel's Heart

"Ah, it's too fast!"

"Brother Duan, drive slowly."

"I'm scared to death, I want to get out of the car."

"You are bad brother Duan, you deliberately lied to me."

Ye Duan laughed out loud.

Slowing down a little, he said to Yang Bingyue: "Say a few nice words, and I'll spare you."

"I do not know what to say……"

Ye Duan slammed on the accelerator.

"I said, I said, Brother Duan, you are amazing! You are amazing! You are the most handsome!"

Yang Bingyue couldn't care less about being shy, and praised Ye Duan fiercely.

"Hahaha, tell me one more thing I want to hear the most."

"Brother Duan, I like you."

"Can't hear!"

Yang Bingyue shouted again: "I like you!"

Ye Duan smiled even more happily.

Slowly slowing down the speed and bringing the car to a stop.

"Yueyue, I like you too."

Ye Duan looked into Yang Bingyue's eyes and said affectionately.

The little beauty's face was already rosy.


Ye Duan took off his seat belt, lay on Yang Bingyue's body, and started to kiss...

It was already evening when we came out of the International Circuit.

The setting sun hangs in the west, glowing red.

Just like Yang Bingyue's face.

In fact, the two didn't practice the car much in the back, but were lingering in the car.

Speaking of whispers, doing sweet things.

The little beauty is already ripe, just waiting to be picked.

"Yueyue, let's go have dinner."

"I listen to your brother Duan."

Yang Bingyue is more obedient now, although her body has not yet been handed over to Ye Duan.

In my heart, it was already his person.

Ye Duan drove to the parking lot under the Oriental Pearl Tower.

"Yueyue, let's eat here tonight."

"Huh? Is there a place to eat here?"

Yang Bingyue was very curious.

She can see the Oriental Pearl Tower from her room every night, but she has never been there.

I don't even know that there is food on it.

"Yes, there is a revolving restaurant above, the taste is not bad, and the scenery is also very good."

After speaking, Ye Duan felt a little guilty.

Yueyue has been in the devil capital for so long, and he hasn't spent much time with her.

Never took her out for a stroll.

I have never been to the Bund, nor has the Oriental Pearl Tower.

Let's take her to experience it this time.

Ye Duan bought the tickets, took Yang Bingyue into the elevator, and soon arrived at the revolving restaurant in the big pink ball.

"Wow! It turns out that you can really eat on it."

Yang Bingyue felt incredible.

People in big cities will enjoy it!

If it wasn't for coming to Shanghai, if it wasn't for Brother Duan being so rich now.

You may never have the opportunity to come to such a place in your life.

Thinking of this, Yang Bingyue couldn't help but look at Ye Duan a few more times.

The admiration in the eyes became stronger...

The two sat down at a dining table with a great view.

Looking up, you can see the Huangpu River and the Bund.

A panoramic view of the bustling city.

"Yueyue, what would you like to eat?"

Ye Duan handed the menu to Yang Bingyue.

"Brother Duan, you can order, I don't know how to order."

"Actually, I haven't been here a few times. I used to be as poor as you, and I didn't have the money to come here to eat. Now that we have money, we have to learn to enjoy life. It doesn't matter if we don't know, we can learn slowly."

"Okay, let's go together."

"Well, you order first, and I'll give you a reference."

Yang Bingyue looked carefully at the menu, and found that there were many dishes that she didn't know, let alone tried.

I only recognize steak, drunk crab, salmon and so on.

And the price is too expensive, a dish costs hundreds of dollars.

So I ordered two dishes at random.

"Brother Duan, I really don't know what to order. I have never heard of many dishes."

"Hey, let's order one of each dish."

Ye Duan wants Yueyue to open her eyes.

"Isn't this too wasteful?"

Yang Bingyue knew Ye Duan's kindness, but she didn't want to waste it.

"Don't worry about this, I have my own way to deal with it, and I promise it won't be wasted."

Ye Duan smiled and called the waiter.

"Get a portion of each of the above dishes, and bring some takeaway boxes."

The waiter froze for a moment.

Asked suspiciously: "Sir, are you sure you have one serving of each dish?"


Ye Duan rested his hands on the dining table.

The waiter saw the shining diamond-encrusted watch on Ye Duan's wrist at a glance, and knew that he was the owner of the money, so he said quickly: "That's no need, I'll arrange it right away."

Yang Bingyue was very moved.

Brother Duan is so kind to him, he pampers him like a princess.

Even a princess in a fairy tale is nothing more than that, right?

