Chapter 177 Planning of the magazine
Ye Duan hung up the phone and let out a long breath.

It seems that there is basically no problem in helping Pingping find a celebrity.

In a few days, let the three of them hold a press conference to clarify the background of the "Silk Road Beauty" magazine.

The stars definitely know whose platform to stand on.

The activities of "Time Basha" are waiting for the silence!
Yang Bingyue sat there, quietly listening to Ye Duan's phone call.

I was always worried about He Shiping in my mind.

Sister Pingping must have encountered a difficult hurdle. Brother Duan's two phone calls were all about her affairs.

No wonder she couldn't sleep, probably because she was very worried.

She must be in need of comfort right now, let Brother Duan accompany her.

Thinking of this, Yang Bingyue took the initiative to beg: "Brother Duan, why don't you go and accompany Sister Pingping tonight, I'm really worried about her, she must have encountered a lot of difficulties, you go and comfort her, okay?"

"It's rare that you are so caring. Then I will go to Pingping in a while and discuss with her about inviting celebrities."

Ye Duan reluctantly had no choice but to agree.

"Well, just put me at the gate of the community."

Yang Bingyue was very happy to hear that Brother Duan agreed to comfort Sister Pingping.

Ye Duan couldn't help sighing.

This girl Yueyue is really pure and kind!

Back at Jiangjing No. [-] in Zhongliang, Ye Duan sent Yang Bingyue to the community.

Only then did he drive to He Shiping's house.

At this time, He Shiping was wiping tears in bed alone.

It has been a long time since the invitations to the 20th anniversary celebration of "Girls on the Silk Road" magazine have been sent out, but most of them have gone nowhere, and only a few out-of-date celebrities have responded.

If you really can't invite celebrities, where will you put your editor-in-chief's face?

Don't talk about making the magazine better and better. If it continues like this, the magazine must go bankrupt.

I am really useless!

Although the master promised to help, there was no one in sight for a few days.

Not a single phone call.

He took the initiative to call him, but he hung up the phone on the grounds that he was with Yueyue.

Little did he know how much he needed him!

woo woo woo...

He Shiping was sad when the doorbell rang suddenly.

Who could it be so late?

Could it be that the master's conscience discovered it?
He Shiping got up and went to the door, and looked through the cat's eyes.

Really master!
He quickly opened the door and hugged Ye Duan tightly.

"Master~~ woo woo woo..."

He Shiping's emotions burst, and she couldn't help crying.

"Okay, Pingping, stop crying and see what I brought you."


"That's right, didn't you say you liked Haagen-Dazs very much but were reluctant to buy it?"

"Master, you are so kind!"

He Shiping was so moved that she rewarded Ye Duan with a kiss...

Ye Duan carried a bag of Haagen-Dazs ice cream and put it in the refrigerator.

He Shiping immediately opened one, wiped away her tears and started to eat.

"Thank you master, it's so delicious!"

"Eat sweets at night and be careful to get fat."

Ye Duan sat on the sofa and gave her a friendly reminder.

"Ah, what should I do? Master, you came here to seduce me on purpose."

"Hey, it's okay, I don't dislike you if you get fat."

Ye Duan let He Shiping sit on his lap.

The little goblin also took advantage of the situation and acted coquettishly, feeding Ye Duan a mouthful of ice cream.

"You coaxed me again, I will get fat and ugly in the future, you will definitely fire me."

"How could it be? Master is not that kind of person!"

Ye Duan pinched He Shiping's slender face as a warning.

"That's right, did you do good things with Yueyue just now?"

He Shiping was not jealous, but worried.

Ye Duan flicked her forehead lightly, and said angrily: "What are you thinking about in your little head all day, master, although I am not a good person, but Sister Yueyue is very pure, we have nothing!"

"Really, master? When are you going to accept her?"

He Shiping exposed her true nature in front of her master, and directly made deep jokes.

"Pingping, your skin is getting thicker and thicker. You think Yueyue is just like you, and you wish to be favored by me. She is still young."

Ye Duan turned back, showing no sympathy at all.

Because this little goblin has thick skin and rough flesh.

He Shiping knew what the master was thinking, and said sarcastically: "Che, master, you are pretending again, don't you want it in your heart? Besides, Yueyue is not young, well, it seems to be 22 years old, and it should be given to you."

"No way, I can only have one girlfriend now. By the way, how do you know that Yueyue is 22 this year?"

Ye Duan was seen through by the female apprentice, so he quickly changed the subject.

He Shiping said triumphantly: "Sister Lin told me that Liu Qian is younger than me and is also my sister, and Su Mengwen is one year older than me and is my sister, hehe."

"Hey, Sister Lin and the others are so kind to you. Do you know what Yueyue did just now? She begged me to give you the house I gave her, and let me come and accompany you."

"Really, master? Sister Yueyue is so kind to me, I want to send a WeChat message to thank her."

He Shiping put down the ice cream, picked up her mobile phone and sent a message to Yang Bingyue: "Thank you, sister Yueyue, I will ask Master to care about you more in the future, otherwise, I won't be able to spare him."

Ye Duan saw the content of the message from the side, and he was also furious: "You little villain, why are you talking about me again?"

"It was your fault in the first place, who made you only have one girlfriend?"

He Shiping didn't feel shy at all in front of her master, she could say anything.

Ye Duan immediately refuted.

"What do you think I can do? You stinky girl, don't get too close to me!"

"Master, you are good or bad, who wants to sit next to you, hum!"

So He Shiping stayed far away.

Look at Ye Duan from the air.

"Pingping, have you studied new knowledge recently? Teach me."

"I'm almost overwhelmed by the 20th anniversary celebration, how can I have the time to study that?"

He Shiping poured out bitter water: "Master, there are still a few days before the celebration. There are not even 10 celebrities who have promised to participate in the event, and they are all second- and third-tier past artists. What should I do?"

"I said why you weren't in the mood just now. It turned out that you were absent-minded. Don't worry, Pingping, I have already planned the matter of inviting celebrities. We will have a meeting tomorrow. Sister Lin and Manager Qin from Magic Capital Film and Television Company will come to attend. Guaranteed nothing will go wrong.”

Ye Duan continued: "In a word, I will never let "Time Basha" steal your limelight, you just wait to shine at the event site, my subordinates must be the most dazzling stars!"

"Thank you master, I knew you would not ignore me."

"Okay, now throw away all worries."

"Then what about Master?"

"You sleep on the bed, I sleep on the floor."


the next day.

Ye Duan got up early in the morning.

Immediately sent a message to Lin Meishuang and Qin Miaofei, informing them to have a meeting at the "Silk Road Beauty" magazine at ten o'clock in the morning.

He Shiping prepared breakfast.

The two had dinner and drove to the magazine office.

At ten o'clock, the meeting started on time.

Lin Meishuang and Qin Miaofei each brought a vice president to participate, and relevant personnel from the magazine also attended the meeting.

Ye Duan briefly introduced their identities, and everyone got to know each other.

He Shiping presided over the meeting and introduced the basic situation of the celebration activities.

"Thank you for coming. The preparations for the 20th anniversary celebration of "Silk Road Beauty" magazine have been basically completed. This event will mainly showcase the achievements of the magazine since its establishment 20 years ago. Thanks to those who have supported the development of the magazine for a long time Friends from all walks of life. The venue of the event has been set at the Grand Theater of the Shanghai International Theater, and various media outlets are already in place. The main problem now is to invite celebrities. At present, only a dozen celebrities have indicated that they will participate in the event, so they need your help. "

Ye Duan nodded and looked at Lin Meishuang and Qin Miaofei.

It means to let them express their opinions.

The two beauties are also smart, and basically understand Ye Duan's plan.

Lin Meishuang spoke first.

"Editor He is too polite. Our companies and magazines are all owned by Mr. Ye. We are a family, so we should help each other. Mr. Ye has already planned to let Hang Lung Plaza and Global Harbor Shopping Center find In order to attract popular first-line stars to come to cooperate with us. At that time, I will announce the strategic partnership between the two shopping malls and the "Silk Road Beauty" magazine. I believe that the big stars will understand the reason and take the initiative to contribute Platform."

Immediately afterwards, Qin Miaofei also expressed her opinion.

"Manager Lin is right. Our companies are all Mr. Ye's industries, so we should work together. According to Mr. Ye's instructions, Modu Film and Television Company established a 200 billion creative fund, offering an olive branch to directors and artists. , has received a lot of responses so far. If Modu Film and Television Company announces that "Grace on the Silk Road" is the only cooperative magazine, it should be helpful for Editor-in-Chief He to invite stars."