Soon, the waiters started serving the dishes.

And brought a bunch of packing boxes.

"Sir, here is the takeaway box you want. You have ordered a lot of dishes, and we will speed up the delivery. Please enjoy it slowly."

"OK, thanks."

Ye Duan responded politely.

Then he said to Yang Bingyue: "Yueyue, in order not to waste, let's take a little of each dish with serving chopsticks, then put the rest into a packing box, and give it to those in need later, okay?"

"That's great, Brother Duan, your idea is really good."

Yang Bingyue understood Ye Duan's thoughts.

Only then did I start eating with peace of mind.

Due to the large number of dishes, it took more than an hour just to serve them.

It was past eight o'clock in the evening when the two of them finished their meal.

And the next few dishes didn't move their chopsticks at all, and they were directly packed into the packing box, because they were already full.

"waiter, Bill please."

"Sir, the total is 48652 yuan."

Ye Duan paid with his mobile phone.

The waiter was stunned.

A meal cost nearly 5 yuan, a proper local tyrant!

And it was also the first time she knew how much it would cost to order all the dishes in the restaurant.

Looking at the dozens of packing boxes on the dining table, Ye Duan made another request: "Waiter, can you help deliver these lunch boxes to the parking lot below?"

"Okay sir, I'll arrange it for you."

Ye Duan and Yang Bingyue left the restaurant.

Two waiters helped deliver the packing box to the car.

"Brother Duan, who are you going to give these meals to?"

"Come with me."

Ye Duan drove to a remote overpass.

A group of scavengers are chatting together.

"Yueyue, help me, carry these lunch boxes."

"Good brother Duan."

Ye Duan and Yang Bingyue walked towards the scavengers with their lunch boxes.

"Hello everyone, I have some dishes here that I haven't eaten before. If you don't dislike them, you can eat them."

"Thank you, thank you, you are really kind people."

The scavengers happily accepted the meals.

They often receive loving donations, and they are also accustomed to the pies falling from the sky.

The two returned to the car after distributing the food.

Yang Bingyue didn't fasten her seat belt immediately, but lay in Ye Duan's arms.

"Brother Duan, you are so kind. Now that you are so rich, you still don't forget to help others. I'm so touched."

"It's nothing small."

Ye Duan stroked Yang Bingyue's little face with his hand.

Smooth as silk and as delicate as a baby's skin.

She is a stunner!

Yueyue is the real caring girl.

When you arrive in an international metropolis like Shanghai, the first thing you think of is not to go shopping, but to do volunteer work.

She has an angelic heart!
Just reward her well.

"Yueyue, what is your Zhifubao account number?"

"It's my phone number, what's the matter, Brother Duan?"

"I'll transfer some pocket money to you."

"No, I have money. Sister Lin paid me my salary in advance."

"How can that salary be enough?"

Ye Duan turned on the phone and transferred 1000 million to Yang Bingyue's Zhifubao.

Mobile banking has no limit, which is great!

Large transfers arrive in seconds.

"One, ten, one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand... 1000 million?"

Seeing Zhifubao's transfer income, Yang Bingyue was stunned.

"Brother Duan, what are you doing? I don't want it!"

"Accept it, Yueyue, you love to do good deeds so much, you must be short of money. Besides, the capital is very expensive, so keep some money on your body and feel more at ease, so I can feel more at ease. But you can't do it all at once. Donate it, or I'll be mad."

"Okay, then can I donate once in a while?"

"Of course, but don't donate too much at one time. If you need a large donation, you can tell me, and I will be responsible for the donation."

"Well, thank you, Brother Duan. Woooooo..."

After Yang Bingyue finished speaking, she started to cry.

Ye Duan quickly hugged her into his arms.

"You girl, why are you crying?"

"Brother Duan, you have been the best to me since I was a child, and I will follow you for the rest of my life, woo woo..."

"It is necessary, I will treat you well for the rest of my life. Don't cry, others will think that I am bullying you and will take me away."

"Well, I won't cry."

Yang Bingyue stopped crying, sat down in the passenger seat, and put on her seat belt.

The delicate appearance is also extremely beautiful.

Ye Duan drove Yang Bingyue back to Zhongliang Jiangjing No. [-].

On the way, He Shiping called.

Ye Duan hesitated for a moment, should he take it?
What will happen to Pingping so late?
Don't you have an idea?

Yueyue is still by her side, what if she slipped her tongue?
"Brother Duan, why don't you answer the phone? Do you want me to answer it for you?"

Yang Bingyue was pure-hearted and wanted to take the initiative to "help".

Ye Duan said quickly: "No, no, I'll pick it up."

Can't answer the phone while driving.

Had to turn on the speakerphone.

"Hey, Pingping, what's the matter?"

"Master~ are you asleep? I can't sleep. The magazine's 20th anniversary celebration is about to begin. I'm so confused. What if I can't invite celebrities?"

Ye Duan breathed a sigh of relief.

Thank goodness.

Fortunately, Pingping didn't act like a baby when she came up.

Otherwise, Yueyue will definitely be jealous.

"Don't worry, Pingping, I have already arranged this matter. We will meet in the next two days and discuss it again. You can sleep soundly."

Ye Duan comforted his apprentice, and wanted to hang up the phone quickly.

"Master, can you come and accompany me tonight?"

He Shiping acted coquettishly on the phone.

She didn't know that there was a girl next to the master, and it was a hands-free call.

Yang Bingyue heard it clearly, and turned her head to the side of the car window.

Ye Duan panicked.

I'm really afraid of what's coming.

"Pingping, I'm with Yueyue now, you can sleep alone first, I'll take care of the celebrity matter, don't worry."

"Okay...Master, I was joking with you just now, don't let Yueyue misunderstand, I'll hang up first, bye."

hang up the phone.

There was a little silence in the carriage.

Yang Bingyue took the initiative to speak.

"Brother Duan, you can go and accompany Sister Pingping for a while, she lives alone, she must be very lonely?"

"Maybe, she has been under a lot of work pressure recently, and a colleague engaged in malicious competition, which pissed her off."

Ye Duan was indeed a little worried about Pingping.

It's really hard for her to shoulder such a heavy burden at such a young age.

But one has to learn to grow.

How can you see a rainbow without experiencing wind and rain?

Yang Bingyue also softened her heart, and said: "Then sister Pingping needs more company. Brother Duan, I want to discuss something with you."

"what's up?"

"Can you give the house on the 37th floor to Sister Pingping? I don't want it anymore, and I will live with my cousin."

"Yueyue, your heart is so kind. I'm really touched that you can think so. I believe Pingping will be moved when she finds out."

Ye Duan was filled with emotion.

"No need for Yueyue, I still have other houses that I can give to Sister Pingping. You can tell your cousin first when you go back, and move to the 37th floor some other day."

"Okay, thank you, Brother Duan."

Yang Bingyue no longer insisted.

She believed that Brother Duan would not lie to her.

Because he didn't lie to Sister Pingping just now, didn't hide the fact that he was with him, but told her the truth.

What's more, since he is so rich now, it shouldn't be difficult to give Sister Pingping a house.

Ye Duan called Lin Meishuang.

"Hey, Shuang'er, has the news about the search for spokespersons for Plaza [-] and Global Harbor Shopping Center been announced?"

"It has been sent out. As you expected, many brokerage companies and celebrity studios have recommended their artists to us, and the conditions are very favorable, and the endorsement fee is also lower than the market price."

Lin Meishuang's words made Ye Duan very happy.

In the current entertainment industry, there are indeed more monks and less meat. The stars are almost starving.

"That's great, Shuang'er, keep in touch with them first, remember, don't be stingy with the endorsement fee, just follow the normal market price, don't let them think we are stingy, and show our sincerity, so that we can attract famous people. superstar."

"Okay old classmate, I will do as you say."

"Thanks for your hard work, Shuang'er. We will sit down with Pingping and discuss it in the next two days. I will inform you in advance of the specific time."

"Well, you should also take care of your body, don't be too tired."

"I know Shuang'er, I'll hang up first."

Ye Duan could tell that Lin Meishuang meant something.

So he hung up the phone.

Then Ye Duan dialed Qin Miaofei's cell phone again.

"Hey, Manager Qin, I'm Ye Duan, didn't I disturb your rest, did I? I want to ask, how is the establishment of the 200 billion creative fund of our Magic Capital Film and Television Company going?"

"Mr. Ye, I have sent out an announcement to the outside world. So far, I have received a lot of responses. Many directors and star agencies have expressed great interest. Some directors have even submitted applications for cooperation."

Ye Duan nodded, as expected.

These days, money is the best thing to do!

He continued to say to Qin Miaofei: "Manager Qin, please reply to them as soon as possible and express our company's willingness to cooperate. Let's meet in the next two days and discuss this matter again."

"Alright Mr. Ye."

(End of this chapter)

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