Hearing this, He Shiping finally understood the master's good intentions.

I thought he didn't take his own affairs seriously.

I didn't expect him to do so much work in private.

With the help of Sister Lin and Manager Qin, it must be much easier to invite celebrities.

After all, it’s all thanks to the master!

If it weren't for his family's great career, would he be able to mobilize so many resources to help him?
No wonder he was in such high spirits at night...

Lin Meishuang and Qin Miaofei finished their speeches.

Ye Duan summed it up again: "To put it simply, if celebrities want to be the spokespersons of our two top shopping malls and get a share of the 200 billion film and television creation fund, they have to obediently participate in "Silk Road" The 20th Anniversary Celebration of Pretty Woman."

"What if there are still some celebrities who don't want to come and participate in the "Time Basha" event?"

asked a colleague from the magazine.

Ye Duan smiled and replied: "This kind of situation will definitely happen, but I have my own way to deal with it."

Besides two carrots, I also prepared a big stick.

But this big stick is a bit ruthless, and I am embarrassed to use it unless I have to.

That is to put pressure on the major merchants in the International Financial Center shopping mall, Hang Lung Plaza and Global Harbor shopping.

If the brand stores want to continue to operate in the three shopping malls, they must let their brand spokespersons participate in the 20th anniversary celebration of "Grace on the Silk Road".

These three shopping malls are the top shopping malls in Shanghai with the largest sales, and together they have at least a thousand brands.

Even if only half of the brands have spokespersons, the number is not small.

It is more than enough for Pingping's event platform.

This approach is indeed somewhat difficult.

However, "Times Basha" magazine made things difficult and deliberately smashed the "Silk Road Beauty" field.

For Pingping, she had to be ruthless again.

The meeting ends.

Ye Duan said: "Without further delay, a joint press conference will be held tomorrow morning, announcing that the three shopping malls of IFC Mall, Hang Lung Plaza, and Global Harbor Shopping Center, as well as Magic City Film and Television Company, have reached a strategic agreement with "Grace on the Silk Road" magazine." At the same time, let me reveal my identity. Celebrities are smart people, I believe they will definitely make choices that are beneficial to themselves, and we will wait for the good news."

The venue immediately burst into warm applause.

He Shiping was also very excited and looked at the master with admiring eyes.

I don't know if I was moved or I was too happy, tears almost flowed out.

Send away Lin Meishuang, Qin Miaofei and others.

The master and apprentice came to the editor-in-chief's office.

Ye Duan sat on the boss chair, looked at the activity flow, and couldn't help frowning.

"Pingping, I think your plan is still a bit high."

"What are you talking about, master?"

He Shiping lay on the desk, thinking that the master was teasing her again.

I just thought of going to that place.

Ye Duan tapped her on the head with a pen, and said with a smile: "You bad girl, are you thinking about it? What I mean is that the celebration lacks a finishing touch."

"The finishing touch?"

He Shiping blushed, a little embarrassed.

I seem to be getting more and more unreasonable.

Why do you keep thinking about embarrassing things?
Be more reserved in the future.

Ye Duan nodded and said: "That's right, if you follow this process, the whole event will be too sparse and ordinary. The stars have seen too many big scenes. If they don't have some excitement, how can they detonate their high points?" Woolen cloth?"

"I have no experience, master, can you teach me how to do it?"

He Shiping put her arms around Ye Duan's neck from behind.

Ye Duan smelled a burst of fragrance, and felt a pang in his heart. He deliberately teased the female apprentice and said, "You need to pay for knowledge."

"Mua~ is it okay?"

He Shiping lay down on the master's face and kissed her.

"Good things come in pairs."

"Keep pushing ahead, mua~"

He Shiping kissed the master again.

Ye Duan chuckled: "Pingping's kiss is so sweet, so I'll give them a high point?"

"Well, master, what are you going to do?"

"Come, sit on my lap, and the master will tell you slowly."

Ye Duan hugged He Shiping into his arms, leaned on her ear and sniffed: "Tsk tsk, that's the smell."

"Master, you are taking advantage of me again. People are asking about your business."

He Shiping was furious and pouted.

"Okay, okay, I'm talking about business. I plan to set up a love school construction fund in the name of "Silk Road Beauty" magazine at the 20th anniversary celebration, and build 100 love schools in China."

(End of this chapter)

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